"Estimate/Contract/Pra nsar
Customer/Owner/Knehler, Chris Nlabile:
Project Address-11711 S Indian River Dr.Jensen Beach Fl.34957 Phone.772-$78-1473
Billing Adress.sa:me Fax:
Date/Type/Code:8-14-2021,met,333.12,fi.7.0 Emaihekoehler886 yahoo.eom
7.A.Taylor Roofing will provide necessary permits,schedule all inspections with related Municipality,and maintain Current License and
lnsurance-Ibis proposal includes labor,materials,and all taxes.Please note that"Oil Canning'is a characteristic of all metal roof systems and is
not a cause for rejection.Our highly trained"Professional"installers wil I hereby complete the following:
1. Remove existing roofing materials down to sheathing 1 deckigg and prepare as needed to ensure a clean,solid surface
in which to apply a new roof. (Based on one layer tear offL,additional layers at extra cost).
2. Inspect all roof sheathing and replace any rotten wood.(Estimate includes up to 3 sheets plywood sheathing
replacement at uo charge.For additional lumber replacement costs,see attached sheet.
3. Install 8-D"ring-shank"fasteners to existing sheathing;deck to meet current Building Codc Requirements,
4, Install(1)Ply Peel&Stick(Direct To Beck),and fastened using approved fasteners per code requirements,Meets
Wind Mitigation Requirements.(Secondary Water Barrier).NIA"direet to deck"with spray foam insulation.
5. Install new roofing accessories including:drip edge,plumbing stack flashings,vents,and valley metal.(Accessories to
be shop fabricated using 24 or 26 gauge Galvanized materials,standard colors.(with metal roof options,accessories
will be made to match metal rooting panels). (When Within%z mile of brackish water.see Alum.Caption).
6. Seal all penetrations using approved roofing cement and/or sealants.
7. All new roofing materials 1 accessories will be installed using approved fasteners per code requirements.
8. Satellite dish,Solar panels,etc.to be removed by others prior to cornmencemont of work,unless disposing of items.
9. (Flatll.ow-Slope roof area's,aluminum structures,balconies,skylights,out buildings,gutters,etc,not included.
1 lean project of all"roofing related debris"and haul away.(Landfill fees are included).
5hiug 1 ail Architectural Shingles(Lifetime Worrantyll30mph) Owens Corn ing-Du ration-�-S 12,500.00
e__,s {:upper Accessories—Recommended for Coastal Area's----(Shingle Roof)- $3,300,00—
p sHetal Roof System (26 Gauge/Mill Finish)- (exposed Fasteners)—no mfL warranty—S 118,200.00
4=.Sh*dia..g_&'- u Roof System (24 Gaage/Mill Finish)- (Hidden Fasteners}—no mft.warranty—S 23,400.00
U tions
-4Z a `to Standard Colors —(add to metal prices-above)---(required with Alum in tn)-----Ti 13,200,00
. rade to JL ,aluminum)Recommended tar coastal Area's-------V4 arrantied- —$fi,b04.t10
Flat roof.sections Torch Down Roof System-3-Ply Granalated"White"Roll Material-- $67300.00
*Tapered Insulation-1/8"Per Ft.to help shed water—Add if no slope exists-- -$1,500.00 {���1
*Copper accessories-recommended for Coastal area's------ ---- ----- ----$700.00-f-D 1 s
J.A.Taylor ofin::will provide a_(5)Year"Leak Free"workmanship warranty from date of completlon.
Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving additional costs will he executed only upon written orders,and will become
an Wra charge over and above the estimate.Replacement of rotten/damaged lumber is not included in estimate unless specified-Customer must
provide access to building unless arrangements are made prior to estimate.therefore J.A- Taylor Roofing is not responsible for damage to
dimwaylsidewaiks ancl/or any other access areas needed to approach projects-Any client that is in default in the payment of money due under
terms of this account will be charged at the rate of 1 Y2%per month on the unpaid balance.(Maximum allowable by law).If any client is referred
to an attorney for collection,client agrees to pay all fees incurred in the collection of the amount due,plus all court costs and attorney fees.Work
will be scheduled upon written acceptance of this proposal.This proposal may be withdrawn from us if not accepted within 30 days-*All major
credit cards acceptedrNowev�r an•addit ssing fee of up to 5%will he assessed to contract total depending on current monthly rate and
card used.Pa men Ter s: os4t" omm ent 113 Payment A completion of drv-in Balance upon Compiction of Proed.
Owner: late:• --
C•nntraclor:_ _ _ Date:
Thank you for the oppormnitylLto bid your project!
*$Serving the Treasure Coast Lor over 56 Years**** =
J.A.Taylor Roofing, inc.302 Melton Dr. Ft. Pierce,F(.34982(772-466-4040)(Fax 772-468-8397)