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Product Approval
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FL# FL27499-R4
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Dynamic Metals
Address/Phone/Email 3201 SE Dominica Terace
Stuart, FL 34997
Authorized Signature Lara Jesus
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Metal Roofing
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Scott Wolters
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-62354
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc.
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/06/2026
Validated By Lucas A.Turner,P.E., MBA
Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL27499 R4 COI Dyn COI.pdf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
TAS 100 1995
TAS 110 2000
TAS 125 2003
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Optiorr D
Date Submitted 04/18/2021
Date Validated 04/30/2021
Date Pending FBC Approval 05/03/2021
Date Approved 06/OT/2021
Summary of Products II
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FL# Model,Number or Name Description
27499.1 DM Class 1000 1" Nailstrip 26 Ga. galvalume coated steel roof panel, 16"wide,with 1"
snap fit seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4991 Dwg,pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. j FL27499 R4 AE 4991 Eval.pdf
1 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.2 DM Class 1000 1"Nailstrip, .032"Aluminum roof panel, 16"wide,with 1"snap fit seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4992 Dwg.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4992 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.3 rDM Class 1050 1 1/2"Nailstrip .032"Aluminum Roof Panel, 19"Wide,with 1 1/2"snap fit
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4993 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters, P.E. FLPE#62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4993 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
r27499�F DM Class 1050 1 1/2"Nailstrip 24 Ga. Galvalume coated steel roof panel, 19"wide,with 1
i 1/2"snap fit seams
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4994 Dwg.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters, P.E. FLPE#62354
Impact Resistant! N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4994 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.5 R DM Class 1150 1"Mechanical Seam .032"Aluminum roof panel,21"wide,with 1"standing seams.
Limits of Use i Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4995 Dwg,pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters FLPE#62394
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eva[ Report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4995 Eval.pdf
I Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
27499.6 DM Class 1150 1" Mechanical Seam .032"Aluminum roof panel, 21"wide,with 1"standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL27499 R4 II 4996 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters FLPE#62394
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
I Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Installation Drawings and Eval Report for FL27499 R4 AE 4996 Eval.pdf
Limits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.7 DM Class 1150 1" Mechanical Seam 26 Ga. Ga[valume coated steel roof panel, 21"wide,with 1"
standing seams.
Limits of Use j Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4997 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters FLPE#62394
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other:Please see Installation Drawings and Eval Report for FL27499 R4 AE 4997 Eval.pdf
Limits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
27499.8 DM Class 1500 1 1/2" Mechanical .032"Aluminum roof panel, 20"wide,with 1 1/2"standing
Seam seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4998 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4998 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.9 _ rDClass 1500 1 1/2" Mechanical 16 oz. Copper roof panel, 16"wide,with 1 1/2"standing
m seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 4999 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 4999 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
27499.10 DM Class 1500 1 1/2"Mechanical 26 Ga.galvalume coated steel roof panel, 16"wide,with 1 1/2"
Seam standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49910 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other:Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49910 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
27499.11 I
DM Class 1500 1 1/2" Mechanical 032"Aluminum roof panel, 16"wide,with 1 1/2"standing
Seam seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49911 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports --�
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49911 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
~27499.12 DM Class 1500 1 1/2" Mechanical 24 Ga.galvalume coated steel roof panel, 16"wide,with 1 1/2"
Seam standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49912 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eva[ report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49912 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.13 DM Class 1500 1 1/2"Mechanical 24 Ga. galvalume coated steel roof panel, 20"wide,with 1 1/2"
Seam, standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49913 Dwg,_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure. N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eva] report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49913 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
27499,14 DM Class 1750 1 3/4"Snaplock 24 Ga. Galvalume coated steel roof panel, 18"wide,with 1
3/4"Snaplock seams,attached to metal deck.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49914 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters, P.E. FLPE#62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49914 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.15 DM Class 1750 1 3/4"Snaplock 032"Aluminum roof panel, 18"wide,with 1 3/4"Snaplock 1
seams,attached to metal deck.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49915 Dwg_pdf
fi Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
( Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
f Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49915 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.16 DM Class 1750 1 3/4"Snaplock .032"aluminum roof panel, 18"wide,with 1 3/4"Snaplock
Limits of Use _ Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II A9916 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49916 Eval.gdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.17 DM Class 1750 1 3/4"Snaplock 24 Ga.galvalume coated steel roof panel, 18"wide,with 1 3/4"
Snaplock seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II A9917 dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49917 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.18 DM Class 2000 2"Mechanical Seam .032 Aluminum roof panel, 18"wide,with 2"standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions T
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49918 Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49918 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
27499.19 DM Class 2000 2"Mechanical Seam 24 Ga.galvalume coated steel roof panel, 18"wide,with 2"
standing seams.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL27499 R4 II 49919 Dwg,pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49919 Eval.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
127499.20 DM Class 500 5V Crimp 26 Ga. galvalume coated steel roof panel, 24"wide,with 5V
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL27499 R4 II 499ZO Dwg_pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Wolters 62354
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: Please see Eval report for Limits of Use. FL27499 R4 AE 49920 Eval.pdf
( Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
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0 tv',aNt
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Product Approval Accepts:
15211 971h Road N
West Palm Beach, FL 33412
I v A V'EST PALM BEACH, FL 33411"1
To all concerned,
The DM Class 1000 Series 26 Ga. Galvalume I" Nailstrip 16"Wide Roof Panel, manufactured by Dynamic
Metals LLC, is a non-structural galvalume coated Fluropon painted steel roof panel (50 ksi min) that meets the
requirements of Sections 1507.4 and 1518.9 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. The panel has been
tested per TAS 100 and TAS 125 by Intertek with results shown in test reports G3443.40-450-44 and G3443.14-
450-44, and per TAS 110 by PRI Construction Materials Technologies, with results shown in test reports VLS-004-
02-01 and VLS-005-02-01.
Technical Documentation:
1. Drawing "NSS16-HZ"dated 8115/19, signed and sealed by Scott Wolters, PE.
2. Test Reports listed above by Architectural Testing, Inc, signed and sealed by Vinu Abraham, PE, and
by PRI Construction Materials Technologies, signed and sealed by Zachary R Priest, PE.
3. Supplemental Calculations to support"NSS16-HZ"drawing,signed and sealed by Scott Wolters, PE.
I have reviewed this submittal per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005
(4). Based on the limitations listed below and those provided in the documents above, this product meets all the
requirements of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code generally, and chapter 15 specifically, including the
HVHZ provisions,
Limitations: This panel is approved for use inside and outside of the HVHZ,
Overall Limitations: Maximum Panel Width: 16" (nominal)
Fastener Spacing across panel: 16" (at Nailstrip)
(Panels overlap with male/female snap fit)
Min, Slope: HVHZ: 2'712"
Non-HVHZ: 1/2"/12"(with Lap Sealant)
3"/12" (no Lap Sealant in Field Zone)
Field Perimeter& Corner
Installation Installation
.Max. Design Pressure: -116 psf -176 psf
Fastener Spacing: 3"From Ends, 6" Max. O.C. 3" From Ends, 6" Max. O.C.
Min Panel Fasteners: #10x1" Panclip Fasteners #10x1" Panclip Fasteners
Panel Sealant: Continuous bead of Geocel 2300
Ior 2320 at Nailstrip side of seam-,--
Fire Barrier: Where required by code, install an approved fire barrier. Refer to a Current
fire directory listing for fire ratings of this roofing system assembly as well
as the location of the fire barrier within the assembly. (See note#2 below)
Note: Outside of the HVHZ, V round plastic caps meeting the requirements of
FBC Section 1507,1.1.1, may be used to prevent galvanic reactions.
Underlayment: Minimum ASTM D 226 Type 11, installed and anchored per FBC Section
1507.1,11 (min),
Any underlayment with a valid FLPA or Miami-Dade NOA
Note: Outside of the HVHZ, V round plastic caps meeting the requirements of
FBC Section 1507.1.1.1 may be used to prevent galvanic reactions.
Minimum Substrate: 1/2' (15/32" min)4-ply CDX Plywood or%"solid wood planks S.G. = .42
min. nailed to 2x rafters spaced 24"max. on center with 8d ring-shank
nails spaced 6"on center,
Note: The-114"wood planking must be installed as a solid deck and must be
nailed or fastened in a manner equal to the deck above, or as specified by
a Florida licensed Arch itect/Engineer
Other Limitations: 1. Roof slope must meet requirements of FBC Sections 1507.4.2 or
2. Fire classification is not a part of this evaluation. Refer to a current
Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product.
3. Design of substrate is by others and is not a part of this evaluation.
�CPII�VN1 IN ItAK'Ar,r e5t5mm'
4. Rational analysis, provided by a Florida licensed Architect/Engineer
per FA S 61 G20.3.005(e), may be used for project specific approval by
the local authorities having jurisdiction,
5, Where required by the Florida Building Code,panels shall be
permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name and/or logo, and the
following statement, "Dynamic Metals FL#27499.1, DM Class I 000".
Panel Forming: These panels may be jobsite roll formed with the following Dynamic Metals machines, per
approval of 3rd party QA provider, to the dimensions shown on Drawing NSS 1 6-HZ:
SSQ-6800617 SSQ-5150216 SSQ-6810617
SSQ-6690517 SSQ-4560615 SSQ2-2310920
5VC-0490718 5VC-0360516 SSQ2-2320920
ae-Roofin(T. The DM Class 1000 Series 26 Ga, Galvalume I"Nailstrip 16"Wide Roof Panel
may be installed over a single layer of existing asphalt shingles, provide the existing roof
meets the requirements of Section 1511 of the Florida Building Code.
If you have any questions or need more information concerning this approval, please contact me.
Thank you,
No 62354
Scott Wolters
FL PE#62354
OCT20 7020" %.
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