HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (3) Florida Building Code Online BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I HatScujcf,E jubmit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us I BCIS Site Map I Links Search I. CIoddai+p HtliCly USER:Publics U�PrOVaI NOV 12 2021 i �I r . . r � s`I"d St.Lucie County pa Product Aooroval Menu>Application Detail Permitting File (Cc FL w El .i Application Type gg�� [ � Code Version I R1& G�/ Application Status CODE COMP ANCE *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by BP V I ®�r� eye yak + by the POC and/or the Comm i 'r i�nLtfdit idoG. �9 Comments kJ B®C-C Archived 13 Product Manufacturer Regency Plus Inc Address/Phone/Email 2000 Locust Gap Highway Mount Carmel, PA 17851 (570) 339-3374 tony@cwbyrpi.com Authorized Signature Tony Procopio tony@cwbyrpi.com Technical Representative Joe Korzeniecki Address/Phone/Email 2000 Locust Gap Hwy. Mount Carmel, SD 17851 (570) 339-3374 joek@window-pros.info Quality Assurance Representative Joe Korzeniecki Address/Phone/Email 2000 Locust Gap Hwy. Mount Carmel, PA 17851 (570) 339-3374 joek@window-pros.info Category Windows Subcategory Fixed Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Accreditation &Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation &Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2008 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2011 ASTM E1886 2012 ASTM E1996 12a TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Imps:!.www.iloridabuilding.orgptYpr_app_dti.aspx?pnram=wGE',-l"QwtDgvRJyggZ9WuEBsxLzF2GSVn-ts4zeeSNgyVgS-12iOZ55tv/.3d4oSd[2;2^.'2021 4:25:33 PNIJ Florida Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL11409 R12 Equiv EERNo2518 Rev2 FL11409 3000- 4000 5105 5108 5110 6613 7713 F ss.Rdf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 11/06/2020 Date Validated 11/06/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 11/15/2020 FL# Model, Number or Name `•Description 11409.1 Series 3000/4000 Series 3000/4000 Vinyl Fixed Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11409 R12 C CAC NI006320-R7..df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2021 Design Pressure: +70/-70 Installation Instructions Other: FL11409 R12 II RPLS0053 RevA 3000-4000 F ss. d[Z_f Verified By: Robert 3.Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL11409 R12 AE PERNo2518 Rev2 FL11409 3000- E ss.pdf t b 11409.2 Series 5105_ Series 5105 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11409 R12 C CAC 'NI006317.01:gdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:•Yes 09/30/2021 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other:*, _FL11409 R12 II RPLS0054 RevA 5105 F ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 1 Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL11409 R12 AE PERNo2518 Rev2 FL11409 3000 f S ' Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11409.3 Series 5108 Series 51 PIZ( aIny ixe in w Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11409 R12 C CAC NIO09490-R5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 05/31/2027 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other: _FL11409 R12 II RPLS0059 RevA 5108 F ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 3.Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL11409 R12 AE PERNo2518 Rev2 FL11409 3000- 4 F Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11409.4 Series 5110 Series 5110 Impact Viny1,Fixed Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use:. n HVHZ:Yes FL11409 R12 C CAC <NI011103-R3:6df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance.Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 04/30/2027 Design Pressure: +55/-65 Installation Ynstructions Other: ! FL11409 R12 II RPLS0073 RevO 5110 F "ss.odf hnps>:aaw.floridabuilding.or �dpr_app—dll.aspx?param=wGE\A--QwtDgvSJygg79WuEBsxLz\2GSN'A-ts4zeeSNq)7Vg822iOZ55i"/3d4o3d[?;2^_:2021 4:25::3 PAi) Florida Building Code Online {` Verified By: Robert J.Amoruso PE FL"PE No.49752 1 4 Created by Independent Third Party.Yes ,;A. . .-. Evaluation Reportsti' FLb1409 R12 AE:PERNo2518 Rev2 >FLl•1409 3000- 400 05105 5108 51-0 6613 7713F ssdf Created by_IndependentThird Part 'Yes A :. Y..,_, 11409.5 Series 6613 Series 6613 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11409 R12 C GAG NIO11688-R3. ddff Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 10/31/2027 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other: FL11409 R12 II RPLS0074 RevO 6613 F ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 1.Amoruso, PE FL PE No.49752 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL11409 R12 AE PERNo2518 Rev2 FL11409 3000- 4000 5 5108 5110 6613 7713 F ss. df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11409.E Series 7113 Series 7113 Vinyl Fixed Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ No FL11409 R12 C CAC NI011585 R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration,Date Impact Resistant: No 04/30/2027 Design Pressure: +50.0/-50 0 Installation Instructions Other: FL11469 R12 II RPLS0075 RevO 71t3 F ss'odf Verified BV:.Robert J;,Amoruso, PEA-PE No.49752 Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes _ Evaluation Reports': " FLS1409R12 AE:PERNo2518 Rev2=�FL11409= 3000=. ''. . 000L 5105 5168 5110 6613 7713 F: ss pdf Created by independent Third Party Yes 0 Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.""Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click ere. Product Approval Accepts: cCMck . 'Cr6dit Cz dt J Safe hops::%www.flm'idabuikling.or prpr_app_dtl.aspx?parani=teGFvrSQwtDgvSJyggZ91VuEBsxLzl,-2GS,,fVts4zeeSNgyVg322iOZ.i5iv%3dRa3dt22^i202.14:^-5:33 Pbl] NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ��Ci~RTtFJy+� CERTIFICATION NO: N1006317.01 x ® � DATE: 11/29/2005 AI CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural COMPANY: Regency CODE: 750 1 rES Po REVISION DATE: 05/08/2019 To verify that the`Notice of Product Certification"is valid..please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. ANAA41 approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Regency Plus,Inc. Series"5105" 2000 Locust Gap Highway Vinyl Fixed Window Mount Carmel,PA 17851 Configuration:O Glazing: IG-3/16"Tempered Glass.,Laniinate- 3/16"Annealed Glass/0.100"PVB Solutialnterlaver/ 3/16"Annealed Glass Frame: 1'h-1829mm(72") H-18291nni(72") DLO: W-1676mm(66") H-1676mni(66") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 201/202/203-94 Design Pressure: ±2633 Pa (55 psi) ASTM F588-02 Large Missile Impact Rated FER-Passed Level 10 Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No: NCTL-110-9699-1/VV-1901 Expiration Date: September 30,2021 Administrator's Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Haves,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124 Fax: (804)684-5122 Product Evaluation Report Rule 61G20-3 F.A.C. I Report No. 2518, Rev. 2 1 Project No. 420-0809 1 10/26/20 1 Page 1 of 3 Product Manufacturer Product Name, Model and/or Description Regency Plus Incorporated 3000/4000 Vinyl Fixed Window 2000 Locust Gap Highway 5105 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window Mount Carmel, PA 17851 5108 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window 5110 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window 6613 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window 7113 Vinyl Fixed Window Florida Product Approval No.: FL11409 Code: Current Edition of the Florida Building Code including the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code Compliance Method: Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(a)—Certification Mark or Listing Product Name, Model and/or Designation; Test Report No, and Installation Drawing No.: ■ 3000/4000 Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando,FL. ■ NCTL-210-2747-1 dated 1/7/02 to AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No. RPLS0053,Rev.A,dated 1/22/18,signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E., FL License Number 49752 ■ 5105 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories,York, PA. ■ NCTL-110-9699-1 dated 10/5/05,signed and sealed by Howard E. Rupp, P.E.to TAS 201-94,TAS 202- 94 and TAS 203-94. o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No. RPLS0054, Rev.A,dated 1/22/18,signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E.,FL License Number 49752 ® 5108 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories,York, PA. ■ NCTL-110-11363-1 dated 5/15/08(revised 9/3/08),signed and sealed by Howard E.Rupp, P.E.to TAS 201-94,TAS 202-94 and TAS 203-94. o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No. RPLS0059, Rev.A,dated 1/22/18,signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, P.E., FL License Number 49752 ® 5110 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories,York, PA. ■ NCTL-110-14747-1 dated 4/12/12,signed and sealed by Robert H.Zeiders, P.E.to TAS 201-94,TAS 202-94 and TAS 203-94. ■ NCTL-110-14747-2 dated 4/12/12 to ASTM E1886-05 and ASTM E1996-02/06/09. o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No.RPLS0073,Original Issue,dated 1/11/18,signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso, P.E., FL License Number 49752 ■ 6613 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories,York, PA. ■ NCTL-110-16563-1 dated 10/15/13,signed and sealed by Robert H.Zeiders, P.E.to TAS 201-94,TAS 202-94 and TAS 203-94. ■ NCTL-110-16563-2 dated 10/15/13 to ASTM E1886-04/05 AND ASTM E1996-02/04/06/09/012a. ■ NCTL-110-16563-3 dated 10/15/13 to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05/08/11. o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No. RPLS0074,Original Issue,dated 1/11/18,signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso,P.E., FL License Number 49752 PTC Product Design Group, LLC I PO Box 520775 1 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 ��L. 321-690-1788 1 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 Product Evaluation Report Rule 61G20-3 F.A.C. I Report No. 2518, Rev. 2 1 Project No. 420-0809 1 10/26/20 1 Page 2 of 3 • 7113 Vinyl Fixed Window o Test reports and associated laboratory drawings by National Certified Testing Laboratories,York, PA. ® NCTL-110-15928-1 dated 4/12/03 to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05/08 o PTC Product Design Group Drawing No. RPLS0075,Original Issue,dated 1/11/18,signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso,P.E., FL License Number 49752 Engineering Analysis Et Evaluation: • Anchorage engineering in accordance with the current edition of the Florida Building Code for 3000/4000,5105, 5108,5110,6613 and 7713 Vinyl Horizontal Sliding Window signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso, P.E.,FL License Number 49752. • Frame Profile Substitution per PTC Product Design Group Comparative Analysis Report No.2594-1, Rev.0,signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso, P.E.,FL License Number 49752. o Evaluation formed basis for NAMI Waiver of Retest for frame profile substitution. Component Approvals: Extrusion and Impact interlayer code conformance based on the following. • Extruded rigid PVC by Energi Fenestration Solutions USA, Inc.per current Miami-Dade NOA to the current edition of the Florida Building Code.See Miami-Dade NOA listing here. • Kuraray America Trosifol PVB interlayer code conformance per current Miami-Dade NOA to the current edition of the Florida Building Code.See Miami-Dade NOA listing here. • Kuraray America SentryGlas(SG)interlayer code conformance per current Miami-Dade NOA to the current edition of the Florida Building Code.See Miami-Dade NOA listing here. • Eastman Chemical Company(MA)Saflex PVB interlayer code conformance per current Miami-Dade NOA to the current edition of the Florida Building Code.See Miami-Dade NOA listing here. Performance Testing: • As listed in test report summary above. Limitations Et Conditions of Use: • 5105,5108,5110 and 6613 Impact Vinyl Fixed Window o These products have been evaluated for use inside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). o These products will not require an approved impact protective system when used in wind borne debris regions. • 3000/4000 and 7113 Vinyl Fixed Window o These products have not been evaluated for use inside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). o These products will require an approved impact protective system when used in wind borne debris regions. • Refer to Product Installation Instructions noted above for: o Maximum allowable wind loads at related maximum allowable size(s). o Overall dimensions and material/grade of main product components,accessories,etc. o Illustrated diagrams of the attachment of the product to substrate structure. o Anchor type(s),size(s),substrate(s),embedment,edge distance,and spacing/locations. • Site wind pressures shall be determined by a licensed professional engineer in accordance with the current edition of the Florida Building Code(and/or ASCE 7 as referenced in the current edition of the Florida Building Code)for components and cladding based on allowable stress design. • Site conditions not covered in this product evaluation document are subject to additional engineering analysis by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect as required by the authority having jurisdiction. psi PTC Product Design Group, LLC I PO Box 520775 1 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 r�L 321-690-1788 1 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 Product Evaluation Report Rule 61G20-3 F.A.C. I Report No. 2518, Rev. 2 1 Project No. 420-0809 1 10/26/20 1 Page 3 of 3 • Adequacy of the existing structural substrates as a main wind force resisting system capable of withstanding and transferring applied product loads to the foundation is the responsibility of the licensed professional engineer or registered architect acting as the design professional of record for the project of installation. Certificate of Independence per Product Approval Rule 61 G20-3.009 PTC Product Design Group, LLC and Robert J.Amoruso g p, , P.E.does not have, nor will acquire,any financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing product(s)covered by this Product Evaluation Report. PTC Product Design Group, LLC and Robert J.Amoruso, P.E.do not have, nor will acquire any financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process or testing of the product(s)covered by this Product Evaluation Report. Evaluated By: Robert J.Amoruso, P.E. FL P.E. License Number 49752 PTC Product Design Group, LLC PO Box 520775 1 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 r�L 321-690-1788 1 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 1tEGENCY PLUS, INC. SEINES 5105 IMPACT VINYL FIXED WINDOW 0 4 z r� z INSTALLATION ANCHORAGE DETAILS w U �m a W UO -- - — 72" MAX FRAME WIDTf - 'o O z wQ _ _ 10" M _ 6" MAX - 6" MAX _NOTES: a a O.C. I FIT HE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENTLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). O 4 A 2. WOOD FRAMING,2X WOOD BUCK,METAL FRAMING AND CONCRETEIMASONRY OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE,FRAMING AND CONCRETE/MASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. �' MAX3. 1X BUCK OVER CONCRETE/MASONRY IS OPTIONAL.WHERE 1X BUCKS ARE USED,INSTALLATION ANCHORS WILL PASS THROUGH to o WINDOW FRAME AND 1X BUCK INTO CONCRETE/MASONRY SUBSTRATE.WHERE 1X BUCK IS NOT USED,INSTALLATION ANCHORS N w °z O WILL PASS THROUGH WINDOW FRAME INTO CONCRETERAASONRY SUBSTRATE.DISSIMILAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED a WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE.SELECTION OF COATING OR MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT Q w w f z - OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. Z 1 O„ 4. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN TESTED TO TAS 201,TAS 202 AND TAS 203.SEE TEST REPORT NO.NCTL-110-9699-1 } MAX O.C. / / DATED 1015105,SIGNED AND SEALED BY HOWARD E.RUPP,P.E.BY NATIONAL CERTIFIED TESTING LABORATORIES,YORK,PA FOR U S W Z DETAILS. z C7 m x< q vi=q �z �a z 5. MATERIAL: .. 72„ 5.1. FRAME:EXTRUDED RIGID PVC. -I<,7 K r O m Y E W I-U MAX 6. GLAZING: c1 m U z FRAME 6.1. GLAZING DETAIL AS TESTED:15/16"NOMINAL O.A.IGU COMPRISED OF FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR-AMl LITE OF 3/16" w o Q IL q HEIGHT ANNEALED GLASS x 0.100.EASTMAN CHEMICAL SAFLEX PVB INTERLAYER x 3/16"ANNEALED GLASS,DESICCANT STEEL Cry Up U �Z SPACER..13/16"TEMPERED SACRIFICIAL LITE.INTERIOR GLAZED WITH SIKA SIKAFLEX 552 BACK-BEDDING(OR EQUIVALENT) W- —O AND A SNAP-IN TWO(2)LEAF DUAL DUROMETER RIGID VINYL GLAZING BEAD AND 9116"GLASS BITE. K o o~ 6.2. AS TESTED GLAZING MEETS ASTM E1300-09a FOR THE DESIGN CONDITIONS SHOWN IN THIS PRODUCT APPROVAL N > J DOCUMENT. W 6 6.3. ALTERNATE GLAZING MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF AAMANVDMA/CSA 10111.S.21A440 SHALL BE ALLOWED PER ASTM w W E1300. W 6.4. SETTING BLOCKS IF USED AND/OR WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CURRENT EDITION OF TIME FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHALL BE NEOPRENE WITH A 70 TO 90 SHORE A DUROMETER.GLAZING BEADS(GASKETS)SHALL MEET THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE a / FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AS REQUIRED. - jj 7. APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PRODUCT IN WIND BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS. y 8. SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM.SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 1116"OR GREATER Robert J.Amomy,P.E. 6" MAX. OCCURS.MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 114". Hondo P.E.No.49752 9. FOR ANCHORING INTO CONCRETE/MASONRY USE 3/16'HEX HEAD TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 112' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INl"0 CONCRETE WITH 1 1/8"MIIJIMUM EDGE DISTANCE AND 1"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO MASONRY ELEVATION WITH 2"MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS.ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE+/-1"TOLERANCE. EXTERIOR VIEW NOTES: 10. FOR ANCHORING INTO WOOD FRAMING OR ZX BUCK USE N10 PAN HEAD WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TOACHIEVE 1. MAXIMUM D.L.O.:66"X 66". A 1 318"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 3/4"MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS.ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE+1-1"TOLERANCE. TABLE OF CONTENT 11. FOR ANCHORING INTO METAL STRUCTURE USE#10 PAN OR HEX HEAD SMS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL WITH 314•MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE SHEET DESCRIPTION ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS.ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE f/-1"TOLERANCE. 1 ELEVATION,ANCHORING AND NOTES 12. ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. 2 INSTALLATION DETAILS 13. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW: DESIGN PRESSURE RATING PSF 13.1. WOOD-MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY(G)OF 0.42(NON-HVHZ)AND 0.55(HVHZ) IMPACT RATING 13.2. CONCRETE-MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI LARGE AND SMALL 13.3. MASONRY-STRENGTH CONFORMANCE TO ASTM C-90,MEDIUM WEIGHT WITH DENSITY>117 PCF 13.4. METAL STRUCTURE:STEEL 18GA(0.0428"),33KSI OR ALUMINUM 6063-T5 0.048"THICK MINIMUM PT(:Prndoct D-igo G—P,LLC MISSILE IMPACT PO Sox 52.0775 Longwood,FL 32752-0775 HVHZ AND WIND ZONE 4,MISSILE LEVEL D 321-ECerfif InloffD uthori agora FBPE Cortificale of Auttrorization No.25935 K INSTALLATION ANCHOR. WOOD INSTALLATION NOTES: SCREW SHOWN. SEE NOTE 5 THIS SHEET FOR ANCHOR o ° TYPE REQUIRED. 1. APPROVED INSTALLATION SUBSTRATES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1,1. WOOD FRAMING q STEEL STUD FRAMING AND2. . MIN. EDGE DISTANCE. SEE 1 w o 1.3. CONCRETE AND/OR MASONRY =m Ih:OTE 5 THIS SHEEI', — ---- MIN. u EMBEDMENT, SEE 2. SUBSTRATE OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO w v O _NOTE 5 THIS SHEET. STRUCTURE.FRAMING AND CONCRETEWASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT O 0 z INSTALLATION 0 SUBSTRATE BY OR ENGINEER OF RECORD, 0- G 'a OTHERS. SEE�\ 0 ww 3, IX BUCK OVER CONCRETE/MASONRY IS OPTIONAL.WHERE 1X BUCK IS NOT USED,DISSIMILAR a NOTES 1 3 MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE.SELECTION OF COATING OR THIS SHEET. MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. ¢ 4. SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM.SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 1 / �� 1/4" MAX. 1/16"OR GREATER OCCURS.MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4'.SHIM SPACE w PERIMETER SEAL) �O 5. SUBSTRATE ANCHORING METHODS: a u- BY OTHERS 5.1. FOR ANCHORING INTO CONCRETE/MASONRY USE 3/16"HEX HEAD TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT o O LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/2"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO CONCRETE WITH 1 1/0"MINIMUM EDGE O ems. r-N DISTANCE AND 1"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO MASONRY WITH 2'MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE p ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS.ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE-A 1" Z TOLERANCE. }� 2 5.2. FOR ANCHORING INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE#10 PAN HEAD WOOD SCREWS WITH v. =m X— SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 318"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 3/4"MINIMUM Z C7 u.F 4 � ¢ EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS, ai= -�w ¢ >� s Z ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE+I-I"TOLERANCE. M Q(L Z Z r °-C7 W >O J x 5.3. FOR ANCHORING INTO METAL STRUCTURE USE#10 PAN OR HEX HEAD SMS OR SELF DRILLING U I(-0�F U 4 SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE Z=)tY ¢ INTERIOR WALL WITH 314"MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS w 0 U F AND INSTALLATION DETAILS.ANCHOR LOCATIONS HAVE+/_1"TOLERANCE. w�r: WINDOW o z oz HEIGHT EXTERIOR INTERIOR 6. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES BY OTHERS.NOT SHOWN!FOR CLARITY. N � w 7. PERIMETER AND JOINT SEALANT BY OTHERS TO BE DESIGNED AND/OR SPECIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E2112. w ` cnI MIN. EMBEDMENT, SEE NOTE 5 THIS— SHEET. 1/4" MAX. INSTALLATION ANCHOR. WOOD SHIM SPACE SCREW SHOWN. SEE NOTE 5--- Ftoberl J.A--,P.E. n J� THIS SHEET FOR ANCHOR TYPE Florida P.E.No.49752 ILI,� REQUIRED. nn 'vx 1/4" MAX. IJ l D SHIM SPACE MIN. EDGE DISTANCE. SEE INTERIOR PERIMETER SEAL-` NOTE 5 THIS BY OTHERS J— SHEET. --- —� r INSTALLATION MIN. J D SUBSTRATE BY EMBEDMENT, SEE / � OTHERS. SEE NOTE 5 THIS SHEET. INSTALLATION SUBSTRATE-/ NOTES 1 TO 3 ___L_ BY OTHERS. SEE NOTES 1 PERIMETER SEAL THIS SHEET. - - - --` -- EXTERIOR TO 3 THIS SHEET. BY OTHERS MIN. EDGE DISTANCE. SEE_ _ INSTALLATION ANCHOR. WOOD WINDOW WIDTH NOTE 5 THIS SHEET. ..-.-.--SCREW SHOWN. SEE NOTE 5 THIS SHEET FOR ANCHOR TYPE VERTICAL CROSS SECTION REQUIRED. HORIZONTAL (JAMB) CROSS SECTION PTC Product D.igo Groop,LLC WOOD FRAMING, 2X WOOD BUCK, POBo,.520775 WOOD FRAMING, ZX WOOD BUCK, CONCRETE/MASONRY OR METAL FRAME Longwood,FL 027 52-07 7 5 CONCRETE/MASONRY OR METAL FRAME 321-850-1788 hf.@pt—rp,,.m APPROVED APPROVED FBPE Certificate of Authorization No.25535