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Product Approval Asphalt Shingles
11-14/2021 1:10(.la fluilding bode bniinl a t -tE3 <r g sx rep slss $i d.3za� rl�x t t^M3 + l, •� " 2 't :. ,! r max.,. „:.tess�Li;. !l4n-l�t1,a tif.1S linum. Lw.j lh i War ltcgimumon l lot Iapirs:: SubnuL S111OWpu (•9ntact Us iscJS !Site map S LiokSsr.a(ch 1 !• -OftaduaApproval usett 1 uLlr firer J,+rr,t�bt (zi±i?�i±�t 1.i..Ea �! ? € ��I, t t <ci t td 1. tiflrs,�ys l {;:i-. tJiCl , 7.?+y1is±'.. h.Appllp7111�i10r�rall c t 1 1 3 k xl x rL ,t Application Type, Corse Version Application Straus Archived prod ucl..hlanl,faci.urr±r AddrrsyJ hone/Entail Authorized,S gr>atuii: leciuiirr±l Represanliilivc± Ad tl rt±:; s1 P h n n t±T Em a i l Qu,Aly,Assilrance Representative Adtli'ess/Pho lte;(Ema it Category SubcaLeg6ry Compliance' Method Evaluation Entity Qualityltssurance Cntity (2ualityAssurilnr:u,4ontrarl Frpirati�ri'Gatr± Vllidated By C'e-rtifirate nF1ndN,.p�,ncieni,e PI 1 £i 155-R6 Revision 20,20 Approval MpIroved by OBI)R. Approvals by NOR shall lie I'Lvietvi d and ratiflerl by the POC .Intl/or the Commission it necessary. TAMKO 111,116in0 Products LLC PO 6t)X 07 Galena, KS 66739 (a t 7) 6211-66'4 ; . Est 2305 ke rrl_e'd'ed O tarnko. corn Kerd Cden kern, rlr;nt�lfamki,.conr Kerri Eden PO Box 1404 Joplin, NO 64802 (1,17) 1524-66,4l Ext,2315 kei rl . edenOtamko.con Itoofincj Asphalt 'Itingles Evaluatian Report. from it Product kvaluatinn Entity Lit. 11C u t,Lc 1`1/,1 Q/2021 Robert Nientinen, PE, NEMO ETC, Lt.0 valkiation Cliect.list - Fiarcicopy Received l'1 101!i5„�jjct Ct"7�, �t �IilllfliiCSt��� _115111!.�5. fSll!!lU!<1..� jnr ill2?nSLet�Ce,piif Itaferencad Staodard Mind Year (of Standard) filati—Ciajr AE TM D31`61 ASTM D3462 ASTMU D7150 Enuivaie0ci,, of Product Standards Certified BY Sections from the Code Yr:ar 2016 20 p 2019 hlips.hwWwv- Oaf iildl';uilcllitll.orcl/prlpr ,app_diLastlx?lytlr(un=svGt VXC31v:hiluvosrilkir.G t�4trf13Mi'1'tuoll<Arat<ylArplltirv7pk�uKn.15 Q0,43ii%3d 112 1/14/2021 Florlds Building Code Online Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 1 Option C 11/20/2020 11/23/2020 11/24/2020 Fl. # Model, Number or Name Description 1835S.1 TAMKO Asphalt Shingles ASTM D3462 asphalt shin les and hip and ridge shingles Limps of Use Approved for use In HVHZI No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Installation Instructions FL163SS R6 11 2020 11, 18 TAMKO UL ER2919-01.Odf bird Party: 18 TAMKO 1 R2919"01.9d_f Verified By: UL LLC Created by Independent' Evaluation Reports FLIB355 R6 AE 2020 11 11acb rJnxl Contact Us ;: 2ae1 slab Stone Read. Tallabassee Fl. 3z392 Phone: a5a•403 The State of Florida Is an AAJEED employes SQQyI(9ht 2007.2 13 stale of Models.:: Prlvecv Statement Under Worlds law, emall addresses are public records. If you do not went your e-mail address released In response to ma0 to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall If you have any questions, please canted Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Departmeat w provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. It you provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine U you are a On Product Approval Aceeptst ®610®ERINS Credit Card Safe' h11ps:Nwww.goridabuilding Ihgity Statement :; gpfund 5tatement >ublic•racords request, do not send electronic 10.497.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), en small address If they have one. The emalls not wish to supply a personal address, Please an under Chapter 455, F S., please dick 11M. 212 UL Evaluation Report UL ER2919-01 Issued.: May 211,2013 Revised: November 1. 8. 2020; Visit LIL, LLC's Product WM database for the status ofift UL Category.Code: ULEZ CSI MasterFormat@ DIVISION: 07-00 00 —THERMAL AND MOISTURE Sub-wlevel2: 073000—Steep %Slope Roofin'j S071evel & 0731 00'$hIngIeP A-nd Sh'q,k6s Sub-level4: 03113,—AspliaIt'S1419 Shingles' . PS COMPANY: TAMKO. BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC 198'FOUR STATES, DRIVE GALENA, KANSAS 66739 (417)624.6644 WWW.tamko,.com 1. SUBJECT: Asphalt. Shingles ELITE GLASS -SEAL, HERITAGE, HERITAGE- IR, HERITAGE RITAGE.PREM.IU M, HERITAGE-WOODoATE, HERITAGE VINTAGE, AND HERITAGE PROLINE TITAN XT HERITAGE VINTAGE 12 X 12 HIP AND RIDGE, 11.1/41112 HIP AND RIIDG.E,.;AND.l 2-1/4112 HERITAGE HIPAND RIDGE IR HERITAGE VINTAGE STARTER 2.SCOPE 'OP,,EVALUATION 02018,2015,2 2012, and 20091nternalbnal Building Code'O OOP) a 201 8, 2016,2012, and 2060 Intbrnatian6) Residenfial Coop 0:011C) 02020 Florida Building Code —,Building R 2020 Florida Building Code —Residential m lCa E$ Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation (AC10) The products were evaluated for the following properties: ■ Exterior Fire Exposure (ANSI/UL790, ASTM E108) ■ Wind Resistance (ASTM D3161; ASTM D7158, ■ Physical Properties'(ASTM D3462) ■ Impact Resistance (ANSI/UL 2218) 3. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ■ UL790 (ASTM El08), Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings . W UL 2218, Standard.Test Methods for Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials ■ ASTM D3161., Standard .Test Method for Wind -Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (Fan -induced Method) ■ .ASTM D7158,. Standard Test.;Method for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (Uplift Force/Uplift Resistance Method) ■.,AST:M D3462, Standard Specification for Asphalt Shingles: Made from 'Glass Felt:and .Surfaced=with Mineral Granules 6: UL°Subject2375 Issue No..2,.Outline:of.lnvestigabon for•Nip and Ridge Shingles Fire.,,and Wind ;Tests) ■.: ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality. Documentation (AC10) 4: USES. TAMKO asphalt shingles are used as roof coverings for new and axlst;ng roofs. 5. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAMKO asphalt shingles are roof covering materials complying with the ,allowing propwiles when.instalied as described in this report. The products are three -tab shingles, ikiinated sning!es and hip ridge shingles. i N Fire Classification: TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under' this Report have been tested for fire classification Class A in accordance with UL 790 (ASTM El08). Shingles. tested in accordancewith UL790 (ASTM E108) qualify for use under Section 1505.1 of the 2020 'Florida Building Code Building, IBC, Section R902.1 of the IR.0 and 2020 Florida Building' Code - Residential. Wind Resistance: TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under this Report have been. tested 'for ;wind resistance in accordance with ASTM D3161 or ASTM D7158. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D3161 are classified as Class F and qualify for use under the exception to Section 1504.1.1 of the 2018 and 2015 IBC and Section 11507.2.7.1 of the 2012 and 2009 IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code - Building, the exception to Section R906*2. .1 of the IRC, ar�o Section R905.2.4 of 2020 Florida Building Code - Residential. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D7158 are classified as Class. hl and .�wl:rj for uses. a<;atons as shown in Table 1507.2.7.1 of the 2012, 2009 IBC and 2020 Fiorida Bu;:d.:::g CcdeTable R905.2.4.1 of the 2012 and 2009 IRC, or Table R905.2.6.1 cf ".he 2G20 f=lalda S":Mirg Cbdd`- Resldeldia', where the maximum basic wind speed is 150 Mph (67 m/s) c:, less vy:, h exposure category of B or C JASCE 7) and a maximum building height of 3G feat t.X,3' m;i be la acc�rCa„co:vii`_a� ac ;cn 15072.E of the 2018 IBC, 2020 Florida Buiidi7g Code - Builo�ng i o �wctior. 1507.2.7 of 20"6, 2012, and 2009 IBC, or Section R905.2 of the IRC and _2020. Florida Bu.iol. g Code - Resident ai, as ap cable. i Page 2 of 19 2 P`42 q Physical Properties: TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under this Report have been tested for physical properties in accordance with ASTM D3462. Shingles tested in accordance with. ASTM D3462 qualify for use'under Section'-1507.2.4 of the 2018 IBC, Section 1507:2:5.of the 2016, 2012,..and 2009 IBC, Section 1507.2.5 of the 2020 Florida Building Code - Building, or Section R905.2.4 of the IRC and 2020 _Florida Building Code - Residential. When installed on new construction in accordance with this report and the TAMKO Building Products LLC installation instructions, the shingles are a Class A roof covering. When the shingles are installed over existing roof coverings, the Class A fire classification is maintained. 5.1 Three -Tab Shingles — Elite Glass -Seal: 'Elite Glass -Seal shingles are -three -tab shingles manufactured with a single fiberglass mat, coated on both sides with asphalt, and surfaced. on the weather -exposed side with mineral granules. The shingles are self-sealing end havebeads of thermal -tab sealing adhesive above the shingle butt on the weather side. See Table 2 for product dimensions and manufacturing locations. 5.2 Lamipated Shingles — Heritage; Heritage IR, Heritage Premium, Heritage Woodgate, Heritage Vintage; and Heritage ProlineTitan XT: ' 'Heritage,,Heritage IR, Heritage Premium, Heritage Woodgats, Heritage Vintage; and Heritage Proline Titan XT shingles are laminated shingles manufactured with -a double layer of'fiberglass mats :coated with asphalt on all sides, and surfaced on the weather -exposed side' with mineral granules. See.Table 3, Table4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 10, and Table 13 for product dimensions and manufacturing locations. 5.3 Hip'& Ridge Shingles`12'/4`X 12 Hip and Ridge, Heritage Vintage 12 X 12 Hip and Ridge, 12'A X 12 Heritage Hip and Ridge IR: Hip -and Ridge are prefabricated. hip,and ridge shingles available as 12 '/, X 12 Hip and Ridge and '/. 12•X_;12 Heritage Hip and Ridge-IR. Heritage Vintage Hip and Ridge are prefabricated hip and ridge shingles available as 12 X 12 Hip and Ridge. As an alternative,, Elite Glass -Seal shingles are cut into three 12-% inch by 12-inch (305 mm by -305 . mm) hip and ridge shingles. See Table 8 Table 5, and Table 11 for product dimensions and manufacturing locations. 6. INSTALLATION TAMKO asphalt shingles must .be installed in accordance with the applicable code, this report and the manufacturer:'s' published installation instructions. The shingles must be installed in accordance with Section,1607.2 of,the .IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code - Building, or Section R905.2 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code - Residential, -as applicable, except as noted in this report. The man facturer's published installation instructions must be available at all times on the jobsite during nstallatioh Minimum roof slopes must be 2:12 (16.67% slope) for the three -tab shingles described under 5.1 of this ReRort and for the laminated shingles described under 5.2 of this Report. Page 3 of 19 For roof slopes 4:12 and greater, the roof deck must. be covered with a minimum of one layer of underlayment as described in Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of this Report. Underlayment application must be in accordance with Table 1567.1.1 of the 2018 IBC; 2020 Florida Building Cade - Building, and Section 1507.2.8 of the 20,15, 2012, and 2009 IBC or Section R905.2.7 of the IRC and Section 905.2.3 of the 2020 Florida Building Code ' -`Residential; as applicable. For roof slopes 2:12 and up to but less than 4:12, two layers of the underlayment described in Section 7.2 orone layer of the self -adhering polymer modified'bitumen sheet in described in Section 7.3 of this Report are required. Underlayment application must;be`in accordance with Section 1507.1.1 of the'2018 IBC, 2020 Florida Building Code = Building, end Section 1507 2 8 ofthe'2U15, 2012 and 2600 IBC' Section R905A. 1^ of the IRC,' and'2020 Fiorida'Building Code Residential, as applicable. In area's where there has been a history of ice forming along the.eaves, causing a;backup of water, an ice barrier must be provided. In accordance with Section 1507.1.2 of the 2018 IBC and Section 1507.2.8:2 of the 2020 Florida Build;ng Cade B,rld,ngC1r,; 2012, and 2009 IBC or Section R905. 2.7 of the 2018 IRC, 2020 Florida' Building Code ;: Residential, and Sactior! R905.16.4.12015 IRC, and Section :R905.2.7,1 of the.20 !9 and, 2009 SRC �s ap�Iicat"e. . 6.2 Starter.8hingle A starter course, as described rn Section7.4 o. iris Repo; , ;rx;;st oe 3itacitai to the°lava edge using_ fasteners. des7cribed:in Section 5of t .'his Report, fdc ; d ! 4/ to 3.: �ches,(:�,8.? .tc 76.2 min) from the eave edge and spaced 1` inch' (25.4 mfr) and 12; hObs (305 mm) from each end..: for,a total of four fasteners per shingle. ;Startei`strips nwst aver"' °rg the o3vo and rake edSes kt e ;± inch (6.4 to 19.1 mm) if no drip edge. flashing is present:. if `drip edge flashing is present, instai�i shingles even with the drip edge or'overhang the drip edge up to'/ inch. 6.3 Asphalt Shingles: The first course of.field shingles must be installed over the starter course described in Section 7.4 of this Report.. Shingles must be installed with vertical joints offset a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) from adjacent courses. 6.3.1 Three -Tab Shingles - Elite Glass -Seal: For roof slopes ,2:12 up to but less'than 21:"2.(,...6?`'/o tc l5"IG s!oPe;, eacr s ,jr.e mustbe fastened to the roof deck using a minimum offo,. fas 3^ers','spaced as showa it Table 2. For roof slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 "75,s opij); six fastevef6 ,r *-,st i;a used, spaced as shown In Table 2. Fasteners must be in a nail area betweer, aid -3JJ, rr:cr.us Trom'.tha: ' od of the shingle. Maximum exposure to the weather rust be 5-% Inch'"'130 mm). In colder climates or wind regions where it !s questionable whether the :perms,; -sealing adhesive will activate to seal the shingles, the shingles `can be hand. -seated. A 1-in diameter (25.4 mm) spot of asphalt cement complying with A D4586, Typa 1, Class'I, should be placed under the comer of eactr tab (twaspots per Page 4 of 19 6.3.2 Laminated Shingles ; Heritage, Heritage IR, Heritage Premium, Heritage Woodgate, and Heritage Proline XT; For roof slopes. 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 (16.61% to 175% slope), each shingle must be fastened to the roof.deck using a minimum of four fasteners,, spaced as shown in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 13. ' For roof slopes equal to or•greater than 21:12 (175% slope), six fasteners must be used, spaced as shown in Tables 3, 5, 6, 10, and Table 13. Maximum exposure to the weather must be 5 B/s inches (143 mm). In colder climates or, wind regions, where it is questionable whether the thermal -sealing adhesive will. activate to seal the shingles, the shingles can be hand -sealed. Four evenly spaced 1-inch.diameter (25.4 mm) spots of cement should be placed under the exposed portion of the shingle; approximately 1 inch (76 mm) above the butt edge. 1:3.3 ". Laminated Shingles - Heritage Vintage: For roof'siopes 2:12.up to but less than 21:12 (16.67% to 176% slope), each shingle must be fastened to the roof deck using `a minimum of five fasteners, spaced as shown in Table 7. For roof slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 .(175% slope), nine fasteners must be used, spaced as shown in Table 7. Fasteners -must be located 6.and 11-'/2 inches (162 and 292 mm) above the butt edge of the shingles. fa Maxilnum.exposure to the weather must be 5 inches (127 mm). In colder climates or wind regions where it is questionable whether the thermal -sealing adhesive will activate to seal the shingles, the :shingles must be hand -sealed. Four evenly spaced 1-inch diameter (25.4 mm) spots of cement should be placed under the exposed portion of the shingle, approximately 1 inch (127 mm) above the butt edge. 6.4 Valley Construction and Other Flashing: Valleys must consist of woven, open valley or closed -cut construction and must be flashed in accordance with Section 1507.2.8:2 of the 2018 IBC, and Section 1507.2.9.2 of the 2020 Florida Building Code -Building, 2015, 2012, and 2009 IBC or Section R905.2.8.2 of the IRC and 2020 Florida: Building Code - Residential. Other flashings must be in accordance with Sections 1503.2 an'd''i 507.2.8 of 2020 Florida Building Code - Building, 2018 IBC, Section •1507.2.9 of the 2015,. 2012; and 2009 IBC, or Section R903.2 and Section R905.2.8 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code - Residential, as applicable. 6.6 Hip and Ridge Application:. Hip and ridge -shingles must be placed evenly over hips and, ridges, and must be fastened to the roof deck using two fasteners, one located on either srde'of, the shingle, 5-1/2 inches•(140 mm) or 5% inches (143 mm) from the exposed'end, and 1 inch` (25114. mm) in from the edge as shown in Tables 8 and 9. Fasteners must be.a'minimurn inch (6.4 min) longer than those. used in the field of the roof, as specifed in Section 7.5,of this report. Th6' 12JK X 12 Hip and''Ridge:and 12-% x 12 Heritage'Hip and Ridge IR prefabricated'hip and ridge shingles'must•be applied with a maximum exposure of,5-% inches. (130 mm). Heritage Vintage 12X 1,2 Hip,And Ridge prefebrieated hip and rtdgeshingles must'be installed with a.maximum exposure of 5 inches_(127 mm) Hip;and ridge shingles are installed starting at the bottom of the hip or from the; qPd of the, rid9e opposite the direction of the prevailing wind 6.6 Reroofing , The existing asphalt shingle roof covering must be inspacte, in Farcordance jvrth the provisions and limitafions`of Section 15'!0 of the I C,'Secfion 'ts11 of"thy,620,Pdrida Building Code.- Building, Section R908.:1 of the IRC, or Section' 901:.1 of the 2026i tand'a.:3uild rig Code.-, Resitential, as applicable.' k6r'to the reroofing, hip and rid9e cove,iti s,; ds;t he removed. Except as,,noted rn this section, the'shingreg mutt bo InME01 d in accard.nce w ,, Sectrarr 6 3 and 6.5,of.this.Report I., is ,be of suffigl6h fe�tigftf fo �eNat�at3'% ...h (r9 l Mrnrit? d to the sheathing, or through the sheathing'whero. the st eatl° "g s IQSs trZ�,n �d 1:1cn 13.1 Ztn) thick. Flashing and;edging`mustcornply..wil: Section 6 os'rte2tti8.'�u 0�5 IB,C, and 2020 Florida Building Code Buifilrrig; Sectror�'"51�J.c 'o' !� 2012, and 20G9 tBC an Sectk ri R908.6 of the 2018 and 20.15 IRC, 2020,FIorltfe,t UrlL,g Co,:a Res ab :and 11907,6 of the 2012,:and 2009.1RC, as applicable: 7. INSTALLATION MATERIALS 7.1 Sheathing: The roof deck must be code -complying, minimum'' I inch tiaia (9:5 ;nm),41j)denor plywood' complying with DOC PS-1; rated sleaihing.conplyrrg �Nih DCC P-2;.or seed sheathing rising minimum nominally 1 by 6 lumber. : 7.2 Underlayment: Under the 113C ar IRC, underlay,nent m as} 4S i P� D4869 Type .' ' :::� mum) or AS70 3'? �' Fs yue� , � o ,v, q �h�.:, ' _ t-:osida Building Code'- Building, Section 'I6.7.2.3 c'of r,c 292C Florida Building Code - Residential. 7.3 Self -adhering Polymer ffio :ifiad Is„ uf16,:, 51,�. The self -adhering polymer modified bii efier, 6hde .Y .�4""Y."yalp. rkS11Y., 7.4 Starter Shingles " The starter coarse sh:ngle c.ons'.sis 01a)ther,. vte��4r, TArAKO Perforated Starter, or a salt'-sealinp flee -tab shlhgie if seir ssd, r C �:,as d5 situ: Ies`are used', remove the exposea tab po Jan and i astah With f ,Cidry,;a0-p led � as . ua1;a�:w : 24ae Davos. I§ Heritage Vintage requires a i-leriiGgP v`rntagc� 3arie� s'�i±wrs f,N'� �q' iJ .b sL ar.E' over the starter Course at the gave edge. �i13 ti jG,.; 7.5 Fasteners: Fasteners must be minimum No. 12.gage [0.105 inch'(2.7 mm)], %-inch diameter head (9.5 mm'), galvanised, stainless` steel, atuminurn or copper corrosion -resistance nails:, "Fasteners must be of suffic.iient.length to •penetrate,into. the sheathing 3/4-inch,(19.1 mm), or through the sheathing, where the:sheath'ing is less,then 3hrinch: (1.9.1 mm) thick. Fasteners must.be compliant with ASTM F1667. 1.6 Asphalt Cement: Asphalt cement. must comply with ASTM D4586, Type I; Class I. 8. CONDITIONS OF: USE The TAMKO Asphalt Shingles described in this Report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to, what is specified in those codes listed in Section 2 of this Report, subject to the following conditions: 8.1 Materials and methods .of installation shall comply with this Report and. the manufacturer's published insfellation Instructions. In the:event of,a conflict between the installation instructions and:this Report; this Report` governs: 8.2, The products are manufactured it the locations listed in Table-11 of this Report under the UL LLC Classification and Follow-up Service. Program;`. which includes regular audits In accordance with quality elements of ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation, AC10. 8.3 See 0L:Product iQTm database for.Prepare d Roof -Covering Materials (TFWZ). • ' 9. SIJPIPORTINty EVIDENCE 9.1 Manufacturers -descriptive product literature, includirig installation instructions. 9:2- See UL-Product iQ71' database forthe following:. 9.2.1' UL test reports .and Classification in. accordance with ANSI/UL,790, Class A and UL .,Subject 2375 for Roof -Covering Materials T( FWZ). 9.21 "' UL test reports and Classification in accordance with ASTM D3462 for Prepared Roof - Covering Materials, (TFWZ). 92i3 ULtest reports and Classification. in accordance with ASTM D7158, Class H for Prepared Roof -Covering Materials (TQM).. . 924 UL test reports and Classifcation'in accordance with ASTM D3161, Class F Prepared Roof -Covering Materials (TFWZ: 9.3 Quality Documentation Mac cordance with ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation, AC10. 10.IDENTIifICATION TAMKO asphalt shingles described in this -Evaluation Report are identified by a marking"on each package bearing the report' holder's .name {TAMKO Building Products LLC), the plant identification, the product name, the;uL Listing/Classiflcation Mark arid the evaluation report number UL.ER2919-01. The validity of this.Eyoluatipp,Report is contingent upon this Identification appearing on the package.. -. Page 7 of.19 - 11. USE OF,ULEVALUATION.REPORT 11.1 The approval of bwlld ng,prbducts, fnati9rials or systems is under.the responsibility of the appfcable authorities having -jurisdiction 11.2 UL Evaluation' Reports shall not'be used in any.manner.that implies an endorsement of the product; material or system by UL. 11.3 The status of this report, as well as a complete directory of UL. Evaluation Reports maybe found at UL.com via the Product iQTM database. Tahla 4 _ Unnufari ir�nn n. r;- YlnnsS ' LISTEE LO,. i'{ 5�: FAC'I�ORY ID TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC lr1'I'0 S CEIV T _ D + DAL LAS TX 752,';, 45TAF TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC ICKO MD2�DR FREDERaU ,74 . TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC 601 NHIGH ST { JOFLi'N PAC S4F_ TAMKO.BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC' i5.J.$ iUVY183.:- ' , :I, PHILLd!0SBURG 0 763 KAtJ I INDUSTRIAL PARK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC 2300 WKST t ; i§ ti T TUSCALOOSA AL: 35401 . Table 2 Elite Glass -Seal Dimensions•' 12'/" x 360 - - ----- ------ ------------- -- ------------- - ------ -- ------- -------------------------------- Plant Location(s): i Frederick, Joplin 1 1. ---- -----------------------------.----------------------•------=-- -- - ---- --- - - - --------- -- For.slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 NAILS • �1r� � 1p� Fastening. Pattern: Nail[n - &7�9 -• p� g Area ...,� --- - - ------ .................... ...................... _ _ 5-5/8" y ; 1 Butt Edge .....................:.+---- - - -------------------- ----- ------------------- -. For slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 1 NAILS 1 Fastening Pattern: i Nailing 6-7/8" ------------- •- ', 1 r ............._..._......c.. _...... .................... r_. 1....._.. _._»....._._.._ :.., x. Area 1 ' 5-5/811 1 ; Butt Edge I awe s — nernane I Dimensions: 13 %" x 397%" - --- ----------------►------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ Plant Location(s): Dallas, Frederick, Joplin, Phillipsburg ' ----------------------------------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 NAIL ZONE FASTENERS COMMON BOND Fastening Pattern: t 6-1/8" I EXPOSURE 5-510" i 11 � � r •. r` O 11 i—sl h— 12-1/211 —k. 12-3/8II -►�+-- 12-+1� —►►� �a-1 a ---------------------•-- --------------------- For slo-,p-es e-q-u-a-1 t=o-:or-greal �,,--t-h--an.. .2.1--:-1-2------------------------ UML ZONE FASTENEgS -=-��� COStal ON l OND EXPOSURE 5.518" I I 1—►I �-7-112"-►f a- T-112"-•�- Page 50 of -; 9 .:Table 4 — FI'eritaae Dimensions: 13 %" X 39-3/e' -------------------------- . ------ . ----------------------------------------------------------------- e Plant Locatlon(s)- Tuscaloosa ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------=----------------------------------------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 e ill 12412" — +—12-3/8" —+-- 12-1/2" — al I•t-1" PANT PREFERRED LOCATIONS e NAIL ZONE Fastening Pattern: s'1�" �BOON BONNDD EXPOSURE 1 ACCEPTABLE FASTENER LOFFCppAggTTTIEONN ' ALONG EDLiE OF COMMON BOND PREFERRED e LOCATION -------------- -=-=-.- -�- ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- For slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 e NAIL ZONE e FASTENERS COMMON BOND Fastening Pattern: — e EXPOSURE "IS" e , ; a 1'=-MI' �-7-1/2-�—T-1/2"-I►�— Z-3/8"-*-7-112"�-7-1/2"� h--y" - Table 6--'Heritage Pre'mluin r '93/" Dimensions: t . 1 13'/"x3e - - -- - -;---- - - - - ------------.---------------. ----- -- ----- --- ------ - - - - Plant Location(s): Phillipsburg, Frederick For slopes 2:12 up to but iess tha-n 21:12 HS wO�v ! FiksTENt= _.,, +7N BO �ra,: � Fastening ' • tening Pattern: i„ �,_ Y2=���° �•'.= t�=dire'-;-�;�— �s�-�►� -=� ° ----------------------- - '- - __ For sinp©s �q ial }�, �� rent Aar, " 2 FA TENEIR$v,F � �.i4lC�GNs� Fastening Pattern: T•1r�- T !ra -a -'�'� �!` "'I' . " . I` T 31B"-�k-•7;1�.". "Cl Table f Ketit�awptwme rA h t Dimensions: `', ------------------------F--------------------••-- --. ---'i - ••----- --- i� x Plant Location(s): , ----------------------- ; Fir 1vp,m;>,i r )* •::fT tG'� lG.1 l�.t/.1� (( r, ' 'bL-ed7 llr S t•, sr,y..,+A-Rda.M,w.•aJ..�aw0..:.Re 4°a�L7i-J,, r Zri l� Fastening Pattern: ,t ------------------------4-------•--•-• --•._.---------•-----------.. For s opes egvcl t� ar yreati r tFrar, 21•:12 Fastening PaUvril: �y4..r+m•:.l'4•a M.-;.y:.c;,au.lw4w.. .. "••",.'Y."' , 4 1. Y Table — Herita a Vintage 12 X 12 Hip and Rfd e I Dimensions; 12" x'.12" j --------------------- ----- ------ --= .. M - -i -- ------ Plant Location(s): Phillipsburg. 1 , , , , P14S 12" i Fastening Pattern: ., t^:�� �' -�" i; 5112„ . Exposure ' f ' 12" �I I. a,'a 14 of 1 6 Table 9.-12-'/4 X 12`HID and Ridue Dimensions: 12-Y4" x 12" ---------------------- -- ----------------_--------------------------------- . - . - ------ -- -- --- ---------------------- Plant Location(s); : ; Frederick, Joplin ------- A 1 ; 1 1 ' • 1 e e Nails 1 ; 1 till!— �1 tf1. Fastening Pattern: ; 5 1/8" 5 5l81A ; Exposure oil �2" Table 10 — Heritane IR Dimensions: 13-Y4" x 39-318" " -=-------...------;......-----------.--- - -------------- ------------------------ Plant Location(s): ;------------------------- Joplin, Philipsburg ------------------------- -------------------- - ----- For pes 2:12 up--- fo'but less than-- 21:12----- l-o- ------- ---- --- - NAIL FASTENERS COMMON ZONE BOND Fastening Pattern: Erop RE 5.5/8" = 12-1/2" 12-3/8" �e— 12-1/2"—"I 1*i ' ° for __ _ lopes equal to or greater than21:12 1 ' NAIL FASTENERS OMMON ZONE BOND Fastening Pattern: _ 6-1/8" EXPOSURE 6-5/8" ; 1 'I I4-T-112"•-►�-T 'i/2'°-��f- 7-3/8"-��7-11?"�-t�!iF••:--i/�"•� �-1 °� t '16 of 1J Table'11 Heritane Nip and Ridne IR Dimensions: 12-" " x 12" Plant Location(s): Joplin e ------------- --------r-------- -- •_ ----------------- -- . ---------- ,---------------------------------- , i• , i ; , , ; Nails Fastening Pattern:-,:' e I e 9 In f e e e t , 551811 Exposure : , 12" Table 12 Heritage Vintage Starter Table,'1.3 He Rage Proline. Titan XT ' Dimensonst 13 i/" x Plant Location(s): Philipsburg and 1=rederlcic --------- - ---- -- - For s opes 2:12 up to but less -than 21:12 i1 i r ' � Rrefernnd F r�lener i or.atioir Fastening Pattern + J.._i t l.. r t. ��•3r>3 ' r , , ti I k t A , , i-'; At:c:rlll rhk rtrrtr,ncr i,rat;;tllnn � `. a , �c x.`" i'�rztorretl OsIlmr r L xat1 Nt- i' °-=----t- ----- - -- - '- -- - - -hi ` Wes equal tc^ o,r gre'j°e uian 77 fiertuirod t i le rlrr 1 r:e tlrrla' ruin[ Lill t, Fastening Pattern: .j I age 13 of 19 ` I ' j P r Huh V A� r � U 2020 UL LLC This UL Ev#aflon Report is not an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject and/or product described herek. This -report is not the UL Listing or UL Classification Report that covers the subject product. T§'-subject product's UL Listing or UL .Classification is covered under a separate UL Report UL disclaims all representations an! warranties whether express or implied, with respect to this report and the subject or produefdescribQd he.Tin.'Contents of this report may be based on data that has been generated by labors ones other than, UL that are accredited as complying with 1SOIIEC Standardl7025 by the in. terriall , of '4 cktrPdl',Mm Sorvicb OAS)' or b) , any other accreditation body that is a signatory to the lntema' Gtargr !'pus^e t�t�a:^ Caopara lon flLAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement WRA). The efl inclpde the s0erafic type of testing covered in the test report. As the acC� �a; ,r j� r _ �!';'° !s shen'ponslbility of the accredited laboratory, UL does not accept responsibr;^.^ rM, f:^i '2Ea U ` Page 19 of.19 .