HomeMy WebLinkAboutWatkins Info Sheet I
Section A (General Information)
Master Permit No. Precess I4e.
Co ntracta rs N ani e: J license # CLC - (3
3GLH �a
Job Address
Leer Slope Ll cha nica I I y Fastened T i I e a rtar}Adhesive Set Ti I es
Asphaltic Shingles Metal Panel/Shingles Owood Shingles{Shakes
P resori ptive BUR-RAS 150
New reef 0 Repair 0 Malnteriance #keroofing L, Recovering -
Sketch Roof Plan: IJ I ustr ate aJ I levels and sectio ns r roof drains, scu ppefs, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include
I I r I -
Section C (Low Slope Roof)
Fill in specific roof assembly components and identify Su rfacing:
manufacturer Fastener gring far AnchGr/Base Sheet Attachment;
(If 2 tornponent i� not used, identify as "NA") zone 1'; " oc Lap, # Row 0 ' �o
System, Manufacturer: + one 1; " oc @ Lap, # Rows— --.. ..."
Zone 2:---'' oc Lap, # Rovers� R 0
Product Approval No,:— L eD� @ Roo
Zone 3: oc @ Lap, tt RDWs
benign Wind I�yiresrSi_:Tes, Fror7h RA; 12$ Of —
Numbi=r of Fasteners Per InSUIa Lion Board-
Ca lculatien5- Zone I` zone 1; Zone 2: Zone
Zane 1-- -1 r Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable;
Max. Design P rrr ss u r-r from the specific product approval oodblotl€ingr Gutterr Edge Termination, 5tri p pin g,
stern_ _ Flashin& Continuous Cleat Cant Strip, Base Flashing,
Cou n terfla s h i ngr Cap i rrga Etc-
De ck- indicate; Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height Height of Base
Flash i ngr Component Material, Material' Thickness,
Fastener Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers
a ugi�Th i knir s' :D eta ils th-a t Com ply with RAS 1 11 a nd Ch apte r 16.
Anchor/Base 5heet & No. df Ply(s)-
Anch, /Ba.5f�Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material:
Insulation Base La r._
at3O a InLNIIF a?ir M Ci7a ,nr4 Tkirkn=c- Parapet i
Base Iiisulatior� Fasteneir�-Bondfng M aterial: Ht!I IL '
TQp InwWtion Lager.
Top I n sulati-o n Siz e a n d Th i ckn ess: FT.
Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding M ate rial=
- Roo f
Base Sheet(s) & No. of Plyis):
� r(YAU�-- Heigh
B se S he#r Fasten a r/Bondi nz M Ateri a _ L r '
Ply 5 h eet(.5)' & No, of Ply(s):
Ply Sheet Fastener/Banding Material_
Top Ply: - �r
Top P ly`+astener/Bind i ng M ate ria I'
Sect-ors D (Steep Slope Roof y5tem)
.Roof 5y5tem Man;Jai;kur�r: 17— N c ff) ._
N❑tice of Acceptance Number; FL 0 5(c
— --
m inimurn Des-dgfk Wired Pressures, If Applicable (Frurrt RA51V 0r CaIculations).
Zone 1' -'Zone_3t, F• -
Type Undudayment ti01A1
Roof ape=
6 'I 2 Inselatinre
Fire Border P
Rid ge Ve ntl ab ors? Fastener Type & 5 aetn ., Pa S"',
Adheshe7 : f
Type Cap Sht Fj
CYA_ ecl
-� - -- _
Mean Roof H ei M: Roof Cavedng.
Type & Size DHP