HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions; LP Gas Tank Change locationOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: K) I alk I I REVISION FEE: O 4 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. 3. 4. PERMIT # O " RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: 4,,-vi h av). �u e ` v —Fa t% Y1 ��%v'� ✓�oJ v1 - 3 ' .-tea 1i CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: P.r . Psox CITY: OK8qq ST. LU E COUN Y CERT. #: 1 d 2 6--t-3 6-1-1 1 r-�r r4�rg ti PHONE (DAYTIME): 7Z2 --22Q / -Sko Si' "3 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: cw Kg- , 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): Revised 07/22/2614 STATE: F-1. ZIP: 33 FAX: `%Z)-7 Z& 9f174. STATE: FAX: STATE: FAX: Al k. o. tj pp+v �..�! +� ��' .fix• 14 ZIP: ZIP: 17 CL f !!^ S . L c6fi iTuaDING DI�IISION /�Ro�uA1E REVIEWED FOR CO1'IlS �1 ar'h NCl1 HAW 1 Wr t9.EW..0.S2` NA4d lYtiA �7 `_' Del LOCATED DLY,'f7am 23. Qot$ �,Et3ENL`J �' ABBREVIATIONS 1rbLl-tai'�8 `tea ~-��M �\ RE REVIEWED B DCAN lild( WATCH UnL� WA9 bEifiUlUlb7 by 00, FT. OtR01Lb VA. FFLT IN1Da'9L111014 DLTiSiLlt pain+ fe06B0 I �,r� N In2721.d43oDATE /(/— ttaa loom. aEN91233mr DAA, aar„las. PC9if �!(,� V'M1 �% l — 77�+ KEPT P PaiC49 nuT DATA f V' / [ OG7B4Lfn71 PLANS AND d E S BE KEP 1 .�OP,TIANTIC OCEAN U010 s rlusu,:Ep DArA r _ y1t// OR NO I�ITSPECTION L BE MA E. IAAt'4L OF7b1E4 Nala1 AM(}SCA1r Vdi11GL nA11rir � n'�`Ae�/l�,t'{� J4r1�1 ,t ,/ ' / aa1' �LL WMT S cOrprtQ YON✓ to v VVLJ" ��it -0� UIVAiWl1 111ccOA9Dann OdFX7AL RAYM3 BOpc IRyc O wle6 WON FMri R r1P � r i \ NAt9 129e 0b10R7 PNtresswNu tAaa SWI¢,YDR �.. � �, r'� 11� � OENaRs 4NA11(PI t71PRAL) 4" lxrrolTs 1xAa+API; rRtL l` TRAOT 'A"iY+ .r I � �' � N 1112471.4874 i i of �• n.�a, �� ; BDSB52,T098 �*� av p'•1 `~`'LMPROkIAATE SEASetO1 $9011 lVA1LR uNC �•3�'A' ' `.m. viut d W1 li 0•41'� } 411, ErEWRda' NAVO IaeB N 1112633.0941 E 895695.7321 f t01 3I JL1 r1 �' /-¢aleueti 1 �� k A,. a� L L r w3m tt s LEGAL 0E8CFi1t�fi, CiN m o<er�l3itrjt n R f a# rp„ 4 � 1 (irlti a saw V r¢T A sa " ft. rat N jn�+n �Q� rA�addedin .v. • ':i r''mnc 'SbaVl ,e,awm i1 \o y4d AO�pS34 0 :the oAu If�R,c�rord ofr'• wu ryti C• LG 1 Si L a Couut I'. , 1 st 1 N 115043l.0973 y'-rr!jjJi v. Sg G t�Tal -t V i 1 E 005900.0040 cLL%da, ' 11721teAE1 6 `• 1 aR 1 1 - �, ; i ty E BAJ6e2.2712 4 j 4LEv-°.aT �' ` `L Lt` , arl�Fb"g own ldita@pn u;8ar¢¢�,arenoled a lhq;senteri r ofLnZy" erc a g,. 1Yoy holvtp 4 �f N24'21!' 4�V1, eeci+tdlFtr to {fo lei bix4lA7E StfObll ;eta}d9k- acts drida. "� 4• 02'TAl{f`E TD IMPp.0i4J4EWS�-' 1 Nei y NRINCSI AW,aW OF CYR9NI7 F�PS+ .."T roan All ve Gn0 fixed, raWMantQ Tf en hbva been loeetad end shown hereon. TRCL une: e y �� d4 P Y ram`, ran . o�, \ n +i�'r LOT 83 3 ndtrgrovnd utllltlee and utility serAtea have not been located on this survey. 9a A or%IeG `_.. 4) Flood Notre: Dy Oruphla piotti o only. Lhls property Is In Zone uAE° (EL 6)• according to tha Flood incur9nc4 Rain Map, Community Ronal No. 12111CO19.1- J. efteotive data �f1 1 1`rt 1st2180E17 i. '� J Fehn,ary 16, ,;n17, the oFoet dorlgnaUcn can onty be determined by on clevoiion -• �\ C82GBTe,B4B6 /• .^+1' i' cerlfRCal0. 34) >111� oewND sta J)of arTiorldaa beeneted Stiryeyat'0v Mot apped without the Bipnaluro and original raised seal Qi Ji�r rPdi 4 ry� cf' l_ - Tmn osAv CIMArs nort r.M.ao' is£ 1•✓') �•' pe° 1 r 19r aii iA'fi VRDFOstu Lnwsl S7R141URAL UEU9ER MY-Mb?, (3) Lunds shown hereon Were not abstracted by 1111s alfice for flghts-uf-Way, a0:'emMt- pj of record, owneralp, abondonfrent'a dead restriatlone, or Murphy Aot Oceds, 4+ >° �yi, �) G�,� 7) The loot dote of field work woe November 21, 2013. y ` 9) ndalilono or delottons to 3unay mopPe or report9 by other than the figldng party or partim is prohlbitcd wlfllout +widen consent of ilia aleninq party or poriles, Re ( 0) Elevatlone shown hereon ore In feet and are based upon Norlh &I'lerican Verticui N T1177a3.4293 Datum (N.A.V.D.) of t98D. To eonvart to Natlonal Geodetic V°rllCul Datum (N,Q.V.D.) E 996111.6303 � 1929 add 1.5 feet to flit N.A.V.D. 1988 elevation• MALONF41IAWAIM'AU. tToW Saun{ Ttt:MMOMADOM WCUMLL ULM 11-21-RDIS 'a 0 WAT6RSOlM WAY 10 A CATCH hEUSK)N%FEVi5ED FROPOR13 LOMS1 STRULMRAL VWERfLE OWN AV THCNM TO A RETTT4M �,,,2 !lal: lmfn AO OMW (MMLDOM. ADDrnaYM. 10PO 611 /AE11 I?e1REGi LOTl ie /orb 10, ( N91ON! MOM arATE PLANE CDc1RD111ATM rut 2-28-201 B_ T�TFNot To SSTAIC ROM A-1-A ""_"t":.,, RE1990Nt ADDED CUEFAL nF1690NS TO MTE PLAN tW 1- 201a •i, T, etwapl: AM NOTE,; YO &M PLAN % 12-oe-2011 �' ;i. • ''4q 7" ,, rla:l-31LO.32J1CTW�il S V�FrrG 1L r PF R n 4 a zi �'�'R F,t IN INC Dat4, ,Lr'.iwarC( J. Kffiu5 b'I I laol T.21 D-- Seam: :.;irlow SurvayDr. dr hlpp(de�� Jennifer A. (yiav!3, Dr LUanda Cort fficate .y6..• Tr OCZ llitrimo ranLa nn.xmcapam :dnlaraa.usAdvrva.e:;uva.0 .:+n t UNDERGROUND TANK INSTALLATION ` r-- ?." Lv G' DOWNGRADED AWAY FROM DOME _ ANODE CABLE l SACRIFICIAL ANODE INIAGNES(UM BAG)-- . 1r eo D � t '••0 .0 a ral MIN. 6"' t��t�trll�.f�,rr.)�••:7rt�r,f�• �r,+'i.:i�-mi'� 1. �' .�• •\ ��V'V t• R;rc��A•rcA Illj •'' SHUT CAS OFF AT — OUTSIDE VALVE IJ ABOVE GRADE RISER —� \\ O VU1,NI11G TAPE, • RISETi� \\ , \ GR'KDE/CONCRETE SLEEVE\ .I,I I 1 I • O O i� Oc i ,•' '' � o�c A - \ o 0 SIlVIC �I UtiOEnOnOUtlo L°'CAS COHTAIMEn ,TRACE wIRP e� � �•` � rn,is r d \ f I . i FP1J FLGMDA PUBLIC." U t ILI TIES ORA�vN :cc 4/17/95 UNOFRGROIJND L.P.G. STORAGE TANK cr cxEn TYPICAt_ ANCHORING STANDARD lSPPROVcA g--- 0 n GAS 01VISION I 1. Whet I necessary to prevent floatation, or when rr-quired, underground LPlarks shall b. I anchi prod using 4 - "AK4" augur anchors and %" steel cable:. cable shall be iMeMrted in ',i' F E :dbing to protect the tarok from direct contact with the cable. I I 2. Lracal c cable approximately 14' inward of -welded sent on both ends of the tank. Use 4 ('/a") galvanized cable clamps to secure cable to the anchor. 3, ,*Rote to Standard 6.6 for tack- location, coating and backfill. 0- V r 58-86 Crawl space opening LiQUE71ED PETRUt.EU.V GA5ES Nearest line of adjoining property that may be built upon Crawl space opening, window, or exhaust fa:1 i� pain, to It / (Note 2) / Nola 1: the relief valve. tilling conne.-Non. and liould level gauge vent connection at the cnntalner must be ;it / least 10 (t from any exterior source o' ignition, openings int3 dlrect•vent appliances, or mechanics; venti;alior., air intakes. Reler to Note (d) undoi Table Note 2; No part of zin underground cc nlainer shall be o• S i n g.aoQe ! L; less Ihan 10 it from an important bulhling or . hne of \ � adjoining property ;hal may be bulll a :fon. Refer to Note (d) under Tabfo t.'ndcrgrourtd AS1rE eOneainerl. rx , (Thin 56r' for Ilti' tnri.•e purposes onlp; text rhall govern.; Appendix J lZeEerenced YU CatiOns J-1 -Fl,c fol!u-ing documents or portions thcrcc,Care rcf. crc.-)ccd within this standard for informational purpnses ,11''" ;filet thus ere Ilut considered pai-CoFthe requirements of chi: document, The edition indicated for each reference is the current cdition as of the date of the NFPA issuance ni this document. J-i.l NFPA Publications. \adonal Firc Protection ,ksso• ciation, I BattcrYmarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, (Zaino•, ,MA 02269.9101. 117P.A 10, Standard for Portahle Fire Extinguishers, 199.1 cdition. NFPA 37, Slandard for the Insiallatioir and Use. of Slatiorlrrrr Cumb:cslion Engines acid Gar Turbines, 199-1 cdition. 30, Slrnrdard for lilclk Oxygen Si•.ttents of Coaswric'r Sires. 1990 cdition. �FPA 50A. Standord for Gaseotm Hydrogen SYSIerrU at Con•\ sumer Sites, 1994 cdition. ?,•r"PA 3I, Slandard for the Design and Installation of Gx�c•rn•,` tcrl Ga,i Syilctru for k•'clding, Cutting, and Allied Pro. r,cssrs. 1992 cdition. I`•'r PA 61 B, Slandard for the Preveittiori of Fires and Ex1rlo- Slan; Grain Elevators aril Frrrililirr P.,n n,.... t_.: NFPA 68. (:tridr 7r 1 'Ohio of•De'la,-,ntinn;. Id�.4 editter.. NFPA 77. Recommended Prneriee ,nr`$ro(ir ElrN;icih'. 1 ;93 edition, NFPA 80, Slandard for• Fire Doors anr! Firr W'itrdoee, 12K edition. NTPA 220, Star•rla,'d r n T.Ypcs c; Duilrlins C:onslrr r;i;;r:, 1992 edition. NFP.A 251, Slanr:ar•d :W.•diods of F re Tests of aIfildir t C,;-. s(radion and hdatc,-i,tls, 19`4 cdition NFPA 252, Slarl.lard f1•le(liods of fire Trsl,1 of Door ,4sser:f• blics, 1995 edition. NFPA 321, Slandard o.i Basic Cj,;ssifcalioll of Flo)rtntabir and Combustible Liquids, 1 c 91 cdition \` rPA 780, Lighmins P: oleclion Cn:le, 1992 cdition. J•1.2 API Publications. Ameriear. Petroleum Institute. -0101 L St., Ni•1', thrashing:on, DC 211037. API 620, Des p and C-ri.slruclion of La.rre, Wtlded, Lou - Pressure Storage Tarlls, 19! 0. APT 1632, Cathodic Prr•leclion of ;.rndergroturd Pcrrolcttrn Storage Tanks and Piping Systems, 198.1. .API 2510, Desig-n rrid Corr. auction of L D_Gat lrutallntrcrs, 1989. 1'.' C Z�)US� �� :�JS, INC. lll(cl'ch"111 !C:11)IC VCssCI I.11) .4 ;11110111) •1---•---- ..'1YITIIUI(All'rlL �� -�"- 1 AS>I>1-51)LY (:1 11 II 1 1 ou-rslD[,TER i iJ 1 I, 1 it \ 11 11 I'I IIIIZ.I LT i\I. --� • V.\1.V 1': .� GCIICri11 5pCC1)1C�IiiJ1)S ,( )r;r i Conforms (0 (I)c lalcsl cdili0n and addcn(la of the ASMG Codc `-`' -` I ''u vai.vr re.- Pressure Vcssels, Scclion Vill Division 1, Complies wills GAlicll: N is PA 58 and is lisle) by Under-vvrilcrs LaboraloriInc. es, . }� )lees rat 250 psis; from -20� F. to 1250 T. All tanks may be cvecua(cd (u a full (M.7 psi) vaculun. Vessel Finish: Coillc(I with epoxy red powder. (Tanks conlcd SErtvlC:f j-�` . WATIVALVr. _ �tiit11 (hc epoxy ppwdcr [nusl be buried), For aboveground use, an4cs maybe coalc(I wills TGCpn C: e,r r (�j(; AR[-r'1Ni_C CivlLI� _ fir`, l A plicablc fc(Icral, sla(cror local r' u11.1 is n1 y c�n IILI 5pc� flo'recll) rcll Il , fc)r pro(cclivc caa(inhs rld cn(hodic pro(eclion. The purc ser [i �l i CW �cr t1r: Sp f: I +�le fci c�c �l ) aanee wish uch federal n slnlc or local rcgulalions. pN � MDI 1� '•'.;+� ire �".k X;� 1 II ,.I ,1; �r� :,nnrnYilnaln � \YA'I'1•:1l CAr1ACli'1' UIITS 11)L 1)IAASI•:"['Erl IIV.A 1) TYPE Uv LIIA 1�), LGNGa'J( rIVF:IIAI,I.iIF.I(:II'1 V,L111 SHROUD ASSk:,Nin I,Y I,I; r; wmrll i.I{r: sPinCING wL• ic:riT <21)A N'I't'I Y lr! FullL LCAI) 8„ 1811 24' 5'•5 7/8" Y.0 114" • 3'•10.1/4" 10 I/8" i' .,245 Ib 9G609.6 V null p1671.6 n11n 919.2 nun 1112.4 nun 257.2 mm 91'1.4 mm -i'•7" I I I.I 19 292 III - 24.1 6'•9 1121, 31.0 1/4" 3'• 10 1/4' 10 I/8' 1 567,8 L. 609.6 min f.Ilip 2070.1 mm 919.2 mill 1122.4 mm 257.2 mm 1397.0 mm 132.d kg 72 5'1 250 lvg, J (.;" 7'•2 I/2' )'•9 3/4" -d'-5 3/4" 12 3/4"T 1'•6" 4 771 946.3 L a 2n wo., 1211.2 L 800.1 min ) 1,5" 900.1 min llcmi Ilcrrli 2197.1 rnrn 81.1 1 314" '1736.9 mrn 9'•111' 1109.7 mm 31.9 3/4" 1109.7 rnm 4'•1 518" 1363,7 min•32J.4 41-5 3/41, 1361.7 nlm 4'•11 518" min 12 3/4- )2).9 min 1151, IOE5.8 mill 1' 0 I/4/4- 1225.6 rnm i' U" 214.1 kg 5.PRi11!. 166.7 L,4� 871 Ibs- - - )(I 500 vE, )77.42'` 1 E92.5 L 950.5 mill l lcnli 2997.2 milt 1260.5 mm 1514.5 (nrn 38 1.0 rnm 152.1.0 rnm ^')' )93.I k;; 1729 1b!. 1,000 %vg. 40.96" 15' I(I 7/8" 41•5 J/4" 5. J I/d" IG I/4" U"• 3'R5.0 L. 10,10.•1 n.rn I Icmi 4A•16.6 inns 1351.0 n1m 1603.0n1nl 412.E rnm 27.13_2 mm 784.3 kl 15 257.i Stl nunons I-rccwny ' 110 lJllx 568887 ' Oallas,'1'cxas 75356.8887 1 O14) 031 M.0 ' fax (214: 589.855) POLYETHYLENE PIPE PIPE SIZE z Maximum capacity of pipe and tubing in thousands of BTU per hour of undiluted liquified petroleum gas. Lsngth of Pipe Feet 1/2 3/4 Iron Pipe Size 1 1 1/4 in Inches 1 1/2 2 Copper Tubing 3/8 112 5/8 Length of Pipe Iron Pipe Size in Inches Feet 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 AT 11 " OF WATER COLUb4N INLET PRESURE Copper 3/8.. Tubing 1/2 519 AT 10 PS1G PR SURE 10 3200 7500 12800 24000 40000 88000 730 1700 3200 10 275 567 1071 2205 3307 6221 30 92 199 20 2200 4200 8800 18000 33000 61000 500 1100 2200 20 189 393 732 1496 2299 4331 26 62 131 30 1800 4000 7200 14000 26000 49000 400 920 2000 30 152 315 590 1212 1858 3465 21 50 107 40 1600 3700 6800 13500 24000 46000 370 850 1700 40 129 267 504 1039 1559 2992 19 41 90 50 1500 3400 6300 12600 22500 43000 330 770 1500 'a0 114 237 448 913 1417 2646 --- 37 79 60 1300 3100 5600 12000 21700 40000 300 700 1300 60 103 217 409 S34 1275 2394 --- 35 72 120.0 4900 10000 18000 34000 260 610 1200 70 96 196 378 771 1181 2205 --- 31 67 1(t 1000 2300 4300 9000 15000 31000 220 540 1000 80 89 185 346 724 1086 2047 --- 29 62 125 900 100 4000 7900 13500 28000 200 490 900 90 83 173 322 677 1023 1921 -- 27 59 50� 830 1900_ 3600 7200 12600 25000 190 430 830 100 125 78 69 162 146 307 275 630 567 976 866 1181 1606 --- 26 use 55 175 770 1700 3300 6700 11400. 23500 170 400 780 200 720 1500 3100 6200 10600 22000 160 380 730 150 63 132 252 511 787 1496 iron pive ! based on a pressure drop of 2 PSIG. Based on a pressure drop of 0.5" water column To convert to capacities of 20 PSIG - multinly BTU by 1.185. Pam'LI�s.+�.XCO .qr