HomeMy WebLinkAbout» A-1018-DGR _ Waterproof Pipe Penetration Thru Exterior WallsProVent Penetration Systems 11/1/21, 1:00 PM »A-1018-DGR—Waterproof Pipe Penetration Thru Exterior WallsProVent Penetration Systems (https://proventsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/A-1018-DGR.pdf) WATERPROOF PIPE PENETRATION FOR PASSING THROUGH EXTERIOR WALLS TO WATERPROOF PROSET CAULK PASS THROUGH PIPE UNDER FLANGE (BY OTHERS) PRUSEAL PLU P-10 SLEEVE OPLG. E-Z FLEX COUPLING WITH MOUNTING P-47 FLANGE-P43 __�____ (https://proventsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/A-1018- IMPORTANT NOTES: 1.Insert the sleeve coupling into the cored hole after using ProSet caulk around the flange.. 2.Anchor mounting flange to the concrete through the holes in the flange.. 3.Insert&Solvent cement the E-Z Flex couplings into one or both sides of the coupling. 4.Insert the pass through pipe through the sleeve and install the split ProSeal Plugs around the pipe into the F-Z Flex couplings,tighten d—on the clamp worm to seal and waterproof the penetration. Note:Use ProSet's Special Solvent Cement to join the flexible coupling into the rigid fitfing. W.H.Directory Reference 97 Edition , DATE Firestop Device 1 .�1 PR<>SET 4 7 15 For waterproofing Only `V�1►® or<e.NO. F Rating 2 Hrs. FIe EST;r I=ENETe-`T:�IM A-1018Di DGR.pdf) Overview: Waterproof Pipe Penetration Thru Exterior Walls N View part numbers and pricing (https://proventsystems.com/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/A-1018-DGRp.pdf) No Firestop Ratings Required Alternate Method Drawings for Consideration: Firestop Specifications: Use ProSet Firestop penetrators or equal for all pipe penetrations and fixture openings through fire rated floors and walls. Building required system numbers by Warnock Hersey testing shall be submitted to the build. ProSet custom builds all of the Penetrators shown on the above details plus many more that are not shown.We make Penetrators that extend up to the finish floor when topping is used.We make special Penetrators for various types of Privacy-Terms https://proventsystems.com/a-1018-dgr/ 1/2 1111121, 1:00 PM »A-1018-DGR—Waterproof Pipe Penetration Thru Exterior WallsProVent Penetration Systems preformed shower floors. We have special waterproof Penetrators for swimming pool systems and other service type waterproof penetrations for water, gas and electric piping. If you are in need of any special type of sleeve Penetrator,we should be able to make it.We are here to provide innovative solutions for all our customers. Privacy-Terms https://proventsystems.com/a-1018-dgr/ 2/2