HomeMy WebLinkAboutHP ApplicationT:I1'J:1''TiMUST - Plonnino and Development Services permit Number; Building permit Application ',!l!:: ::l code Resutation Division Commercial Residential CBDG Funding _ f^l!":::r:::t:::,2;ii;;";:::';::,,,,XXXP h o n e : tt t zl q ae _ is: r;'r: ;,"; ; ;f lSll rrzo ZZtA tirtystrc WaV Property Tax lD #: Site plan Name:Lot No. Project Name:Wilson Residence Block No. New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter ffidavit required) _ Pond Pitch PERMITAPPLEfuAI FoR, PROPOSED DETAILEDD@ CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Building Height: lf value of constru lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RE..RDED Notice of commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: &qres Wilson Zip Code: 34gR6 Fax: Phone No. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) Address: 7218 City: Port St Lucie Company: ALT Electric Address: 3108 S P Zip Code: 34984 Phone No 772_528_5056 E-yy6;1 anthonydiodato@gmail.com State or County License --________-___ Additionar work to be performed under this permit - check a, that appry:_Mechanical _ Gas Tank Gas piping _ Shutters x Electric _ plumbing _ Sprinklers Total Sq, Ft of Construction: Utilities: _Sewer _septic Cost of Construction: S 2200.00 :3rry@ L'EIgw tNFoRN4AION, Name:tvot appli.ffi MORTGAGECOMPAN}I - Not epplicable zip: ----TI6*i zip: ---- pn6El BONDING COI\4PAN}I -Not Appl,caG Zip: --l** l?y#ffi{,.,: l|,1-t b county makes no rahr6.^ha^!: - ed prior to the issuance lt a permit. rork and installation .tinoi.-*J. &lh[':"f i?.','#Hi{*}T.}}ri'i}f f s.#*",iuu*#***,,}i*#**t+-mffi -;ll::tr,!:"1'lT,if li: ilil:i'fHtaTf:;;**mt ,,.:",..r:iiii:t*:l*[!Jiil'ffi[,"".ff;:",,",,,he work **fri;ft:titlfl iif #ffi i-;,,;g,;,,::rx'rnilirv,r,1r,ii..i,r*i;,,,.,,," hdf:"J""U:lliIJs'1!3:r?tyiAll,tt:1#-Jin ft!#J!!i,*ffi'r;Tli'"'i i,inrJyi:i"'.,j::^. ^.with=tender bi jn ,luj9 lot u t t', u iir.' f i,j' ft ti ffi : h'r?, I"ii? :i"-dJ -t h e p u b I i c re c o r d s o f st.mmencing work or ,.aaoroinn v...,r rr [\r^+i^^ o.to -obtain financing, consult!sdi"-;;;=#"';:,'.""'3:lf*.i1lgecilon. tr vou-iirili;i;'"tl',I'"Tl'ij"",'""^'1'^:l ltwork or relordin wotice of commlnce;#liM ntractor as egent ?orEfrEr STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .! ,, trt, t Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me ofthis r dayof l->q(. ;;dii-i;'^Ehysical presence or -- Online Notarization -* \ ,., A.tt Name of person mffistatement. Persona.lly Known -{ oR Type 9f 'ldentiticat[n p-.t,,"a,ldentification '#,;ffi,ffire or ru ota ry re_r_ffi t i c--taIE oTEffij commission^"GGaSt0e# ZONING REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW ree srryrpte tirFHorDER; A&T e\glic tervicer, tnc,GEruERAron-sF EcnttsrAtt Work ""r:!:o,:2_4 Hour Emetrgency Servtcet I772 528-5056 MainBreakerSize: A;f ffm.,;persqft_r ,. -ew ywr DY. t L, -{_fnUiance cir. @ ti}Owats each -*7_ Laundry cir. @ 1500watts each / Dishwasher and disposai @ 1500watts each Exisring serviceieeaJ -I_ Microwave @ 2000 wansf Warerheater @4.5kw -__ Tankless water heaterI Dryer@5kw Phone First 10 1$ @t00% Remainder @40% Size; Number of Breakers: 5f39*,tt,j@ortt,'L@**' W9*rta f^@*^w -lratts ffi,,*, M..# watts TW*u* watts _watts , Roftigerator @ 1500 watts Bathrooml@1500watts SprinklerPump other- other-- othel--- NewLoads - I Pool ourap -T poor iier,i -J-Heat p,r:ry Chlorine geneta.tot Air blower Boatlift Other...--- lil: ,*,,,&ffi,,* watts watts 7 LIL *utt, i&) watts 6Wfuruo, watts Prapwed watts tw::; '*M) watts Tota NCheat @ 100% by 240 Yglft =. ,.' l-.- r lPlt*lgtlggls uP ro '': nFonHAry$-roREsuLTs ::.' ..1tii liitr W,ATER /gOX RH ]1]'' : .:lF'Jll.'qi:/j il" 7t 1r1ffifi*,,,i kti Fi,,.,;; E|{sMbr,;--.,.. '-:.:' :r i I o,nrr^, 10,0w t I J.8 COp/ tZ7.C(n BTIJ/HR . '9-!IICT REQUIRED I oPillTlNg cuRRENr 708/130v r H I RECOI'IHENDED CIRCUIT BRE{KER r.,tAIlFluH clRCurT BREAKER REFRIGERANT f'TN WATER R.OW RATE },IAX WATER FLOW RATE | ,r* r 3s" x {r- nErv!,EtG{T&BSt tuLL EQUTPMENT L|NE AVA|LABLE I rrren,,urn]'El'tP Cap1q91 29 AHfr SHIPPING WSGHT *UNlg /ffag ,iricer,),* a (vl"ur GEA,ERA ro n-s-p E c u L t I TAll Wo* euamyelat,2l Hour Emetgency Serulcet772 529_5056 P G-^ Qo^rn 50 D*{) Otto Ullh ? slLt c,.rfilnx: axry{ru,,^l | **1oft{wN Qool ffi,y 30 c[*r t? I ao /21, Ail er |,Jrronnrd ^{4vS*, Fleo( P,^4,',r Mjchelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County propertyAppraiser '-- All rights reserved.siteAddress: 72rs Mys,c wAy Property ldentification Sec/Toryp7pznge: 22,36S/J9E :'lt:1 '', 3322-620-0012-000-s Use Tvpe: 0100 ,ui.rsdi*ion: sainrluciecounry i;1;llr;;fr. Ownership Zoning: Planned un #iirJ:if T,,y,ji:, 7218 Mysric WAylarnt Lucie West. FL -149g6 Legal Description MYSTIC PINES AT THE RESERVE LOT 7 Current Values Just/Market Value: Assessed Value: Exemptions; Taxable Value: Total Areas Finished/Under Air. (SF): Gross Sketchecl Area (SF): Land Size (acres): Land Size (SF): 1,9t3 3,672 0,19 8,231 $266,600 $256,4 r 0 $0 $2s6,4 r 0 Taxes for tliis par.cel: SLC Tax Collector,s Office E Download TRIM for this parcel: Download pDF Zl Speed Occupancy Category I Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: All information is believed.to. be correct at this tirne, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty.ocopvrigrrr202rSainlLuciecountyeropJnyApp;:;i;;;aiirigrrr...;;;";;.""-'-",' Building Design Wind II III&IV Property taxes are s ; n;;;;;;T*?,1.,1? c h a nge u p o n ' it*;lffi'#hT,*flfffi *lidfit[{i*l:,