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i M2CHEI.LE 12'. MILIER, "CLE12K OF THE CIRCUIT :COURT — SAINT I;LTCIE:.CdUNT.Y �RST.R 4,93:,4.,785 'FOR"BQOI{. 4`.6'"73 PAGE 1'986,. 'R�cord"aci. 8/26f.2;02T. O ertn� ,- "� ' 3'ldn3'n;s�'nst�+ed twsenaAtryr!nB:' - vaTrc�c�F eQ �vci��rr The undersgned bet'ebY,gvaa aofi¢that uoprovertect Ube"' to tx ffi(n.real Prefab ei d as arsordanea witb Chapter:�13,. Flo,Tda st,tntes the following,n6oiivauon,s prov,ded iii the TJotic COImaeuccment �. i.DgseaaPrtoly of*r�R�ri y a aga:d�serlpt;on and`sc r addras,TaxFoLlo Net as�'3 0 ti- m :o O o 1-o p p A SUBDIOLSiO tazt�tSS TRAC1r' r OT BLDG. LTiV�J 3S 6/? 34 39 all" that part Zy,.xnij: iiortlieast ;of 95 ��l Z r_7annaoer b CR? TiONI:OBnaiXtOVRbM.!NT• single =aIn res clence � �•J. 3;UWBiERII�I+ORMA'CION.>�. a Napa_—rein., o.Y •r a ..: i...;:.��n Sty i e 402 ESL,• c L 3 5 ri ., e,irtteres!rn Pr?P�]' ', d Name�rld address of£ee'si,iiple nn.tS::t:t 6l,orfier thaii.oiiuraer} aait:o ASTItfICTORSN �D87S�Lt�ID)°$UP>ENLTg_ rr7ynr�e_'pevelcoment C"oroorati�on; SOOQ S "BS.I.s 'StSi t:@ "402- - i: 5..$URETY'S°NAML;p17DRESSlILMJ 8n NV11�L*RAN7D:80T?DA.IIOUNT: • _.: ADS;ADDR)i5 El1�ID PSONE TV�)t ::_. .` .... _. . 1'txsoaswst[vnmestaieoeFlotacad ` Sae4on?13 23 1 es:g:tamd Gy Owner upon whomaoDces damam6ias azay be iecved as waded by> ()p)7ti b7ar:da Statutes ^" NAMB,ADD73SSS AN7),P80NE•1VCitiffigg ��t.ilS�G��Spanssh Lakes Blvd �F't Pi erne FL:.. 201 " . _ 8:rn;��oa.W'hzenseIForhets�t�OwaerdrsIgnat�s4ee1alEowfggtococesge:e.SoPY,oftheZreanr's:Nodeoasprovidrd'inSttsien (1)(b}.Flarrda'3tatutaa "._ ., 0590 Nr12v�,AbD�AND:XSONElyEJN1�8..., .... .:. -• 9 date of notice of' - ExPuaaan.-. ,.• coitikac�emeat:(tlae otpi=ation data is year the dace ofreeasdr,g unlass ad,Pferene'.data''is W 7Lu*NG rO''Avc RiANY PAYMIIVTS iMA1f]P'RY TffF to- AETBR 7T28 73k A2S�si OF wT+'1'rts� nAYt E OPER PAVMP]�rre LTnTr�ER G77AP'rRR 71 O. 44',`.7 CFC}YOTJ 7l3 l l ]N YOC,R PAYfVG',•rAItL+P gpH TA,7Pfrnw*..ra•TC P RIDAA7MT _7 YOLr?PROPf-32rY .....+4„13 HT:i Ki] •O".YOSiED-OSJ�77i ,i0$S7'tL+-HEP9Rfi 757E Omer Twtenc�•er �. yr 3 Ate• 7T3 OHrAs'wr 7rS7ATS�"INC r'r+tier T WIYT4 Y tR �' " .-.: SigoatnrT:a[O�rner ci - .. Pns,C2Vaitx aadProrsae SfZnatory.•s:',Ll[!elOtlFce- _t. :�.'.. Owner$Authoazed.OffscerlAimstorJPaitaecltVfuvager State ofF']onda Counts "'�4 The focegomg aewaTatueot was aeitaovitedged;befare'ine.this l,6. day:of - �r 6 7 ."a I - Sy 'Ma'tth.c w Lv3ie WYF3n@ as itp o-ee __ .`._ �:, (Name ofpetstui) �aype of authoaary n.g,,flwner,offieer tivstee,.attorney sn,Fact).. ��.Wynne Bexili3i'ng Co-Dora'ta.on - _ W (lv„n,of Pa:tY as bet£atf o£whoip:a�unirine?was exteuted P" ✓t. . . ) ersbnalfy Known_,oc Praduaad the fottowing'.typA:ofYFl. -• • t,m.,¢oi7�=ly.t'•�N�V'� iieJ '►�S-r•+3•t-Fs /Cl ;:{fi�'tt A` C10ROTHY 8A�OItlN5443 . i ERY,COMMISS Nf#3 (P lHameol-•NotarY PubtteJ -• CSaSnatti�a':o 'taty'Yublic);' .f� EXFUtES:.OcfoDer22p24; Under penalties af.pulury,T>d'ectwr that I have read-tlu-forego,ag acid tfiat.thte facts in'itk ire. e e beticF.(cccnasi 9zszs.?lor+da stwres):_ ._' _ S�griatiue(s}of r(s)or Owfie�(s}tAuttittc}zed OTFcer/DirectorlPsctnerlM3nager who sFgned above-l- Rim.aerson0o8-1614 - o� ; V Dxai alIY g saTRed b 'Tne nonorable;Macnelle R Muller. ItlEBEIIYQJQQYTBAT71pSpOC4•HEYt6ASRL8AMD C�YR7.Cr(:aI1eTA.TpEnt1A[7tE1LOjIpeB Y BOCU*-%TAoreoBm WUW70ee,uca WOR*UMA..BACMA=R==EDvuTaco -late 2021 08 26 08y-41 02 T'S°.DmOratLVoFAsTmcaxwaa`°t,Tvnak°TT"ca nernravaT 04 00 1Mut yam%m MBEpWRmBvTAW yCer3sed Con -" �rsr,,,. ram,ua�t�;,a �u,rTQ„Tnvaz<,msro�r,,,A,g„B,,aR i<,x: Location 202:South Zndzan,River;Dr Fort:,P tree, IIT' 34350'