HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering 133 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING 3111 E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5871/5889-Fax.786.615-5801 October 22, 2021. Project No. 21-0535 Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 55th Street Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re.: Auger Cast Pile monitoring for Private Residence S.F.H. 4840 Waterson Way Fort Pierce, 34949. (LOT41) Dear Sir, Pursuant to your request, BIII MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING, LLC. conducted Auger Cast Pile monitoring for the above-referenced location on October 20th and 21 st 2021. The work involved the installation of fifty-three (53) 14" diameter cast in place piles installed. The approximate grout volume used was 2008.65 c.f. (74.394) yards), and the load capacity of 29 tons. Attached are the monitoring logs, as well as the sketch showing the location of piles, enclosed with this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to your company. Please feel free to contact us if there is any question or comments pertaining to this letter. `, gqL //D�iF[[cleP Idly st��mi ,✓da: p t jQari0A yr s I 10Jl ddA g. # 772 `QFi3pp� ei ;'ngineering, LLC. : dlA AA Ah Page 1 4 3111 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5871/5889-Fax.796.615-5801 �U_ G-EMED �,,�SST P LE P a g e 2 4 it B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E3111 E. s e I c c (-3 f P c r f c c t. i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 20-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 11:30 AM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Pile No. 44 53 48 52 51 50 43 45 46 47 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 41 42 35 34 35 35 46 32 31 35 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6*7) 43.1 44.1 36.8 35.7 36.8 36.8 48.3 33.6 32.6 36.8 9 Volume Ratio(cf),(815) 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.2 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8003 8003 8003 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. ,ee::rr.ef�rr� Respectfully Submitted; .bPr0� F,VY9-&i,I:L Field Rep.: David Correa] lfia�. Re .#6779E , As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clientsy'an tporizeEion fo'r p Ti�iti of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,exe@pt�� til 1 6Athhe ipF"written approval for 63 Material Testing Engineering,LLC. !Boa A t n t�t Q B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING F_ s c ii c e o f P e' r f e C t i 0 n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5901 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 20-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 11:30 AM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 Pile No. 49 39 38 40 41 36 42 31 30 1 3 Augered O(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 37 35 35 38 37 32 33 35 37 45 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1,05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf),(6*7) 38.9 36.8 36.8 39.9 38.9 33.6 34.7 36.8 38.9 47.3 9 Volume Ratio(cf),(815) 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.6 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8003 8003 8003 8009 8009 8009 8009 8009 8009 7012 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" ox. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. �� ednena•c� _ as 'tea i O Respectfully Submitted; ti D o Herrerti�-,P.E. ; Field Rep.: David Correal - 1a. R 9 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clientskk d aut,,�orization for p blicat' 5 4jbtements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduce tl,e �pt`in fuQerrort�n approval for 83 Material Testing Engineering,LLC. ,e ul� i ` hwe B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s c: r-i c c o P c r t c c. t i o r-1 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.796.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 133 PROJECT NO. DATE 20-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 11:30 AM CONTACT Michael Assam _ TIME JOB FINISHED 6:00 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 21 22 23 24 2 Pile No. 9 2 7 10 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 45 46 37 39 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(c% (6*7) 47.3 48.3 38.9 41.0 9 Volume Ratio(c% (815) 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.4 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 7012 7012 7012 7012 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ;4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. rrFa✓+er�:. Respectfully Submitted; pA rl A D �•Ierr��S�i��•�'yT �' �: ,a A Field Rep.: David Correal F1{,+R #67796 Asa mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,ari'd.aE�t�;Qr'"tio)rffo"h,t9t(b`lieatig6isNtet'ements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,except tFvf�Vv it Y the pr1rr`"it`en approval for 83 Material Testing Engineering,I.I.C. d A A n 4 t•'+ r` t i B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING f: s ec n c e o f 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 133 PROJECT NO. DATE 21-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:30 PM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:30 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2 Pile No. 37 23 22 13 12 5 4 11 14 15 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 35 32 31 30 31 35 47 31 33 34 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6"7) 36.8 33.6 32.6 31.5 32.6 36.8 49.4 32.6 34.7 35.7 9 Volume Ratio(cf), (815) 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.2 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8002 8002 8002 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. .yIn0f-Q rl p p n, Respectfully Submitted; a R K zl%%s'i He i3� ��� - Field Rep.. David Correal '�Fta,'Aeg #67796 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,4rd"a L�e,lffzatioo{ot pG 11ie ub dilon of§tatements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,exceli{.ir�'fU .0 prl&vvitten approval for 133 J'JMaterial Testing Engineering,I-C. u v 63 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E3 III G S .. r3 n c C. O f P e r f t' c. t i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES 63 PROJECT NO. DATE 21-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:30 PM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:30 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ` ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortp(erce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2 Pile No. 16 17 8 18 19 20 21 24 29 26 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 6 Number of pump strokes 36 31 30 41 41 32 35 35 32 41 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6"7) 37.8 32.6 31.5 43.1 43.1 33.6 36.8 36.8 33.6 43.1 9 Volume Ratio(cf),(815) 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.4 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length(ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 12 Grout Truck Number 8002 8002 8002 8004 8004 8004 8004 8004 8004 8001 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ; 4#5 with #3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. .m4VyyV4GP9 J9p�Y Respectfully Submitted; LL s .• ! rio H%;r` 46.�r Field Rep.: David Correa] ' Pi�'R0g7#67795 As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients'�nId z�atrdh'for blicatien of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reproduced,exceOlri ilf Lvi{SgULthe i�ripr written approval for 83 Material Testing Engineering,U.C. t B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING Fs f, e n c e o , h e , f c c t. i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773.5871/89-Fax.786.615.5801 REPORT OF AUGERED CAST IN PLACE PILES B3 PROJECT NO. DATE 21-Oct-21 CLIENT Bodax Foundations WEATHER Sunny ADDRESS 1101 NW 55th Street. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TIME JOB STARTED 12:30 PM CONTACT Michael Assam TIME JOB FINISHED 6:30 PM PROJECT Private Residence LOT 41 ADDRESS 4840 Waterson Way Fortpierce,34949 AUGERCAST PILES LOG 1 Columns No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 2 Pile No. 34 35 33 32 28 25 27 6 3 3 Augered 0(inches) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 Pile Length (feet) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 5 Theoretical Pile Volume(cf) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 26.7 6 Number of pump strokes 38 32 31 33 41 47 45 47 44 7 Volume per Pump Strokes(cf) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 8 Actual Grout Volume(cf), (6*7) 39.9 33.6 32.6 34.7 43.1 49.4 47.3 49.4 46.2 9 Volume Ratio(cf),(815) 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 10 Reinforcing Size 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 4#5 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 1#7 11 Reinforcing Length (ft) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 12 Grout Truck Number 8001 8001 8001 8001 8001 7010 7010 7010 7010 Pump calibration date: Pump calibration strokes: 1.05 (cf.per strokes) * House; 53 piles in total ; 4#5 with#3 ties @ 10" o.c. For 15 ft cage, and 1#7 full. Respectfully Submitted; " D ri Field Rep.: David Correal As a mutual protection to client,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property_o dients,And authorizatigri fgr k blication of statements, conclusions or extracts from our reports is reserved.In accordance with ASTM E329 this report shall not be reprociuteil;�xepKY1 �UI�Vyit(aou�ffi�peJor written approval for B3 Material Testing Engineering,I.I.C. �'4 V!`i C ~rjJ�ded56Lt` B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E3 III E s s e n c e o f P e r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL.,Hialeah FL,33012-Off.786.773-5871/5889-Fax.786.615-5801 S>JTL �joItZC- ' Page3 ( 4 I 1 1 2 1 3 I 4 1 g I 6 I 7 ! 8 1 9 I IO I II I 12 ! 13 1 14 1 15 ! 16 c�waTq�-vsaar Pne9 uc ax-m nr arnaTuaaccrrc<.•aia n.:cwrwucu w<.-r nre Tcr +¢ N !.<.^R MOa PfFDET_�e�ED FL>DEt+D4 MaNSTpDY.m HD1erAQ 0NdLL C!ASP_D mM Q'. v D•k�wLL\ !Vr JOii I•P�Ytr 2D M gtXGQ LS Ci�YDP.NX LO N1 M YKL P_'�^J:RG fW2 �D. .. S a•emra-re rv>rer <c..R rmeu. ea:wv_.va ro ewee rv6 ur�zu aster va>.m na rcvr`�mo 5crr�•e wrra9 �D. ...e 7a — � rc�DW nm GDiOTSbOb Doz a�.W Ar IEaDT D�uxei. rczaagaw6 rv.�cm_5 :o D�� 9 5uernwTwr wau.ae eaaa®nmw]ue rca�er-x W`Tw acrx r<rgnec sr ih�nx co.ew° '>- ALI.TJffb gV7Pr 11E P.UDNGWTS g1YLr.90 TUT iNC..-..•9T.N5M XcrdaQ Ng9A DixxSn gcnd�-ovXG qvr Ocoee ruTerui IPa Nose LuiD ru:rww W PLCC"�Jlr NYll Pr W eD gi.YL is{9 am t�i^G D�rVD7ENr d D4a:ilYR1f�PCL919 — GfTW9l1LYDL1DLeiD(C.All TDDWl4 o0Tbf,EUrTL•.¢r Wsfi TA`-JlXT dL gDYR PGa�.avQ:DX.P.cvAsy&aro A`0T6'a1��oFR1AMRrIG®�b�0� �$I\��\ _--' �a< n U mano_a raAcga wgeae W rGClr r D a vrnid m�uwr 5I jf _ ••'_ u'�rPFio�nr-c'�inn au�r wXAsimrr��a�'"�atru�'im:e"�vD.I�P.a ---'�Irl'k�-� ra:•D xrrd 9t io AI 1 rur ae aoo�To n+e aeoua r�w uw W a aau rvcs.rgrc cn nre rca�o �rae oo,.�� y ;ll — 'i PM1e DC•^�L rY>BDLiQr rRiCT qi T1t ML]G Ca1RAGiORS'ot•I:GC fFY lLtpdLD DM LLCE bPle1'ttEIa.LD ; D rD?POAn2 S11:raEm Xgilapfµyc VVTX.1 eWq•�yDC.TreJbTIW n G AT]D DaT9-n¢XFMgQ FSX G+•••CE iCDIDv nT XtR�6oC•RaS•aa!5 G•aWetsiDr Xnaa Ien rea oar axD+c urasa rPanD qPL PLgCeD.aDzr di1]T..•r TnwDTW u•Aucsracr TSDa O,v, ]QIGED TO C6 T:DTID gTTDaTq 4Q53 aEJTD n21ZDicD Ai 7s DATD lESi tED �m -L'2 ew.u.nn rU>a aro reD;eD n gccaaa c wix mm oDr,uDTi n¢e>sNmw]Nar T x �l u L YDPTa>Pflcun e6 F�-arxu®wG'i aw,wDw+uYq Tca awiE ^.�Y L Lt IGRADE BEAM 4 L13 GRADE BEAM 2 ctni 9§j` N.TS. AT ELEVATOR PAD K GRADE BEAM SCHEDULE __ nmdar nave �X.a. oeDaar+nar .°re'r•.e .:^ _ K _ ea'�iD6'�eF w°R n >�. �7 �•• o.'�K Tne°�i'° eo-1 r•� ru> rv> mm.on.uay. °° mirewsirw °awc�°wu me' iwaa :qd ur ru r.ru rvs - �D mR��.+crx / Z J J .$ • - �cia wcan m> n]> _ o.c c-w.a6 D•era• � / — �a>Sr>av:x a> r a °ccc: .uo�- - .v° I'.$ •,� 9 uvoT�� b•rm+cavm9 C _ H ?.m5-ma. � � 6srr:uPeee��m6awu�T Te-5 wsv,n,•`n`a+c�m,T — — uiewTa• v°uc rir �' c � — — e:mrar er°am.aQ �m• H G1 GRADE BEAM 3 G4 JISOLATED PAD/PILE CAP G7 GRADE BEAM SCHEDULES G13 GRADE BEAM 1 W C N.T3, Mrs. N.T.S.In 11 - tiTS Z v ED .� rrr�Wc w.�Dvn. u.T Yr Rpe _ uJ Ito Lu I .I; r: cn w cq na«�awa»wrD - t Q Tsaso.^•caw oaeax C e 4 . • � -V� ° '• ` <' DATE tm _ cni vCmCa. ':_;(d� b � ' .•- �oi6o DELI�acr6D Fa n ' •'aa � urm�amn w aanww `� a.<e Xv A i TYP_ A-0 BLOCK COLUMN n Q A-4 PILING PLAN '1 A r I 2 I 3 I a I 5 1 6 ! 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 1 1 1 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 75 1 16 — t James D. Bushouse, PE Consulting Engineers October 29, 2021 Mario Arbucci Coastal Construction and Design, Inc. 4800 Watersong Way Fort Pierce, Fl 34949 Re: Lot 41 Watersong, located at 4840 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce, Fl . , Permit # 2107-0175 Dear Mario, Per our conversation, the first floor concrete slabs on the above project do not require a 95% compaction and tests on the sub-grade. They are reinforced structural slabs supported on a pile and grade beam foundation, which is not depend on the soil for support . You will still need to provide a vapor barrier and termite treatment under the slab. If you have any questions, please contact me at the below address . Sincerely, . p^ t J mes D. Bushouse, P.E. Professional. Engineer #20311 State of Florida 3300 NE 10th Terrace #24, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 Phone:(954) 956-2203 Fax: (954) 956-2204 P.O. Box 1237, Arcadia, Florida 34265 Phone: (863) 491-8242 Fax: (863) 491-8243 jim@jamesbushouseinc.com