HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolyglass Base & Cap NOA10125i21 .3:2'7 PM Florida Building Clode Onlinc BCIS Hffi : lq re : ijs R€s;Satits ; rxt t*pim S*Ar"it S*rwr.rg* Stats & Facts Rrblk?hms Csntdt t}s ECIS Sitc MaP usxs I ScarcA I dtrpIffi*ffim* Product Api]]:gl3Lugqg > glqdU-€t-alAApjggllllgareli > AAp-jjrAlLe!-lls! > &tl$!:eti6s t}ttait Bg Applicadon Type Code Versisrl Application Status Con")ments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/ Phone/ Emai I Authorized Signature T€chnlcdl Relfe$ertalive Address/PhonelEma i i Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/ Emai I Subcategory *'LlSM-RlA Revision 282* Approved POLYGLASS USA 111.1 W. Newport Center Drive ,ieei-ii-.iii Beach, i:L 31442 (954) 233-7334 Ext 242 ma lpert@polyg lass. com f'1aury A;pen mal pert@polyglass.com TICI't F.EP 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (866) 802-8017 ,- s: )' j.^ 3(si,:ar '.;-r i:9,73'35;.6-'- QA REP 1111West Newport Center Drive Deeriield Bea.h. FL :3442 (s8B) 4 10"137s uspolyglasstechnical@polyglass.com Ai0iiiq Modified Bitumen Roof System Evaluat;oil Repsrt kom a Fiqrida Registered Architeet or a Licensed Florida Professi0nal Engineer Eyaluataon ReBort - Hardcapy Rereived Compliai-ice P,lethod Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evaluation Report Flcrida Liceilse Pt-591f:6 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date l7/O7/2422 \Jalicated B'i loin lY. l{nr:zevici. PI Validaticn Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Ind€pendence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL1654 R28 COI 2021 01 COI NIEMINEN.p-gIf Standard ASTM D4601 AS-r=iq D.1897 ASTM D6162 ASTM D6163 ASTlvl D5l.6ri ASTM D5222 ASTM D6509 Year 2At2 2015 2015 ?011 f 011 2015 Ll2 'FLSi.AA. bf *ielM&$1-*s \ :.lBusi:ness,& Professional Regulation ,rerrrce *r tr+e Eeffl*.tss] htlps:lllloridabuilding.org/prlpt-app-dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQrx'tDqvqqu2w%2trnFgUPv2pw6pl{xAhmwsBnyiPJI3EK2tYUzt{rg%3d"63d l0l25l2L"?:27 PM Florida Building Code Online ASTM G155 rill +i /u FM 4474 uL 1897 Method 1 Option D J!-/f]n,')n) 1 06/t4/2421 06118/2021 c8l La/747i 20 13 2C 16 207L 20L2 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sectlcns froil: the Cocie Product Approval Method Date Sr.rnrlltlec Date Validated Date Pending FBC APProval i),at! Atr[,r-cvec] Summ of Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road,-Ta.!ahCsseelt-32399 Phoner 850-487-1824 The State oi Florida is ar AA/EEO employer Copy!sht.2-q07:20-1-3s!Qle-sl,El-S-tj-dB. :: Prclv-Stalelle$ ii Accessrbilitv Statement :: Befu-04llAle!]eff maiitothisentity.Insteacj,contacttheofficebyphoneorbytraditionalmail lfyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontact8504871395''PursuanttoSectron455275(1), FloridaStatutes,effectrveOctober1,2012,licenseeslicensedunderChapter455,FS mustprovidetheDepartmentwithanemailaddressiftheyhaveone Theemalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record lf you do not wish to supply a persooal address. please provide lhe Department with an email address which can be made available to lhe pulllic. Ti d€termise f you are e licensee under Chapter 455, F'S , please ciick hg!g-' Froduet aPProeal AccePt€lffi[: ffi[Iffi Cr*elrl C*rd $efe {}*s*::ipti*grrL. #&ted:e|. 8{s***ker *r" }Jante SBS and APP mociified Lritlln.1en i-cof svstenlslAql 1 Folyglass Madified Bitumen Rsof s?*e'il1is **.r use iri FBC **rt-tivfiZ jurisdictions. RzB.adf Verified &y: R.sfoe{t f{-ieri?inen F=-5S1S6 Created by Independent Third PartY: Yes Ev*{&rat}ers &€*}8rh R28.pdf Created hy lrdepend€nt Third par:y: Yes gn$ifr llEti srr ir'!slrL.{:*#,"'i5 Fr 16q4 R78 TT Fr 1654 R?a AE fl 16E4-,N?I N6 OO FINAI A1 FR PG Ft 1 684-)N)1 N6 Oq FTNAI FR PG {-5,B*Aes *f *3se Approved for use in flvHz: f{0 AFFr6v€d far a*se srrtsid€ l'iui{f: Yes 5,t?Sect &e$ist*!tk f#& Design Pressure: +N/Al-622.5 {}ttrr.*r: 1.) ?Xre d*sign pressG$"e iri *iis ap:],icat,{>$ r€i*t*s tc ane particular asse*lb{y sv€r c$$a-€te deck, Ref,er tc the ER Appendix fbr ather systems and deck typ€s" 2.) Refer r.o *:p? S*ttie* 5 fpr *titer fureits {if tlse. 3-i R*fer t* f-{-1*?17 for HVHZ jurisdictions. 2t2 Nrnno letc, Certifi cste af Autharizstion #3 2455 353 {firislien Strseq, *,}nlt #13 Oxford, CT 06478 trfrs} ?62-9?4s Tssr Consulr F*lygtass LJ$4, t**" 1111West Newport Center Drive ik*r',ii*i$ &r:a;l';, f L .-t3+,,i : (9s4) 233-1330 $cope: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P,E. fsr use of the product under tlre Florida Buiiding Cr:de. The pradutt described herein hes been ev*iualed foi- compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. Drscnrrxdx{: *mlyglass frfindifi*d Sittrnten B**f $Y$ter*s for us* in FBC n,on-HVHZ iurisdictions LnsruNe: Laheling shall he in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. eunttrut p Cotilpuaruce : -Ihis Evaluetiotl Report is valici until :uch time as lihe nalrred productis) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change' Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEIVO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quallty Assurance cr the production facillty locationis)' NEtu10 [TC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle, AovsRrtsrusrur: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMOletc. Evaluated" may be clispiayeri in advefiising literature. lf any portion of the Eualuation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. lNspEcnoNr Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or Its distributors and shall b* available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building O{ficial. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1" through 5, plus a 9S-page Appendix. Prepared by: €w*Suatism Report PS?98.*?.88-fi 26 FLr.654-R28 *ate of lssu***e: SglaSl;&fiS Revision 26: OG I 09 I 2O2L The faGirnile seal appearing was authsri:e{i by Rebert slel1dnefi, P.f. $jr tSlSSJ3SlL T,&in de€s r1flt.serYe 35 a* eiectronically sign ed document. d Robert J,M" Nieminen, P.E" f/i:nd<e &eelfser*trsr: i/ct. 5$3S$" ff*r;d* S}{.4 .4ffFI$$"S CERTTFtcATtoN oF INDEPENDENCE: :.. l\jE$,40 [-fC, Ll-C rjces not have, ncrr do*s it intend to acquire or wi]l it arquire. a financial interest in atry cotnpany rnanltlactlti'ing o,- distrilluting products it evaiuates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company rnanufacturing or distributing products for wiiich the evalrration reports are being issueci. 4. Robert Nieminen, P-E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5 This i: a building code evaluaiicn. Ileither l{EMO ETC, i"LC nor Rotrefi f''}ieminen, P.t, afe, in any wav, the Designer o{ Record far any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. O2018, NEMO ETC, LLC Nrnnoletc. ffi 0tli.{r'i6 $3 srrm$ Evgru*,:lsre: Product Category; Roofing Sub-Category: Modified Bitumen Roof Systems eompiiance Statemeflt: Polyglass Modified Bitumen ftoof Systems, as produceci by Polygiass USA, ln*', have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7'h Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the lnstallation Requirements and Limitaticr:s / Ccrrditi*ns *f Use set foi"th here i*. Section Propertv Standard 1504.3.1 Wind resistance FM 4474 Year : 20tt 1q4.1 ? 1 1504.6 L504.7 1507.10.2 fi47.!0.2 1,501 .11.2 1507.1L.2 15L-7. t 1.2 L507.11.2 1507.7L.2 1r/i^J -..-i-+-^-,!!lrLr Lt>rSedll\-E Accelerated weathering lmpact resistance Material standard Material star"rdarci Material standard Materialstandard nr -+-.-i-r -i --l-..1 Material standard Material standard I l, '1 QCf ASTM 6155 FM 4470, Section 4.6 ASTtvr D4601 ASTlvl Il48S 7 ASTM D6162 ASTNN D5153 llsTtul D{;16,4 ASTM D6222 ASTM D6509 2013 2016 2.4Q. f n/tc, 2015 2015 2411. 201s fntitv Exam Reference Date ERD(TST11294) tM4470/4474 PLYG-crL13e4s.os.17-1 5/3O/2O11 EcD{rsr11294) *n44'/al4!+14 P|vc-crlir545.cs.17'3 513012017 LFiD irsr6tr49l f:n ++7at4471 ,D:-irsi.'.e.t! 9110/20n9 ERD {15T6049) FM 4470/4474 Pr37'1a.oe.ae 9/1O/2OO9 Date : ERD (T5T6049) ERD (T516049) iiii:j iI:'i'i049) ERD (rST6049) ERD (T5T6049) ERD (T5T6049) EilD 1T516049) .Rii i-rsr5049) ERD (T5T6049i ERD (T5T6049) ERD {T516049) EnD 1Tl160iS) ERO (Ts16049) ERD iI516049) ERD (T516049) IRD {T5T6049) ifiD ii5 i5,J4!) ERD {T516049) ERD {TST5049) rRD (1516049) ERD i 15160491 ERO {T5T6049) ERD (15T6049) ERD (TST5049) ERD (rST5049) iF,D lls16u4-!i ERD irST6049) ERD (15T6049) ERD (1516049) ER$ i rSTSCrig) ERD (1516049) rM 1rsr1867) Fr\,4 (TST1867) FM {-1511867) tM 447A/4474 FM 4470/4474 rr,r __ll0,llll D6163 D6509 D6163 Fin f.i70/4474 D6164 D6164 / GLss FM 4470/4474 iJ1601 D46C1 D6163 lTable 2) D6164 / G1s5 tM 447A/4474 D616:1 ,/ 0155 D6163 / G155 D6162 FM 4471 ttu1 447A/4474 rM 447014414 FM 44701447 4 Fl\4 44,"0t4474 !i- 18-07 FM 4470/4414 FM 447O/4474 FM 447A/4474 i:il,] 4478144711 Ft\4 $1A/4474 FM 4470 FM 4470 FN,l .4470 P30540.11.09-R1 P30550.12.09 rs317i.0l.il. P37590.03.13-1-R1 P37590.03.13-2-R1 c??qoo nl 1 1-q-p i ,'is650.ir3.1i P37590.03.13-3A P37590.07.13-1 P41630.08.13 f.:15E43 t9.13 P443;0.10.i3 P33960.05.14 P35660.10.14 sc516{1 11.1.1 1.lirl11'.r_ 11 r(-1 P45440SC.03.15-2-R 1 sc5170.05.15 sc8085.05.15 lcii7.1.11.:: 5C9455.15 PLYG-SC8905.05.16-1 PtYG-SC8905.05.15-2 PLY6 5C1rr315 07.16-Ri ! !YG-SCi.:52i.14-15 P1YG.SC11475.16 PLYG SC13235.O1.17 PLYG 5C13920.05.1? PLIG-5iiJS.il.Ci, i7 PLYG-SC15?6C.0-q.17 2W7 A7 .AM OD3A3.AM 2DOAC,AM 11/30/2009 1?/2/20oe 3/15;l0ii 3i 1s/2011 zls/2013 2/5120t3 2/6 2A1-1ji'1iltt) 3/6/ZA]3 7 /2/201"3 8/6/2013 9/,1120I3 LAl4/2013 s1812014 LO/3/2A14 11,110.12C14 3i !)l2A$ 3/3L/20rs s/8/20ls sl19/2A$ Dl2,at2'ii5 4l712o\$ sl17 /2Ot6 5111 120L6 a !') " /) n1c iri 7)l2iJi:;> 11/17/2016 a/a7 /2077 s/3a/2017 si3c,i2ti7 9lfll2Afi 8/4/1e94 4/4/1997 I 212311SS8 FM (TST1867) Flr {rsl1867} ii\,1 {rrTi867j FM (rST1867) FM (rsr1867) FM {TSr1867) iM ii5it367l FM (T511867) FM {TSr1867) FM (TSr1867) :t4 {r5T1867) iM iT5i_r86/) NEMO {T5T6049) NEMO {T5T6049) NEMO (1516049) Niluc i isibrl9) NEMO (1516049) NEMO (T516049) NEMO (T5T6049) NEiro {T5T6049} r{Etvio lfsr5049) NEMO (IST6O49) NEMO (T5T6049) NEMO iTST5049i iiilivlLl {-19T60491 N!e4O {T516049) NEMO (T5T6049) NtMo (T5T6049) NFMC {1ST6C49) lil!lvlO {iS160,19) NEMO {rS16049) NEMO (T516049) NEMO irsr6049) NEi\,1O iIJi0049l NEMO (T516049) NEMO (T5T6049) NEMO {TST5O49) NEMO (rST60a9) FM 4470 FM 441A/4474 i:|\i1 44;0/4;174 FM 4470/4414 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 rM 1479 j4a7,1 tM 447A14411 FM 4470/4474 FM 4474 FM 4474 flvl 4470 Criticality tM 4474 Critlcality D4837 Ftu1 4474 06164 FM 4474 D6163 06162 i'G155 Criticality tM 4474 D5r 63 D522? / C1!s 06222 / G15s D6164 Criticality D6154 D6i64 / G155 FM 4474 D4601 D61,64 D61S4 i G1.55 D6222 I Glss rM 4474 FM 4474 D6154 3420703 3C1833: i0::363 3A24594 3023458 3030663 3.332\1 2 3C496:i 3057029 3001334 3C14751 30C71r-3 45-PLYG-18-001.06.18 4L-PtYG-18-003.08.18 4S-PLYG-18-001.10.13 45,?l1C- 13-0C.i. 1 i.i8"-l 4L-PLYG-18-003.1i.18 4S-PLYG-18-002.11.18-3 4L-PLYG-18-003.01.19 4S- P L\iG - 18-00:. 0 1. 1-a-A 4s-PLYG-iE-0C2.C1.19'B 2i-PLYG-19-SSCRT-01.4 4L-PLYG-18-003.04. 19-A 4S,ptv6-18-002.05.19,H 4t !i\ic-19-iJ:.35.1+ a 45-PfYG i6-002.05.ig-D 4S-PLYG-18-002.05.19-N 4S-PLYG-18-001.06.19.A .4S-qLYG-18 t02.0B.iS-l ,tS-PlYG-18 o02.09.19- j 4a iCP-19-LSWUS-01.A 4q PLYG 19 SSMBB-02 A 4q-PLYG-19-SSMBB-O4.A !iq-PL|G-!3-55M3r.04 e 4q-PLYG-19-SSl!1BB-05.A 4a"PLYG-20-ISWUS-01.A 4a-PLYG-20-LSWU5-02.A 4q-PLYG-20'SSMBB 04-A 7 l30/2AO4 1!31!2AA6 3i 20/2006 s/23/2OO6 7118/2006 9/12/2007 6i'1.;-,/:$0-.i 4lzLl20i1 2/2/2017 t/2s/?000 B/71 /2()A3 !]3l)a0t 6/23/20L8 8/21/2018 $/312aL8 i1;/16/2018 ili281 2018 TL/28/2078 1/t],/2019 1.1?4/2A19 i.i75i2At9 2/5/2AB 4/8/2019 s/20/)019 r r /a.,t)ia q 5120i10L9 sl31/201s 7 /17 12019 9,617A19 9/61){)\9 Tt/8/2079 12/12/2079 1/2/2O2O I i: i )(. )(t l lBj2A)0 8128/2020 10/s/2020 1A 2112020 NEMOETC, tLC Cerf*M d Astfrtrecti,t #32455 7rHEDrraoN (2020) FBC NOftl-HVHZ ElrALt ATloN Poffiass MoSrfred gifi*nefi *oof qpterfis Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R25 r , .r-:rir ii.l:r ftevision ztr: $610s12021 Page 2 of 5 NEMO ETC, tLC fr erai&ete qrAt$tfi0{n'6&8r} #31455 Ee{erer_{r_ /H ED|TION (2020) rBC ]{ON-I{VHZ EVATUATION Fr{yglass Modified Bitun}efi Roaf S},stems Eualuation Report P9290.02.O8-R26,, Re risiofl 26: 061S9/2SZI Page 3 of 5 tt*5s FM (rsr1867) FM (rsr1867) Flvi {TST1867) !i!,i ir5T1867) FM (T5T1867) FM {TSr1867) FM (TSr1857) iM ir:iTi8a,7r FM tT5T1867) 2D5A9.AM 3006646 3CC035l 3001334 3006115 301232i !i|:iat)': 30193i7 'rt'A ++tq Criticality TAS 114 TAS .i14 TAS 114 TAS 114 TAS 1.14 Piap. for Re,,'. Quallty C0ntroi Qualaty Control Sxery FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 Flvi 447C FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 447C P$& 6/2211999 1.14/2000 1lQ/n$ 1rr12,r2000 2/rs/2ao0 s/2/200L 7/29/2A02 s/!i ?.llc3 5l3al7OO4 4a-PLYG-21-LSWUS{1.A 4i.PLYG.21.LSWU5.O2.A P1 l!A'1 8a-0ir -1ll PUSA-:38 02-02 PUSA-188-02-03 PUSA-202-02-01 PUSA 202-02-0? 1i-03:,: 5eftiae Conirrm Florida BCIS .ffteY NEMO {Tsr6049} NEMO (T516049) PRI ( IS?5878) FBi i15i:876) PRr (TSr5878) PRr {TST5878) PRr (rsTs878) v 0 faiiii5!2: UL (QUA9625i uL (QUA9625) SE{ryff1ss Nrnno letc. 'u/r7;oz, 617lTAU. ? /8/?011 )!8/2Ail 2/8/2017 5/17 /2017 5/17 12017 tli]Lll2llt-) 9l{rl2afi Current Thrs tvaiuatiofi fteport covers Polyglass Msdified Bitumen Roof Systems instaiiecJ in accordance with Folyglass USA, lnc. pubiished installation insti"uctions and the Liinltations / Conditii:ns of Use herein. Jlqa rvqr u ii i"l/A ALPolyglass Gl Base ASTM D4601 FLASTM D4601 I N/APolyflex SA Base PA,ASTM D4601 IJ N/sEiastobase SA ASIM D4897 N/A NiA PAElastove nt ASTM D6509 N/A N/A FL Base Sheeis Polybase Y (formerly "Polyglass Base") A-STi\4 D6222 I S FLPolybond FLASTM D6222 I 5 APP, Smnoth- Surtace Membranes Polyflex FLASTM D5222 I GPolybond G i G rLPolyflex G ASTM D6222 ASTM D6222 I G FLPolyflex G FR I G NVPolyfresko G ASTM D6222 I G NVA,STlr D6222Potrl.fresko 6 FR G FL, TXASTM 06222 IPolyflex SA P G TXASTM D6222 IPolyflex SA P FR G NVFclyfreskc G 5A ASTM 06222 I I G NV APP, Granule- Surface Menibrranes Polyfresko G SA FR ASTM D6222 ASTM D6162 s FL, PAElastoshield VP H\ (t'ormerly "Elostoshield HT") ASI'ltil D6163 I FLElastobase Y (formerly "Elastabdse") s rLElastoflex V ASTM D6163 I FL, PA, TXASTM D6163 I SElastoflex 5A V rL, PA, TXElastotlex SA V FR ASTfu{ D6163 I S ASTM D6163 I s FL, TXElastoflex SA V Plus s FL, TXElastoflex SA V Plus FR ASTM 06163 I i S FL, TXilastobase P ASTM D6164 ASTM D6164 I 5 PA, TXElastoflex SA Base HD ASTI\,1 D6164 I S FLtlastofiex S6 ASTM D5164 I S PAEiastoshield TS NVElastoflex 56 HP ASTM D6164 il S I 5 FL SBS, Smooth- Surlace lu4embranes Folyref le ct AS'TM D6164 TAB|E 1: {!'.4r"{.rerEfi [v!rMs*.&#[s Type Product Plant{s} Reference TyPe 6rade Iil 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Nrruo etc. This is a Building Code Evaiuation. Neither fiiEfvlO ETC, LLC nor Rooert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, islwas used for permitting rr drsigr"r guiiance unless reteineci :pecificaliy for- that purpose- This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e., Broward and Miami-Dade Counties). This tvaluation Report pertain! to above-deck roof conrpcn*nts. Rooi decks and siru.turai members shail be irt accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembiy fire ciassification. Refer to FBC 2$03 for requirernents and limitations ccncerning the use of foam plastic insulation. This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of roof edgetermination. Referto FBC 1504'5 for requirements and iimitaticns regarding edge securernent for iow-slope r+ofs. Refer to FBC 1511 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. For mechanically attached cornponents over existing roof decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the rninimum requirements for the system. Testing shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI Fx-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. For boncied insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof (tear off ) or recover installation, the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. lf any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question, field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI lA- 3., ASTM E907, FM Loss Pre\rentisn Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124 shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation, the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satlsfaction of the Ai:thority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124. Refer to Appendix L for system attachmeirt requirements for wlnd ioad resistance. "MDP" = lVlaximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to l margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been appiied). Refer to FBC 1609 for detei"minatiofi of design winci loaos. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R26 5.6 s.6.1 (Al s.6.3 5.7 5.7.1 NEMO ETC, LLC C€rc48rof€ sf.qlrd,oxiadtfoE! #3J455 7rH EDITION {2020} FBC NO}l-FIVHZ EVALLTATNQN Fotyg{ass Mrrdifieei Bitumen ftt,$f sys{enrs FL1654-RZA fi evision 2{i: O$lS9l2$21 Page 4 of 5 Reference Type Grade +,ta{t{ts, ASTM D6162 ill GElastoshield HT G lti G FLElastoshield l"{T G FR ASTM D6162 G FL, PAElastoflex V G ASTM D6163 I FI PAAST|\,-4 D6163 I GElastoflex V G FR FL, PAASTI\,1 D6164 l cEiastoflex 55 6 FLASTM D6164 I GElastoflex 56 6 FR AST'\.4 D6164 I G Ft TXElastoshield TS C G FL, TXElastoshield l"S G FR A\ I iVI iJb Ib4 i G FL, TXElastoflex 5A P ASTM D6164 I I 6 EI TVElasteflex SA P FR ASTM D6154 SBS, Granule Surface Membranes "f'r!.$r[ :[ {*r:uit*rxu *} : E\l,.s|tJ*rlt} F*t t trIsfi.& 1,}fi s Materi*l St**dard TYB*Fr*si*et trt 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.8 Nrruo letc. lirr' qr*iil;ni{;iil! ;iit*tli{:C it'rtli:,:il*:nlr i:r ;:;lti;i1t-i::*nn'td ;ruiaticn, ti'ri+ *tt:;litt:ull rlc:ig'r' pi,-isi" r'i: io ih'- selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. Flevated oressLrre zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WDl, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137' Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section ?.2"1O.L of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 {February 30?0} fcr Zorre 213 enhancernents. For assemblies with all components fully bonded in place, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is ptrrnilied fr)r tnese systerlls. All components in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3. Refer to the Product Approval of the component manufacturer for components listed in Appendix l that are produc€d by a Procluci tvlanufacturer other than the report holder or: Page l- of this Evaiuation Report' Polyglass Modified Bitumen ftsoi $ystents shall be irrstaiied in accordance with Folyglass USA, lne. pui:iisheu installetion instri"rctions, subiect to the Limitations I Conditions of Use noted herein. As lequrred by tire Buildirrg Ofiisrai or Authority Having Jurisciiction to prnperiy evaluate tlre installation qf this prodtrct. Contact the named if,A entity for manulacturir-rg f.aciiities covered by F.A.C, Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements' ilefer to Section 4 herein for proclttcts and prcduction locations having met eodifiecl material standards. UL, LI-C - QtiA9S25: {414) 248-6409, karen.buchmann@ul.com . THE 9&-PAGES THAT FCILLOW FARM PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPART . NEMOETC, LLC fsrff€sre dAst}wre$$ HS 21155 7TH EOITION {2020} FBC SION-I{VHZ EVALUATION Fnlyglass Modified Eiftrnren Rool SYstems Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R26 Fr1654*R28 Revkion zsr $$Jt!912$31 Page 5 of 5 Nrruo letc.Re*{ Cov*rBase Shei:tMtrP(.'s{}fssten {itlote X3.}Attachilere PlycapSystf;fiNc^Decli {Not(: L}Type_41"1 qTrufa$t Ver$a Fastaners (min. %" penetrmtion) &plete*; l sqr*ws F&i'plat$ in (ent*r hals+Ndfei 'rr'er$o-Fost F/rtes shsil bc primed wlthP61#0 ar A$TM 041 prirn*r.$^inch o.c, at min, *in*h lap and S-ineh a"r,at fot;r {4), eq*xlly spa*ed (snter rslvs5fiS-Sn.!-l5AS. 1 AAFA rated, 19/*2{AT, 0,s78 in,,Hxposur$ X O$H *rmin. 1$lB2" APArated phlw0odEta$tohase V (poly"fiimtopJw-a{}7l.tote:util i ;cd to ;}ftLd uce ni n i t; uit t wiliir}ow*l tesisr:ll*reltoof {-*v*r (rui]tc 15!&4DP {psf}llase illyPivCap Ply$yst*fi!t$fi.*eck {H*t€ 1iPriIilerJilint 1rratmr*tSrrF"AililErl::Elast*flex SA V Pluc0r Elest0fley SA VPIus Ffr(0ptional) $BS"9A, ss$-TA, APP"TAs&n"sA, AFp-sA,sffi -T& App-rA."52,Sw..i$3AFA rdted,?11.6 CAT/fr"418 ln,,f,xposut* 1 O5*N*ne05& jsint$ frre csvered r,vith 4-inth wide Etrips of Els$t0flex $A V, rsll#d intsplaee to *rnate ($ntinuaus bonir.-90.sSBS,::A{0prionai) sBS-$4, sBs"YA, APP.TA$&s"5A, App-54,S&$.TA, APP-TAw;.1r9tu1in. 1:il:1:2-in{h piil'rvoodN ilrrarN*n&-97.1N*irr585 3r\{fi ptional} sBS-54, SB5-"TA, APP-TASE$"SA, APP-SA,sn$"T& App-TAw"?10Min. 1$/3?-lrrch plywoodpfr1il{:}'9?.$Plywuod jsints are covered with 4-in6h rrrid€ strips of $lastoflex SA V Plus, rolledints place 1B creat$ cofitinuous hond.Elasrnl'lex 5.,1 V orIlastr:Jlex 54 V FR(ftption*l) sB5"$4, SB$-TA,,APF-T,S5ES-SA, App-SA,5S$"TA, APP.TAw..21:1.tulin. 1$13?-inth plywood(0ptional) FG100105.nPTjLYBRI,r, 745oi it/B3c{r1itN*t{]SBS :,AISptional] 585"$A, SB5"TA, APP-TA$BS.5A, APP.SA,SB5.TA, AFP-TAw-.J12h4in. 15132-iri(h plywood,135,0PIV'"l,sod J*ints are cover*d with 4"inch wide ctrips of Elastoficx SA V Plus, rolledi0t0 plac* ts create contlnuou* hund,Elastoflex SA l, Plur0r Els$toflex $A VFlus FR{Optionfl l) Se5"SA, S B$"TA, APP-TA$s$"sA, App-54,SN$"TA, APP.TAw.;13Min. 15132-ineh plywood(Qpiionali rtfi101](*ptionaU APr"T,A([]rLionaii rfi10irN*rl{iAPF NA H,90.{:APP.TAllYB$r$ SYs'w-114 IIAPP.!i1- HAlP.TA13s.-flw.2x5Min. xS/32-irrch piywood(0ptional) PG10fiPlywood joints are covcred with 4-ineh wide strips cf Elastaflex SA V Plus, rolledint0 place t{, creat* eon[iiluous bond.(0ptionsl) APP-TAHYEBI* SY!NEMO ETC, LtCeertifleate of Autho!'ization #3245562018 NEMO rTC, tt.c7H EDrflOr{ (2020} FBC NON-HVHZ EVATUATIONPolyglass Modi{led Bitunnen Roof Systerns; (S54} 2tB-1330ilvaluation R*psft Pgego,0?.fi8-R?6 for tlL654'R28nevision 36: 0SlS9/20?1Appendlx t, Page 36 of $8!'"'iin. L5;ii2-irlrh plvvsood 16 Vapor harrier *ptionsforus*over*tructur*leoncr*tedeekfollowsdhybond*dinsulationcbrrythefollovJinffMEpiimitetlqns. ThelesseroftheMDPlirtinB$helolvv*"thosoinTable34applies,Nrrvro letc.Evaluatioft Beport F9290.0?.08-fr26 for Ft1654'R28Revi$ion 2€,1 b$ / Og llA2LAPP*ndix 1, Page 4 *f 98NEMO ETC, tI"CCertificate *f Autiiorizatieil #32rtr5502018 NEMO ETC, LLC71H EDITTON {2020} FBC NON-HVHZ EVATUATTONFnlyglass Modifled Bitumen RoofSysterfl*; (954) 433-13&0fi[rE]c{iile Ei--fiYrft**l-.s5v$1uEl.,t}$!i:{i^!qrti}lltryL, "- ,*..--*-MAitifrrAt -** =- *ls&s"sA-r"i($85, self"Adh6rinS, f lyhrid ly$t6ms)Sasi] lllyflastobd$e SA5r.,!f-adhtring {follc,,vqrdh'v iorrir-appli*d sher:i)sB$"sA(5H5, Self-Adhering)Basir illvOne or more plies Elastoflex SA V, gla$toflex 5AV F&, Ela$t*flex SA V Pius, Elastoflex 5A V Plus FR, Eialtoflex 5A Basm HD$lastofisx $A F, Elastcifl*x SA P FR, p*iyreflqet:ii;li-Adlii*iingIV#urt"j{1less. {}therwi$e n6t*d, per*issibi{. mentt}rGne 4#ixtr#trs /o, 5}:}5-54 err* lirrifed to t&e s8,t--SA Brts* Ply rsplionr *erein,l.'Jasto{irrse y {,. S/ort{ifunse p $rith tr *aly-fiinl foi}.5rrlo({'.APP.CAlCap Fly!'*lyflt v. ti FRpfi350 st 1.5"?.0g*llsq uareAPP-TA,{APP, l'-rrilh-A[iillied]Ba*j PIV or FlyOiie or rtlcire iri;{r5 Pc;\,Iase V, Polyili'r, P<-rl;ri16661frr'ch-i.lt pliedCap i:lyFslyflex, Polyflex 6, F*lyflex S fR, P*iybond, Folyhmnd G, Polyfresko 6, F*iyfresko G ffiAPP.SA"H(AFP, self-Adherln6, l"lybrid $ystems)Bas* PlyP*lyfler. $A Bltt5*lf-ad h*ring {{ullowetlbv torch";rppli*d she*t)AFP-S/r{AFP, Stlf"Adherlng)Cap: PlvPolyfl*x SA P. Fnlyflex $A P Fft, Polyfresko fr SA, P*lyfresk* 0 SA flfr$elf-Adh*rinslV*te;L,nless *flrerwer e nawd, perr*lssible menl{ rore srr. Jfrdtss Jor ,4FP-S"1 ilrc lii,lited te f}s S*?S-SA Edstt Ply {rptiot}! trereit:r,fioJtob{i.xe y rif trl0rrff].f:ose F with a tt*lyiilm tap s'axfat4,*FTt(3r{#rRrM8frLfAPO* [}ARtrlrfiI N5!J r-ATt{} t\l ADF.} rj$ tVEfiii sP (l:5p)rYP[ iruorfi rs]&FPLICAT!ON{"vB-x.Ftll.00i:lastt)ilrx Si V Plu:;$elf-Ae{heringS"lS or {R-20, X}-inch *,c.,60,0f-vB-?,P{:;1iloi:'rllyha;* V-iorch.applitt*S"l$ or efi-20, I*"inch *,e.75.{i["vB-s,f:{;100f lasti.:tkx SA relf-;\* heri nlifr-15, 12-lnch o.n,75,t)e-vB-4,F{t:r.00Polyl'L:r or frr:i'ybon riTorch-appli*dlVl"0SFA, M-PS-J,, OB5fr$ or fR"?0, l?-;nch o.{,111 1e-vB-*q.Itr(;100{lastoiiex Sr1. P$elf-AdheringM"05rA, L?-ineh o"c,_1 q? q{"vB-6,Ft;100Polyl'lex or I'*lyhond-lorcir -a pplieilM-05FA, M-PS"[, OBS0S or {{1"20, S-ineh o,0..185"0(-vB-7.p$ J.00Iiasfi;fiex SA ['5*lf-,rril heriniifl11"20, l"l"inch *.c..27(.t)i,-VB-8.pli 100Elastofiex sA V, flastoflex $A V Fn, Elastofl$x SA V Plus, Elastoflex SA V Plus FRSelf-AciheringM"0SFA, fi4-Ps-1,085*0 0refl-20, L?-inch o,e..74A.?,(:-vB-1).Fitr I00$BS-T,4 {with sanded-top-surface}Torch-appliedM-SSFA, ll-P6"1.. OBSi)O orCR"20, il?-inch o.c.-24L\.lATPLICA?ISNT.4rir"E 3A:GYVAplr11