HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment } From fax5616880909 1.161.688.0909 Fri Oct 29 09:53:19 2021 MDT Page 1 of 2 RECENED � ;liGRE CIVIEN T'.PROVIDE.3 rOR HatneTeamsue OCT 2 2021 P.�S T i(� $ p� �-' '`�J r1 11 l'jJii ti WOO .OF Tf IGFS C;ICSFD IiV WOOD DCS7ROYING . jl.Lucie COS ' S 1,TFD.IS THIS AGREF\IFYr. AGRJ:E,l:J1iS'1'FOR'fliti fl'ST}1Ltrl'I'JO�:(\p}1C) 'ITC)RJ\(; QFTIIF;SJ :1'tttCt)Mtn.CL)[,Ci�t'Fl3�!}1;l'1'1t3tiSl'S'1'U.�J r0R1ii\V'CO\STRUCT10N Scrtiun INFO 2NtA't'10�� , �llllli; j; k J3S1f1i1L!l'abTC�� V -. �— i . Senicc Aaaf,ss 6 ,. Qua ._ Stait:;_.�.. _ _ '.i 1 Cuba•:. _..._.., 1 Sure(:i)hot)r:. �'}..�_. •�'� is+.oraf:,,d'1:.'aiun,,.t��'kcs•1'iJ ti(:{�.._.!{ ...... ��-(tY�i 111ilIliU:� {_iJ_.t..��.���l lJ....� - (ascaf l`sxl:,jic ttr5nnct;It.•ICI; .I. ...,.:._..,,,,.,,-.....:.,............ 1'r¢,•tusakl Fypc. �(',lt•at<tac 4 i4,;1ai)ry Sostiou It, SElt4'iC1:C4tit1tJ"1'�1F:S1': 1{tutirTctln Ikq Ue(rnae,]uc 11hf"C.uripang")u•Ili,in eatlplian:u uilh:ippflsah{c Ii,Icnll,ual¢,niil hli:al it+ys rp!c.and rcC.al+tonl"st L �hutail tlia'�cnVicuA tr;tlnnr:�t?3t[.mfintr.'(t5g'S)i(i+in3").5t lls.>0ifsmund tlµ•perilm•(:r,rf!S,w aructpr:6a isru nC,aahed tin,hl ldaa til ar the San•ieartddr�sa aln,c,:hbc"Stnit:ui Yrl 1 f s 1hvlt l+lbslin)I fe o(� 9 ' 11, XI,'Antis Ill,$talitnq to aavaat wca+tills Iha'lal+,rl d, aupna Iar tI±i;tlu,#of 1+\u4,:{l'S nn>aiha Immediately till+„[;n,inunl;x:ipn Vf il:c Stmiun5 Ar nn.nnuat 'Ca•nC$2U0 . C: 'I'atnlenatfonBa'Ursly:a:.fNe!sll:(ivanuA\Gnu!unnf;SS7� .,_ ii. 'I'SIaAAruallic):�gd`a'e abet the fii5l yr.,!.S,iJ�yta(�U � , - ii. bari:;thi ntn;!ilininrprtieti.add gutlt.riwv¢ l•lii ru•:n.ihc 4Gru:r,.a•>iei±q+rri.ur: 11. Nei,:III.m.pvam!.ugIlowt,utnntainall!iulnul'-AiswNiropfowtviimhi: . Svciicit J[J. G�s1'O�1JiR Li DF:Rst'r1�Dl�C>(}1 J'£t;Jri)fr,lJF\ACF:.Uf.se:!i J'Rtc(,+`si sl��t, ('uttt+ar,.inq:drraands that: A. The S:nbScuA Sy`06A inllAtYb 7nataijali;ta timl iiainaoring. wW!kcamlt I:rli1w Wit. iLt t'U1111nUJ:1{rrC!y'altll; ftam Act Ict)nitd cult!4iri. it. inim]ij,iunanl iCn v"INtol'.nii:[b:roa{cal q;uttJt4k>:dtpcGlcA.ialrtcu; 9: 16swlfilioq(ff Ihi 5eaitiwn rt:llinraand iil l YCtttf I11114 Nillcii%Iri:db„t ihc.pil l i:,la uplteeulit arnnl>••heir Atw ii, r1JJilinn ill'IlceJ'ti4 Willy:hail. 1., 1)it:iUg 1{I:1111(i\S+I(.1t 9crWCctl lnY.all:InQIt 11I IJIC:11aA1111+�:i,1 Cn111!ilt:jC chl:ll1iY11rIn11t vkwinu ll'alill'ca;I,-niC,:t:lnnlClc.yiri�tYhimi.ILL:sitt.r.:(Ia,CIK.j6Iy niruA 0IV:,anal%d.A;Ieltir l drlttarc.nnq .wwice.IA,%a•\rul 'cunanti,jAA tdmilldds p,e avwW?fc G,v,vik".A Icinitf" :,Cric,ryruu tsclli'ttlLahlnl•[npt hati)..If dcana:,Gc:ue rm:l:z:Jta(Inr.:uid.»Ylnp:c,y;:ril,+UC U)icryW::unn+H r'anim:unv,. !:. `Yp;xe:i,ei(+pntlier,::ti lire ti,o:F'i;Ini tis±,lenl l<,x±.m.c.(�:•s,!it.tc;n,i,qu.(lt„rugl l;atpr.•reai:,t�•rl.er!.�nfasr:vim nsu:;ir •T�J�ting±s cti:Tealtn cutnnv .urtivai 1 teits k!l:tl,±l ivBdiit•:ed ial,RCC::CI;Ua'•! idJn:f.nlc..i.i.t'.A:::r..Y.US::pI?tlr,.f:E:,•r.9.u`:•-a?l:i r.:i::E::.•,d)rrl,ir!w'�'.c:i:,^'n5aatiiFdlOn tueir9lc Alp.d. rvSM).iblrv:uufi't;:�-,n. � . r. •IYa:'iilneCl it'.:Nalaltcd;,1!bifbl N,+:gtad.of(Uhi:)f:tn.•alI Ip;:.::it I1tN:dllneln:,:+n.SI{:cli•tarnL'.•?�{, .•{:,1 t'•,p:•':in Inch:1;I,.(ftx:ur+ant.'i;+;,Apre.Ai;nl d""Atli pa itb;for;II:ticanum n(7:Iq.:niw:JK:1;,101tl.;nlinrai It' INIA 4,11 l+•::a::: 'I Ire!n:l:n,,tl;'l`),rnii 1„)lr-:::•(r't pt::l.d die. allt�tnrel rl 1n)hcild:•:cu4d:u-,i�x iu L•r:�:.Ht'T,,,r.Ib,;i�ula;;at¢:•;t,rl yq:,;lli:•J.,Ialiwn:r.d u:ttec:r::,:to uni\ i:iar ;..F:;r.eeland nioltis ur h,q!i. (i. TL,l mp:lsn�mta. r rcpre+eri+nt r t t:enf,},(n¢.\uii) auu;l t:r intn h r r[+nc.<ixunp Iiinnie.t v.nc:. Sections'. D'i]�Y.►t;ItO5CLFVCTSid+� t}�Y�IilLSfi]P(1F•SEl71tIC:0\'SYS7'h\fcO�tYOVE:v?S: C'.un,nner plan uud:I{muJ+tln+l, 1'hq Saiuicun sys6 anul whir the twilpi s,pm.oi 111t:•`.ic,m.Sy,ww tT.nip¢ncal+"j fiai�;Srccmd:.;Cisvil by Dua':\.ftoSeicilrs 2L�C 1'ne CnptpnncAtx ar:imtiiiilren;aidlhaPtn;+c)ly-a,fljoit•,\prii;s0vi�•.TS,('Cuili:ixfiysnr,ti�Ll,.ie)u:talpCctto9uy.:U:fwcoxpttwn-.,rrJ,.•r•t11s)[lirciighttulhe)(,ne'q� +naa$•eJ bi•titc cu:npany tu)titcCuswnni'a pninl,:+unlf.rui,Aen-aiunt: H. I)tl etpin±inn i`r IcrintAitinil.d(tbtd:l;,;e±ieni.Ilu C"All-ay"'Id )ht\x,\4ryitieiencc:T7.(:n;:ipii respegti,K reprnklitatuc:';r:sutbntizpi cy.C;esl,+nkr to (cTJe+'a�Giine('uynnter'a pvuri}:!1he$!atiutia an;!ulb:;t',i\:pnn;;2t;fin,tpj!ta{tr�ic s:iy;!t+,ta.i•.)n auJiAnn,if th.CcV:iian).(ar ivhate,-eT r,a,un.zt:vx to wr..-4,.,;mat 1u0+e;lttt,.4!0&d jo wjnl•,r w the vio iceJ,.yY l,u 1. ' h., Ul;:•:(!111:C.T.:rih::lic):4Lja'p{q{'e±th:(4•in al=i77i'R9u C,nlu Pt;ttrnur„•url:urnctcan,c=tn:p lhn:\ttrac:uc:w; t. CIa'tfq ills t';uuaitcr fi wjreci p:dJ Ini iliA ig,(y:.:ridPc;1.doppuq,tlut:: d. R;Innd,u x owtinta Xn:untn�nt cI)tr,,t In qIc C:r pas,)fa.e.i,„e:.l..t co fc�eT:.d iC t'y,lr,oi2,vl:;;:,:,:J:>nen,inaa ,.ra.aicrs!np.ur t'uAlgn+t'c:mnut nCtsK nn iill'cJi,'c idkri:u±i,'�tiign nl'Iga;iti•rrn:eci:,tt,t+nd Ro m.,nl,il)pq'!)owAr)eSen:n:ciIt.1,Coit>r,'il "cl-IaIivestwoulIlfi-weem.l'illivl,Iel( 0iiulht'.Icinpv!u1thA(}nnpnncnlS:and it. .. (ir,:^.t the Cn!upatiy�a:ul I)uSa:Irl,iticillat t:['.,:�iiivil Ie•:1'ct:,o.sry^.ee.mBl ia�:feaarrir;+acr.>:.Ul+hc f`egti.:9 fa,t thi t,ricWl nC'the 1:.� 14'y'lef lt::a`:a11(hi5:'K!IialJ,1)'•ni Ihi lrll",t Jii/i!'.tin,:C:,l'nl^I:,!i^n:::w::ro;sv:cs:nie:C:!su:aCrtct:tr,'i rak• u;xr�t:�TtluiJ, iJ.r•:.;; Jt:b:;:; :.Jf':,,irii+:a lrps).ntEh"ncJu.:udnt:: ,,:•:d:,n)r„rl�rtu b,e:.o..omsL.:G•r a.:•n:;:r.•;Snc�:r.:,an!t:etor•r:ar,,::r„?:,n:: cp:.Iv r G<=:. glb.Anrtcnrcu)eoni+ill+n•rtaiulimit.ti,!a,•,:mfI)itfnn,.a nil s\.•t,i.i.,n+dutba•(`,.y,p+n+'.ublleatiru,.,H.i k.t,rexl91,1111'if'XCIn-tnr„lhr•(nrctl!:ilin4, h;r.,nri•lu.:.n io:aw oimi,ow perwi All,,41e a.., ypclii.'.,.;b,n,..r:r•Ta •:I Lr n.,,.1.. ar.: a•u. Cts.• ^I. ,. ,«:.•:ro A•r.a ism (++Jn ;lt< extcl nY?,r:Cua,:n.r.a.:nf•\+:¢si:..a.•fp:, ae= •rr L„ , :yi:;:. i)!! .\±x aan., I-'I:,u n,n;li:• c t:w('•rtt$,dAy-,otll al::na•.a by an ....•irvwhn x:alar ur eA'Sii:, ,tli-- :SI:c(;nI.O+asp CUSTOM 1 Tlt)SII"I't::�Jl J'JiS'1'DIi1:1z�SY,INC. .tnaiur:: Ken Galatrelfa w 1'iuue,!1,Iq:+Y �.. 1�--'i.Y-•' ,'riw d t:.K....,,_.......:..._.....�.v..,-. - -_,.�. upon documented fTtstO*dori _ R,GNY1'7,c'.1:\•t`rr,:Yr,!�TlrrS Cr:.f:rnurix,.v;lY(:J.t'f'FL rlrl,S fx:1•\'SAC'T'/(Gt';ir,f,1't"r'J.Ufi�/'(t1UR I;)?flt).\'7G17T Ol'TIf('17f(R))?(1:Sl.Vla�` r,;T P,Jlrrnx rrrJs nlirr;nr�rutY rR;hrs:J(-rlfii'.sera r1 rti:1Tf.J('ufr,NuTirra pr'(%i.\'rFbr,:[r!t>,',°Fux,ia'(:art.;ti;f Trtit or•'nrlS RlrrrrT i111 Rf{M Q.1SU,01'Vil(:1011'(Oil i)AV11%4\'STIt\1 SIAy'ItI;SFI,'I'IN,\1„%.i x ov'ri:It\1111:i,retfi•1SCrIoN 5e:+:>rtan H::nr,,:•-e!l(.:-,pk:+:e,.-,ai;r:.;vo-d;;p.idaq'itm,:_r.orir.e:r[IY' ')lalq:T+:^�ra•:i)i:t:u•,hY.Sait, � iL9XA.5\'ril'la i ------------ From fax5616880909 1.161.688.0909 Fri Oct 29 09:53:19 2021 MDT Page 2 of 2 SmLaa V.CUSTOMER C0MM[iM6Nr AS TO CONDMONS CONDUCIVE TO QNMTAMONS.Tw Ctatotna wom to be W2dY naptatabk 1br enahmIniffs daw=wptet8satamAgra any coupwowM afrotomrmheinft w=rCaadhiinsCwatudv saebdow[ar00saawlTheT agerssa rw be so!¢ly testa fartdmdfying and twrtding CotttBdoas COadtxive.Ttse rtapaasiDBtty rmu ucEaltraly wEb the C ucow.act with rho C of tea fxar�ay m rderr Cuttoma m say of ttra abate coadfdeaa thrice[cilia tawomcra smpwst381ty tmsla this Sec iaa to wultwo.der aattmca of ray Coatddoos Cenducivv teat trnt rot dtmfy cormted taclaBep ttgy CatxStittat L'anhxire asisthtg to t sat vislhla m the time atdsa uamt1on of din Agrtxmeat,will tea Caa��my,m qt cob tlisattdan m termsas o toe A>ls> w m t aptuc Customer to pwchsse any addldand trcumg mgdmt as o ttsatt of dra Cwdtdora Coadaetre.Customer ograr m Qdb coopasm wED die Compsny ttaing tEo trnn of tCis w y and a8nes to taaintata the araa{s)baked am 6=VA CoodiSaasCoadlteWa.Whatpedfh itmts nmyba ttotad tratnw ia•A,'d1rlam)Cmtmaats` CONDfF[ONH CONDUCIVE:Cbadhlaas CarrQmivt irtetade Oat osa act litaikd to teat(mitt,imprtrpet vathTstiuq,fautrypEanEiag,cod ttatalWaotiaamlmt i» err ewund the arm tabaatt tttsutsaal ptobkaa,Fmtrtdirtg,6tn rsat EWtad to,wood ta tpwxd taausu,muamy lhEarar,dwl srsitamcat o[tlm feaadadoq foam msuLttbea staLN mm>tmtb4 o rpcttdcd PlY+4r or tryW/oam ataldOd!> sycttasc sMtAg(i xtadln8 rLsyl,wood and toad)U WWA(2 6 illdU or Ibe IatrA tube sit msr pmksdro gtntmd tavicelttg sad fuewood trssh Imabet,wool taatw sbrtt6R tdaer and cow ptott ct Shoed wverfn8lf wL tt 6 bdws or SmOw V.ADDITIONS,ALMAT[ONS,AND OTHER CHATiGM The AQrttattstr mvm rho Saustmcis)idwd"Ia&aim I is*raw dnoa of the bdtht mvattttloaCostua rwMInt todisWywfirydwCottVtayInwdUastgpriormlieSttamue{s)bdadsatrc=HymodiSaXstta dOrattavitsoozei dy(2)priato teasdtkldtbltt8sgplladonarCotem�laetttmsofarryStatiartli)tfao6lamawatOraddodaau dtbatomidadanof(he S<rt;nmoWor(4)city euVesiogor • eVdymou or tmppUu oeeata.Fnittm to tstsdryt rite Cotrpsay!a wvrting of airy coca fated show maq void the ATreamati.Adt9ttoaol servhes oogu5ad M Cyr Chtittxt.lDaadast arnn+tbhca�rr toot atom tmry bo pcotided by ebe CCoat�at Caswaseri urPea:e,wxf may mtwra mml)naarnu is thaaaswd!'cs ' Seeefoa VIL DAMAGE REL►T7�70 BFZtVtthb the Campsay vst)exercise that care ahle perfamdt8tcrvites hnun&r to nttwt m awddtttmgtog npy pail of Cie¢aa:eaAst�PtpoiulY.Fl u err atr)mhamUg.Ueda eo cinvnataseaarrs vi71 ttx Campaay be aYpaavbic Nr dmmBa atwd by the Compsaw as the ditto tea awl& ptapmp{it gpbtroaadLadsraPe)aftar�mimpAadoa�tteSZsttou: COY Cmtaam is tespoanWe at Llutamces sate v*se ,far mrsA ishtng CStamndt BeeOmVH1.REPAiRAPIDREIRBATiNBNTOBUGATIONCmtomerinitlala- SubjocttotlsoVWAtorm led COWWotls aft A ,Iran 4ttbassta+t arsobteaaasm tamkea ooaas m der tttated CamaanU)dsieS die tea of t4bAgtaramt,thoCOttVaey w111 t mat Cte am of larcUtion rs ao tddldaad d tatai u*al atnAt irtmd waditrom of Ws ftocmc*6AD Compiny or�&I Its cost. n new tkm ermo jvto do uwW L mcs;:04. ay tee alertdar yaes she leuW err S7:MO,A00 is tea asgeeBdoaradm tam o[tbo ABrccmmt.iadttdfoganrmiaaraad rtxcwds. 1.Ctatomer axpsady vraivm a»y elaita far eettawak,warFmtawry,w eosstegooaUai sfassmgea tetadt�m die calucsca of Sttt>x termlta or Sabftascsaa tatrSta daam8e,m fbt t sawrod amn ku afore,bnstaess ImmteFtim dttaimd)aa of value,oray"sttgma•an:mp duo to dco goscacc of Stsbialm mfetmAa or Sabtmaaeaa temsito ttataTa.The Cttsttratar eeltcoty!alga Ihsl dro Campst�4 pcdbtmkg a txsvlrr and osegpt ft tantita dansW ttpaba Sol Wb obmro and ray dattapc to Iha sgteawra t maid by lu t aspaay is tea perratanace o1!tc aorlart4 Cltaama watrat a»y ebb far pm" ,wsd gpact LW coach no citeaaulaatmshell(ampnaybatxldItnbaforstryammuugrealatbmttsaesaassmpaidbydtoLtatamcrmComprayMy the tmmtmscr loombepatat zL 2 D�swsa4ecrraaeagtn7mltaboo!u,ttraltetrtshitytarrysxadautompsanatmaettadaretaroparlada(drac[oSwft(nataneta.The Ce TMIt01 sctpomi42otor repairs of rahtorraaenn eesmGe damot a tent aetortttMom t4a repair ppaortloa ofshe svareaaybaomes eReedra. I. Compagy5tabtigadoatOrcpa&arrStadmtasOw bsamaafftcdrattpwdeaaliteat(�lctimiaadaaafda colony arclwlatoratedeaorabmathoStsvlw Addressar(H)Ike)Insanahrctxasyof Eft t eaofthasullk=CalariotisnitmdoashaSbitdoomedm cam who%followitt8 two romactu!"-0-oftt d'" faders On Raauit tarm4a W to am or mote termite ball stations ieetad at the Savior Addx%the ComponyY kewdo is ttasbk to!Acme.Rarer PWW of shmo cosaamt[va%WectdshstotrioStniwAuden.ow five tt dealersayofteatemdtatatstuffoutootedofcboSavfmAddsmeifaawdsmw.wevbythe pigs roof Eva twdia,occurs whltotbo Comp oys ab88edoa to rapt!:taadta damage Is In ibm:.fallowing wriam ttodtscddon firm Custanw and cat*Apccd=by the��,py Cm Y agnv co rcbrtbatva Ctntomcf rorthe rent mma cost arfEe mpim bul u dy m lba away tom din total fuumablo east ofsucb sspshs b kssdmaS2d4400to myoaoelasderyear. 4.St6jw ro der rerolib${r wAvas of this Sc#jM VJILL Customer will be adbted to miter the wnmor woo wits pedoao the oecdW rephy to rho aeated ssn=m(s!.Prior to easalms Into a conima wilt a cowimar.LSmomat win m Provide flu Cmapaoy a copy of tho proposed aw as at wftm bfd.If der Com:uy daamiaalta bid tobeascasswc.CtAgamwas=mgnateceensoIMtaxedamem o)toaeardracmrdcAp=dtrytheC1anVaayfardieptttpaxofabtatala8a spacc9a(a�d�sbid 1tu do wodr.to easuo cohort Ibera arc me8ipk hide for ny+dr UV&CmtoasQ Z*MA-hdg n dot the Company rosam*4 ri81u to«tcm tea or so 3.The C=wq Is no tmpoadbte for tea repair of CMU vhiblc dsmpc MAW on the wtaclwd faspedion 8enpht ar hicf&z dmesge u1stag as or lte seta of dsk ABaaatat.The Com)wtty Boas not gturacec that de dumps dtutcatd oil the attactxd irtgttelon tcPreums aU cribs to"M damage as of the dam of ibis AVO¢raem Tbo rampoay tMB not ha rospotrtlhb fat(11 e4r daaryFnttttcd by taralta to FEe trratrd atruanrt{s)or Or wakes ffrnrorwift Filar to or tlWtetttg lea test of Ihls Agratsseot or{2)coy oosn or case 1trtarred by Cuskmar m a resuU of any such domgts.Conamor waka Sol dd=far tlattugO tO tIIe prapary arpwpk than may rpaB dtmse y or iadtrreBy tram xrv[ae ptoridtd Try toe company.%*b the sob asecpOoa of 4-tms far daimon dna m tits grasrtsttl8'icnoe M lea Comgsay mdfor Its amplayesr. SaedoaLlf AAY!►)SIY1:7lmCatapsOlsob to tmdathlsABtnemanisaasdittibsedt�pnCwtomefspayraem14UOrdmpsiwatfbahlnSeca=D soave Ctraoaxls Rltu a Ia pry nitre ptiw 6 Shc all!turns tots Agi oeateot m attmsmtiCdly cad famteditw)p taradazle is in etelnety end der Cuplay wo be m�ofaultab>siy.Atlaitttmuspall.lf,toy,eAp ttmome thOpmpay ottha Cat,»fit:tiantdatodaatttagas haaaedc.7)m iasfatlattatfbobGstiand paya6to of the It>bmi savttx.Liu rolmtvsl fw k tSse cad payabtottsme aadpl oftnvoloe.mttdaa tbm ore trot pdd widia tlthy(Id)tmya ottha IawteatAaa tviii aoeeae Ittttsaetatihe ttap¢Id halorso m a pC egad m do learacr 13f1 pa r_andr(19%payer!or maslmua we allowtdby lmt.In the evemthu kgalacdm is oeoautyto calla"any=a=4300fto Cho be awmar A 0*0 drwlktdxa&&ft malomb)emortteylfear, Iaattdtdanm III otaaso tgaraccasdaotrioCaapsq) Sedan L TERM Uatw wmrwko tpa0tfkaftypmvidtd tom,dupardo apw 1Eet die idf W taco of fAh Agracamm W11 bo fbr fw•elra(12)m adta and ad6 be sutamrtdt0y wtow•od on an annualbuL%for on a IdtWool twdva(12)month period,kr a amshnnm Of ibW(4)cddfdoaa)torohe(12)tttmtdt pedals,041Mlrs tbo Iafdti tam upon pgytnaM by Llatmaer ofthe foe fadlratW fa StCdoaU B of this ABrcaamt(sobJcp m wgttrasant m provided In thlr AxafulLunku eider Ferry samsls byglv[ngthe dhapatty tvOttod rmtka mtedSltltbty(JS)dgytpr)m m tbtwdvftbedtm etatratt aim.gbh ABsaomem my I*tarolaasedbytEtCaog=ry at tbstama,m say ttfdo foUowkB tbo inidal teem rpaa wrfitrn entice to C4a dlta<patty el I eat ttlby(Ib)days prWto such wo4cadao.At the end ortha five(S) 6y by C der savka rmybo ratotved r mtsmEy wilt tea rotate!ea�wt aritab faxiw m4 dsaaaSati drderparty may laminua toe newton whh wiamraft m laauthhq{J�days prior a the cad of rho then atsrem trna.The Canpstgr triwW dY tight tv incrd3se rho pm of urAm This Apecmm tsttt may &AW by Custwiarbyptovtdtagtvrlttan notice tothe Qotttpaay ttddria dhty(7W days fol(awingCltttasca'a tauijq of the awlceoCiaacate. Sedka XL ARBITRAT30�.ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAOI ARISING OUT OF OR REW77NO TO THIS AGRI=ENT OR ANY OTHER AGRFElt1ENr BSTWBEN THE PARTIES,UfCL1FDING 84T IiOT LtM(!I[O DO ANY TORT MvfD STATUTORY CLADM AND ANY CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERLY DAMAO&SHALL BE SP.77.ED BY SWING ARBITRATION. UNLESS THE PARTUS AGREE OTHBRWiSE,THE ARBTRAZON WALL BE AUNPOSTERED UNDER THE COMMERCIAL RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION AL98 MMON(AAA')OIL IF APPLICABLE,rf SHALL BE DETERMINED UNDER THE AAA PROCEDURES FOR CONSLBd0tdUfi.ATED DtSPUTEL THE FARM EXPRESSLY ACRES THAT T11E ARBITRATOR SHALL FOLLOiY THE SUBSTANTIVE LAW.INCLUDING THE TERM AND CCNOMONS OF 7UIS AGREEMENT,AND TIiAT AW ARWfRATION PROCEEDING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE CONSOLTRATED OR JOINED WrfH ANY ACTION OR LEGAL.PROCEEDING UNDER ANY OILIER AGREEMENT OR INVOLVING ANY OTHER PREMISES,AND WILL NOT PROCEED AS A CLASS ACnON,PRIVATE ATTOR.\SY GENFRAL ACTION OR SIMILAR REPRitSENTATIVE ACTION.SITIM PARTY HAS THE RICHT TO REQUIRE A PxNEL OF THREE O)ARBITRATORS.AND THE;REQUESTING PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TILE COST OF TIM ADWMAL ARBITRATOR$EITHER PARTY MAY REQULTT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO 771E H1;ARINGTHATTHE AWARD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REASONED OPINION.THE AWARD RENDERED BY THE ARBITf1ATOR(S)SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON ALL PARTIES,EXCEPT THAT MTH1M PARTY"AV Nf17TIR'v JO DAY5 OF THE ORIGINAL AWARD REQUEST AN AsRrMAL APPEAL TO A THREtc 148114BElt APPEAL TRIBUNAL-THE APPRAIJ%C PARTY SHALL HE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPELLATE A{tSITitATOR(8)I=AND C"M THE APPEAL TIU13MAL SHALL REVWY ALL QUESTI(N S OF WV AND PACT UNDER A CLEARLY ERRONEOUS bTANDARD.THE AWARD OP THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHwtl BE FINAL AND BINDING.JODG046NT ALLY 8E ENTERED ON THE AWARD IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF.CUSTOMER AND COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGRiE THAT THIS AlMnVATION PROVISION iS MADE PURSUANT TO A IRANSAC110M INVOLVING INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND Stw.L BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL ARSITRATION ACT Saetloa Xu.Ci{EMICAL.SVQDTIVILY OR SPECIAL WAL711 CONDITIONS Ifr]:==bdierae teat Cu=worea"acmccatrottba Mud tamwaa aea or troy 0 be m=ddwo to pesMdashrn lftWas or ftk odm or(8)Lave mho heft rmsdfflma tkt tony h AMded by pasdddtlmmsdatdes or their clod. C=Vany racodraoads turd yen am bars so taldd ara ss*wg;m uruW pafmmod aA loan,ttashat trait ycu hm acaadted web yoga faxBy ptyddm.At y= rogttad,Ctr.Vuty w81 provtdo{nfbarmdms ahata t«`O ebam4als a be used ht urm4sd drc pramiro.RY pamlttiag diotteataxat,C7raemo+aamnes s4erbti tard wdvn asysad+ilatotmrssafosttkodraVsnyfacotmaafnawithaa4saahitdryawaftt .tltyat7cegneu.IEoCOepuytrglpeovidei ttlbttmtlaardtomdmslRrledsto bit meth Fa tmt[ag tea pttmise►. SatUea XIlL ASStCNABILfIY.This Agfsaaaa♦a traasfaable a o Turco oamW of rho property located at the Senits Addtau pravldod lot rho amv owner of chit ptvpaaty eaves into an htpalttdaa and alculaoft agtcccccnl wile tea COmaaay.The Cats"resatas tea sfphs to charge a aamfcr fur,cg(Cw the asaud resawal rota nadehaap da tacitoftbo ComMysO gpda t underdds AlKaaxnt upon Day Colt rmmftr.Upon tfte dwUM of theatre ufthc pro"toedW cares SwAta AddremchtsAgrotacmwig terodttntc Sturm W.ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERASILITY.The Agtaemcm and tea as26W gdph aonsthulc Ibo Mint t8temteet btlwma rho pordCL f.k—ear wuattts raadttprrsnaaat,lnanrerhmWsAgunscnt.t3UWWIsamrsIyingaaoayptaatfsa,tgneeamwat09MMa,ahatWQWcrishwo. tt d i and my is ford to as Agorae M lttmyp n of ibis Agmeasoas is4Bd to be iftnud ar aomfateeable for opyratsaN toe lcmd aBTw w card eoadFekar ordtis AJPecnan wiA raaaSa fa AAt hrea cad afka.The tams of tbo Agraosaat stetcd lsextn tsvy aac be amendudor oltetad tmlds a wrltsm dttgSo b appmrod and signed by a Catpmam OlBcef of Camppy.No Otber cmplomicraMuorCmupany have 90hoscy co aanad Miller eeY{ors of dds Asrwn=L Provided,hwrever.dut m to the p ropuph an ARBITRATION.If the seakaco Fecluftft aarbtdamr Bum eanQuakns tat whbatiaa Fm4cccuma m it Sian, ceramazwo at Fiona amuw 8caaml uatoo ii round to be bwdW err usenfomsbW tfsen the euisety of the ARBNTRATION. parW4:6 shsD W dcmmd m bo &Yticu XV.ADDITIONAL COMMLSTS. �tampoCtSehtn4lu�IaftepykaetedrndmwksarOnwApoSaceratLC. tltalalYlUla3