HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC MICSELLE R. MILLER CLERK :OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 49I'4,779 OR BOOX 4.6.73' PAGE i1,980 r Raco`rdad,':0BY 0/2021 06r.;3'7='19 At3 JSPT.EttRPOJROniG=BETE JN z'o+ ) ^ Is— PET munala TtdtYttmcc,as'rrst+xN 2 cmKdi+giNita; :tvOTICE QVQ6D4MENCtN t, . The and - - ersrgaEd htacby:gjvcn nOUCL that improvement will;be made,to mrt4it real ptopcsty:and iri accotdanee-wic3i.Chapter-7I3: cc Florida StaWtes.the fb[lowLig It+fomtatton is p[ovidcti:in.the Notice;ofeaiiimcaoctttent ' (1� 1'.DSLEIBSDCiYtV&LSiITO0l+Ct 0 1-jmOP F12 tetad!*— wOze ind QNU1B8Z)3'0 1Y 00 OOQ a -s' ry. OcbK TRAt.I tit7T Z;LDG UNIX `✓ p�' ���0�2 ��1-A.4:J ast 3 of secti:orl 1 township- 34s Range 39-E i, .I.V121 N&W oTtlrn 2`TC2 F2et�E2' - 9 P ... .. 2 G=.tcV—sr'DF.SCRSPTSON-OF riVLPROYlEaY2F�CPr .. .. 3 OWNER IIHFORMATION a.Naioy w�� Su x't3s a•ig Co r�ra t o n - b:Address SOOO -S US3. Su'i to 40 2j, zPSL Of EL 349_52,_c tniaesun.pmpeay ' d:Nama and addsrm of fen s+mpie tirloholder0f other ehaa:owper) a.CONlRACTORSYAME,ADDRESSANDPHONRR UMBER - °Wvnne Deve3ot�mgtit -Caroora'tiori t SQQO S 7 51 Suite` 402 .i PS% PM AAQS5t `772 R7R 93'+7 X 5.SUR7ETY S ALw YHQNE NUNWER ArM BOND AMOUNT T' �; 6 LENDER$1VA2V>F.,,ADDRE55/i1VD P801�£:NLTS28ER: , 7 Prisons 'ibin the Stat�.of Fior+da designate6 by Owxitr upon ihiOMU wticas or other document-mi&bc:a�cvrA ai Op otnerst tiy. Section 713.'13 Cl)(a)7i.;Flonda.Starates., IgWn—SXe;inan NAME ADDwe ANDI`PlSO`VFtiL�IUMBER �. Las e, a<,`FY P�A,�-r� cr Sag-51 77-� 466-1553'• 8� rn addit em to hi=c'It or.herseelf Owae dzsigaat64 th&r 110wnis%Do reca'tirc a copy 6646 Llr�ot's Nouee as pmvidedI Section. Mr� '. NAME,ADDBI+S$AND PEiOA'E NUltE3&Rr L tJuj 9 Expiration date of notirc of eonugeacemrtti(the expiration da e'is,l year from the dare of recording=less:a different date iz specified) 2O' ' �"" -" :/ WWARR 76C-TO OWNER•ANY PAYM9NTS tKAAt3 ale i"ttE OWNER":wF['L+ THE EiC ON OF 7"rm TiOTICE OP MMPJ�tC`ETit6Nt[ f/ ARE CO[vy�II?ERm I[-bdR B)i-PAYr iPtrrs Kw-O-e�GHAPS'6R 7t3_Plta'*1 5ECTiOSvPY f3.13�AR1OA._cTA" SSm AND Y+l.' F. t T, . MY YOU.PA 19WQ-TWICE FOR ThTPROV2biF�.:-TO YO[tQ PRODER7Y'A 7417r7C£OF C�jL1MEN['EMENT MLr�T:$F RHCORDFL?/AND PQCST6'D 6 tNq", SOH Sr[E 8t3FOR$•�� j$. iNSPECt70N.rF'YOtZ tNTPND T6 08'�LY Fn�ANC1NG.:CONSULT Wrr'H'YQC3R. ��,� -A ." t�NDE�RAN'ATS'ORNGYB ECOMAm.NCENG WORK OR�RFrOR'� YO mNOTtCn OFCO nir"t�1"tENT'..- ... .. /�/ ��' - _ Ma•t t'F+ew i"Y2e .�Jir^tne• vice—arPs1 a•e nt�. \,;,J' ; ' SiPj+a"lute dfOwreer or PrinrNaine and.Ptwide Signatory's-TrtielOtTice. . Owner's Anih,crize,d.01 M-cerlD'.reetoiMartner/Manu&Lr a,. st�i,cfFlorida. - Qchanty,cE C.f T i i r•..i B ._ _... _:` :a_ Y'4 The foeego+ng instrument was ackn'owledgeci�tieFore me.this r day.oP C*es�� 20-o� _. ' . -Mat th'�w Lvle Wv�ne as.:.: t �Y.� B.Y -. � GE r/2�3`I,�•,j F7V T � ,. 'OLypa of authortcy_�ce.g,Owner,officer,'-trastee, y in-Fact), (�' .dynne.'Bui2dzna Coraoraton ry) NA (NatRe ofputyon'behelf of whom-iastrnmen4wae eXtcutedjP.ecsonally.Knowti : 'or.produCed'the folluwingtypeoEII7r- . ,DOROTKYANN BASKitdi ea TI t y.%ifViV'N7f15t�r,.a !fit' +^ F7tP1 M Oetober�2024 T' Printed Namc of.Notary Public); {Signartne.d .otary Publ;o) t •'=•� [tended•RwMosvyPubcatAyeri.�rtora' Uaden:ptxreltiu:ofptrJury,.:Z:d�Clare:ehatd`have::r'eeil.the`fotegnarE.and•441 Lie:,fa�ts;ia'it aze tzue:to We:.tre3t of tny'.iciiowlt:dgc and. WieE(ieeann;-2f-1 Finrid a Stomvs): S+gnatucc{s):uf;OwRer s),o"r.Qw=ier(s)'Authoriied'OfFicerlDirector/Pa tnez/Manater who si 'above: 1' wcY.oai�GiaCO't<a�ca=d'u� •• ' Vl rr,O�2 L.J rxutnvemim'n+AYnuscoc+au.�swTn:r.era rerweror�,iemc„t.auoacoR Dig-tall-i si' eL' Dy The Ho^orab2e Michelle R..'Mi'iler euccaaxrrutxuAvsawuvmstucmmemnxmen.aucrnawxaeco7taouRuart IIate_ 20�1.OFIG 08 40 58 -04 00' n+eo+,taorntrsrttraemt�nnsnKarTascmct�rcocrz season Electronxcall Cer.tliieid, Co v R16D00.'m MAYBM'rBIDAettu.VAS ACQVIR®6Y GA '' Y P_ Yisrmrs ruatar� caeca+�t+sccrrmn-0sFu��ieatonnmrntmaRnasma�axr• - Z, zc tion 201. Schi Iraian,River br, ,Edit Pierce FE 3495t) .