HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleMallUenSatisfactionto:DeptofHighwaySafetyandMotorVehicles,NeilKirkmanBuilding,Tallahassee,FL323SM500 'j# 1463733201 B# 3490345 r Body — --- Regis. No. Title Number s y WT-L.BHP — Vessel "fill I.il! Tdr' T26317438A 1984 TFTSN HS 59 40738694 Registered Owner Date of Issue 05/20/2021 UenRelease Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released Identhration Number Year Make VICTORIA RSRNALM CHAVEZ GARCIA 3200 S 7TH ST TAT 150 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6341 4 " Mail To: VICTORIA REYNATAA CHAVEZ GARCIA Ka 3200 IS 7TH ST LOT 28 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 �I L/ Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION t. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is ' transferred, the salter MUST complete in full the Transfer of Tige by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to - title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: httpdtwww hsmv stateA.us/htmUtitlinLhtmi ■ + Lj ?ft11UenSaUsYMXQnto:DeptatHighwaySafetyandMatorYehides, Nall 6artansnBuilding, Taliahassee,FL323930500 `j# 1463734889 B# 3490345 r-- Idenlifirafion N,rmher -- Year Make Ecdy WTL-9HP Uesset Reg s No. � Title73- Number141k IT26317438B t 1984 TRa7Hfi 59`40710604 Registered Owner, i Date of Issue 05/20/2021 Lien Release Interest In the desmibed vehicle is hereby released VICTORIA REFNALDA CHAVEZ G RCIA Hlr 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 150 Title FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6341 Dale 1 Mail o: VICTORIA REYUALDA CHAVEZ GARCIA + 13200 S 7TH ST LOT 28 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 F it I24PORTANT INFORMATION 9. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUSTcomplete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certifirAte of title- 2- Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sate on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove youriicense plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: httpJfvnnv hsmvstate.fLuslhtmWt6nf html t 2/ 15/'� 014 i 5 �,,�c , �� { -< •� v � Title' , r t ¢ OdoroeterStatus et Ves el fdanu(adruernr OH use Cngne Dmre ! Hull Material� Prop --�--= Data of issue . i i AucUOn h..mc ' rpxctrnFs> xiwust '' ; Ca>?iutcs�xut,rst j `•: iyCm. �rvS .T E s„ 'F. E `� � \ 4 4 � .q � i :, C ::1 -"'lf •."14�C \ S 4 f \ \ f :"t. �IrLi�itfL 1. �`_ ��k � _ V' �f \ � NOTiCt: l?77+�A�L�1f154iEQnIRf�BYLpN11PNRL5U8M[FfEDFORTRAIVSFERpIRSHIH39DAY5AFTc'Ht7'aiEOFPHRCHASF.. ""\ ctx F a.i. a.••„ n s >_- . z c __ :� ? _ .., �+. x ? �' :'„_-t +.u., .. '� :_ .'�. , , 3 _ % � _... � :' <rx ° h z i i � .. .. x .s a_ •• .'.x •... T