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Use, RtPibatian I 'Hot-lbpks• Sub-7t 5vnrkr;prga Slots Fucts Nbiicatiorrs Gor4tOd'U* DO$sft map Unkp I U;p"*. • 1� oProduct Appmv&lUSER: Public URr Prwrirjri Apfrrw?il Mirnu -PrcW jlt or Lg4:cah2ri $earth Jup ARpllsatFon Detail • FL -# FU5621-R) ApIDaltatlon Type Rewi:5iop Coda Versi-an 2020 ApOr.aticin Status ADvraved C-a mmerlm Ar&rlved A,d.dre55�Phone?ErnaiI 216a SW Parrta arivet Pa IM City, FL 34990 I I wrfl ISJ-dtI LN k*'1'OI RUL?.L Vi I flw�l I�d�gl�Ii�Y�YlO�,�om TeChrl ill Repress n tatiwe AddreSS JPKone{Ema I I QuaLity A5&vrance kcpr.�5entatiaq Address{Phone}Errla I I Category Roofing Sub-Category MCI RQofiing Campl,lanc-@ Method Evaluatlori RoKrt frorrk a FCorlda keg istered Arehiteft or a Li con sed Fl-Grida Fora I u ation Report • Ha rd oopy Received Florin {n Q I veer Gr ArchGtect Narne who developed the David En g Evaluation Report Florida License PE-$1377 Quality A!;!5vripnce Entity Kaystone Cer#fFoation!5'r Inc_ Quality ,4ssUranee C.aititract Explratl an Date n4 f 22 f 2024 Valldated by ]antes K Wally, PE ValidatiGn Checklist - Hardc-avv Received Certificate of independence FL;5621 R 2 CCIZ 2 6aa SnaD"ax p[Vw&gd,Ind F TAS FOD 199.5 TAS 125 20103 Certifled By E-ettiun� rForn the Code Product ApproVal Method Method i Opti!ri D Date Subrn fitted t2i1612020 Dete Vail-dated 12/17/2020 Da to Pe n d l ncg F5C Approva l 17 f 261Z020 Date ADDrow-ed 02/09/ZOz1 bUlYtrY�y-w� 'FL 4 Modal, Number or Narne beseriptiar 25621.1 01; 2-6 g a SnapMax on Plywood 2 5 ga (min) SnapMi5x 1.0" nail quip on 1�/32' (min) Oywood or 3{4" CrnJn) wood plank Limits of U-sia Installation Ingtru: Boris Approved for use in HVHZ: N o FL25621 R2 ]] 26 a Snapmax p1�m-pd.pcjf Appro+*d :�*r time outside HVHZ., Yes Verified By-- David Eng r AF; 81377 Irn pact Resistant: WA Qr�atnNd by Independent Third Pa rtyr; Yes Design Pressure: +N}A/-97.25 Evaluation Reports otter. Refer to evaluation miport FL25621 R2 AtE 26ga SnapMax p1yrtiwood.pLf Created by I ndftpe nd a,tit Thai r d party,, Yos 25621.2 02: 0-12 Aluminum Sric pMax On Mu mina Ityf 0.032" a I u minum (or thick-ei-) SnapMax 1.0" naLl strip Plwood on iS132" (min) plyw*c4 pr 3/4" worm plank Lim i Is of Use Ih Stall lation I nstmct l ons AP p roved fa r use I n Fi VMZ.- N o r�M ax alb. ulf Approved for use outside I4VH3: Yes Verified By: David Eng, P6 81377 t m pact Resistant: H f A Created tY Independent'third Party; Yes Design Pressure: +N f A{-7 8_5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to evaluation reW FL25621 R2 A 2 Sna&ax .ujytWgLp f Cre-ated W Independent Third Rsrty: Ves 25621.3 0 1- 0:32 Aluminum 12" SnapMax on Nominclly O.032" aluminum (or th3irker) SnapMax 1.0' nail strip PtyWo.od with 11?" coveeage 0r1 15f 32" Cm in) plywa-Dd or 3/4" wood plank Linn its -uf Use Instillation I nstructlans Approved far use in Fi V HZ: No ,021 R2 II 0.32 $napMax 12in Fly wUoO,Off Approved for use outside HVH 2: Yes Verified By; David Engr PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Design Pressure: -hNjA}.69.2$ Evaluation Imparts Other. Refer to eValuatlon report FL25621 R2 AE 032 5 n a pM a x 121 n Plywood.gff Created by Independent Third Party; Yes 256 21.4 U4- 269a SnapMax on Plywood 269a (rni n) Sna^nx 1.0" n a ill strip an 15132" (m i n) plywood or 3}4' (rnin) wood plDnit Li writs of use Installation I n stru ctlon s Approved for use to HVMZ: No F1-256�1 R2 11 2 Gaa rtia +wood, I Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes VerrFied Sy; David Ens, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created hY Tndependent T#hird Party Yes besign Pressure: +nlJ -121.7� EvaluaUan Reports G the r. Refer to evaluation rcpprt F1'7S621 fit Ai= 2f;vg a_5_n_a aM a x__ AYA2g4-1LpL Creatcd by Independent TI}ir4 Party: 1'eb 5 21,5 05; 26-ga S-napMax On Plywood HVHZ 269a (min) SnapMax 1,0" nal l strip on 15/32' (maim~) plywood pr (min) woad plank Lt mits of Use In5ta Ilati on Instructions Approved for Use hn HVKZ. Yes F1.256 1 112 II 269 n ywcod NV41Z.L F Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Davi-d Ens, PE 01377 Impact Resi nt: M{A Created by Independent Thled Party: Yes Deign preasure; +N{A}-176 Evaluatian Reports Cd-her: Refer to Pvajuation report FL25621 R2 AE 269 a 5 n a&ax Created by Independent Third Party,_ Yes 2 5 621,6 06, 249a SnapMax on Plywood 24ga (man] SnapMax 1.0" iiai I strip -on 15/32' (min) plywood or 3{21" (min) wood plank t i mits of Use Ins#allati are Instructions y Approved for Use in HVHZ: Na Aga Max ply-wood. F Apprcvad for use ioutaide HVHZ; Yes Veri0ed 8y: DavlO Eng, PE E11377 Impact Resistant: WA Creat-ed by Independent Third Patty: Yes Design Pre"Ure: +NIAI-206 Evajuat}an k-epurtj bthdor! Rrfer Co evaluation report rL25621__.R3..AE M a SnapM:pw f Created by I nti a dent Thi r� Pa rtY: Yes 25621.7 107` 032 AIVml n U rm SnapM jtx Dn. Now final + 0.U32" a IU mi rtum (or thicker Snaphiax 1, " na I I 5trIlD - plywood on 151 32' (min) plywood -or 3/4" wood plank Ll-mits of Use Instaltation Instructions Approved for Use in HVHZ: No FL25521 R2,11 Q:2 Snap Max P-Impact d,pijf Approved for vae outside HVI4Z: Yes Verified Bv: David Enyr PE 13ia77 Impact R-eslstamt; NJA Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N{AI-168,5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to evaluation report .1Z5621 R2 AE 032 $nZipMox mood d.odf Created by Third Part : Yi?s 5 21. 00: 032 Alrurninv m SniDpM-ax grl Nominally 0,0 olurn i rl u m (or thicker) $n i)p M ox 1,." n ail scrap Plywood HVHZ Dn 15/32' (min) plywood or 314" wood plank Urni#s of Ose Installation Instructions Approved for use irl F V14Z; Yes EL,2SI-r21 A2 11 03Q !SnapMax ply wood HVHZ,pdi` Approved For use--nutside HVHZ: Yes Verified Sy: David Eng, PE B1377 Impo t Ra CiStarn#t NJA Crest-ed by I n�i a pendent Th i rd Party: Ve6 Design Pressure: +N{A{-175 Evan uatl an Repo its Other: Refer to evaluation report FL25621 R2 AL 332 Sna&ax Pbwood HV.HZ,vdF Created by I n d e pendent Thi rd Pa rty: Yts 25621,9 Ogg 26ga 19" ToprAax on Plywood 76ga (rnari) 7opMax 1.S' nail strip with) 19" coverage-on IW32' (rani n) plywood or V44 (min) wood plank Lirnttr. of Use Infit,altation 1"Structionr, Approved for use In HVHZ. No FL2 51521 RZ II 26ga TDpM a x 1131 R pIyvyood,pd r Appeoved for use outside MYMZ; 'yes Verified By: David Engr PE E1a77 Jolpact Resist:pnt- INJA Created by Independent Third Party Vey; Oe5i g p Prerpsu rip: +NW-6�-5 IE+ W iption RupurU Other; Refer tq eval u atign r-epg4t FU5Q 1 R Z AE 26pa Tap M e x 1 sin 1213rvvood,adf DrE�ated #Y IndE�pgn�Ejnt Third Riprty: Yes 2562 1.113 10; 032 Aluminum TopH ax on Noml n a I Iy 0,032" al urrlinum (or thl rker) Ta PM a x 1.5' nail strip p1ywppcl HVHZ on '1513Z" (min) plywi)od or 314" wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instruct[ons Approved for urre ie HVHZ: Yes FL25621 R� 1[ 032 TooMajc o1�Muod HVHZ.odf Ap p rowi2d for u gip aiut&aO-i� HVH Z: Y-@$ WH ri L4d By: David Errg, PE $1�77 Impact RAsls#ant, N/A created by leidependent FhWd Party; Yes Design Pressure: +NIN-179.5 Eviblu&#inn Reports ❑k hi r: Fol-pr to evaluation sport FL2%21 R7 AE 032 T6pM,3x I yr L-rapid H VH Z.pg Crctitcd by Independent Third Party- YuS 5 1,11 11: 749-a TopMax on Plyrwwd HVHZ 749a (min) TopMax 1.15" nai 1 .5krip ors 15/32" (min) pl y wcicid or 3J4" [rein) wwpor5 plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for i1:15 In HVHZ: Yes FL2 5 E21 R2 ]1 24 a Tin n M 3x pltirAon d HVHZmff Approved for use outside H vmz-. Yes Verified By: Davi p Eng, PE $13 7 7 Impact Re.ittant. N;A Crtihtbd by I n d ePendent Thi rd Pti rtyf: Yi�� Des;9 n Pr6ssu rN: +lv/Al-1515 Ewa lu adorn Report Other; Refer to 4�Val+a$ti0ill lelp()Ft FL25621 R7 AF 24ga Tb12Ma Qlyl d HV"Z.12dlf Created ti�y 1 r chepp ri i e nt Thl rd Pe rt-y,. Ve s 25621-12 12: �-4[3a 19" TopM-ax an Plywood 24ga (in-tin) TG^px 1,15' nail strip with 19" caw-2mge Qn HVHZ trnin) plyw dad or 3�4" (rninj wood plank Lirn fts iaf Use Installation I ns"crU nns Approved fa r use in F V HZ: Yes FL25621 R2 11 24ga 7opMax 19i n plywood H VH Z-p+ Approved ro r use outside HIFFFZ: Yes Vleri ri ed By.' Dow id Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant., N/A Created by Independent Third Plarty: Yes Design Pressure: +14/III-116.25 Evaluation Repartg Other. Refer La awaluaticin report FL25071 R2 AE 24 a gMax 19in lWvig-pd. 'HVHZ.f Created by Independent Third Party.- Yer, 25621,13 13- 032 Aiuralnu rn 0" TopMax on Nominally OX 32" alumin u rn (or thicker) 'TopMax i,5" rye it strip plywood HVHZ with 19" tnverage on 1!5132' (min) plywood or af4" (min) wood pionk Limits of Use Infta llartlim InF.truotlong Appraved for use in HV"Z: Yes FL25621 Ft:2 IF 032 Tol2M a x 1,)In plywood HVH Z�QgLF Appvbve6 for use o W&q HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant, N{A Created �y I n d e pen-d-enz Thi rd Pa rrV, Yes Design PrEssur s, +N/Al-166.75 Evaluation R-epurt9 Other: Refer tO eVOluatiDr. report FL25621 R2 AE :03,2 T nMa 19mD—*Ag d IjI+F LML Created by I rFdepend a nt -rhl rd Party., Yes Ell 0)ntzirt 115 e R0a TaRahasber FL 32399 Phriii! 65"67-1@2a The Stale of Florida is an A.A fEED employer.CggWdg1hr 2QG?,2o13 Stair.of Florida, .: PrIvac-i Statemegt Accin53itillI 1 5tateraent : Refund 5tateime,-it unoef FjQna;P 1}w. 4-Pn a44resseF are pao11f ecturds. [r V;>u d4 Drat Wart your c-mlil bddm:3 rclv&md in response tD a public-retards rer�uest, d4 fr4t*errq Cfti;trvr`� mail tD this amty-lrtdAnd,eorhUct I m aFflee by rykrane or bV k-adikival rpail_if you have any questlogs,Please m7taft 950,40-1395. •puf3ubN[to Senior 455-Z75i!11, fl0F4a SWtVMSr effetAiwe W-abeY Lr 2012,art-emers licensed wider i:hapber 4W,r',:S, must prwldc the aepertmCrn vdth gn-Zrna0.P94rC55 If rndy hawr ont.The ernalfs MAX FL1 . 01 - I dM E M ETAL FABRIQATORS b5KJ't.L ED CRAFTERS OF METAL ROOFING SYSTE"S q a ( min ) SNAFL AX over 1 "" ( min ) plywood Extreme Metal Fabricators 2160 SW Roma Dr I Ra I rn City FL 34990 Product Description Nail trip' snoplock style Panel W1'rh Ci 16"' maximum pane] wid-rh and 0 nominci I rib heigh'r of 1" Product Material 6g a ( m i n ) steel Corrosion regi.s#Ctr, t per FSC 1507.4.3 where required Fastener U10 x I- inch pancake style fastener C-ompl ica nt with FBO 1506.6 where requ i red- Substrate/ Deck 15/32'} (m1 n ) plywood or 3/4" ( Irr'1in ) thick wood plank ( min S.G. of 0.42) Evaluated by : Da id Eng , PE Timberlake Care, LLC 3324 W U n i v Ave #206 1 <�C1 i n e ry i l l e FL FL PE $1377 I FL CA 33344 www.Tirr70 .ove.com 4 `1%141IfIjjj1 j. k bi"ilally sag ned by No- 61377 y _ Daaid E Eng ' Daie: 2020_7 z.15 STATE OF A�_. �� tl � lllMti4 anil Sealed f M18 date irkdicated. Printed copies of this SNA PMAX and se-uled dild the 5iiiinaluire mist tm Wffled on # Sea rn MAX FLL3t1 — R U nde r I a I'F'I a hit : Corn ply+ With IoCal bra ildI ng Code or FBC 1507.1.1 where ra:Lquir-ad_ e pe: Corn ply with loco I bu i Id i ng cads or FSC 1507_4_2 where regvlred. Re-Roof i n Q : This panel rnoy be installed over a single laver of existing shingles as permitted by local bui Idi ng code or PSC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the condiflons required by the applicable code, Maximum Allowable Loads & I nstai Iatlan Requirements: McJbiZdA: #10x1" fa. fgt6" o.c. a i;-! a- .L1aiEst_raa: 8dRSF. Method B: #10 x 1" fastens r cit 611 g_c. along na i I strip WITH t-en lcint, g7_26 p$F For Method B" use continuous 3f16" bead of Bost ik 915 sealant or similar. A factor of safety of 2 has teen opplFod, Fasteners are installed through the met-al flange, NOT through the pre-pu ached slots- Technical Docu Mentation : Th is product has been tested to. the UL S60 stonda rd by Arc'hiteatmra I Test i nq (now Intertek Testing, TST-1527), report a8133.01-450-10, as referenced in FL 17022�06-B7. ComplianceStatement : T'h is prvdui-_t as described has dernarr5t r❑t-ed uorn pl iun ce with Florida Building Cade 2020, 1504.3.2 <non-I-IVHZ), us required by FL Rv le 61G20-3, method 10. This product as described has been tustcd and dernon strated compliance with ; i VL580 - Test for Qplift Resistance of Boot Assemblies LPL 1897 - Upl ft test for roof covering systems Design Process : The ica-d to tiles i n this report provides one prescri ptive option for the f❑steni rig r-equ i rement f<>r the cip pliaa ble wi rid loads for roofs wlTh in the po rometers descri bed. For roofs Outside of the listed pa rarnatars, design wind loads shot; be determined as required ty FBC 2609, ASCF 7, or other design code in force, using allowable stress. Thes-C Ii-OCI to1blg!r? gre buried un ASCE 7-L6: Usti of thasu to bt-ms assumes th❑t the structure is: Enclosed on d conforms to wind-Borne debris proylsio.T%as and is u regular shaped building 1:5 flat subjeCt to aCr0Ss-WFnd h3ading, v-prtex shedding" or instability; nor does it hezve! u site locution for which ch u n n eli ng or buffeting warm nt r-onsideration Engineering a roc fysir. may be eornp lietit!d by other I icen sad engineers for project specific approval by local CJuthorities having jurisdiction _ Certification of independence: David Eng, RE an-1 Tim herl(3ke Cove. LLC da riOT hove. nor will acquire a finoncial interest in any corn pany manufacturin g or d istri buting products under, th Is evaluatlorr, The same entities do not have. rear will 4r,gwirc. a finoncinl interest is any -other cnifry involved In the c pproual process of irhe produce. Excl unions a nJ Limitations: Design of deck and roof structure Cto i-neluclip attach nn@rat 0f plyw-00d or wood plonk) &haII be completed by Otters. Firqa classification and shear dfaphragrri design are outsicle two scope cf this evaIuation. Accelerated went her ing{so It spray is out ida the srop-e of this evaIuation. This report is limited to com pIionce with !&truetural Wlnct load r.gviremerifs of FIBC 1504.1,2E os required bV Rule 6IG2G-3_ Hel?Ket, TiMbcrinke CoVw nor fhdg manufacturer shall be respon-5I1ble for gmy interp re-tpti0n!;, or dos igns Mado by others based an this avaIuation report, This report Is Iirn iced solely to documenting compliance wiih Pule d1���-�, and mak au r10 oxpress or implied warranty regarding performance of th i5 priDduCt. I nstallation shoII be suIDJac? to the Iocc I buildi ng code and authority+ hovIrr[0 Jurlsdlctiori; this report sholl not be construed to supersede local codes in farcc. MAX ENGINEERING + TABLES FL51 . 01 - TnstrUct iCDnS SeI�ct the appropriate load table that app1 ie!5 to the structure in question_ Determine the design wind speed for the projacr � 3 R-ocation- 2 1 7 � U:sc the 4ttc3r. hmcnt method i ndicofed for that wired-speed +.within -acch r-oa� zamn_ 2 2 Z a � 1 NOTE. ASCE 7-16 and FSC 2020 adapt a 7-zone concept- - � — For the load tcables below t h-e worst co5e was taken for each zone and reported osIng the standard zones f 2 1-2-3: Zone 1 includes zones i aryl 1' � Ze5r,-in� 2 1 nirl 'Zones Ze, 2r and 2n a I I J Zone 3 i n cl udeg zones 3e and 3r Combining th-ese zones creates n clac r. simple L:,%#LLA&T. ,0&r&A'kWOkCR0-Vok ck2m&ii A. ,rPrir scheme, at the expense c�f wrome derig n effI cie ncy. ai&DUevneofrmw74rmorre.,,amr-AffrcmL Cant4;ir-t the manufacturer for further information, BODE ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING or ennsu.1t ej lics~r,Ag�-d din!Aign pr'afessic;mUl.METHOD A METHOD E NFL: NOT FATED FELW E LEa 4 FC-W.E LEG SFJAAS CONSULT DESIGN - �mM MALIE t-Eo CMTOIAµIEIEG PROFESSIONAL A 5EAUMT APPUEE]PD ILL-NrrfMkeIFc NECESSARY r10 FASTF NFR M16 FASTFNE-R ATv0C. ATG'0C Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria- Use this luad table for structures which meet the fol1cwing criteria; Are located in Exposure F3 area Are located in B, C, or n exposure area Have either a flat roof, or ya bleth lip roof with miax slops of 12A 2 Have either a flat roof, or gab]efh I p roof with max slope of 12:12 Have a mean Roof sleight of 30 Feet or less Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less F L25621.01: 2 a Snap Marc -on 15132" glywood FL2E 21, 1; 26q a S n a Max on 15132" rplywood Wind 105 11a 120 130 140 150 160 17101 "l" '90 0Q 1 Ir �i 1 1 '1 1 10 1 1$0 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A A A A A A A B Zone 2: A A A A A A A A B Zone2: A A A A B - - one 3; A A ,A A A A B Zone 3: A A A 8 Use this loam tabla for 15truetures which rneet the Following Criteria: Use this toed table for structures which meet Me fullowing OteFi.a: Are located in Exposure S area Are located in B. Cp or D exposure area Have either a flit roof less than 7, hip roof with Have either s flat roof less than 7°, hip roof with rrox slope of 12:12, or gable roof with s I ope be twee n 4_4,12 & 12:12 mx sl ope of 12:12, or g able roof vAth ale pe be two en 4.4: 12 & 12;12 Have a meaty Rif Height of 30 Feet or less Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less FL2 5621.01: 26ga SnaioMay on 15132," I ood FL25621,01; 26 a S n a Max on 15132" mod Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 100 200 Wind 105 110 120 13 D 14D 151) 160 170 180 190 2001. in NR Zorl J A A A A A A A ANR dIe ,A A A A A B - Zo n 3a A A A A A A ANR NR NR An A A A ` EXMEMEMEM L FABRXCA