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iProdirctA ryrovai Menu A,adutt°r Aryp4frntion Search a Anr..11citinn List:'Appircatton Detail //��l .> •'.y
CC I 2f t .
FL# FL17022-173 r ;
l Application type Revision
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
f. Archived
Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators LLC
Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive
Palm City,FL 24998, = .i
(772)B72-8034 "n`l -•',
fivalidation@yaho wrri
Authorized Signature Richard McKuhen
Technical Representative Richard Mr.Kuhen `_
Address/Phone/Small 2160 SW Porna Drive
Palm C11:14 -L 34990
Quality Assurance Representative
Address/Phone/Email } '
Category Roofing
Subcategory Metal Roofing :.
Compliance Method Evaluation Report rom a Florida Registered Artiliitect or a Llce❑c-6 -
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcapy Receiveii'
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the David ling
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE81377
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone rartificatTons,Inc.
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/7-2/2024
Validated BP James R'..ally,PE - s„
Validation ChecklIst-Hardeopy Received
Certificate of Independence R9OT 26ga v AX FL 70Z?. C pyod.pd !
. jwa
• F 'Vil
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year "
TAS JUQ 1995 i 'v
TAS 125 2003
LiL 580 20136,
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By •:.i „4-=;;• '
r ,
Sections from the Code t
hilpsalfloridebuildhig.,rgfprlpr app dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwiDgv2a6QpHPQQOUrMZ�!KUEoR%2b7ZBOgjsB2JoMv1ul8gwLyA°/°3d°ia3d
3/11/2021 Florida Building Code Online
roductApproval Method Method I Option D
ate Submitted 12/16/2020
ate Validated to/iGf2ozu
ate Pending F8C Approval 12/26/202,
ate Approved
Summary of Products s4 `
y1-,t# Model,Number or Nante Descriptiont.4'"
17022.1 0i:26ga VMax on Plywood 26ga(min)VMax 5V panel with 24"epverage-on i5/3z"(rntrt 1.
plywood or 3/4"(min)thick wood pta�llr, t:
Limits of Use Installation instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No &� 022 R9 IT 7.69a VMAX R}Y`- d.Rdi Ikl
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:David Eng,PE Bi377 ' i
pact Resistant:NIA Created by independent Third Party:Yes
' Dest 9suret aN/A/-228 Evaluation Reports a� r-
Other:Rorer ation repot! FL17022 R9 AE 26ga VMAX ply oo p¢(+ �} :i•
Created.,y Independent Third Party:Yes
17022.2 02,032 Aluminum VMax on Plywood Nominail;0,032"aluminum(or thickV.r)VMax 5V panel
121"cove;age on iS/32" (min)plywot)d or 3/4"(min)tl.r
wood plank,
Limits of use ,Installation Instructions -4!
Approved for use in HVHZ:No <L17022 R9 IT 032 VMAX 711n pjYwnod.odF
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes `ferined By:David Eng,PE 81377
r,. Impact Resistant:NIA Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure:+N/A/•168.5 !:Valuation Reports
other:Refer to evaluation report. FL17077 82 AP 032 VMAX 211n �r o ypdf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
17022.3 03:269a VMax an Plywood 26ga(min)VMax 5V panel vilth 24"Qoverage on I5/37"(rnir
plywood or3/'i"(min)thick wood pla,Pk.Option for'fasten-c: �l•r.,„:.
the fiats and fn the ribs. ! ,•_�
Limits of Use Installation Instructions ?
Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL170Z2 R9 II 26ga VMAX pJywoad flats.odf `
+ Approved for use outside HVFi 1:Yes Verified By:David Eng,PE 81377
Impact Resistant:N/A Created ly IndepertdentThird Party:Yes
Design Pressure:+N/AJ-114.23 Evaluation Reports
other:Refer to evaluation report. FL1762: R9 AS 760a VIAAX nlygtpiad 2ata,pdf• ": q
Createc )y Independent Third Partyt Yes i
17022.4• 04:26ga -ormax on Plywood i 26ga(min)CorMax Corrugated Panel?With 29,5' core �,..
15132"(min)plywood or3/4"(min))hick wood plapl;�
Limits of Use Tnstallation Instructions
tY* Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL17022 R9 Ii 26ga CorMax Plywood t{VFlz.oct
Approved for use outside HVIiZ:Yes Jerlfled By: David Eng,PE 81377
Impact Resistant-NIA Created by Independent Third Partyl Yes f `
Design Pressure:•hN/R/-161 _valuation Reports •.,;;�. ;
Outer:Refer to evaluation report. Li7D27 R9 AE 76aa Cnrmnv plywood HVHZ.pd
Created by Independent Third Partyi Yes x :`
17022.5 05:26ga CorMax on Battens 26ga(mlrt)CorMax corrugated panel with 29,5"coverage-
Limits of Use Installation Instructions r'
Approved for use in HVHZ:No Fr i7oa7 R9 rr 2r g�CarMax Battens.odF
I ' Approved for use outside HV;;,:Yes Verified 6y:David Eng,PE 813! 77�
Xmpaet Resistant:N/A Created fly Independent Third Parb/r Yes
Design Pressure:+N/A/-161 lvaruai m Reports
otFier:Refer to evaluation report, fL17071 g9 AE 76gn-CorMax Bat(ens.Rdf
i Createc by Independent Third Pa�rtyF,'Yes ;
Contgctljs;;Z601Hialr5ten Rand.Dr—gsse�23s9 Phone-0Soa07•182a
r The State,of Fiorth is an ANEEO employer.gsYAghtZn8- Z-7n19 S__hL= f da ;:Pdva5Y Statement 1:Atcessibillitystawmant;;Rcfand s,ai.•,ntn; ti„? _
vndgr Florida law,amoll oddt45505 are public records•jr you do not Want your c•mo;1 address rdeacad In tesponso to a pub11C-scolds reque1r,do not au":ttccl
mall to this entity,instead,cant4a dRrafricc by phone or by traditional mall.it you have any questions„pleas0 canted 850.4aRi391b•Pursuant to semen
Florida Stolutca,dreetive October 1,2012,I(cenaens licensed under Cho ter 455,P.S.mast provide tho DclotIrtment with on ompll aidrasrat viny havn ore rrc r J
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1.1r1derlaym nt: Comply With local building code or FBC 150.1.1 where required.
Slope." Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.4.2 where required.
Re-Roof ing This panel may be installed over a single layer of existing shingles as pern;ii,
by local build ng code or FBC 1511, provided the existinc' roof rneetsthe conditions r-equir.>_d"
the applicabl code.
Maximum Ilowable Loads & Installation Requirements:
Moth4cf.A: 1.5" fastener In 12"-12" pattern at 6" o.c : 86 PSF
Kathod S: #10 x 1.511 a snot in 1 "-]2`' pattern at 16" o.c.: 45.5 PsF !�
hiefjlod 0 15" fastener in 12"-: :" pattern at 8" o.c.: 1e31 PSF
Meths : # 0 x 1,5" fastener in 12"•"a pattern at 6" o.c.: 228 PSF
- rl
a factor of sa ety of 2 has been applied- JI
,., •T•echnicaI Documentation: ,
This product as been tested to the UL 580 standard by Archi'actural Testing (now intertek, r`
Testing, TST-1 27), report D05893.01-450-18, F3366.01-450-18, ant D05893.02-450-18. ,4s re`fOrrnnc^ul.
FL 17022.01-R7
Complian a Statement: ,
This product s described has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building 5.ode 2020,
ISO4.3-2 (non- VHZ) as required by FL Rule 6IG20-3, method ID.
This product s described has been tested and demonsi,•ated compliance with:
• UL5SO - Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies
UL 1897 - Upl ft test for roof covering systems
Design Pr sees:
,Vic, load taint sin this report provides one prescriptive option for the fastening requiremc�
ror the applicable wind loads for ro•afs within the parameters described. For roofs outside
,he listed par meters, design wind loads shall be determined as required by FBC 1609, ASCEI
other design 'ode in force, using allowable stress. Thes n load tables are basfd on ASCE 7-5Id
use of these tables assumes that the structure is:
• Enclose and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular :lihaped buildi,
• Is not subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding or instability; noll does it hr:\jE ' '=
site loc tion for which channeling or buffeting warrant- consideration
' Engineering nalysis may be completed by other licensed engineers for project(' specific
approval by I cal authorities having jurisdiction.
certifiCciti ri of Independence:
David 5ne, PE a d Timberlake cove, LLC do not have, nor will ac:.uire a financial Interest itt any companY
manufacturing r distributing products under this evaluation. ".�e some entities do not hrllve, nor rill •' '
acquire, a Tina cial interest in any other entity involved in the .ipproval process of the product-
Exclusions and limitations:
resign of deck nd roof structure (to in/. ads nttachMerit of plywood or wood plank)shall be complcl cd
others-Fire clo sificotlon and shear dlor•-irogm design are outside the scope of this avalu.ption. Accele!T` =
-weothering/sal spray is outside the score of this evaluation. li
This report is li ited to compliance with structural wind load requirements of FSC 1504.3.2• as required bt
Rule 61G20-3. N lther Timbariake cove nor the manufacturer shall be responsible for any ylonclusio-rls, •' ,
interproTations or designs made by othors based on +his ovalu Hart report. This report Is limited sole)yl - _.•- ".
documenting c mpliance with Rule 61G20-3, and makes no exprr 3s or implied warranty regl�rding
;performance o this product. Ieistallation shall be subject to tl,a local building Cade and authority have�
Jurisdiction; this report shall not be construed to supersede local cocas in force. Iar` '
• .Y. a r'r;.n"''c•S�j'.�y.�+i1"•--,.1�Y i::�de�i�'.�i'1.. :Ii t C•1��:•,•• r. . t. a •li �.j11. }` ,
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ar'• s!. `.7� %.. Ni'r i /' r•'U�• f•i��,1w,•''•ti'.
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Instruct ns:
Select the A qppropriate load table that applies to the
structure i uestion. ••
Determine he design windspeed for the project
Use the att 3chment method indicated for that 2
windspeed within each roof zone. 2 2 --!:
NOTE- ASCE 7-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-zone concept. 2 1 2 2 (1
For the loa• tables below, the worst case was taken
for each zo a and reported using the standard zones
Zone 1 Incit Iles zones 1 and 1'
Zone 2 1 nclt des zones 2e 2r and 2n r L
7 l H }{Il'f10DF tiF8LER00F
Zone 3 incit des zones 3e and 3r
combining hese zones creates a clear, simple
ic►•°arnUr'.+ou°u>µavew+a+oaauurunuticnmcwurneu.,,°i r *� •�,
p `vrnw+uara,aoc:raatrw�weunwersnrcon:Frf°,.i
a2n9PEltl+N•NIDDYC'L^IONOlt0711O1AMr+ cOCL "t
scheme, at the expense of some design efficiency-
Contact th manufacturer for further information, ROOF ZONES FORGONERIC BUILD
or consult aI licensed design professional. .1 €'
#9 AT 96+r ,C. #10 AT 16rr O.C. #10 AT 8,%O.C. #t0 AT 6 O.C. m s•,�...:
1 NOT RAT .CONSULT DES!r '2"(NOM) 1Z"(NOM)--•—t • NR
rJ r
Use th11oadtableor structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load l.ole for structures which meet the following crit,
Are located in Exp 3sure 13 area Are located in 6,C,or D exposure area
Have either a flat r of,or gablelhip roof with max slope of 12:12 Have:71har a fiat roof,or gable/hip roof with max slope. .f
Have a mean Rao Height of 30 feet or less Have .inean Roof Height of 30 feet or 19PS
L47022 09:26 a 5{/Crfm t�n't5132" tgwood Pl.'17A22.4f9_26ga5f1 Crimp on 15132''
Wind 105 90 420 130 140 150 'i60 970 180 'f90 200 Wind 105 110 '120 130 'i 0 50 1 �l8_ "
Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A . A Zone 'i: A A A A A fA A C D;
Zone 2: A A A A A A A A G D Zone 2: A A A A C D D O_
Zone 3; A A A A A A 1� C f' D "�D;: {ri7 Zone 3: A A A C E7_ p D
Use this toad table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load tmae for structures which mtret the following
Are located in 6xp sure 13 area Are located in I r,r;,or D exposure area
Have either a flat r 2of less than 70,hip roof with Have either a f,.1t roofless than 7°,hip r,pof wilh
mm slope of f2:1 ,or gable roof with slope between 4.4,12&12:12 maxslope of 12:12,or gable roof with slope between 4.4'
Have a mean Rao Height of 30 feet or less Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or legs
!eL'i7022 0 is 26 a 5V Grim en'15132"pl ood FL17 r22.0l:2bga w Crim on,15132•'alvuJJ
Wind 105 `10 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 400 110 120 130 140 950 i60 170 98
Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A _ A A A A f► A R
Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A B G. Zoni 2: A A A A A D a s;.• '
Zone 3: A A A A A A A B > R� ••A os'•x`?: Zon1 3: A A A B
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