HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING 210 7- 0118 JOL B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c 't i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5871/5889-Fax.786.615-5801 October 22, 2021. Project No. 21-0536 Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 55th Street Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re.: Auger Cast Pile monitoring for Private Residence S.F.H. 4836 Waterson Way Fort Pierce, 34949. (LOT40) Dear Sir, Pursuant to your request, BIII MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING, LLC. conducted Auger Cast Pile monitoring for the above-referenced location on October 18tn 19tn and 201n,2021. The work involved the installation of fifty-seven (57) 14" diameter cast in place piles installed. The approximate grout volume used was 2287.95 c.f. (84.7388) yards), and the load capacity of 29 tons. Attached are the monitoring logs, as well as the sketch showing the location of piles, enclosed with this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to your company. Please feel free to contact us if there is any question or comments pertaining to this letter. aitydnCc6J•Yf lr�P 143 q A F �Z v A • .e� P�70 m90or�a eg. #�677$ g�Engineering, LLC. o°>s6o;sJ P a g e 1 4 133 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERINIn E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5971/5899-Fax.796.615-5801 October 22, 2021. Project No. 21-0536 Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 55tt` Street Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re.: Auger Cast Pile monitoring for Private Residence S.F.H. 4836 Waterson Way'Fort Pierce, 34949. (LOT40) Dear Sir, Pursuant to your request, BIII MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING, LLC. conducted Auger Cast Pile monitoring for the above-referenced location on October 18tn 19tn, and 20tn,2021. The work involved the installation of fifty-seven (57) 14" diameter cast in place piles installed. The approximate grout volume used was 2287.95 c.f. (84.7388) yards).Attached are the monitoring logs, as well as the sketch showing the location of piles, enclosed with this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to your company. Please feel free to contact i� us if there.is any question or comments pertaining to this letter. aoOB�tl¢• • f 0 OOpr! Res u 1 submit 'K , ��,oy'rt,§ e � t a Dario A. errero, P.E,n �- Florida Reg. #67796 C'•'� � BIII Material Testing En `1,444 A�fl.c P a g e 1 4 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERINIn E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5871/5889-Fax.796.615-5801 P a g e 2 4 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 133 PROJECT NO. DATE 18-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale,FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam ITIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Pile No. 53 48 54 34 32 43 42 52 57 56 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 _ 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 45 46 45 44 41 35 32 33 36 42 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6*7) 47.3 48.3 47.3 46.2 43.1 36.8 33.6 34.7 37.8 44.1 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.6 1.6 1,6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8005 8005 8005 8005 8005 8004 8004 8004 8004 8004 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. 44 arts u o�r-u^° d u Q� ,p.A T f9 0 Respectfully Submitted; i a 0 wt �� Herr@ro,P . Field Rep.: David Correa[ F f,so a. #67.7�6,a 0� "Z 'L As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential pFoo fzy f Le`$, p;fro�i t n�fbr publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.in accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not b'e' t�,g ezrq�y �lt�ilwout the prior written approval for B3 Material Testing Engineering,I.I.C. AAA°°°d�°4 a 6 a t t a t t�t B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.796.773.5971/99-Fax.796.615.5901 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 63 PROJECT NO. DATE 18-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam ITIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 Pile No. 55 51 50 33 23 22 13 3 Augered O(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 43 41 38 35 41 32 33 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6"7) 45.2 43.1 39.9 36.8 43.1 33.6 ' 34.7 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.2 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8004 7014 7014 7014 7014 7014 7014 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. Respectfully Submitted; p �u nJ o �t�al���yl � r v e � - D`10 eprerq,P. , Field Rep.: David Correal #6Y 61 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confideqp1bKOert clients,and�aauthori br publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall''noTb��Pfte� gtan f�rlJ�v tt�but the prior written approval for r - _ v. B3 Material Testing Engineering,U.C. 0 •.;� 3R Ji9Al5f BFF 63 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING [_ o ri C c CJ 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.796.615.5901 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 19-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam iTIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 Pile No. 49 44 41 35 47 45 36 40 46 37 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 41 33 34 35 37 44 39 40 37 35 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(co 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf),(6*7) 43.1 34.7 35.7 36.8 38.9 46.2 41.0 42.0 38.9 36.8 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.4 -1.4 1.3 1.2 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8004 8004 8004 8004 8004 8004 8003 8003 8003 8003 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ; 4#5 with #3 ties @ 10" o.c.,,Fpj•15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. c v v a`4 ti'�• � � v Respectfully Submitted;s " • `4V o , Dari ye ro,P.E. Field Rep.: David Correal If.ft-,t57796 `'"e '•fir. -_'-- '�. ,e As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confider tialgr6p lien mite•thorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not bJe$AprpducT d,�ezcept in full without the prior written approval for B3 Material Testing Engineering,LLC. 133 MATERIAL_ TESTING ENGINEERING E3 I I I f= 5 � e r� c o f F' r• t c c C i c� n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.785.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 19-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam ITIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2 Pile No. 39 3 2 7 5 6 1 11 8 9 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 36 31 33 35 35 38 36 37 36 35 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(co 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6*7) 37.8 32.6 j 34.7 36.8 j 36.8 39.9 j 37.8 38.9 37.8 36.8 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (8/5) 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 1 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8003 8003 7010 7010 7010 7010 7010 7010 8004 8004 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ;4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. yUrr•: .send Respectfully Submitted; ', V 0 jj „d ri Hei•r&q.,R:E. Field Rep.: David Correal �> ` "" 1'aWeg ##k.ij 6 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confideKWI pip eG •0''an1 -saut ! for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall'1YQt odupery�d,eRc R�jhf �Nithout the prior written approval for B3 Material Testing Engineering,U-C, t I'V�l�t� 'did 1d FL5��t�~ 133 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING f P c r f e c t i o r'i 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.796.773.5971/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 133 PROJECT NO. DATE 19-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2 Pile No. 4 12 14 21 24 10 17 15 20 30 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 35 36 38 70 36 38 35 36 35 38 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(co 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf),(6*7) 36.8 37.8 39.9 73.5 37.8 39.9 36.8 37.8 36.8 39.9 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.2 1.3 1.3 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8004 8004 8004 7014 7014 7014 7014 7014 8001 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. A Respectfully Submitted; s n I ; " I` Dario ;;psE. Field Rep.. David Correal >;:. I`ae .#67796 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of ciren, �n�tl uthorieatior f1grp't`bK on of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproducedeek�QdtttG f411 wi if tl��PTior written approval for 83 Material Testing Engineering,L.L.C. B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING c e o f P e r f c t i a n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/99-Fax.796.615.5901 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 63 PROJECT NO. DATE 19-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:00 PM CONTACT Michael Assam J TIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 48 49 50 51 52 2 Pile No. 31 16 18 19 29 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 36 35 38 31 39 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6'7) 37.8 36.8 39.9 32.6 41.0 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.4 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8001 8001 8001 8001 8001 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total ;4#5 with #3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft,Qage',"Jn`1##7 full. Respectfully Submitted; ` h Field Rep.: David Correal FIa:,,RS'> C- ,({`,,T vt As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,and au hbfiaation for�pUblication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,except in full without the prior written approval for B3 Material Testing Engineering,I.I.C. r 133 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5971/99-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 20-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 10:00 AM CONTACT Michael Assam _ TIME JOB FINISHED 11:00 AM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 40 ADDRESS 4836 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 53 54 55 56 57 2 Pile No. 25 28 26 27 38 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 41 42 44 40 45 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6*7) 43.1 44.1 46.2 42.0 47.3 9 Volume Ratio(co, (815) 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.6 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 7010 7010 7010 1 7010 7010 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 57 piles in total; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. Respectfully Submitted; -0' ^- ^ •;. ,A�, E% rero, f- _ Field Rep.: David Correal 4 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,g9d'61P.gridaion fo2p blicat bn of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,exceptin,fV ithoue0e;pribr written approval for 6AA39 133 Material Testing Engineering,LLC. B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERINIG 3111 E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5971/5989-Fax.786.615-5801 'c-AJ AJ N�� . "dJ 11� P a g e 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 T I 8 I 3 1 10 1 II I Jig I IS I 14 I ii I 16 ..raves+r nns _ oa¢2nL�A>_r,-.ca•.rrw.�rvnc-no-ForATwoA w<rwo:>rucwr w.ucm owvr nrw rcr -P N °aoa am¢.e Nro n-,aeorren•mr pye urrR<v�u.sTr�iur,nevw>-�r�s�m nnu r»>rcr xerrw.lL wnc�rrrw ro�mTue�.cowwavN To riu.nx ucT��uwa.s 1 <•. oe N p•cur.+er-x - raLL.vr_.x� nx ureru:raerw+rcr c'ire rrorerArs wrcRrcaws s•corss+a tea, � nee.uc ]a'L'>C n@•J.eQ<,tN�Otb pot 44�War L¢VTr:.v2aAL IeGTPISMAe A�w_ nc>+r<rnaN corn euuL a=_e�eo A1CT>ID rA-,cczrsrers�n,E.ura+avvrne aT nrx,-ava �j ��.P� M��K?�✓Jbb LCneKMAt!FLLL TNYfrNHOL2 NU MviHCO a�A _� 1.'tMCCP�2 PLAOEy}M gyALL C211p�D AT dLL TYip AND NOT Ofi D?roNp,T Cry¢HrTh¢R rNE NCt¢I> _ aRlnEiilY 9iAYETa I.TiA.V R>&NY ariNPr GIpPOfII ry�jTTta=E 011 py,1,'D A{>,uQ >TA3'GTN�Twa noreex wro au.rl¢xn.es wAw ccµvpr a:armn¢c= 3 ___ Vji SR M PewL�orEvr,r�awcaA+m am earvserorvarurm t.:r.�rmmA.>ro u .- 8 > rmra: wrnae ea=ae�z rla.uc+c ne cramp n• �u>ICN cTnzm � �jt �; _ •>aea ••• PSTrn eaxTPr nwaeuT ce rL.>eo unrwr ww+eax.uro:uwcaL /' r],e>orTa]1 7•¢,IL•� la1:Pd{yT F�EI'AAS Jab PLL Avr w�Op NlFif ArrQlttA1PJEIL M'-lUL iA1E.Q - •i lec L - tUYt<.iDD�TO NL AICv'IRr%LHI CPATW:L FCtE'-0 KK2 CP 0./G.eM1Am r>,oeortm cuTa nx H�n'G riTrm w•ocT+px n:a rareaALa enuL°:eor.Toarta� �r•v;ooeL =v ,a¢ - Pnonw a u+r;>aeo rwQrAu un c w uLrour eormasexn psz�;u a. �vrr+m �W ��� f��o P51LT]o DAK rw.exRu�Mpr p¢A1L 0¢TtnT°°Y MANaG d]p3fWTn,L¢p _ 11, — (<•N1oC irM1tt] K•R p1CN MY PI9Y! `G6>Tr6C>AC RI�D.AC'T 6'CLM><IULL ER2rOTCP •c.2 aL^.9 TO YP 1rBRD aTI DAH.A]nC]C>tO E81F�P At]b nAYC F•i L>t]2•. � rz�mu�az�rnati��a�ww eriTo�r'LATen�rrcrz:Tmm rini iNE �c' �u co q; l L1 GRADE BEAM 4 L13 GRADE BEAM 2 ai MS. AT ELEVATOR PAD p e] I(i GRADE BEAM SCNEDULE- ev en�i•onrw>o,ar r>i a > � , oaxmmcN wo.r - eU.`z`. erm _ wAc¢c�A] 8� ']� �To-vc oocu csi u•a]a• � ruro�� ci u e rrc,exr.a>w. 'r'2i2iR' ro*cr .^c �^e ;' nuO1x.`d��ra o+ex csr ra•u• ruro rues az x Do�•o.e•cc - 6y •+a **-m+r�� ninr is�rxorr Z J � Y ' ,T:I r m�wr m•.a• r>i° rarro - °•x cAc..a•-T T•prw r" T.� t�+.' .I ® `Y vv ruro n,e rvo mar, rorxn°/ v .e•ww jy � I f` a FA=ur r,•tiro.�3 J L - 7i - 6�-.�+r>Lae--JrTrP •rra8 �L •�a Cor9 oA.4wAr�0u +ntb'aa� � ��°i�¢M � � Pc•] bn Ga,v4Y pr2 ^�T¢OSTa] %A>LWA[.Z OrvE¢>r0.'HLT K-a whhT rr nW a�um '• �Ar�ryWl�a+O.>dPIM14c / �r I T �a•� T '1� li taPb fir' Cs FC-< 10b•n TDlabwT � — x�YP ATLP M �a o• iv>w e.mwr eortm eomae � H sw.mmx Aw roirc eaaAw G1 GRADE BEAM 3 G4 ISOLATED PAD/PILE CAP G7 GRADE BEAM SCHEDULES G13 GRADE BEAM 1 W — N.TS. .. U N.TS G N.TS. N.T.S. z LU G n:eexr°aw� Q LO `avRT y LL1 LU 09 E •'a `.� °�. - oru.cm-Ae!lG�aL - ,,fia�x pw+•.mA�cerm.w �=w� . .� `— Vn i. ii �Ace ••® ,3 1 M r• ,: .. Tr s, -- neArseEaynvs•Aerto,u 9 1/'R.,� :,� 0 p PED On7E 1°rs II•'I8 c•. 8 >pmt Na A - �Q A-4 PILING PLAN �9 a I I I 2 1 3 i a I 5 I o I 7 I g I g 1 10 I I I I 12 I 13 I 14 James D. Bushouse, PE Consulting Engineers October 29, 2021 Mario Arbucci Coastal Construction and Design, Inc. 4800 Watersong Way Fort Pierce, F1 34949 Re: Lot 40 Watersong, located at 4836 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce, Fl . , Permit # 2107-0118 Dear Mario, Per our conversation, the first floor concrete slabs on the above project do not require a 95% compaction and tests on the sub-grade. They are reinforced structural slabs supported on a pile and grade beam foundation, which is not depend on the soil for support. You will still need to provide a vapor barrier and termite treatment under the slab. If you have any questions, please contact me at the below address . Sin ely, James D. Bushouse, P.E. Professional: Engineer #20311 State of Florida 3300 NE 10th Terrace #24, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 Phone:(954) 956-2203 Fax: (954) 956-2204 P.O. Box 1237, Arcadia, Florida 34265 Phone: (863) 491-8242 Fax: (863) 491-8243 jim@jamesbushouseinc.com