HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaxim Skylight NOAMaxim Industries, Inc. 1630 Terre Colony Court Dallas, TX 75212 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. ESC TION: Model DCM Curb Mount & DSF Self -Flashing Aluminum Skylights APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. MAX0003, titled "Curb Mounted and Self Flashing Skylights", prepared by Maxim Industries, Inc, sheets 1 through 5 of 5, dated 12/03/2013, latest revision D dated 09/24/2020, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. ISSILE IMPACT TING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # I8-1217.13 and consists of this page 1 and evidence submitted pages E-1, E-2 & E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ilelmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. NOA No. 20-1013.05 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY n Expiration Date: 02/20/2024 a / Approval Date: 02/18/2021 Page 1 •' 1 DRAWINGSko is Drawing No. 110• • Mounted and prepared b Industries,Maxim • of dated 12/03/2013, with revisionC dated 07/09/2015, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, D. TESTS "Submitted underNOA # 14-0318.O1" L Test reports on 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation of Self Flashing and Curb Mount Plastic Glazed Unit Skylights, prepared by Architectural Testing, Inc., Test Report No. D1032.01- 80148, dated 10/02/2013, and revision 1 dated 02/24/2014, signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 13-1217.2499 2. Test reports on 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation of Self Flashing and Curb Mount Plastic Glazed Unit Skylights, prepared by Architectural Testing, Inc, Test Report No. D1032.01- 80148, dated 10/02/2013, signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA # 13-1217.2499 1. Anchor calculations for substrate installation prepared by PTC Product Design Group, LLC, dated 12/03/2013, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Deparhnent of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of acceptance No. 12-0605.05 issued to Bayer MaterialScience LLC (MA), for their Makrolon Polycarbonate Sheets, approved on 12/06/2012 and expiring on 08/27/2017. 2. Notice of acceptance No. 12-0110.04 issued to Palram Americas, Inc, for their Corrugated and Flat Polycarbonate Panels, approved on 02/23/2012 and expiring on 01/22/2016. I'�.yi /�l llA► 1 �1►YYy 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5�' edition (2014) FBC and of no financial interest issued by PIC Product Design Group, LLC, dated 07/09/2015, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. 6F [elmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 20-1013.05 Expiration Date: 02/20/2024 Approval Date: 02/18/2021 11 r 2. EVIDENCE 3UJ[31vll I I Ev UNDER rrCLnv I US APPROVAL #15-0715.vo A. DRAWINGS 1, Drawing No. AL4XO003, titled "Curb Mounted and Self Flashing Skylights ", prepared by Maxim Industries, Inc, sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 1210312013, with revision C dated 0212612018, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. TESTS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSU NCE 1, By Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) I • I F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6`h edition (2017) FBC and of no financial interest issued by PTC Product Design Group, LLC, dated 0212612018, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. 3. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER P VIUS APPR®VAL #1�-1217.13 A. DRAWINGS 1. None, ICE-IIDT.`11K 1. None. i QUALITY ASSURA NCE 1. By Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) 1. None. STATE ENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6`" edition (20I7) FBC and of no financial interest issued by PTC Product Design Group, LLC, dated 1112812018, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. a-�elmy A, Makar, P.E., ,S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 20-1013.05 Expiration Date: 02/20/2024 Approval Date: 02/18/2021 N DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. AlAA0003, titled "Curb Mounted and Self Flashing Skylights ", prepared by Maxim Industries, Inc, sheets 1 through S of 5, dated 1210312013, latest revision D dated 0912412020, signed and sealed by Robert Amoruso, P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. I). QUALITY' ASSURANCE L By Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 7" edition (2020) FBC and of no financial interest issued by PTC Product Design Group, LLC, dated 0912412020, signed and sealed by Robert J Amoruso, P.E. Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 20-1013.05 Expiration Date: 02/20/2024 Approval Date: 02/18/2021 � ' ' ' , - ,1 �: � � � � � �� �� � I I ■ 1. THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC). THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON 51GNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT ATI D1032.01-801-18 AND ASSOCIATED LABORATORY DRAWINGS. 2. ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL FRAMING AS A MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD. 4. MATERIALS: 4.1. SKYLIGHT FRAME MATERIAL: 6063-T5 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM. 4.2. SKYLIGHT INNER AND OUTER DOME MATERIAL: COVESTRO, LLC MAKROLON POLYCARBONATE OR PALRAM AMERICAS POLYCARBONATE PER THE LATEST MIAMI-DADS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) COMPONENT APPROVAL. 5. DESIGNATION "O" STANDS FOR THE A FIXED PANEL 6. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FBC, WOOD BUCKING SHALL HAVE BEEN PRESERVATIVE TREATED OR SHALL BE OF A DURABLE SPECIES. 7. DISSIMILAR METALS INCLUDING FASTENERS THAT MAY COME INTO CONTACT WITH ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAMING SHALL HAVE BEEN PROTECTED IN A MANNER TO PREVENT CORROSION. FASTENERS SHALL BE MADE OF A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR HAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 GENERAL AND INSTALLATION NOTES 2 DCM CURB MOUNT -ELEVATION 3 DCM CURB MOUNT -SECTIONS 4 DSF SELF -FLASHING -ELEVATION 5 DSF SELF-FLASHIING -SECTIONS 2. THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: 2.1. AS REQUIRED ON SHEET 3 (CURB MOUNT) AND SHEET 5 (SELF -FLASHING) BASED ON CORNER END DISTANCE AND ON CENTER SPACING. 2.2. MINIMUIVi OF ONE FASTENER PER SIDE AND MINIMUM FOUR FASTENERS PER SKYLIGHT ARE REQUIRED BASED ON SKYLIGHT SIZES SMALLER THAN TESTED AND SHOWN ON SHEETS 2 AND 4. 3. FOR INSTALLATION OF SELF -FLASHING SKYLIGHT ONTO WOOD ROOF DECK, USE #12 WOOD SGREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 1 3/8 INCH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE IS 7/81NCH. 4. FOR INSTALLATION OF CURB MOUNT SKYLIGHT ONTO WOOD CURB, USE #12 WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 1 3/8 INCH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE 15 7/8 INCH. 5. FOR INSTALLATION OF CURB MOUNT SKYLIGHT CURB ONTO WOOD ROOF DECK, USE 12D (0.148" MIN. SHANK DIAMETER) BOX OR COMMON NAILS OR #6 WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 2 1/8 INCH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE IS 5/16 INGH. b. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER AND SIDING. 7. INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE BASED ON WOOD SUBSTRATE MATERIALS WITH MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 0.55. E DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (PSF) IMPACT RATING LARGE and SMALL +40.0-75.0 MISSILE IMPACT TOE -NAILING OF CURB MOUNT SKYLIGHT CURB ONTO WOOD ROOF DECK (NOTE 5 ABOVE) SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS FROM THE 2005 NDS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION. II.1. LENGTH (L) AS REQUIRED TO MEET P, Ls AND Lm REQUIREMENTS. b.2. MIN. EMBEDMENT (P) IS 2.13" FOR BOX NAILS AND 1.60" FOR COMMON NAILS WITH 0.148" DIAMETER. II.3. MIN. Ls IS 1.33" FOR BOX NAILS AND 1.0" FOR COMMON NAILS WITH 0.148" SHANK DIAMETER. i3.4. MIN. Lm IS 2.13" FOR BOX NAILS AND 1.6" FOR COMMON NAILS WITH 0.148" SHANK DIAIIAETER. • ,: ,; � ri 2 C9 �� (9 � zp =z �� go �� !'!" g J J WQ �� �Z ®® �� C] � W J 1— Q z � =W O� �W m C� U U } �. m N W R Q � � m LL I- [r O � h � a U � U O w w o a � I � M M 0 o o x� N � C ��� z ui ~ ma � � iti o '�„ - ` � "" t �� z �, , Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49i 52 ur O �1 �� a u. m U 'L a � N � 0 �I�O� Z��� ��oo Hm�(J 0 oa�m � Z "- a o a 1t /. /, i. / / / /..:-. • - / .. � � 1 � / / •/ /- r • / • � • •. / / /�- •_' a -- s// - - .-/ - -�-- Corner Detail (see Detail #3 & #4) ®-- Top Frame Fastener #12 X 1.5" (see BOM #5) a— Top Frame Fastener #lo x �" (see BOM #6) -°-- Frame Detail (see Detail #1 & #3) —®— Angle Detail (see Detail #1 & #4) -�-- Glazing Detail (see Detail #1 & #2) Bill of Materials: 1. 6063-T5 Extruded Aluminum Frame mitered and welded at four corners. Manufacturer: AFCO Part #4950 2. 6063-T5 Extruded Aluminum Angle mitered and welded at four corners. Manufacturer: AFCO Part #4843 3. Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant located between aluminum angle &glazing (glass bite} 4. 0.125" UV Enhanced polycarbonate domes. Rise varies but is not less than 10°.�0 of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test specimen = 10" outer dome & 7" inner dome. Manufacturer: Covestro or Palram Americas 5. #12 x 1°' Stainless Steel Tapping Screw with neoprene gasket. Fasteners located 12" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Minimum one fastener per side and minimum four fasteners per skylight. 6. #10 X 0.375" Stainless Steel fasteners 4" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. 7. Schnee -Morehead SM5127 0.6250" X 0.125" Sealant tape. .: Z (' C9 zz 0 g¢ �� Jw w I' Z �o o� as m ®� w� � U Oc C m U U �� �� s m Z Z o � a U O U w W � Q a o W M M � O O OX O N z Q ��� ;: -� r Z Q 0 Lio 0 �s ¢ "� n � z w U W fn � 0 ��� o. ii a U W J a � o �, ��o� c9N�0 W X 0 Z �mQU O O W O a � LL 2 a � a . � � - r �" ��_ Robert J. Amoroso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49752 0.125" UV Enhanced Polycarbonate Domes. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 10" Outer & 7" Inner. Dow Corning 795 Silicone Sealant between retaining angle and top dome. Glazing bite = 1,75" Schnee Morehead SM 5127 sealant tape. 0.625" width applied continuously around the perimeter of the dome set. .060" Extruded Aluminum Shape Sealant to be minimum 0.125" tall bead to create constant seal between extruded frame and top of curb. (by others or included by Maxim as per note below) Curb Buck Exterior Finishing (by others) Curb Buck: See ** Note Below 'k Minimum distance = 4" from aluminum frame to roof surface for shingles or BUR without insulation. For insulation and roof the add insulation or roof tile thickness to 4" minimum height ** Curb buck =Nominal Southern Yellow Pine 2 X 6 minimum with skylight set on buck with minimum 1/8" tall bead of building sealant. Installation fasteners are Stainless Steel #12 PH or HH Wood Screw with minimum 1,375" embedment and 0.875" Edge Distance located 3" from each corner and maximum 8" on center. This curb buck is an optional component included in the NOA. Anchoring of the curb buck must be per the Florida Building Code, See Installation Notes on Sheet 1. Gd�Zill �t�il #12 x 1" Stainless Steel Tapping Screw with neoprene gasket. Fasteners located 12" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Minvnum one fastener per side and four fasteners per skylight. 1.75" X 1.75" X .060" Extruded Aluminum Retaining Angle # 10 X 0.375" stainless steel fastener. 4" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Minimum Stainless Steel #12 PH or HH Wood Screw with minimum 1.375" embedment and 0.875" Edge Distance, 3" from each corner & maximum 8" on center. Pre -punched 1/8" holes by Maxim for fasteners (by others or optional accessory)(See Installation Notes on Sheet 1.) Minimum 12D (0.148" Shank Dia.) Common Nail or #6 Stainless Steel Wood Screw 6" O.C. with Minimum Embeddment of 2.13" and 0,5625" Edge Distance (by others or optional accessory)(See Installation Notes on Sheet 1.) -®— Roof deck. (by others) ** Roof deck and framing by others. All roof details shall comply with the Florida Building Code 0.125" UV Enhanced Polycarbonate Dome. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 10". Schnee Morehead SM 5127 sealant tape. 0.625" width applied continuously around the perimeter of the dome set. 0.125" W Enhanced Polycarbonate Dome. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 7. Nil in i height w 1 i0116. kpq I I 1 1 1 `II[lS:RarA W •• o O u.. o r s(D f a W C� o o N 0) cy _ z N I— U r U cd � r o zIn la m Z Z m J x �Z 1 a o w CC �Wgp0 J �� m0 Q� w) _ r a 0 H m ON2 0 U LL 9 � m � U U fD c~opw a °o0 J W U O na a Robert J. Amoroso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49r'52 � ¢l in fn tD � 171 Ln E 11 � L 'c O J DL Opening = 92S' Frame Width = 97.5" - Building Code. skylight2. This - .- missle impact resistance 1 , 1 underand no other protection is required. I All framing and roof deck is by others and must comply with the Florida Building Code. 4a All sizes equal to or less than the test size total square footage are to be accepted • 5. Fasteners used to attach skylight to the existing roof structure are to be minimum #12 stairil IIIII III � I'll I; I I I I I I I I 576 ®— Top Frame Fastener #12 X LY (see BOM #5) �— Top Frame Fastener #10 X %$' (see BOM #6) -°-- Frame Detail (see Detail #1 & #3) -�— Angte Detail (see Detail #1 & #4) �— Glazing Detail (see Detail #1 & #2) Bill of Materiais: 1. 6063-T5 Extruded Aluminum Frame mitered and welded at four corners. Manufacturer: AFCO Part #4951 2. 6063-T5 Extruded Aluminum Angle mitered and welded at four corners. Manufacturer: AFCO Part #4843 3. Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant located between aluminum angle & glazing (glass bite) 4. 0.125" UV Enhanced polycarbonate domes. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test specimen = 10" outer dome & 7" inner dome. Manufacturer: Covestro or Palram Americas. 5. #12 x 1" Stainless Steel Tapping Screw with neoprene gasket. Fasteners located 12" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Minimum one fastener per side and minimum four fasteners per skylight. 6. #10 X 0.375" Stainless Steel fasteners 4" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. 7. Schnee -Morehead SM5127 0.6250" X 0,125" Sealant tape. sM o O o co lj� J N Z CM Pz� v� a W m H ZO N a1 fl9 N IJ_ < Ca doh J Lu I z� Z Z w O A �n a �g � o w LL �WLn Nn M Z W aLLE a � H m O "u 0 n09 0AE U W' 2 wxLL IM Rl UOOu U W o°O'sa Q rr o u J W O O � a n Robert J. Amoroso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49752 UP L � � � � / is i �' • 0.125" UV Enhanced Polycarbonate Domes. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 10" Outer & 7" Inner. Dow Corning 795 Silicone Sealant between retaining angle and top dome. dazing bite = 1.75" Schnee Morehead SM 5127 sealant tape. 0.625" width applied continuously around the perimeter of the dome set. 060" Extnided Aluminum Shape n � Minimum distance = 4" from aluminum frame to roof surface for shingles or BUR without insulation. For insulation and roof tile add insulation or roof the thickness to 4" minimum height Glazing etail EA Elio , In Sk I I I MIR #12 x 1" Stainless Steel Tapping Screw with neoprene gasket. Fasteners located 12" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Minimum one fastener per side and four fasteners per skylight. 1.75" X 1.75" X .060" Extruded Aluminum Retainnig Angle # 10 X 0.375" stainless steel fastener. 4" from each corner, maximum 12" on center. Stainless Steel Minimum #12 PH or I-IH Wood Screw with minimum 1.375" embedment and 0.875" Edge Distance, 3" from each corner & maximum 8" on center. Pre -punched 1/8" holes by Maxim for fasteners (See Installation Notes on Sheet 1.) Roof deck. (by others) ** Roof deck and framing by others. All roof details shall comply with the Florida Building Code 0.125" UV Enhanced Polycarbonate Dome. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 10". Schnee Morehead SM 5127 sealant tape. 0.625" width applied continuously around the perimeter of the dome set. 0.125" UV Enhanced Polycarbonate Dome. Rise varies but is not less than 10% of the smaller dimension of the length or width. Test Specimen = 7". Maintain lip height weld acceptable. Robert J. Amoroso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49752