HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotechnical Exploration Letter _ A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC.
s (772)461-7508 OFFICE - (772)461-8880 FAX
March 30, 2004 wF'ILE COPY
G.W. Purucker Homes, Inc.
5608 PGA Boulevard, Suite 208
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
Re: Geotechnical Exploration for Proposed Residence
Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, Hutchinson Island, St. Lucie County,Florida
Project No. D-04235
Ladies and Gentlemen:
A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. is pleased to submit this geotechnical exploration report for
the referenced project. This letter describes the completed field services, and presents our
conclusions and recommendations for the foundations of the proposed residence.
The proposed construction consists of a two-story residential structure located to the east of the
Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL). Consequently a pile foundation is required. Adam
Ginsberg, P.E., the structural engineer, advised us that the structural design had not been
finalized at the time that this report was prepared. He requested that the calculations consider a
maximum lateral load on each pile of 5 kips acting at an elevation of+5 feet NGVD. The 100-
year storm scour elevation prescribed by the DEP for St. Lucie County is +2.7 feet NGVD. The
existing site grade was assumed to be elevation+6 feet NGVD.
If any of this information is incorrect or anticipated to change, A. M. Engineering should be
notified immediately to review and amend this report,with respect to the changes.
The subsurface conditions at the project site were explored on March 14 through 18, 2004, with
two (2) Cone Penetrometer (CPT) soundings, one (1) Auger Boring (AB) boring and two (2)
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings. The CPT soundings were performed in general
compliance with ASTM D 3441, "Deep Quasi-Static, Cone Friction-Cone Penetration Tests of
Soils", the SPT borings with ASTM D 1586, "Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of
Soils", and the auger boring with ASTM D 1452, and "Practice for Soil Investigation and
Sampling by Auger Borings". The approximate locations of the explorations are noted on the
Boring Location Plan. Because the west side of the lot was inaccessible to our truck-mounted
Geotechnical Exploration, Proposed Residence
Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, Hutchinson Island
Project No. D-04235
drill rigs, the explorations were performed only in the east portion. The depths on the boring logs
indicate depth below the existing ground surface at the time the explorations were completed. In
addition, we reviewed test boring data for the entire subdivision included in a Fraser Engineering
and Testing , Inc. report dated April 15, 1994.
A brick paver road crossed the project site. East of the road, the site was relatively flat with grass
and weeds. A shallow retention area containing standing water occurred within the lot area on the
west side of the road. The Atlantic Ocean was located a short distance to the east of the project
site. Based on topographic data from nearby areas, we estimated that the ground surface
elevation at the project site was +6 feet NGVD.
The subsurface soils encountered in the auger boring consisted of sands with occasional shell
fragments to a depth of six feet. The SPT were advanced to depths of 18 feet by washing; from
depths of 17 to 35 feet the borings encountered sands with fragmented shell and cemented sand.
• The CPT soundings indicated the soils were generally firm to dense from the ground surface to a
depth of approximately seven feet, very loose to soft from seven to 11 feet, and firm to medium
dense from 11 to approximately 20 feet, where two feet of loose soils were detected above a very
dense stratum. Since both soundings were terminated after one to two feet of penetration in the
very dense layer, the SPT borings were required to determine that the thickness of the dense layer
was adequate. The SPT borings indicated the soils became dense to very dense at depths of
approximately 20 to 23 feet and remained dense to the maximum explored depth of 35 feet.
The soil conditions encountered in the recent explorations were similar to those reported at
nearby locations in the previous Fraser report. Therefore we consider that the soil profile below
the west portion of the site will not vary significantly from the east side.
Ground water was encountered 3% feet below the existing grade at the time the auger boring was
completed. The depth to the groundwater table will fluctuate with the tides.
Due to its position to the east of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), the residence
must be supported by a pile foundation. While a wide variety of piles may be considered, we
consider that performance, cost and ease of construction favor the use of cast-in-place (auger-
cast) piles. Table 1 presents design parameters for a 16-inch diameter pile. We assumed that the
existing grade was elevation +6 feet, the top of the pile was elevation+5 feet, and the pile length
was 28 feet. Consequently the pile tip elevation was —23 feet NGVD, approximately 25'/2 feet
• below the 100-year storm erosion elevation of+2.7 feet. The axial pile capacity was analyzed
using the FDOT CONEPILE program developed by the University of Florida with the soil data
from CPT-2 and SPT-2 and scour to elevation+2.7 feet NGVD.
Ceotechnical Exploration, Proposed Residence
Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, Hutchinson Island
z Project No. D-04235
The deflection and the maximum moment associated with a 5-kip lateral load applied at elevation
+5 feet were calculated using the commercially available L-pile 4.0 software assuming a flexible
cap condition. To reduce the deflection of the pile, we considered a 16-inch pile diameter. If the
lateral load is significantly less than 5 kips, the deflections can be re-analyzed to determine if a
smaller diameter pile is feasible.
5 kip Lateral Load
Pile Pile Tip Ultimate Allowable Allowable Deflection Elev. of
Diameter Elevation Bearing Bearing Uplift At Scour Maximum Max
Capacity Capacity* Capacity Elevation Moment Moment
(feet- (feet
• (inches) NGVD) (tons) (tons) (tons) (inches) (ft-tons) NGVD)
14 -23 175 60 12 Not calculated
16 -23 215 75 14 —0.4 14.6 -4.0
* Pile load tests are required for design pile capacities greater than 40 tons.
T The piles should be installed with minimum center-to-center spacings of at least 2.5 times the
pile diameter, D. Larger minimum spacings of 3D to 3.5 D are preferable.
We recommend that the project specifications for the piles follow the relevant sections of"The
Augered Cast-in-Place Pile Model Specification"published by the Deep Foundations Institute. A
summary of important installation criteria is presented in Attachment B. An experienced
inspector should monitor the installation of the piles so that these criteria are followed.
The project site should be prepared in accordance with the applicable recommendations in
Attachment A. Please note that the general site preparation procedures must be followed before
any fill is placed.
We recommend that fill be placed prior to installation of the piles. If more than 1% feet of fill is
• placed, a waiting period of at least one or two months should be allowed to elapse after placing
the fill prior to the installation of the piles. This will allow some of the settlement due to the fill
to occur and reduce the potential for negative skin friction(downdrag) on the piles.
Geotechnical Exploration, Proposed Residence
Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, Hutchinson Island
a Project No. D-04235
This report is for the exclusive use of our client in the design and construction of the previously
described project. The right to rely on this report may not be assigned without written permission
of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc.
This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering
practices in the State of Florida. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We do not
guarantee performance in any respect, only that our work meets normal standards of professional
care. Our recommendations are based on the project information furnished to us, the results of
our field explorations and our past experience. They do not reflect variations in subsurface
conditions that may exist between our borings and in unexplored areas of the site. The nature and
extent of such variations may not become evident until further explorations are made or
construction is underway. Should such variations be observed, we recommend that A. M.
` Engineering and Testing, Inc. be requested to observe the actual site conditions and re-evaluate
our recommendations, if necessary.
Environmental concerns, including (but not limited to) the possibility that hazardous materials or
petroleum contaminated soils or groundwater may be present on the project site, were not
included in the scope of work. Furthermore, our explorations did not include determination or
delineation of"wetland" areas or the identification of threatened or endangered species.
A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. has appreciated the opportunity to assist you with this phase
of your project. If you have any questions regarding this report or need any further information,
please call us.
Respect ly ubmitted,
id Alker becca Grant Ascoli, P.E.
Project Manager Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Florida Registration No. 51.863_
Attachments: Attachment A, Attachment B, Boring Location Plan, Key to Soil Classification
CPT Logs (2), Boring Logs (3)
Copies: Client- 3
IIServerinetappsWMDAT.IIG.W.PuruckerHomeslLol70, WatersongSitbdivisionD-042351Report.doc
I. General Site Preparation
The construction area should be stripped of all surface vegetation, trees, roots, debris and other
deleterious matter within and five feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed building and in all
paved areas. Areas to receive fill should be likewise stripped. Any holes or voids from tree roots,
abandoned septic tanks, etc. should be filled as indicated in Section IV.
The cleared areas should then be proof-rolled and compacted with a 10-ton (minimum) vibratory
roller operating at a"slow walk" speed. The vibratory compactor should cover the entire cleared
area with a series of overlapping passes. The compactor should make at least three series of
passes with the compactor moving in one direction and at least three series of passes with the
compactor moving at a right angle to the direction of the first series of passes. (When proof-
rolling areas with adjacent or nearby structures, refer to Section II.) Proof-rolling helps to detect
any soft or loose zones and buried debris. If unstable areas are encountered, the project engineer
or the geotechnical consultant should be advised, the matter investigated and the problem
resolved. Because the initial proof-rolling is very critical, we recommend that a
representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. monitor the operation.
After proof-rolling, the cleared areas should be compacted until the upper two feet of soil
achieve a density of at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D
1557). The compaction should be checked with field density tests.
II. Where Vibratory Equipment May Affect Adjacent Structures
Where the project site is located adjacent to existing structures that may be damaged by the
operation of heavy vibratory rollers, the required densification should be achieved with
alternative equipment. Loaders with a raised bucket filled with soil, heavy plate compactors, and
"jumping jack" type compactors have been used successfully. The densification procedure may
need to be modified because of reduced capacity of the acceptable equipment. For example,
since small plate compactors are generally effective only to a maximum depth of six to eight
inches, thinner lifts will be required.
III. Excavation and Backfillin�
Where excavation and backfilling are required, the soils should be removed to the specified
depth. Soils that are suitable for use as fill should be stockpiled separately. The excavated
• surface should be compacted (as described in Section I) so that the upper two feet of the
subgrade soil achieve a density of at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry
density (ASTM D 1557). The compaction should be checked with field density tests. The site
should then be filled to grade in compacted lifts as indicated in Section IV.
ATTACHMENT A continued
IV. Fill Placement
• Fill should be"clean" sand with less than five percent fines (percent of dry weight passing a U.S.
No. 200 sieve). Higher fine contents can be used but more construction control is necessary. Fill
behind walls should be very pervious, with no more than three percent fines. If the proposed fill
soil does not meet the requirements,the project engineer or the geotechnical consultant should be
advised in order to evaluate the situation.
Where fill is to be placed on the existing ground, the surface must be prepared as indicated in
Section I. The outer edges of the fill should extend sufficiently beyond the building to provide
slopes with a minimum horizontal to vertical ratio of 4(H):1(V) from approximately five feet
outside the building perimeter to the existing grade. The fill should be placed in 12-inch thick
compacted lifts with each lift compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum
dry density(ASTM D 1557). The compaction should be checked with field density tests.
Fill that is placed in confined areas such as utility trenches or holes should be compacted in six to
eight inch thick lifts to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM
D 1557).
• V. Footing Excavation
After the footings have been excavated, a representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc.
should evaluate the bottom of the footings with respect to the boring data and assess if a suitable
bearing layer is present. Our representative should perform density tests to confirm that the
density of the upper two feet of soil in the bottom of the footings is at least 95 percent of the
modified Proctor maximum dry density(ASTM D 1557). If the soil in the bottom of the footing
was loosened during excavation or if the footings were overexcavated and then backfilled to
design grade, the footing subgrade should be compacted with a vibratory plate or"jumping jack"
type compactor until the required density is attained.
VI. Groundwater
If a high water table is encountered while the foundations are being constructed and there are
difficulties with the site preparation, the project engineer or the geotechnical consultant should
bd advised so that appropriate construction techniques are used to overcome the problems.
VII. Monitoring and Testing
We recommend that the site preparation and the subsequent earthwork be monitored by an
engineering technician from A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. The technician will observe the
stripping, proof-rolling and compaction of the existing soils; determine the suitability of fill and
• backfill soils; observe the subgrade in the footings; and evaluate the degree of compaction
attained by performing field density tests.
The flighting of the auger used to form the piles should have a constant diameter that achieves
the specified cross-section, and should be continuous from the auger head to tip. The center hole
of the auger through which the grout is pumped should have a diameter of at least 3 inches.
The auger head used to drive the flighting should have a minimum static weight of 4,000 pounds.
It should be powered by a drive unit with at least 150 horsepower and a minimum rated torque of
9,000 foot-pounds.
The piling leads should be prevented from rotating by a stabilizing arm attached to the crane or
: by firm embedment of the pile leads in the surficial soils.
A positive displacement pump capable of developing a displacement pressure greater that 350 psi
should be used to transport the grout to the augered hole. The pump should be provided with a
gauge for monitoring pressure and a digital counter for measuring total grout volume.
Each pile should be augered and grouted in an uninterrupted sequence. Once the design
penetration depth is reached, the auger should be withdrawn 0.5 to 1 foot while maintaining
positive rotation. This position should be maintained until grout flow has reached the tip at
which time the auger should be lowered into the bottom of the hole.
The rate of grout injection and auger withdrawal should be closely coordinated so that a positive
gauge pressure is maintained at all times. A minimum head of 5 feet of grout should be provided
above the auger tip during grouting. The auger should be raised with minimal rotation and with
a continuous, steady rate of pull,which allows the required grout head to be maintained.
The volume of grout per linear foot of pile should be at least 10 percent larger than that of the
neat excavation. In no case should a pile with a grout volume less than the neat excavation
volume be accepted.
A sequence of pile installation should be used such that previously constructed, adjacent piles are
not disturbed. We recommend that new piles not be installed within 6 diameters of freshly
grouted piles until the grout in the existing piles has undergone initial set and has been in place at
least 6 hours.
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-.FORT PIERCE(772)461-7508 800-233-9011 FAX(772)461-8880 VERO(772)567-6167 STUART(772)283-7711
Client GW Purucker Homes, Inc. Date 11-Mar-04
? .Project Res., Structure- Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, St. Lucie County, FL Job No D-04235
Location CPT 1
Elevation Existing
Field Crew Sc
.Rig# KW Cone Bearing-TSF Friction Ratio
Depth 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 2 4 6 8
P P+S qc FR Meters 0 0 i
12 24 2.75 0.2
18 23 36 3.3 0.4 iIi I IIIIIiiI ! jiI jlj I I j
33 42 66 1.6 0.6
49 57 98 1.3 0.8
80 90 160 0.8 1 i
70 80 140 0.9 1.2
60 70 120 0.6 1.4 j l l Ill
! ! ! j
45 50 90 0.7 1.6 5 5
47 52 94 3.7 1.8
29 55 58 2.3 2
„70 80 140 0.8 2.2 I I ! {-
38 47 76 1.4 2.4 I j l I I I
5 13 10 4.0 2.6
4 7 8 3.3 2.8
. 2 4 4 3.3 3 10 10 j
2 3 4 3.3 3.2
1 2 2 39.6 3.4
15 21 30 3.1 3.6 Ili It
35 42 70 1.3 3.8 jlil ' jl '
44 49 88 11.1 4.2
�41 48 82 1.1 4.4 j ! j I � j I I
35 42 70 1.9 4.6 15 15 I
35 45 70 2.1 4.8 j j j j j i I j
.37 48 74 1.4 5
41 49 82 1.0 5.2
44 50 88 0.9 5.4 IN I Ij l
46 52 92 0.7 5.6
49 54 98 1.1 5.8
40 48 80 0.7 6 j
47 51 94 0.7 6.2 20 I ! ! I I i I ! I I I I I 20
19 24 38 6.4
30R 60 6.6 Ili ! i I j III I I
35 E 70 6.8
28 R 56 7 I l I I ! I I
Refusal 7.2 ;1111111HIMII jll i j I i
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35 Iiiiliii „
j ! j ! ' I j I II jll 35 I I
-FORT PIERCE(772)461-7508 800-233-9011 FAX(772)461-8880 VERO(772)567-6167 STUART(772)283-7711
Client GW Purucker Homes, Inc. Date 11-Mar-04
Project Res., Structure- Lot 70, Watersong Subdivision, St. Lucie County, FL Job No D-04235
,Location CPT 2
Elevation Existing
Field Crew SC
Rig# KW Cone Bearing-TSF Friction Ratio
Depth 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 2 4 6 8
P P+S qc FIR Meters
10 20 3.3 0.2 011 ' j li ! IIi Ii 1 ! : 0
25 30 50 2.6 0.4 i
27 37 54 2.4 0.6 jl ijIII � II ! i Ijlii j ! i i j j I
55 65 110 1.1 0.8 lill ' III ! j jlli I ! j j I
41 50 82 1.6 1 j
105 115 210 0.6 1.2
70 80 140 0.6 1.4 III I j i l 1 1 l l i l
44 50 88 1.4 1.6 5 ! 5
43 52 86 1.4 1.8 l l i . l i ! i
35 44 70 1.1 2
11 17 22 1.8 2.2 '
2 5 4 6.6 2.4
2 4 4 6.6 2.6
1 3 2 6.6 2.8
„1 2 2 13.2 3 10 I j I I I I I i 10 !
3 5 6 13.2 3.2
18 24 36 2.9 3.4
32 40 64 2.5 3.6 25 37 50
35 42 70 1.8 3.� I ! ill ; li
32 41 64 2.5 4.2
'29 41 58 2.3 4.4
37 47 74 1.6 4.6 15 j j I j 15 j
29 38 58 0.9 4.8 j I j I j
20 24 40 0.7 5 !
�4 6 8 # 1# 5.2 11 Il ) II I Ijj ! ! I j
12E 24 4.4 5.4 r
9 17 18 1.5 5.6
7 9 14 5.8
100 R 200 6
AC 0 nn c n )n I I I
Phone (772)461-7508 Fax(772) 461-8880
Client: GW Purucker Homes, Inc. Project No: D-04235
Project: Residential Structure—Lot 70,Watersong Subdivision Lab No:
St.Lucie County,Florida Page: 1 of 2
Elevation: Existing grade Date Drilled: March 18, 2004
Water Level: Field Party: DP/CJ
TEST LOCATION: SPT-1 @ CPT 1 Laboratory Tests
Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: Description tion Passing Moisture Organic
(feet) 6 inches Value No. From/To No.200 Content Content
1 --------------------
2 --------------------
3- --------------------
4 --------------------
- ----------- -
5. Wash boring to 18'/2 feet
6 --------------------
7 ---------- ---------
8 --------------------
9 --------------------
10 ---------- ---------
11 --------- ---------
12 --------------------
13 -------------------
14 -------------------
15 --------------------
16 --------------------
17 161/z-22 Light gray fine sand, trace shell fragments
18 --------------------
.19 - 8------------ --
9 18 1 1
F.•U MDATAIG.W..Purucker NomeslLot 70, Watersong Subdivision D-042351SPT-1 Page Ldoc,SL
PHONE(772)461-7508 FAx(772)461-8880
Client: GW Purucker Homes,Inc. Project No: D-04325
*Project: Residential Structure-Lot 70,Watersong Subdivision Lab No:
St.Lucie County,Florida Page: 2 of'-)
Elevation: Existing grade Date Drilled: March 18,2004
Water Level: Field Party: DP/CJ
TEST LOCATION: SPT-1 @ CPT 1 cont'd Laboratory Tests
Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: Description Passing Moisture Organic
(feet) 6 inches Value No. From/To p No.200 Content Content
20 --------- --------
21 ------ -- ---------
22-26 Light gray cemented sand and shell fragments (rock)
23 --------- ---------
24 50/1"-- -
50+ 2
25 ---------- ---------
26-32 Light gray fine sand, some shell fragments, some
cemented sand and shell
28 ---------- ---------
29 50/4.......
30 --------- ---------
31 ---------- --------
32 32-35 Light gray fine sand, few pieces of cemented sand
and shell fragments
- 34 ---18---- ---------
-- 3
5 ---24---- ---42--- 4
Boring Terminated at 35 Feet
36 ---------- --------
37 ------ -- ---------
•38 --------- ---------
39 --------- ---------
F:1.4MDATAIG.W.Purucker Homes ILot 70, WatersongSubdivision D-042351SPT 1 Pgge 2.doc,SL
Phone(772) 461-7508 Fax (772)461-8880
Client: GW Purucker Homes,Inc. Project No: D-04235
Project: Residential Structure—Lot 70,Watersong Subdivision Lab No:
St.Lucie County,Florida Page: 1 of 2
Elevation: Existing grade Date Drilled: March 18, 2004
Water Level: Field Party: DP/CJ
TEST LOCATION: SPT-2 @ CPT-2 Laboratory Tests
Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: Description Passing Moisture Organic
(feet) 6 inches Value No. From/To No.200 Content Content
1 --------------------
2 --------------------
3 . ---------- ---------
4 --------------------
---------- -
• Wash boring to 18'/z feet
6 --------------------
7 ---------- ---------
8 --------------------
9 --------------------
10 ---------- ---------
11 ---------- ---------
12 --------------------
13 -------------------
14 -- ----------------
15 --------------------
16 --------------------
17-27 Light gray fine sand some shell fragments, some
18 cemented sand and shell fragments
.19 - 3---------------
50 65 1
F.-Uld DATAIG.W.Purucker HomeslLot 70, Watersong Subdivision D-042351SPT--2 Page l.doc,SL
PHONE(772)461-7508 FAX(772)461-8880
Client: GW Purucker Homes,Inc. Project No: D-04325
*Project: Residential Structure—Lot 70,WatersoneD
g Subdivision Lab No:
St. Lucie County,Florida Page: 2 of 2
Elevation: Existing grade Date Drilled: March 18, 2004
Water Level: Field Party: DP/CJ
TEST LOCATION: SPT-2 @ CPT-2 cont'd Laboratory Tests
Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: Passing Moisture Organic
(feet) 6 inches Value No. From/To Description No.200 Content Content
20 --------- ---------
21 ------ -- ---------
22 --------- ---------
23 --------- ---------
-- 24 50/4
-- --5---- 2
25 ---------- ---------
26 ------ -- --------
27-32 Light gray fine sand and small shell fragments
28 --------- ---------
- 29 ----30-„- ---------
50/5 50+ 3
30 --------- ---------
31 --------- ---------
32-35 Light gray fine sand, little shell fragments
33 ---•----- ---------
-- 34 --- 4 -•- ---------
-- 35 ---25---- ---49--- 4
Boring Terminated at 35 Feet
36 ------ -- ---------
37 --------- ---------
38 -- ---------
39 --------- ---------
F:'I I M DATAI G.W.Purucker HomeslLot 70, WatersoAjZ Subdivision D-042351SPT 2 Page 2.doc,SL
(772)461-7508 OFFICE - (772)461-8880 FAX
Client: GW Purucker Homes,Inc. Project No: D-04235
Project: Residential Structure-Lot 70,Watersong Subdivision
St.Lucie County,Florida Test Date: 3/11/2004
Elevation: Existing grade Technician: SC
Depth (feet) Description (color,texture, consistency,remarks)
0 - 2'/z Medium brown fine sand
2'/Z- 5 Light brown fine sand, little shell fragments
5 -6 Medium gray fine sand
Water table at 3'/ feet below ground surface
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