HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY-SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE OF WORKPlanning and Development Services Department Building & Code Regulation Division Inspection's Helpful Hints for Owner Builders Scheduling Inspections Inspections are typically performed the day after the inspection is scheduled. There are two ways to schedule an inspection: a. Call 772-462-2172 or 462-2165 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or b. Go to St. Lucie County's Website, click on permits, click on online building inspection system. 1. Enter permit number 2. Enter confirmation number (this number is on the top of your building permit next to the building permit number.) 3. Enter 4. Click on the request next to the inspection you want to. schedule. 5. You can schedule an inspection online until 9 pm Monday —Friday for next day inspection service. On Friday, the inspection will be scheduled for Monday. On Saturday and Sunday, the inspection will be scheduled on Tuesday. Day of Inspection • Go to St. Lucie County's Website, schedule. click on permits, click on daily inspection Locate your address or permit number, the screen will show the inspector name and whether the inspection is in the morning or afternoon. Inspections are listed in order of scheduled site visit. Inspectors are available by phone at the numbers listed below from 7a.m. until 4p.m. Andy Wentz 772-249-9502 Greg Smyth 772-370-0482 Walter Pride 772-370-2539 Dave Johnson 772-370-2548 Wanda Gahn 772-204-4237 Mary Chissoe 772-370-2543 Stephen Poreba 772-475-1063 Clyde Heffelfinger 772-200-6386 Doug Harvey 772-370-2542 Ironcraft Berkshire Berkshire 4-ft H x 6-ft W Blai iminum Flat -Top Yard in the Metal Fence Panels de', = lent at Lowes.com' , 8/2/21, 10:43 AM Ironcraft Berkshire Berkshire 4-ft H.x 6-ft W Black Aluminum $81 -49 Add to Cart Flat -Top Yard Overview Specifications Reviews Questions Compare Product & Features • MCKets are spacea approximately �i.tsb in. (3-i wi b In.) apAfiswers to HowTo lb Installation • Panels come pre -assembled for convenience and easy Manual Manual installation PDF PDF • Racking feature allows panels to adjust to accommodate slopes and inclines, so fence can be installed on a variety of terrain, panels rack up to 22A° (26in) • Panels can be cut -down to size using a standard handsaw • For installation on wood or concrete, use with deck mount (model number: 833733) • Posts, gates, and additional panels are sold separately CA Residents: & Prop 65 Warning(s) L� Series Name SPECIFICATIONS Berkshire Collection Name Berkshire Common Panel Height (Feet) "I Color/Finish Family Black CA Residents: Prop f & Prop 65 65 Warning(s) WARNING(S) Type Fence panel Weight (lbs.) Actual Picket Thickness (Inches) Actual Picket Width (Inches) Actual End Picket Width (Inches) Gauge Finish 11.15 0.59 0.59 0.59 15 Powder - coated ihttps://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Actual-4-ft-x-6-ft-Berkshire-Ber...wder-Coated_Aluminum-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Panel/3464236 Page 4 of 12 Ironcraft Berkshire Berkshire 4-ft H x 6-ft W Black Ah `' `;^,m Flat -Top Yard in the Metal Fence Panels departm" t Lowes.com Tellu Recommended Use Post and Accessories ... _........ __----- _...___.._.___._ Included Fence Top Style Assembly Primary Material Fence Style Common Panel Width (Feet) Flat -top Assembled Aluminum N/A 6 REVIEWS Manufacturer Color/Finish Ground Contact Package Quantity Warranty Actual End Picket Thickness (Inches) 8/2/21, 10:43 AM X Black powder - coated X Limited lifetime 0.59 https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Actual-4-ft-x-6-ft-Berkshire-Ber...wder-Coated-Aluminum-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Panel/3464236 Page 5 of 12 N M 0 1 jw i FND I 2391 (0.1NORTH, LOT 264 S89'04'58"E 150.00' ` 6' D.U.E. _ i-• COVEREDjN .D", La PAVERS LOT 263 a 7' 23.5 EXISTING l 3 8' 0.7' RESIDENCE 1.4', 2.1 .7' 0.7' \•CONC I o SLAB L 6' D.U.E. Nss'r%A W a a FND 4"W CM (NO ID) _ (OX NOR•TH)- �o. ppar s � M i_- CU f o f c o o.0 is f a, oT � % N N h y zA —a 8W 150.00' LA I * iz LOT 262 LEGEND G _ eEN,RAI NraE R - cLALVE RADIus L . CURVE LENa1FI E , (a) _ CALCULATED i (P) _ PLAT a FNO - FOUND CERTIFIED TO: in _ e� IRON ROD IP � i/2- VtaN PIPE ULITIES JAMES R. RIZZO AND UGIA RIZZO SCALE 1"-30' CM . CONOVECRETE MONUMENT CM ■ CONCRETE t:SONWI]!T SUPREME TITLE SOLUTIONS, U.0 FFE - FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION CHiCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PIM _ Px NAIL AN DISK P.L.S. + PAOFESSIONAL LAND eURYEYOA DESCRIPTION 1. -PLAT BOeUSf"FSS 4 P.D. _PUT BootL LOT 283. MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS R/w -,ATONE-OF-iVAY RECORDEDIN PLAT 800K 23, PAGE 27, OF THE PUBIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ® - Amer� o SAID LAND CONTAINS 0.41; ACRES, MORE OR LESS. O - ® . WATER PEDESTAL A UEIFH SURVEY NOTES - LAMP Pr S 1. This surveyis not valid without a signature and original embossed seal of o Florida f] - WOOD P PaE eox Professional Land Surveyor. 0 - PNO I Pam POE 2. Description rovided b client and/or their agent. ON -Ilia IRc E TDSG P P Y / 9 GONG - CONCRETE 3. The lost dote of field .work was April 14, 2020 (Sketch). Inc - 0 IRON ROD ie CAP 4. Underground improvements and foundations were not located as part of this survey. MILE. - DRAINAGE AND UTPW EASM! 5. Bearings shown hereon are based an the East R/W line of Bent P'ne Drive, bearing -X e' VINYL FENCE NOWSS'02 E, as monumentsd. All bearings are relative thereto. C - CAME TELLMON BOX 6. All boundary information shown Is calculated per, plat, unless otherwise shown. -'IRE Nm{Ir"Iff 7. Property Ilea In flood zone "X", per map 12111COiSO J, doted 2-16-12 "� 8. Additions or deletions .to curve maps or reports b other than the signing part or j Y P P Y 9 Y NaAiaal.� r LOCTetijYQ.:4f ER i parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. �54 JA(IL MOT parties , y = 3 LAN08 SHOWN 9MEON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR WGHT OF WAYS, , -1' RE4ERYARCHS, AVXENDM AND/OR EI SEME IIS OF RECORD. SUCH - ,tee ,' INFOR►IA1faN. IF OSSRED. liiOUlD B6. OBTAINED AND CCNnWW 1>Y-�Lrf ' ! V'� S � O1HEA5 7FGL01TG}I APPeai!RUnE TRH! VEIOnGOON. R CHARD C. HAVEN �, FLORIDA P.L.S. . ; •� DATE. ADD PROPOSED RESIDENCE /23/La 8 OU N D A R Y • SU FORMBOARD TiE-IN SURVEY 12/I0/iS PREPARED FOR JAMES & LIGIA RIZZO FINAL SURVEY 4/14/20 RE-CERT 5/e/20 BY DATE DRAWING NO LAVENTURE 8c ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING 7.332 PETERS ROAD, SUITE 0 FOR PIERCE. FLORIDA 34945 , L8 7056 772) 398-8430 PHONE (772) 390-6425 FAX 8/a/19 19.Taso-205 Sm.DRAWN B ALE ET N0. RC•L 1 1 OF 1 CNR SIDES REAR j ZNG. TECH. N j L.I i FND IRC 2391 (0.1' EAST) 0 r— -- — 3. 17' PAVER LOT 264 S89'04'58"E 150, 00' 6' D.u.E. W 4} ' PAVERS o O O l i3 LOT 263 1,3 R o b 21' ' 7' 23.5 O.7' EXISTING RESIDENCE L0 to N 3.8 1.4', 7' 25.4' 2.9 8. ' 0.7' J 6' 68 ' I CONC o SLAB 6' D.U.E. N89'04'S8' FND 4"X4" CM (NO ID) (0.2' NORTH)- q'q'jL Peoll s � M F U o I - c N- O.O t' I to N O y a a N G N N � h 'A a,y y a fib` UE 150.00' �NLOT 2s2LEGEND CENTRAL IXGLE CURVE AADIDS L . CURVE LENGTHw (0) . CALCULATED(P) -PLAT FNDFOUND CERTIFIED TO: R .s/e- IRON ADD IP + 1/2' IRON PIPE " w DAMES R. RIZZO AND UGIA RI220 SCALE 1 =30' CM CONCRETE UONULIENT SUPREME TIRE SOLUTIONS, LLC FFE - FINISH FLOOR MATCH CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PXD PK NAIL AND DISK P.L.B.+ PROFESSIONALAN , LAND SURVEYOR DESCRIPTION P.S.-PLAT tRrslNrss P.BOOK LOT 263, MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS R/w - RIOHT-OF-VAY RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE 27, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ® EtoSNC %UL AT&TSAID LAND CONTAINS 0.41; WATER ACRES, MORE OR LESS. O WATE REOESTAL ® . uETtR SURVEY NOTES - ELECTRICLAMP POST 1. This surveyIs not valid without a signature and original embossed seal of a Florida O - WOOD 5ER POLE sox Professional Land Surveyor. 0 POWER Pam 2 Description provided b client and/or their agent. O - FND Die E Toss P P Y � g eDNc . CONCRETE 3. The lost dote of fleld .work was April 14, 2020 (Sketch). IRC . /S IRON ROD a CAP 4. Underground Improvements and foundations were not located as part of this survey. D.U.E. - DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FJ,5FIO 5. Bearinge shown hereon are based an the East R/W line of Bent Pine Drive, bearing -X-- A' Nun FENCE N00'55'02"E, as monumented. All bearings are relative thereto, O -CABLE TELE SION BOX S. All boundary Information shown Is calculated per plat, unless otherwise shown. - FIX 'tiRjiFHL•,,,, 7. Property flee In flood zone "X", per map 12111C0160 J, doted 2-16-12 � �MO �8. Addition& or deletions Ao survey maps or reports by other than the signing party orgAyEp,qBT parties Is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties.p57RICT LAND6 CHOP PAiEON WERE Nor ABSTRACTFtD F'OR R1GIttr OF WAYS T •� :- RFStAVAT10NS, AWMEIM AHD/OR EASQAENB OF R-CORD. bVCH y• f fjL� wrowxnaN. IF DESIRED, EHOULD DR. OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED eY OTHERS 1HR000N APPROPRIATE TIRE Vr7RnCATION. R CHART b C. LAVEN FL RDA PI q ft209 'J� DATE.' 1 I ADD PROPOSED RESIDENCE 2 1 FORMSOARD TIE_ -IN SURVEY 3 FINAL SURVEY 1119.1850-2051 MWH CNR Bi il9 BOUNDARY -SO ,, ix/to/te 4h4/20 PREPARED FOR giB/zD JAMES & LIGIA RIZZO tvnNc ND LAVENTURE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 85D-205 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING IEET N0. 7.552 PETERS ROAD, SUITE D 1 OF 1 LB 7056 (772) FORT PIERCE, 433HONERIOA (772) 396-642B FAX TECH. Ironcraft Eastl'iam Eastharn 4-ft H x 6-ft W Blacl,' — ninum Flat -Top Yard in the'BAetal Fence Panels dep.`;nt at Lowres_corn 11/8/21, 10:49 AM . _ RECEIVED NOV o 8 zoz> St, Lucie County Permitting .arc. n - $C G.76 $62.47 Save 5%on eligible purchases made with your Lowe's Advantage Card. Learn how Ironcraft Eastham Eastham 4-ft H x Eft W Black Aluminum Flat -Top Yard Item 0336480 Model #833797 This is a made to order Item, and is fulfilled based on your project needs Aluminum panel features a smooth powder -coated finish, a more durable finish than paint, to help prevent chippin... Smooth top, 2-rail Eastham design has 15 pickets 5 + Minimum oty of 5 Add to Cart Free Store Pickup Get it by Mon, Nov 22 (est.) at ST. Lucie West Lowe's Delivery Scheduling Available �� Co FREE I CONSULTATION Schedule.your ap"pointment nowo get starte� • Opp BETTER TOGETHER https://www.lowes.dom/pd/Irbncraft-Actual-4-ft-x-6-025-ft-Eastham-...der-Coated-Aluminum-Flat-Top-Decorative- Meta l-Fence-Panel/3457958 Page 2 of 11 Ironcraft Eastham Eastham 4-ft H x 6-ft W Black AlurnK= flat -Top Yard in the Metal Fence Panels departmenii'- ',mes.corn 11/d/21, 10:49 AM ay THIS ITEM IV, 4 1 ;'w'; $C 5.76 $47.35 $9.93 ** 6 1 0 Ironcraft Ironcraft 2-in x Ironcraft Eastham 2-in W x 6-1/2- Accessory Eastham 4-ft H ft H Black Black Powder ® Selected El Selected M Selected Minimum qty of 5 Minimum qty of 2 required required OVERVIEW Subtotal $433.43 Add 8 Items to Cart • This is a made -to order item, and is fulfilled based on your project needs • Aluminum panel features,.a smooth powder -coated finish, a more durable finish than paint, to help prevent chipping, rust, and.stand the<test.of'tiime`:-and weather • Smooth top, 2-rail Eastham design. iaas 15 pickets • Pickets are spaced appr6xfmately;3.85 in. (3-13/16 in.) apart • Panels come pre -assembled for convenience and easy installation • Racking feature allows panels to adjust to accommodate slopes and inclines, so fence can be installed on a variety of terrain, panels rack up to 22AO (26in) • Panels can be cut -down to size using a standard handsaw • For installation on wood or concrete, use with deck mount (model number: 833733) • Posts, gates, and additional panels are sold separately; refer to Eastham fencing line for matching accessories and parts needed for installation SPECIFICATIONS https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Actual-4-ft-x-6-025-ft-Eastham-...der-Coated-Aluminum-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Panel/3457958 Page 3 of 11 Ironcraft Eastham Eastham 4-ft H x 6-ft W Blacly'—`ininum Flat -Top Yard in the Metal Fence Panels depi;nt at Lowes.com 11/8/21, 10:49 AM Series Name Eastham Collection Name Eastham Common Panel Height 4 (Feet) Color/Finish Family Black CA Residents: Prop 65 a Prop 65 Warning(s) WARNING(S) Type Fence panel Primary Yard Recommended Use Fence Top Style Flat -top Assembly Assembled Primary Material Aluminum Fence Style N/A Common Panel Width 6 (Feet) COMPARE Weight (lbs.) 9.9 Actual Picket Thickness 0.59 (Inches) Actual Picket Width 0.59 (Inches) Actual End Picket Width 0.59 (Inches) Gauge 15 Finish Powder - coated Post and Accessories X Included Manufacturer Black Color/Finish powder coated Ground Contact Package Quantity 1 Warranty Limited lifetime Actual End Picket 0.59 Thickness (Inches) https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Actual-4-ft-x-6-025-ft-Eastham-...der-Coated-Aluminum-Flat-Top- Decorative- Meta l- Fence -Pa nel/3457958 Page 4 of 11 0 Q ST. Lucie West Lowe's Open until 10 PM > Prices, Promotions, styles, and availability may vary. Our local stores do not honor online pricing. Prices and availability of products and services are subject to change LoWE•$• without notice. Errors will be corrected where discovered, and Lowe's reserves the right to revoke any stated offer and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions including after an order has been submitted. Building Supplies / Fencing & Gates / Metal Fencing / Metal Fence Gates 70 �0 F®�� �o � oM co�� c®. Gc 13® $425.76 00):IiiG 3 ., Choose your Lowe's Advantage Card offers $71 /Month 1404-47 Suggested payments Save 5% on eligible with 6 month special OR purchases. financing. Learn how Learn how Ironcraft Eastham Eastham 4-ft H x 4-ft W Black Powder -Coated Aluminum Walk-Thru Gate Item #330674 Model #833821 • This is a made to order item, and is fulfilled based on your project needs • Gate features a smooth powder -coated finish, a more durable finish than palm; to help prevent • Eastham style single gate straight design Oty https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Common-4-ft-x-4-ft-Actua...Post-and-Rail-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Gate/3468931 11/8/21, 10:07 AM Page 1 of 10 I OVERVIEW Free Store Pickup Get it by Mon, Nov 22 (est.) at ST. Lucia West Lowe's Delivery b-� Scheduling Available 4 ft. Eastham black gate provides an elegant and attractive solution to complete your aluminum fencing system. Gate is flat on the top and has exposed pickets on the bottom, providing a more secure enclosure. Includes two (2) gate hinges, one (1) self -latching gravity latch and required mounting hardware. Compatible with the 4 ft. H Eastham fence panels. The 6 ft. H Eastham end/gate post is required for installation (sold separately). Refer to the Eastham fence line for corresponding accessories and parts. https://www.Iowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Common-4-ft-x-4-ft-Actua...Post-and-Rail-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Gate/3468931 11/8/21, 10:07 AM Page 2 of 10 • This is a made to order item, and is fulfilled based on your project needs • Gate features a smooth powder -coated finish, a more durable finish than paint, to help prevent chipping, rust, and stand the test of time and weather • Eastham style single gate straight design • Gate comes pre -assembled for quick and easy installation • Latch, hinges, screws, and hardware to 'attach gate to post included • Panels, posts, and additional gates are sold separately; refer to Eastham fencing line for matching accessories and parts needed for installation • Limited lifetime warranty • Available through special order sales CA Residents: A Prop 65 Warnin§p) @%IFICATIONS 15 Installatib Prop65 Manual Warning PDF Label PDF rp Dimensi& HowTo Guide Manual PDF PDF Collection Name Eastham Weight (lbs.) Actual Picket 0.59 Gate Construction Width (Inches) CA Residents: A Prop 65 Hinge Support Prop 65 WARNING(S) Rating (lbs.) Warning(s) Number of Backer Type Walk-thru Rails gate Finish Primary Material Aluminum Primary Yard Gate Style Recommended Use Gate Top Style Actual 1 Thickness https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-Common-4-ft-x-4-ft-Actua...Post-and-Rail-Flat-Top-Decorative-Metal-Fence-Gate/3468991 10 Welded frame 66 0 Powder - coated Post -and - rail Flat -top v 11/8/21, 10:07 AM Page 3 of 10 (Inches) Fixed/Adjustable Common Gate Height (Feet) Common Gate Width (Feet) Picket Gauge Frame Tubing Diameter (Inches) Fits Minimum Opening (Inches) Fits Maximum Opening (Inches) Accessories Included Fixed Manufacturer 4 Color/Finish 4 Color/Finish Family Warranty 15 1.5 EN ME COMPARE Rail Gauge Series Name Actual Picket Thickness (Inches) Black powder - coated Black Limited lifetime 14 Eastham 0.59 C _ Weight (lbs.) 1 Package 1 Manufacturer Black Quantity Color/Finish CA Residents: © Prop 65 Hardware Finish Black Prop 65 WARNING(S) Warning(s) For Use with Chain -Link 0 UNSPSC 30172000 Fencing For Use with Composite x Length (Inches) 3 Fencing Width (Inches) 3 For Use with Wood x Fencing For Use With X Electric Fencing For Use with Metal 0 Fencing Height (Inches) 10 G®®E CIE c®usv COMP E ARE 0GG Goo https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-10-in-Black-Gate-Latch/3464196 11/8/21, 10:32 AM Page 3 of 9 z OVERVIEW This aluminum magnetic latch is a great addition if you're worried about security. When properly installed, this latch will ensure your gate remains closed and do not open too easily. All mounting hardware is included. • Aluminum magnetic latch to help gates stay securely closed rp Prop65 • Attractive black color blends into surroundings Warning • Easy -grip release knob Label • Meets pool access requirement when properly installed PDF CA Residents: ® Prop 65 Warning(s) L� Series Name Length Measurement Height Measurement Type SPECIFICATIONS N/A For Use with Vinyl Fencing 10-in Material 3-in Gate latch Weight Capacity (lbs.) 0 https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ironcraft-10-in-Biack-Gate-Latch/3464196 Warranty Screws Included Self -Closing M Aluminum Limited lifetime X 11/8/21, 10:32 AM Page 2 of 9 C Q ST. Lucie West Lowe's Open until 10 PM > Prices, Promotions, styles, and availability may vary. Our local stores do not honor online pricing. Prices and availability of products and services are subject to change LOWE•S• without notice. Errors will be corrected where discovered, and Lowe's reserves the right to revoke any stated offer and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions including after an order has been submitted. Hardware / Gate Hardware U 0 $70.10 $66-59 Save 5 / on ellgible purchases made with your Lowe's Advantage Card. Learn how Ironcraft 10-in Black Gate Latch Item #330675 Model #833741 • Aluminum magnetic latch to help gates stay securely closed • Attractive black color blends Into surroundings • Easy -grip release knob ,,,i. . Cty Free Store Pickup Get it by Mon, Nov 22 (est.) at ST. Lucia West Lowe's Delivery Scheduling Available https://www.lowes.com/pd/I roneraft-10-in-Black-Gate-Latch/3464196 11/8/21, 10:32 AM Page 1 of 9 From: Jessica Kirby Jkirby@opbglobal.com Subject: FW: Iron Craft Communications: Hinge' y' Date: October 25, 2021 at 12:45 PM To: jimr125@hotmail.com Cc: Nancy Mastrangelo NMastrangelo@opbglobal.com, Chelsea Behrens cbehrens@opbglobal.com, Shawna Johnson sjohnson@opbglobal.com, Andrew Gallo agallo@opbglobal.com Ligia Thank you for allowing me to assist with any questions or concerns that you may have on this and future orders with us at IronCraft. Please let me know how it is I may best support you and your project. Looking forward, JESSICA KIRBY Direct. 843.614.5733 1 jkirby@opbglobal.com GG V`� f %►� Origin Point Brands, LLC 11116 Newton Way I Summerville, SC 29483 Office: 843.747.9812 1 Fax: 843.747.9813 ®� �J G G� Customer Toll Free: 800.607.6409 G® • V, `GX` CJ� V OV, The information contained in this message may be privileged, confidential, proprietary or legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, distribution or copying of this message and any attachments is prohibited. Please notify the sender of your unintended receipt of this message and delete the message and any attachments from your system immediately. Thank you for your assistance. 42.1047 NATIONWIDE NW094, MOM NW096 I N/ n / .1 '; SELF CLOSING RItvG vrwvr.nationsvitl irtdustries.�m INSIALLATlc')'ItiY, ADJUSTf ENTAND MAIMEM41VC5INSTRU0 7ONS The hinge should be 'mounled as shown. Tho tomes should .be positiloned on live outside surface of the posts when ibe goI is Closed. The angnmenl tabs should' be tucated between ttte gale and fenco pasts when the date is In the dosed position. The, Gop surJeco of kltia upp ieingee should bo Mwnted �vithlr� tf2° of the tap su18W pf the leis rail end tiha taottom saarfoce of the raluer hinge should be mounted w!IhIn in of the tower surface a! tFra [otiYer raft, In appiicatlons where addiftnal hir�os are used, thdy should:k a evanfy spaced balnen Ih© upper and lower hinges, Tabs �i.�s�'s�1+�ki�+k[F�apu�a��^�j�►�urt}� 5**,��`,daa�Wissr-ftisac��Pa�+dtcA� a+rhews�vsnu�tu+] �a �ynu!utP+W e�1 `.Qi�3�ntra�si`�fi{arJS'ar�aout�3�at �osrat�WiA4 err.�o+��[�w�es�ww.nnc�a.u�t�' s�v�s.Mpoudu,c�ua�naecurrcarl+r�wu.soaddrAueec3`�ct�nz.�nv. pty� !qLWA4m ruot WW st.ePOa _ tit t#.OJOW' aq sa&,-NoU garjeq alp QIUJ urea '►aufq 001414 stp 1xxp.smea jft Wnpej ay es?Wpop-rJu= pupa uEqsnd 'Piemumop jar p► a ain pa wea stp Cluj. um l�. s area ow q err w �►lgi sea�up kar s eyd ssatd ianppmajas dp luu ijosu! Iroricraft Berkshire Berkshire 4-ft H x6-ft W B' Rluminum Flat -Top Yard in the Metal FenceRdnets c tment-at Lowes.com , 8/2/21, 10:43 AM +6more $81 .49 bw'S,F$ 13 View O&A $77-42 Save 5%on eligible purchases made with your LowWs Advantage Card. Learn how troneraft Berkshire Berkshire 4-ft H x 6-ft W Black Aluminum Flat -Top Yard Item b336382 Model #833625 This Is a made to order Item, and Is fulfilled based on your project needs Durable aluminum panelieatuiesa smooth powder - coated finish to help prevent chipping, rust and... Smooth top, 3-rall Berkettlre'design has 15 pickets Minimum City of 5 Add to Cart Longer wait time than usual (30r days) r / Free Store Pickup ,,. Pickup Estimated: Tue, Oct 12: 2021 Delivery 1 6/ Del vory Estimate: Tue. Oct 12. 2021; Schedule Delivery Date In Checkout j r I I a .. 1500r-rnn 8r^^n0ru1Tn https://wwW.lowes.com/pd/Irondraft=Actual-4=ft-x-6=ft=Berkshire-Ber...wder=Coated-Aluminum=Flat-Top-Decorative=Metal-Fence-Panel/3464236 Page 2 of 12