HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUI FILE # 4957199 OR BOOK 4726 PAGE 2064 NOT)CE; OF ST.ArP ()F _dared* C0VNTYOr_ .-St Lucite._. SAINT LUCIE COUNTY d 11/26/2021 07:45:58 I?M 11 121F LNDFRS1GvF.D t=.by 8i,,,C5 notice that improvpncnt will be made ro certain I C:�t property, and in accordsaoe -mitb Cbapter 7l% Flwida Stattncs, rite following information is provided in this ]Notice of COtt McACCMML I. Deseription Qfproperty: (legal descriplion of pmpe,z}', and strw address if vai1 NO Parcel ID: 3321-805-0001-000-1 See dltfthad -Exhibit A• 8555 S Commerce Centre r, Port St Luole, FL 34987 2. Gettcta) d:scription of imptroveintmr: , Install 454' oT g' PVC ranee wilh I W g te. 3. ownerinformaliow .. --- - — — ^—. — x Name andadtlrm: Baron Commerce Centre LLC;d9 SW Hagler Ave Ste 301, Stuart, r-L 34994— - b. Phone number_ e. Name and address of rec simple lideholder (if other than owner} 4, Cotltracaar: A. Narm and addrm: Superior Fence and Rail of Drevard Cot,rty, Inc.2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL,1293b b. Phodenumber 324�3fi•Z829 --- - -- 5. Surety: a_ Nsjjne and address; n1n b. Amount ofbortd Ste• _ c, Phone number:. — 6. Lend--r: a. Namc and address— b. Mime number:- 7. PCrSO)IS with rhc-StRtc orFlotida designated by Owner aeon whom na ice:, or Odder dmurnenis may be wrval as provided by Section 713.I3(1)(a)7, F106JR statutes- R. Name and address; n/a b. Pltunenumber n!a -• - - - ... — ..- ------ i. In addition to himself, ()wrerdcsignates Iftc following pcmon(s) to reocivr a popy ofthe Lieww'S Notioc as provided in Section 713.13()j(bj, Florida 5tah,tcs. a. Name and address: b, Phone numkT. n1a 9_ Fxpirauun date of notice a: comtruatcernertt (the crgiration date is one { 1 } } ea fto[n me date of Ootxkrling unless a di ftcrGrt dart is sped riMJj __ _ . WARNING TO OVVS'F.R: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER A R THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMT-NCFhjEN'i ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPHR PAYMENTS LrT;DER CHAPTER 713, PART f, SL•("IION 713.13. FLORIDA STATUI S, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING hi`IC'F, FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO Y[)L;R PRf7PFK7Y. 1:OT1C.Ii flF { nlvfMr 1CCf::AI ti]i Mi:ST BF RFf'ORI3FI) AiVtl POSTED ON.' 111E 10B STM- Bf?F4RL• TIIE FIRST' 1tiSPL' . 00 NTI'NO Tk) OBTAIN M.,kNC1NG, CONSULT WMI YOLCR I.T;tiD6R OR AN AI'1I'()RiNE:Y BEFORE ('OMMI;.\TCrK,G IV K (A RI:C() T)TiNCi YOITR NOTTCEOF COr+ MENCE-.MFNT. S ignawm of Owner or Owner's ,lurhorilcd Offictrllhmcwr;Pa�erlt+fana�acr Signatory's TitloO is �maRagec — 7 oa foregoing insuvtrent was aektmwledgex1 before me this .2& . d y y 14)qA— tr; Jeremiah_ Baron (name of penton} as _IA04 _ (type of authority, ...e.g, officer, [Hasse, attomc}' in fgt [j for Baroll Ci)MfnerCe JaW-LLC (name ofnrty 9AWlWl`of when instntmrnt was cxccuted). w,..�.� Sipltum of itiotary- PcyGc State of l&iida r MEUSSASIIAREZPrint, type, Or stamp eommlSSUlfk�ft natrK pfNptjly Putxlie �� �.r lyl' Gt}AINI$$IUN li CiG 27219® , fJ/ ,!�: - fijtp $:%9bRtety8,2Q2q PersmallyKnau�aOP Producedldcntification %•Sxiy°rr£ierrdeaThvNorerpPu6acUodewraors T}'pcofiden[ifitatioripnoditred _ Verification Anrsuxnito 5t+ctinn 42 52_Flarida Statute., Undcr penalties of peryury, l doclnre lbm 1 baw,e read the foregoing rr,'tt the nets stated Ln it are Imo iu [he pest of my knowledge and belief. S i rc of natural n signi%above OR BOOK 4726 PAGE 2065 Exhibit A SECOND REPLAT OF PGA COMMERCE CENTRE AT THE RESERVE ALL OF COMMERCIAL PARCEL 3A AND PART OF POD 37B REVISED ALL MPDAF: BEGIN NW COR OF COMMERCIAL PARCEL 3A, TH N 67 58 53 E 135.11 FT TO CURVE CONC S, R OF 1086 FT, TH ELY ALG ARC 491.28 FT, TH S 86 05 57 E 134.63 FT TO CURVE CONC 663.47 FT, TH ELY ALG ARC 192.80 FT, TH S 18 56 06 W 186.86 FT, TH S 67 29 51 W 162.32 FT, TH S 18 34 46 F 57.22 FT, TH S 71 25 14 W 236.42 FT', TH S 18 35 57 E 8.08 FT, TH S 71 25 14 W 219.69 FT TO CURVE RITH RADIAL DISTANCE OF 300 FT; TH NLY ALG .ARC 31.49 FT TO COMPOUND CURVE CONC SW, R OF 105 FT, TH WILY ALG ARC 203.19 FT, TH N 21 57 06 W 333.02 FT TO POB (7.022 AC - 305,878 SF) (OR 4580-2665)