HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review AffidavitBuilding Permit # Planning & Development Services Department Building & Regulations Division Product Review Affidavit Owners Name HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Applicant: Product Opening Design Pressures Product Rated Design Pressure Manufacturer Model Number Product Approval Number Glass Type Method of Attachment Windows +33.5/-36.3 +80/-80 LAWSON SH-7700 20-0813.07 IMPACT 1/4" TAPCON SPACED PER MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION Mullions Fixed Glass Block Glass Skylights Sliding Glass Doors Swing Type Doors +32.0/-34.8 +67/-67 THERMA-TRU FL20468.1 N/A 1/4" TAPCON 13" O.C. MAX. FOLLOW MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION French Doors Garage Doors +29.7/-32.5 +31.3/-34.9 HAAS 2580 SERIES FL16660.11 N/A 114" TAPCONS WITH 1" WASHER @ 24" MAX. FOLLOW MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION Hurricane Protection Roof Ventilation LOMANCO 16-0510.25 N/A (32) 8d NAILS @4" O.C. Roofing Material HVHZ TAMKO FL18355.1 N/A 6" NAIL PATTERN Revised 07/22/2014 I have reviewed the above components or cladding and I have approved their use in this structure. These products provide ade e • ... , ,. wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. �~ • `; C N S ''.� �I CDlgitally signeO by RyanE Ryan M Bays ),-k0Ryan.B8Egj Englnee nL-FcdPle1. yanM1.6da • • •••• rO.W�ole House Engineering LLC, L=Earl Plerce. S•Flodda, C.US Ryan M Bay$ Reasom.lamagpro Ingthls document Name: Signature: Data>zg2,.g5.2.o9:•a:o,-g<gg iJ✓�. Nll•- �'/ PE 91231 5/24/2021 Design Prof: Cert. No. Date: r STAT OF `.• c , „►,.ill► W� Project Summary Job: Salerno Road Residence,... wrightsoft`' Date: June 29, 2021 Entire House By: Josh Putman Plan: Salemo Road Residence Webreps LLC , 1880 82nd Ate, Vero Beach, Fl 32966 Phone: (800) 810-3280, Project For. Joseph Gianna St Lucie Habitat for Humanity 702 South 6th Street, Fort Pierce, FL Phone: (772) 464-1.117 Email: joseph stiuciehabitat.org Notes: Salemo Roadlesidence, Fort Pierce, FL. Desi n Information Weather. Winter Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Inside db 72 OF Design TD 30 OF Heating. Summary Fort Pierce, FL, US Structure 15602 Btuh Ducts 3245 Btuh . Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) Humidification 122 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipmentload 18969 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality Fireplaces Semi -tight 0 Heating Cooling Area (ft?) 1291 1291 Volume (fr) 10326 10326 Air changes/ttour 0.31 0.16 Equiv AVF-(cfm) 53 28 Heating Equipment Summary Make Goodman Trade Heat Strip Model AHRI ref Efficiency 100 EFF Heating input 8.0 kW Heating output 27297 Btuh Temperature rise 27 OF Actual airflow 920 cfm Airflowfador 0.049 cfmBtuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Summer Design Conditions Outside db 90 OF Inside db 75 - OF Design TD - - 15 OF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 grAb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 12472 Btuh Duds . 5286 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) Blower 1707 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swingg multiplier Equipment sensible load 1.00 19465 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 5850 Btuh Duds 1501 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 -:Btuh (none) Equipment latent load 7352 Btuh Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 26816 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.72 SHR 2.3 ton Cooling. Equipment Summary Make Goodman Mfg. Trade GOODMAN Cond GSX160301.F Coil ASPT30C14A AHRI ref 200825240 . Efficiency 13.0 EER,16 SEER Sensible cooling 19872 Btuh Latent cooling 7728 Btuh Total cooling 27600 Btuh Actual airflow 920 crm Air flow factor 0.052 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio - 0.73 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 444- wrightaoft 2021-Jun-29.17:13:23 �+... -... _.. RightSuite®Universal 2021 21.0.07 R8U16998 Page 1 ...tfor Humanity PSL18alemo Road Residence 2.rup Calc= MJS faces: S 16" Job #: Salerno Road Residence, Fort Pierc... Performed by Josh Putman for: Joseph Gianna 702 South 6th Street Fort Pierce, FL Phone: (772) 464-1117 joseph@sluciehabitatorg MAIN FLOOR - - Webreps LLC 1880 82ndAve Vero Beach, FI 32966 Phone: (800) 810-3280 Scale: 1 : 86 Page 1 Right Suite® Universal 2021 21.0.07 RSU16998 2021-Jun-2917:13:57 PSL\Salerno Road Residence 2.rup + wr. ightsoft, Load Short Form Entire House Webreps LLC 1880 82nd Are, Vero Beach, R 32966 Phone: (800) 810-3280 iwroject intormation For. Joseph Gianna, St. Lude Habitat for Humanity 702 South 6th Street, Fort Pierce, FL Phone: (772) 464-1117 Email: joseph@stiudehabitatorg Job: Salemo Road Residence,... Date: June 29, 2021 By. Josh Putrnan Plan: Salemo Road Residence Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 72 75 Construction quality Semi -tight Design TD (OF) 30 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - M Inside humidity (%) 30 50 Moisture difference (grAb) 3 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Goodman Trade Heat Strip Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual airflow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 8.0 kW 27297 Btuh 27 OF 920 cfrn 0.049 cfmBtuh 0.60 in H2O COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Goodman Mfg. Trade GOODMAN Cond GSX160301 F Coil ASPT30C14A AHRI ref 200825240 Efficiency 13.0 EER,16 SEER Sensible cooling 19872 Btuh Latent cooling 7728 Btuh Total cooling 27600 Btuh Actual airflow 920 cfm Air flow factor 0.052 cfmBtuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.73 ROOM NAME Area (fie) Htg load (Btuh) CIg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) CIgAVF (crm) BEDROOM 3 131 1669 2279 81 118 KITCHEN 116 2206 3791 108 196 pnty 11 0 0 0 0 BATH 50 73 280 4 15 Laundry 72 1198 1149 58 60 BATH 1 66 644 312 31 16 Master Bed 162 3261 2456 159 127 M CL 25 0 0 0 0 BEDROOM 2 144 3229 2114 158 110 CL 3 15 0 0 0 0 CL 2 16 0 0 0 0 Hall 61 0 0 0 0 1 IVIKU" Rnnnn n3q Gr-G7 =13-M 13 4 n A VVV/ VVIV 17G1 410 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed 2021-Jun-2917:13:23 ^'� ....,..•, ..,,..,..,�_.,..., wrighfsoft' RightSuite®Universal 2021 21.0.07 RSU16998 Page 1 /CClk tforHumanity PSL\SalemoRoad Residence 2.rup Calc=MJ8 faces: S J i Entire House 1291 18847 17758 920 920 Other equip loads 122 1707 Equip. @ 1.00 RSM 19465 Latent cooli ng 7352 TOTALS n'In non Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. - wrightsoft- ^� .« RightSuite®Universal202121.0.07RSU16998 ACM ...tfor Humanity PSL\Salemo Road Residence 2.rup Calc = MJ8 faces: S 2021-Jun-2917:1323 Page 2 -�d- wrightsok Duct System Summary Entire House Webreps LLC 1880 82nd Ate, Vero Beach, R 32966 Phone: (800) 810-3280 Job: . Salerno Road Residence,... Date: June 29, 2021 W. Josh Putman. Plan: Salerno Road Residence im�roject intormation For. Joseph Gianna, St. Lucie Habitat for Humanity 702 South 6th Street, Fort Pierce, FL Phone: (772) 464-1117 Email: joseph@stluciehabitatorg Heating Cooling. External static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Pressure losses 0.24 in H2O 0.24 in H2O Available static pressure 0.36 in H2O 0.36 in H2O Supply % return available pressure 0.260 / 0.100 in H2O 0.260 / 0.100 in H2O Lowestfriclion rate 0.099 in/1001t 0.099 in/100ft Actual airflow 920 cfm 920 clam Total effective length (TEL) 363 ft Name Design. - (Btuh) Htg (cfm) Clg (clim) Design FIR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct -Matt Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk BATH c 280 4 15 0.146 4.0 : Ox 0 VIFx 23.0 .155.0 st2 B/UH 1 h 644 31 16 0.101 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx:. 37.3 220.0 st3 BEDROOM 2 h 3229 158 -110 0.099 7.0 00 . VIFx 42.8. 220.0 220.0 st3 st3 BEDROOM 3 c 2279 81 118 0.099 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 42.4 105.0 KIrOHEN c 3791 108 196 0:233 0.141 8.0: 6.0 Ox0 Ox 0 VIFx VIFx 6.9 19.2 165.0 st1 LIVINGROOM LIVING ROOM -A h 2189 h 2189 107 107 93 93 0.138 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 23.0 165.0 st1 LIVING ROOM-B h 2189 107 93 0.131 6.0 'Ox 0 VIFx 29.5 26.5 170.0 170.0 st1 W Laundry c 1149 58. 60 - 0.133 4.0 7.0 0x0 Ox0 :VIFX VIFX 40.5 220.0 st3 Master Bed h 3261 159 127 0.100 Name Trunk Type Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) . Design FIR Veloc (fpm) 0.131 0,099 0.099 588 '547 626 st1 st3. st2 PeakAVF 321 279 PeakAVF 430 371 PeakAVF . 492 445 Duct (in) Material Trunk 0 WOO VinlFlx- 0 VinlFlx st2 0 ViniFlx .. 2021-Jun-2917:13:23 vvrightsoft' Page 1 WghtSuiteOUniversal 202121.0.07RSU16998 /ICCk ...tfor Humanity PSL1Salemo Road Residence 2.rup Calc= MJ8 faces: S Return Branch Detail Table Name Grille Size (in) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) TEL (ft) Design FIR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Stud/Joist Opening (in) Duct Mati Trunk rb4 Ox0 920 920 100.5 0.099 659 16.0 Ox 0 VIFx wrightsoft PoghtSuite®Universa12021 21.0.07 RSU18998 Paget iC% ..,tfor Humanity PSUSalemo Road Residence 2.rup Calc= MJ8 faces: S FORM R405-2020 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 99 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index, the more efficient the home. Salerno Road,Fort Pierce,FL, 1. New construction or existing New (From Plans) 2. Single family or multiple family Detached 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (ft2) Conditioned floor area below grade (ft2) 7. Windows** Description a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.60 SHGC: SHGC=0.24 b. U-Factor: N/A SHGC: c. U-Factor: N/A SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: Area Weighted Average SHGC: 8. Skylights Description U-Factor:(AVG) N/A SHGC(AVG): N/A 9. Floor Types Insulation a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R= 0.0 b. N/A R= c. N/A R= 3 No 1292 0 Area 85.14 ft2 ft2 10. Wall Types(1248.0 sqft.) Insulation a. Concrete Block - Int-Insul, Exterior R=5.0 b.: Concrete Block - Irit Insul, AdjacenR=5.0 c. N/A R= d. N/A R= 11. Ceiling Types(1292.0 sgft.) Insulation a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 b. N/A R= c. N/A R= 12. Ducts, location & insulation level a. a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: Garage b. C. Area 1080.00 ft2 168.00 ft2 ft2 ft2 .Area 1292.00 ft2 ft2 ft2 R ft2 6 258 13. Cooling Systems kBtu/hr Efficiency ft2 a. Central Unit 27.6 SEER:16.00 2.000 ft 0.240 14. Heating Systems kBtu/hr Efficiency Area a. Electric Strip Heat 27.3 COPA.00 N/A ft2 15. Hot Water Systems Area a. Electric Cap: 40 gallons 1291.00 ft2 EF: 0.950 ft2 b. Conservation features ftz None 16. Credits CV I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature Date: 7 ` `7 / 2CZ Address of New Home: Salerno Road City/FL Zip: Fort Pierce,FL, *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, yourhome may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Rating. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 6/29/2021 5:24:33 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 s A FORM R405-2020 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: Salerno Road Residence Energygauge 2 Builder Name: Habitat for Humanity Street: Salerno Road Permit Office: City, State, Zip: Fort Pierce, FL, Permit Number: Owner: Joseph Gianna Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce County: St. Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2) 1. New construction or existing New (From Plans) 10. Wall Types(1248.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Detached a. Concrete Block - Int Insul, Exterior R=5.0 1080.00 ft2 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 b. Concrete Block - Int Insul, AdjacenR=5.0 168.00 ft2 c. N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d. N/A R= ft2 5. Is this a worst case? No 11. Ceiling Types(1292.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (ft2) 1292 a. Under Attic (Vented) b. N/A R=30.0 1292.00 ft2 R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade (ft2) 0 c. N/A R= ft2 7. Windows(85.1 sqft.) Description Area 12. Ducts, location & insulation level R ft2 a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.60 85.14 ft2 a. a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: Garage 6 258 SHGC: SHGC=0.24 b. b. U-Factor: N/A ft2 C. SHGC: 13. Cooling Systems kBtu/hr Efficiency c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a. Central Unit 27.6 SEER:16.00 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.240 14. Heating Systems kBtu/hr Efficiency 8. Skylights Description Area a. Electric Strip Heat 27.3 COP:1.00 U-Factor:(AVG) N/A N/A ft2 SHGC(AVG): N/A 9. Floor Types Insulation Area 15. Hot Water Systems a. Electric Cap: 40 gallons a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R= 0.0 1291.00 ft2 EF: 0.950 b. N/A R= ft2 b. Conservation features c. N/A R= ft2 None 16. Credits CV Glass/Floor Area: 0.066 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 41.24 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 41.67 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and �11E ST,q� this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this p� Code. calculation indicates compliance the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: �GGrI' with Before construction is completed June 29, 2021 this building will be inspected for 553.908 O* n DATE: compliance with Section Florida Statutes. �C©OWE I hereby certify that this building, as designe I in compliance with the Florida Energy Cod OWNER/AGENT: 2iE2 BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 1 DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory -sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. - Compliance with a proposed duct leakage Qn requires a PERFORMANCE Duct Leakage Test Report confirming duct leakage to outdoors, tested in accordance with ANSIIRESNET/ICC 380, is not greater than 0.000 Qn for whole house. - Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires a PERFORMANCE envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50 (R402.4.1.2). 6/29/2021 5:24:00 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 1 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT PROJECT Title: Salerno Road Residence Energygauge 2 Address type: Street Address Building Type: User Bedrooms: 3 Lot #: - Owner: Joseph Gianna Conditioned Area: 1292 Block/SubDivision: - Total Stories: 1 PlatBook: - Builder Name: Habitat for Humanity Worst Case: No Street: Salerno Road Permit Office: Rotate Angle: 0 County: St. Lucie Jurisdiction: Cross Ventilation: Yes City, State, Zip: Fort Pierce, Family Type: Detached Whole House Fan: No FL, New/Existing: New (From Plans) Terrain: Suburban Year Construct: Shielding: Suburban Comment: CLIMATE Design Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily temp Location Tmy Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range _ FL, Fort Pierce FL VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPA 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 1292 10336 'SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms Finished Cooled Heated _ 1 BEDROOM 3 131 1048 No 1 1 Yes Yes Yes _2 KITCHEN 116 028 Yes 0 Yes Yes Yes -3 pnty 11 88 No 0 No Yes Yes 4 BATH 50 396 No 0 No Yes Yes _ _ 5 Laundry 72 572 No 0 Yes Yes Yes _ 6 BATH 1 66 528 No 0 Yes Yes Yes _ 7 Master Bed 162 1296 No 2 1 Yes Yes Yes _ 8 M CL 25 196 No 0 Yes Yes Yes _9 BEDROOM 2 144 1152 No 1 1 Yes Yes Yes _ 10 CL 3 15 120 No 0 No Yes Yes _ 11 CL 2 16 130 No 0 Yes Yes Yes 12 Hall 61 488 No 0 No Yes Yes _ 13 LIVING ROOM 423 3384 No 0 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS (Total Exposed Area = 1291 sq.ft.) # Floor Type Space Exposed Perim Perimeter R-Value Area U-Factor Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins BEDROOM 3 10.5 131.3 ft 0.710 --- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins KITCHEN 21.5 115.5 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 -2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins pnty 1 11 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 -3 4 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins BATH 1 49.5 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins Laundry 11 71.5 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins BATH 1 5.5 66 ft 0.710 - 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 7 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins Master Bed 25.5 162 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins M CL 3.5 24.5 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 9 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins BEDROOM 2 24 143.8 ft 0.710 --- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 10 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins CL 3 1 15 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 11 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins CL 2 2.5 16.3 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 12 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins Hall 1 61.3 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 _ 13 Slab -On -Grade Edge Ins LIVING ROOM 52 423.3 ft 0.710 -- 1.00 0.00 0.00 6/29/2021 5:24:00 PM' EnergyGauge® USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 2 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT ROOF Roof Gable Roof Red Solar SA Emit Emift Deck Pitch # Type Materials Area Area Color Barr Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) _ 1 Gable or Shed Composition shingles 1361 ft2 214 ft2 Medium N 0.9 No 0.9 No 0 18A ATTIC # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio (1 in) Area RBS IRCC _ 1 Full attic Vented 300 1291 ft2 N N CEILING (Total Exposed Area = 1292 sq.ft.) # Calling Type Space R-Value Ins. Type Area U-Factor Framing Frac. Truss Type _ 1 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 3 30.0 Blown 131.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood -2 Under Attic(Vented) KITCHEN 30.0 Blown 116.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood -3 Under Attic(Vented) pnty 30.0 Blown 11.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 4 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 30.0 Blown 50.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 5 Under Attic(Vented) Laundry 30.0 Blown 72.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood -6 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 1 30.0 Blown 66.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 7 Under Attic(Vented) Master Bed 30.0 Blown 162.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 8 Under Attic(Vented) M CL 30.0 Blown 25.Oft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 9 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 2 30.0 Blown 144.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 10 Under Attic(Vented) CL 3 30.0 Blown 15.Oft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 11 Under Attic(Vented) CL 2 30.0 Blown 16.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood _ 12 Under Attic(Vented) Hall 30.0 Blown 61.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood 13 Under Attic(Vented) LIVING ROOM 30.0 Blown 423.0ft2 0.053 0.10 Wood WALLS (Total Exposed Area = 1248 sq.ft.) Cavity Width Height Area U- Sheath Frm. Solar Below ✓Adjacent # Ornt To Wall Type Space R-Value Ft In Ft In sq.ft. Factor R-Value Frac. Absor. Grade -1 W Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins BEDROOM 3 5.0 10.0 6 8.0 0 84.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % -2 E Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins KITCHEN 5.0 10.0 6 6.0 0 84.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % -3 N Garage Conc. Blk - Int Ins KITCHEN 5.0 11.0 0 8.0 0 88.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _4 E Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins Laundry 5.0 11.0 0 8.0 0 88.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 5 E Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins BATH 1 5.0 5.0 6 8.0 0 44.0 0.132 - 0 0 0.50 0 % -6 E Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins Master Bed 5.0 13.0 6 8.0 0 108.0 0.132 0 0 0.50' 0 % _ 7 S Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins Master Bed 5.0 12.0 0 8.0 0 96.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % 8 S Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins M CL 5.0 3.0 6 8.0 0 28.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 9 S Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins BEDROOM 2 5.0 12.0 6 8.0 0 100.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 10 W Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins BEDROOM 2 5.0 11.0 6 8.0 0 92.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 11 W Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins CL 2 5.0 2.0 6 8.0 0 .20.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 12 N Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins LIVING ROOM 5.0 16.0 6 8.0 0 132.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ 13 W Exterior Conc. Blk - Int Ins LIVING ROOM 5.0 25.0 6 8.0 0 204.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % _ _ 14 E Garage Conc. Blk - Int Ins LIVING ROOM 5.0 9.0 6 8.0 0 76.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % 15 N Garage Conc. Blk - Int Ins LIVING ROOM 5.0 0.0 6 8.0 0 4.0 0.132 0 0 0.50 0 % DOORS (Total Exposed Area = 43 sq.ft.) , / Storms U-Value Width Height Ft In Ft In Area V # Ornt Adjacent To Door Type Space N Exterior Wood LIVING ROOM None 0.39 3.00 0 7.00 0 21.Oft2 -1 2 W Exterior Wood LIVING ROOM None 0.39 3.00 2 7.00 0 22.2ft2 6/29/2021 5:24:00 PM EnergyGauge® USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 3 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT WINDOWS (Total Exposed Area = 85 sq.ft.) Wall ✓# -Overhang-- Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC Imp Storm Area Depth Separation Interior Shade Screening _ 1 W 1 None Double (Clear) Yes 0.60 0.24 Y N 16.9ft' 2.0 ft 0 in 1.0 ft0 in Drapes/blinds Exterior 50% 2 E 2 None Double (Clear) Yes 0.60 0.24 Y N 10.0ft' 2.0 ft 0 in 1.0 ft 0 in Drapes/blinds Exterior 50% -3 S 7 None Double (Clear) Yes 0.60 0.24 Y N 16.9ft' 2.0 ft 0 in 1.0 ft 0 in Drapes/blinds Exterior 50% _ 4 S 9 None Double (Clear) Yes 0.60 0.24 Y N 16.9ft' 2.0 ft 0 in 1.0 ft 0 in Drapes/blinds Exterior 50% 5 N 12 None Double (Clear) Yes 0.60 0.24 Y N 24.4ft' 2.0 ft 0 in 1,0 ft 0 in Drapes/blinds Exterior 50% INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH50 Space(s) _ 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) 0.00036 1205 66.09 124.08 0.1263 7.0 All GARAGE # Floor Area Roof Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg. Wall Height Exposed Wall Insulation 1 383 ft' 383 ft' 64 ft 8 ft 1 MASS # Mass Type Area Thickness Furniture Fraction Space 1 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' O ft 0.30 BEDROOM 3 -2 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 KITCHEN -3 Default(8 Ibs/sq,ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 pnty _4 Default(8lbs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 BATH _ 5 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 Laundry _ 6 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' O ft 0.30 BATH 1 _ 7 Default(8 lbs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 Master Bed _ 8 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' O ft 0.30 M CL _ 9 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 BEDROOM 2 _ 10 Default(8 Ibs/sq,ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 CL 3 _ 11 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 CL 2 12 Default(8 Ibs/sq,ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 Hall _ 13 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft.) 0 ft' 0 ft 0.30 LIVING ROOM HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype AHRI # Efficiency Capacity --Geothermal HeatPump-- Ducts Block kBtu/hr Entry Power Volt Current 1 Electric Strip Heat None COP: 1.00 27.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 sys#1 1 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype/Speed AHRI # Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Duct Block kBtu/hr cfm 1 Central Unit Split/Single SEER:16.0 27.6 0 0.72 sys#1 1 6/29/2021 5:24:00 PM EnergyGauge® USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 4 r V FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Location EF(UEF) Cap Use SetPnt Fixture Flow Pipe Ins. Pipe length _ 1 Electric None Laundry 0.95 (0.93) 40.00 gal 61 gal 120 deg Standard None 82 Recirculation Recirc Control Loop Branch Pump DWHR Facilities Equal DWHR Other Credits System Type length length power Connected Flow Eff 1 No NA NA NA No NA NA NA None DUCTS ---Supply--- --Return-- Air CFM 25 CFM 25 HVAC # ✓Duct # Location R-Value Area Location R-Value Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool _ 1 Attic 6.0 258 ft2 Attic 6.0 64 ft2 Default Leakage Garage (Default) (Default) 1 1 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat: N Ceiling Fans: N Cooling [ ] Jan [] Feb [ ] Mar [ ] Apr [ ] May [X] Jun [X]'Jul [X] Aug [X] Sep [ ] Oct [ ] Nov [ ] Dec Heating [X] Jan [X] Feb [X] Mar [ ] Apr [ ] May [ ] Jun [ ] Jul [ ] Aug [ ] Sep [ ] Oct [X] Nov [X] Dec Venting [ ] Jan [ ] Feb [X] Mar [X] Apr [ ] May [ ] Jun []Jul [ ] Aug [ ] Sep [X] Oct [X] Nov [ ] Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling (WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 (WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 —Cooling PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating (WD) AM 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 _ PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 _ Heating (WEH) AM PM 65 68 65 68 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 65 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 6/29/2021 5:24:00 PM EnergyGauge® USA 7.0.00 - FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 5 Planning & Development Services Department Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 — (772) 462-1553 Certification for Design Load Compliance Project Name: Salerno Project Address: Parcel ID is: 1301-606-0066-000-7 Salerno Rd, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Permit #: Occupancy Type: R-3 Construction Type: VB INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: • This certification must be completed, signed, and sealed by the design professional of record. • Submit (2) copies for residential, (3) copies for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: o New Residences (single or multi -family) o Residential Addition o Any accessory structure requiring a building permit o Any non-residential structure. * Note: Form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the local building official. Contact the # above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (complete all that apply) 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida BUILDING Code Sixth Edition with 20 20 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 2. Structure Designed as (check one): X Enclosed Partially Enclosed Open 3. Risk Category: I X II III IV Exposure Category: B X C D '.4. Design Wind Velocity 160 mph X ASD LRFD End Zone Width: 6 ft S. Mean Roof Height 15 ft Roof Pitch: 4 :12 Parapet: NSA ft 6. Components & Cladding Design Pressures Used: (PSF, based on 10sgft @ 15'MRH, clearly label on all plan openings): Zone 1: 53.3 Zone 2: 70.4 Zone 3: 95.9 Zone 4: 33.2 Zone 5: 40.9 Garage: 7. Design Loads: Floor: NSA PSF Roof/Dead: 20 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony: NSA PSF Dock: NSA PSF Deck: NSA PSF Stairs: NSA PSF Fence: NSA PSF Railings: NSA PSF 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? X Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 9. Is A Continuous Load Path Provided? X Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and Belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to comply with the :applicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design Ryan M.Bays Print Name Whole House Engineering Cert # & Co. Cert Auth. 4451 St Lucie Blvd Suite 201, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Company Name & Address 4"�� o..?3iN ra5rhv Rva�n+aays 4 r:-rart.ys�wHenoeee�oa�ei. An_RyM' M Bays, O-WhNe House g qy LLO, L-FM Pierce, "�e7anHa,�.US �,�'�E�Y,sa� � av�n go�.rutl�ment RECEIVED ec rna`. �l Lo R - 05-33 NOV 0.1 2021 dt. Lucie County I Permittinq LOT 8 I ROBERT MCDOWELL 8401 LAKELAND BLVD (SEPTIC IN REAR WELL IN FRONT) I I x I 10' P.U. & D.E. 79s, 10' P.U. & D.E. CLF FNC COR S 9.72' W 0.45' LOT 5. U ALFRED A CRUZ 8306 SALERNO RD CV FFE: 21.62' LID U L_ U)_.l �)"� LOT 7 NANCY L FERSING 8303 LAKELAND BLVD. FFE:21.97' WELL 75'+ FND IR4 r-- — — - S89°46'22'E. — ELEC — 21022 21014 2 21013 C,_ Q 21 Q2 © 21024 00 r p 2102S 0 21026 04 21.43' I 28.0 MIN''SETBACK KM6 —�_ - FRON SEPTIC �.'�, ACC SIDE CLF FNG COR CNR IDES W 0.40', REAR >,�� 22.40% ZING. til TEC . LO n d' O 21.41' z CLF FNC COR 21042 S 1>43' 0 W 0.49' 2104,j 0 FND IRC4 (ILLEGIBLE) 9Q.00'(C)19 9 ELEC — � 21010 '0.1' /P:ROP. WATER LINE 21068 40:57' LOT 6 BLOCK 60 PROPOSED 1n ��- ONE STORY RESIDENCE FFE:24.77' --__- i -- 0 1rx67' I 21071 a; COVER PORCH o 0 A- 1.0 1.33 1'6.6.7' 40,74'- 10' b LO E------- / ,n _ . `O N 35.0' n18•s' E 2106.5 21066 21067 ul 35.0' cn � m ^dam CD Z p fy- IN Q W tN I TREE LEGEND: 21010-21014 CAB PALM 21022-21026 CAB PALM 21042 PINE 24" 21043 OAK 1.6" 21056 CAB PALM FND PK 21064 CAB PALM NAIL & 21065 OAK 18" WASHER RLS 2391 E 2.05' LEGEND 21066 OAK 17" 21067 'OAK 13" 21068 PINE 14" 21069 OAK '24" 21070 PINE 16" 21071 CAB PALM ST :WCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA VICINITY MAP NO SCALE L (P) PLAT DATA CONC CONCRETE z (F) FIELD DATA TOB TOP OF BANK . — (C) CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS (RAD) RADIAL LINE FND. FOUND No. NUMBER P.A.C. POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE PC POINT OF CURVE P.R.C.. POINT OF REVERSE CURVE. PT POINT. OF. TANGENCY P.L.S. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR rk CENTERLINE L.B: LICENSED BUSINESS WATER METER IRC IRON ROD & CAP. A- DELTA (CENTRAL. ANGLE) CATV ❑ CABLE TELEVISION RISER R RADIUS CO O SANITARY CLEANOUT L CB ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING ® HAND HOLE N.A.V.D. NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM TELE p TELEPHONE BOX TYP TYPICAL_ EL. ELEVATION P.U. PUBLIC UTILITY. - CTL _ WOODEN POWER POLE D.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT BENCHMARKPROP: FOUND NAIL EP EDGE OF -PAVEMENT PROPOSED® WELL IPK NAIL 8i: # BENCHMARK WASHER RLS2391 SURVEYORS NOTES AND REPORT: 20.2V 1. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND. W 1.53, MAPPER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS OR REPORTS, BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING SURVEYOR IS 'ROPOSED SEPTIC i00+SQ FT DRAINFIELD OOO+SQ FT. INOBSTRUCTED AREA L 39.29 R=25.00' 2io7o p 90102 ' 411(C) Z0•14 89 _ 6'01 »yv 1 �9 FND IP FNb MAGNAIL AND WASHER. 4 j8 8 6 .981a 8 I o 3/4 Oy o . SET I_. 2 I- `L RLS2391 IRC5 I 2 p I o� (TRAVERS) LO M O X Ito �2 j, p• 1 ro Qj N 0.76' �O� i 6 i EP °p ro 20?0' E ®3' S89*46'0�"E ti o� SALERNO „�o' 1 ROAD �o°`; ® FND NAIL 6 (70.00 RIGHT—OF—WAY) C'S FND PK NAILI FND NAIL)>(4 p �ti & WASHER �, N 0.97' N 0.21' I EP RLS2391 W 0.07' E 0.59' 20,28, N 1.19' GRAPHIC SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 30 0 15 30 LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT 6, BLOCK, 60, LOT 6 ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 2, IPAGE 7, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ) i inch = a it ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROHIBITED, WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE SIGNING SURVEYOR. 2. THE LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK WAS MAY 24, 2021. 3: CURRENT DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN HEREON PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT AND/OR THEIR AGENTS. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED BY THIS OFFICE FOR RIGHT-OF-WAYS, RESERVATIONS, AGREEMENTS, AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. SUCH INFORMATION- SHOULD BE OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED BY OTHERS THROUGH APPROPRIATE TITLE VERIFICATION. 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES; UTILITY SERVICES, FOUNDATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. WERE NOT LOCATED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN HERON ARE BASED UPON THE PLAT OF RECORD, AND ARE RELATIVE TO THE -LINE LABELED. HERON AS (BEARING BASIS). DISTANCES ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1968 (NAVD'88). 7. THIS SITE WAS SURVEYED UTILIZING TRIMBLE/SPRECTRA HARDWARE TOGETHER WITH SPECTRA SURVEY PRO REALTIME PROCESSING. AND WAS BASED ON_TRIMBLE'S"VRS NOW' NETWORK AND/OR THE. FLORIDA PERMANENT REFERENCE NETWORK- (FPRN)._THE PROCEDURES AND NETWORK. DESIGN MEETS THE GEODETIC ACCURACY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR USING: GPS RELATED POSITIONING AS SET FORTH BY THE: FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL COMMITTEE IN THE MOST CURRENT PUBLICATION FOR 3RD ORDER CLASS ONE FOR; HORIZONTAL _CONTROL SURVEYS. B. IN SOME INSTANCES, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS AND SYMBGLS SHOWN HAVE BEEN EXAGGERATED TO ,MORE CLEARLY ILLUSTRATE THE - RELATIONSHIP. BETWEEN PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR LOT LINES. THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN SHALL CONTROL THE LOCATION, OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, OVER THE SCALED POSITIONS. 9. THIS PROPERTY LIESAN FLOOD -ZONE "X, ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 12111CO070J WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 16, 2012. 10. REVISIONS SHOWN HEREON DO NOT REPRESENT A "FIELD SURVEY UPDATE" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. r•uz� � FLORIDA REGISTRATION #5556 FA !P410"W"AF CD N Z f>` z ip :0 me co 0 1-0 ;� f-• aLLW8 xp t U' _ ¢ Y ,W N = V C4 , s tL <_ LL Q�co •• E w0 w N ~ ti'p 0 md LL P - 1-- w � U J 0 Lq 0 a: ca- IL CD m� u D N O T' rn M z 0.. !�. O "LL Q ~ (16'^ W rn d' u- V = z A > >_ 00 E = z li 0- J = U Z. 0 i-- WOW 0 I— U) OP U Z =�LLCD O ~O 0(p) m U w rn DRAWN BY: SPT/DMM CHECKED BY: MID PROJECT' 21-271 DATE: 06/01/2021 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET q 1 OF 1