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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPipe Penetration (fire stop) System No.C-AJ-1529
November 8,2004
F Rating-2 Hr
T Rating-0 Hr
L Rating at Ambient-Less Than 1 CFM/sq ff
4B 1
P ,
2 4A
Section A-A
1.Floor or Wall Assembly-Min 2-1/2 in.(64 mm)thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight(100-150 pcf or 1600-2400 kg/m3)concrete floor or min 5 in.(127 mm)thick reinforced
lightweight or normal weight concrete wall.Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*.Max diam of opening is 10-1/2 in.(267 mm).
See Concrete Blocks(CAZT)category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers.
2.Metallic Sleeve(Optional)-Cylindrical sleeve fabricated from min 0.013 in.(0.330 mm)thick(No.30 gauge)galv steel sheet and having a min 1 in.(25 mm)lap along the longitudinal
seam.Sleeve to be flush with top and bottom surfaces of floor or both surfaces of wall. Sleeve to be installed by coiling the sheet metal to a diam smaller than the through opening,inserting
the coil through the opening and releasing the coil to let it uncoil against the opening in the floor or wall.
3.Through Penetrants-One metallic pipe,conduit or tubing to be installed either concentrically or eccentrically within the firestop system.The space between pipe,conduit or tubing and
periphery of opening shall be min 0 in.(point contact)to max 1-7/8 in.(48 mm).Pipe,conduit or tubing to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly.The following types
and sizes of metallic pipes,conduits or tubing may be used:
A.Steel Pipe-Nom 8 in.(203 mm)diam(or smaller)Schedule 10(or heavier)steel pipe.
B.Iron Pipe-Nom 8 in.(203 mm)diam(or smaller)cast or ductile iron pipe.
C.Conduit-Nom 4 in.(102 mm)diam(or smaller)steel electrical metallic tubing or nom 4 in.(102 mm)diam(or smaller)steel conduit.
D.Copper Tubing-Nom 4 in.(102 mm)diam(or smaller)Type L(or heavier)copper tubing.
E.Copper Pipe-Nom 4 in.(102 mm)diam(or smaller)Regular(or heavier)copper pipe.
4.Firestop System-The firestop system shall consist of the following:
A.Packing Material-Min 2 in.(51 mm)thickness of 4 pcf(64 kg/m3)mineral wool Batt insulation firmly packed into opening as a permanent form.Packing material to be recessed from top
surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall to accommodate the required thickness of fill material.
B.Fill,Void or Cavity Material*-Caulk-Min 1/2 in.(13 mm)thickness of fill material applied to completely fill annulus and lap min 1/4 in.(6 mm)onto top surface of floor or both
surfaces of wall assembly.At the point contact location,a min 3/8 in.(10 mm)diam bead of sealant shall be applied at the concrete/pipe interface on the top surface of floor or on both
surfaces of wall assembly.
TREMCO INC-TREMstop Intumescent Acrylic
*Bearing the UL Classification Mark
Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.
See UL Fire Resistance Directory for additional information.