HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONH::,JJTIEdHi Permit Number: ,i#!lif ff lw,,iy1j,:,,',,uirdinspermitApprication Phone: (llz) caz_is5\''''",u t'L 349s2 l__ Residentia , t/ Address: Legal Description: Property Tax ID #: Site plan Name: Project Name:Block No, Setbacks Front, *n __ Left Side; w ( th isll pErmrI - cne I lGas Piping applva tr Gas Tank Plumbing S prin klers E S h utte rs Generator [_l *,noo*s/Doors InoorTotal Sq, Ft of Construction:Sq.-[! of First Floor: utilities: I Ir"*". Er"* Cost of Construction: S Building Height: : DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORI lf value rf PERM'T APPLICAXON FOR: 3 j"f:Irron.r oropbox, crick here 90l)t:TRUcTloN I N FoRMAIor\t : OWNER/LESSE* CONTRACTOR: zio code: !&1Xf- Fax:, PhoneNo.t*(,,t1 - (0Q 2.. ', Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next O*" t ,, differentfrom the Owner ilsted above) zip Code'l} Phone No.'i state or County Lic"nref,ffir.11i3:, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _-NofEppilcaIle Name: Address: State: Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State:Zip:_ Phone :- FEE SIMPLE TITtE !-|OLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:Zip:_ Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Address: City: zip:Phone; owNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and inrtrllrtion ,, indi.ril I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit, St' Lucie Countv makes no representation that is grantlng a permit will a,uthorize the permit holderto build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with any,gPPllcabre Hon;6wners As5ociation rutes,-61iii"ws 6r';;{;bviihlXtr tt,at mav restrict cjr prohibit suchstructure. Please consult With riour nome owrieis Alib;iat'ro,?i;nij're;i6fi'),;iii #.1i'ioilni'F"LTri:ii6;, i,)di;"h"il:yidpV ln consideration of the granting of this requested.permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and 5t. tucie county amenJinents. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review; room additions,accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory usesto another non-residential use..WARNING TO O}YNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COIIIMEIUCEMENT friAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYINGTWICE FOR IMPROYEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTV. A NOTICE OF COMMENCE}IENT iIUST BE RECORDED ANDPOSTED ON TllE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTTON. tF you INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, COII5ULTWITH YOUR-LEI}IDER OR Ail +rTORluEY BEFORq RECOBD|IUG YOUR ttpTtcqOF CAmitENCEMEtuT.,, 'actor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FTORIDA couNrY oF ei\ .[ \)aie Type of ldentification ature of Notary ZONING REVIEW Name of person m Si!-hE-fu re of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FTORIDA , couNrY oF B\-.Lue\e Produced of Notary Public- State Name of person rpakJnlltateinent, Type of ldentification Personally Known -d-produced ldentification commission Nro. Q G 4 g.@?S* 1S.afy FRONT COUNTER SUPERVISOR REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW RECEIVED The ing inst day of _.by J 6)cdo o al'=loi ol olcl al z, Icldl 5l-ol o)lt,)lEIolol(dl o-l9lolti.)lrl tC 'o 6oo '- E o =o.)fz(d 0) -c) .=(6 F ct'= co a 0) o 5-oao E,F = (6 0) -C '0) o U) 0)lz(do a Ec,d6c(so- 0)o)c OJ (dTo E o OJol =tdtol0)l ^l:tcl0Jl FI6t ac6 I tJJ &lt-bctZ H-I (,z Joz t IJJ =o o- IU N U)to ofozoo LrJoou o IIJ IJI o z_ ozDoto F-$ cr)ooof.ll+Zo ttlU tUt-FiJJ trJ eN u-iNatoFOlozo C) ooN triNa t! O M IJJ U) UJ o- Fzo l-of,tFazoo a) N @ $ ,r-'' ot Ezt J9o-cTEIIJ :9yEu#HJe i;*tfrvtrE8 (JrlUlJIlUl -l\fl(olsllNINI3l # moa Ir It,