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STAR rUISSIGHT 50°Sw,2ihAve,
Ceerfield Beach, FL 33"2
JOB# WINDOWS Toll Free: 800-249-4240
Local: 56 1-420-0271
A COMPANY OF'JLHS' Licenso#CRC 046091
When it Must be Done R1ght...Call Storm Tightl
Section 1, Purchaser(s) bate ofAgreement
Name: /e-+ � 1 _ Name:
Address:5lj3q, �✓ City: erna. State:,zip: 3�{S��
Um Phone:QS� J one s desc. csc.
Email Address-_K1L►LQL*—'_1Qt 0 sir"
Mailing Address(if different):
Section H. Seller Agrees to Furnish the Following Windows,Labor,and/or Installation Services
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Section III. Remarks!Instructions
Section I.V. Order to include: 70 luterial—.Installation Labor Permit _Removal of all Debris
Storm tight Windows agree to furnish tnilrriah andlor labor in accordance with the speci rlcations in the window detail attached to this rgreemmt,We will
prepare,pay for,and submit the percmit package through out licensed contractor.Once the permit is authorized and ready,µv will arrange from installation
date_When providmg material only we will drop ship the material to the project site and the homeowners is responsible for the labor and perenits.
Section V. Price/Payments
14vchaser is responsible for mum cheek.Fec of S35 per check
❑Cash . R(rinance HOA
Job Amount S JahAmount S J [_ha
Deposit(30%) S Deposit S f]� Oties I�r`a
Commencemeat(605:) S F7nance Amount S d�sl a
Credit Card payments are not to exceed 10%of contract amount and cannot be used fur commencement or final payment.
Section VI. Terms and Conditions Thipagreementinowestemunn the bKk side of this agrecment.
Section Vil. Buyers Agreement
flWe the undersigned,hereby awhorize the cce troctar to verify and review mylourvseda reemd with pn indcMelcat credit reporting agency and role o e them from all ilabiiity
incu,cd from inadvertent onissione or eroce.Unless otherwise Specified,it is hmderstond that the Purchaser is ready for work to begin.
lHadtog pad Compleir Coalnct:dw u a binding avid complete conaact.You rosy not cancel this agteemenf except a$stater.Thiscontracy coven and supersedes all
rortvcrsan mar;palanrnb and pgreemenes,expmned or implied,l!%dW rn the Panit!a,their agemu or rcpresrntalivee.fantrnchn In praise At PCMd13 try lonl Yaw.
Ub is.b.w.rlldr.dua uk,../If yea do per ws•t the,a.+dS.r.miree,yen Sony ct..d thl.grxnnl by prWillnr wrtne.natleeta the Seller is p-naa.ly kkg-an or M aul.T!Y
aMke we l.drcau thee ya.d..M s t roe g•.d-a rsrnhtn..A meet 1»dell d or pastr.earhed here.s.41n1shh•fib.third►otl.w dej.m•,per rig+rhy.[rarn.a.if year c.ac.l
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anym 5lgaatan Date� iteprneotatfya Ha _
aryrra5lgealan nale��yl Rep5lgnlnn -
1111-Double l lun& Sill-Single Hung,XO Slider-2lite horizontal,XOX-3lite horizonw.shape-shape window,CA -Casement Window,AWN
-Awning Window,Pic-Picture Window,SL-Side uEe,PD-Patio poor,Fit-French Door,Lett.Entry poor
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