HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawingFILE COPY a 11 0-0,4tS6 �! FFE=1B314 CREEKS19E R1p.No, 1 P B, •55 PG 12 / r 1. / +� LB 428e (1YP)' �1Sg:36:QCCUP.IG. FND 5/8 IRID Ey e?o GRAPHIC SCALE 20 ry^ Of' 'lot ra / t w rtsr 1 kn . e to -.,... �, 37.12' o o N vj k 8.00' Lo LOT 4 ll R73vi f(S R r� v" sTow, rr rT4 d1 k O CONO, PAD r FF, 19 p3DENCE 4.87 0 :z. 4 ca .. r v'atiW Al' 1 ` IRRIGATION; WELL fL00Do r F TONE `X: IN. SETBACK REQ. FRONT S FLOOD . ZONE Z 3 c a 1 , `AE-1S.5'QA U SIDES CNR SIDES FNDz5 8 IR,L f :47810'.d7"W 130.00 5WITARY'SERNf . S7B�a'OB'a� 2sou' REAR � � 1B 428ti (TYP) a: ' `!q ZNG. LOT 48 FFE.-18,05 ip TECH. _ CREEKSIDE, PLAT NO. 1 FLOOD -� GIRNERAL N0413-•5 P B,. 55: PG. 12 ZONE 'k'�OCC(JPiER_FLOO ZON i 1. !he-141 date of field=work was i0-30-19 1£E 2. Additions aw deletions to survey maps: oe .reports by, otherthan the. slyning party or partlss 13 prohlbited without Written constnt oT the flghNg 'party=or portlee z. 3. Reproductlonf,.gf tits map=oie not .valid without. the- signature, and original raised seal of o Florida: Lieenead Surveyor and Mapper C EiRTIFTOArTONS: 4. Lands :shown"hereon were not abstracted by'this office ,for rights-cf-way. easements at record; ownership, Andrew James Froncisco do Gyaei Stephanie Byng' Froncloco abandoamenfe,. deed, restriattone, ar° Murphy' Aat`Oeeds, We Information should be obtained through DHI Mortgage gampany, Lt'd. appropriate titleverlflootlon pNl T111e d1'ftor(da Inc, 5. Alt of bve ground' axed improvements, 1f any! have been located and. shown hereon.-llllioilt�ldatlonat^ t1Ue Insurance Company 8. Underground foundations- and Improvements ,were not loaoted:.01 part of this:survey. { 7 Flood; Note: By:9rophic ploftlrtg 'only. t.this property to In .Zone X and AE-IC5, aocordlAg to the Flood Insuilinee Rate Map, C'omfllunity. Pcnal; No j2111C0110,J,, effective data': February I 18,.2012. The exact dealgriottoo eon`ohly be determined by an eievbtlorl'carUficate ,No odditlonai search of the publla rgc4rda has .been preformed There .moy be addlUonol map Amendments offatting 'this T; / property ' iFiOMAS P , dlAN OAYE 8. Tha Flood Zone Uses shown hereon have been sstcbllehed. by the Published FEMA Panel and she use o1 Pro165516nal'Surveya� &I'Ac, pper existing fleld elevotion data. FTgrida CerttlLsdke rfo ti8199 9. The bearings shown hereon ore based on;Plot information: and are referenced to'the Ndrth Lime of Lot'49 which -,beam North 8438't11-' West ands all bearings are _relotive thereto, '"� • � 10..„aas been performed too easements art o find additlon.c.1, easements that an those is ay ten t p plot No search of. the public records � S-B1111t L'lilal :Sur.yr,. FlFs: 15�-14t,1 ... .. Y Ull 11 J .,y Oote; 1l)-31= 11. Elevattans shown hereon are booed on-. the North .Ameilgan Vortleal Datum-(N,A;V.D.) 1988, T � N/ 1 12. The building getbadmishown hereon although booed on [he best .avalloble,Wormallon, are not 'certified J RAN�1i''laYa.G 1. to and must fie verifiod. prior to design or construction. For. D,. ,R "OR O N Fly^ .p DENOTIM DRAWAM'1LOW !"MOMS PROPOSTD:. E3EVATIO" PA.O., MOTES POINT OFA9VIRSE CURVATURE TERREN I:NG4 INCC Ra' uANo supiv.—Re 1343A6 8740 Cobblestone Dr Creek side Ft. Pierce Andrew Francisco Residence FILE COPY Proposed improvements 8740 Cobblestone Dr. '0ew concretE Existing [y / aluminum covered 8' ['screen porch kenclosure New Concrete I 13 I 10 I New concrete w/ aluminum 8' screen enclosure 1" I Drawing not to scale " a1�u- Lqz RECEIVED OCT 15 2820 St! Lucie Cuugj Permitting REVIEWED FOR BODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE C®UNITY 13OCC