HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Auth Letter - Hutchinson Island - AVA Construction 08.20.2021 H(,e)twire� COMMUNICATIONS hotwirecommunications.com To Whom It May Concern: 08/20/2021 This letter is to authorize Andrew Anderson, the owner of AVA Construction, permission to carry out and request building services in connection with the construction project at Hutchinson Island Club, 10410 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Furthermore, Ava Construction assumes the responsibility for any cost in connection with these requests. Martin C. Mohr Executive Vice President of Construction Hotwire Communications Signed on behalf of Marty Mohr by authorized signatory Erin Jackson Digitally signed by Erin N.Jackson Erin N Jackson DN:cn=Erin N.Jackson,o,ou, email=erinnoellejackson@gmail.com,c=US Date:2021.08.20 12:10:55-04'00' 3 East Bala Plaza, Suite 700 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004