HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR PERMITS - 6144 SPANISH LAKES BLVD.PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the- Sub -contractor for- WYNNE_QZVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER SUB -CONTRACT R SIGNATURE (Quanfier) LAWRENCE STUBBS PRL\'r \AME 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATIoN- NUMBER State ofFlorida, County of-ST. LUCIE - - � - --- - -- --State of-Florida;County ot $T. LU.CIE__ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisaxday of 4�C P� • .zoaby MATTHEW, LYLE WYNNE .20-�Ipy LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known V or has produced a who is personally (mown l� or has produced a as identification. Lcif 41 1 4yV1 A 1CC0 /G�.- STAMP Signature of Notary P<3k DOROTHY ANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public •'""'>'••,, DORO7HYANNBASKIN .-- MYCOMMISS;ON#t1H0g5 EXPIRES: OCIOW2, 2024 os?.• BorMed Thm Ho1a<yPuhte Undentiteie as identification. e of Notary Pubncof Notary Public �eot Printt of Name Rotary Pubbc E URAR.CUBBEDGE ommission# HH013089 piresOctober2L2024 W dTtw Troy Fain Insumme8003857019 LIAMI7 COt. NTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBER Sub -contractor for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofST.LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before methisit\ day of 1201. bby\ who is personally. known V or has produced a as identification. 1p�itsn�llif/I'lin � �Gw S'wenature of Notary lic DOROTHYANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public �Q. `^4.:, OOROiHYMlr11iASI0N . am; . MY COMMISSION#HHOg5gq3 :,pp < EXPIRES:Octobot2� yp24 Foki+��... Bonded niltl.NO(aly PUbllC tkMelNlilela SUB-C SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ROBERTLUDLUM PRINT NAME IEr COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST. LUCIE S ry The 'foregoing instrument was signed before me this` day of who is personally knownv—ar has produced a a ' entification. SCAMP .N1 � V STAMP Signature of Notary Public RHONDALAFFERTY Print Name of Notary Public p�p�ppygp qq fa Gi�n�� 1Q PAS'°tiB:.. R.CZ VIW�A LP9PFESYi 5 ' _ MY COMMISSION # GG058720 ";F &" EXPIRES January 08, 2021 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • Building & Code Compliance Division a BMDiNG PERMIT SUIR-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT Comfort: Control of St. Lucie Conntv_ Tnr_ have agreed to be the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp, (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at�y\"\v\ (Project It is understood. that, if there is any change of Status regarding our participation with the above mentioned, project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County vAll be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (QuaGBer). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME i::•: COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State orPtorida, County oYS� •�v C'-D- The foregoing instrument was sipped be fore me tbivr k day of •=r s 20� by�%ACY-'c4a_�s \%•�'t�'�V. ��s+2 wbo is personally known Zar has produced a as identification. O-4Jzr + Signature of Notary Prec llb ag _-1 -lY. Aw" 44-sietoo Iilbt Name ofNobry Pabtic ��"',.....,, DOROTHYMINSASKIN m.= MY COMMIS SION#HH095443 EXPIRES:Oc�bet2,2024 '••,',e•....o�Sondamn Notary Pubs, U'6'do' Revised 11116/2016 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of Thec forcgooil mstruar, was signed before me this���" y of = ' .20 b �C CN Zn.t li�.,z tom. who is personally known r has produced a as identification. STAMP'\\/�i(�pw rir�.t i. i/�. STAMP Signature ofNatary P c Vo -90-rad y A'iiN SAE.Acia Print Nameof NoaryPub e EGtf DOROTHYANNBASKIN MYCoMMISSioN#HH045W o: EXPIRES: October2, 2024e`; Goaded Tfn NotWy Publk Ura1WM enr.• L66-d ZOOOfZOOOd lrLO-1 999L8L8ZLL daoa Buipjin8 auuAM -Woad St-'ZL 9L,-60-Z6 PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE have ,agmdio.re the Roofing S.tb_con==r.f0r -Wynne Development Corp:-: (Type of Trade) (Prhoary Cmlmmr) For -the It is understood that, iffliere isany :change ,of status iregarditig.our participation with the above mentioned Proi7ect,"ko.Buildingand,CodeRegulation Division OfStLuele County will be advisedpursuantia the. filing of a Change of Sub-contractormo%im. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Matthew Lyle Wynne PR M, NAIVE r) Rq:0'-'q COUNTYCERTMCATWN�_ , �ER State,of Florida, CommayofeS" TheforcgoingWWumentwmssignedWoreme-tbi,!�L'd.y,f 1-14 e _& by *_Ac_�" A. stzk who is'persomally knows �/or has produceda as identification. DOROTHYAM SMY 'N M.YCOMMISSION#HHi %5443 2 EXPIRES:OctDber 2510124 B0MWTt0UNanPubkUndomftm Revisedlt/16,2016 SMC91N_MCT&lX Slf.;AN.*TjjRJK (Qualifier) Brian Maloney FXLNTJNAMX CCM-330653 C OU NTV LW1 WtUAL I I ON NUN MER State oroorida, County qf!E�!: The foregoing instrumentwosigned before at thilaA�I;lf who,npersonsEylmo".\—/e�rU,,pr,d .. da as ideadfication. O—O'l Q 441 STAW Signature of Notary Irablie MYcOMM'SSION#HH - 045 443 1-1 EXPIRES. O*berZ 2024 )el .3