HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER- RECORDED DEED DocuSign Envelope ID:67%539B-B7Dl-4E4F-6D541497D45B9240
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1, FHA 2 RHS 3. Corry Unins. G21-076 7.Loan No. &Mvtpv Irm ranceCaseNix 4.❑ VA' 5. Convff-
C.Note ifis rum!is furnished to give you a staterne t of actual settknmtt costs Amotmts paid to and by the settlement agent are shom hems marked'(p-o cr were paid outside
the dosing;they are shown hoe for irdormational purposes and are not iraiuded in the totals.
Q.Name&Address of borrower- R Name&Address of Seller. F.Name&Address of Lender:
Stephen J.Harris and Abigail D.Harris Maria Elle Donghia,aWa MaryTrudell
3090 Dame Road Donghia,Personal Representative of Estate
Fort Pierce,FL 34981, of Richard Trudelf a/k/a Richard Ivan
Trudell,Kenneth Lee Trudell,Jaynes Bruce
Trudell,and Mania Ella Donghia
G.Property Lnration. K SeWernentAgeno L Setifernerd Date:
3092 Dame Road Gonna&Harrell IV30/2021
Fort Pierce,FL 34981 Funding Data
Place of Settlement IV30/2021
1600 S.Federal Hwy.200 Fort Pierce,FL Disbursement gate:
34950 11/30/2021
1.00�GiosslUnauntDug'firxn.9iirrowe► ., 400.GnossAnipunntDur=tu.5eller' ' ; •: '•
10�:Carmtractsal price $44000.00 401cContmutsalesprree $68000.00
102:Plersona!pr6pertY'. •. .. '.
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:103aelifemenk h?ngestubCrnvwer.(6iie1400}` ' .:' .. $478.00 443
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$06;Cjty/Town7axa* .. : 40QgtylfownTaxes'
107.cdwtyTyires 11/Por- lla 01lOUM7 $6202 :.407.CountyT-11%30/2021 to.Ai/Ol/2022 $62.02
1J�:•A'ssEssments .. .. 4O8:Assessinetrts.: `. :. . .
109..Nari4dUalom0e -IV30/202kto09/30/2022 $2S1.50 !109:r!fort•AdWorernU?wsl•1/3i1l202fto04/30/2022• 425150 _
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120 Glass'AbtourtitDue,,ftMSommm '" $65.791S2 4ZO:GraSsAirrormfDue`1OSeiref $68.31352
200:Itruotar6'Paktb►rorkr.Bdialf'of.8otrowEr':• :500.R�4icbiortsinllmountDrieto,SeAer, •
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":2.OZ EIirrcipal ainount.0f.new Idwo1 :.$02 Settie4sent'gWges.tosew i6fte U" .. $10,555.60
M:FxfsBrig lWvQ twen sutiject fu' _ : ., 503.'6dsting Ioanlsi tale m s+�1 '
' 504.'Payoff of Fast t�gage
204: . ' . :.
205. _ -505.payaf$of Second Mattgagg' ::: •..,
206• 506.
2119. :.509.'
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210:E,iL�lTown''faxds .,• 510.City/Td•,ivriTax@s
SiL Cowityiaxes
'211'.CorirmtyTaxes•, .... . ;• . ... • -'
23Z,Ass�attents ••.•• . .. 512:Assessrirents .
213. 513-
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215.. 515.
21& 516.
22Q'TotilPafdlryLfarBorwmaer :': :'. ' '.- .. . S1UDO00 520.TcfatRedurtioniAmogiSeNer. .'
' $10,SSSbO
3-M.GashakSeiifenterttfrutMtABorrawer 60o CasttaYSrstfetrrerrttolf+an5dler -
301.Grosz anoiirt£tttte{rvm 6airuwet prte't 20) : $079152 6o1.Grossmqurit a due to 4er(,F'm420r- ':.. ;• $68,313 52
3021essmndiirits'paldby/for kiomdwer.(rrne??0}. $1,OMCO :40ZLess'redtictionsin=ounts due selierQine,52� $20,555.60
303.Cash: .•from . To Borrower $67,74152 603 Cas4 I-XI'To Fro'ni 5eAer
The Public Reporting Burden for this C0Uedion of information is esmrrated at 35 minutes per mspersse for coileetin&reviewirrg,and reporting the data This agency may not m0ect this
irdwmar fon,and you are not required to complete this fomr,unless it displays a currw*valid OMB control number.No conftdentfafity is assured;0iis disclosure is mandatoty.This is
designed to provide the parties to a RESPA covered transaction with information during the settlement process.
From:Renee Logan
Sent:Wednesday,December 1,202110:21 AM
To:'Abigail Harris'
Subject:Dame Rd
We received your wire late yesterday and you are officially closed.Congratulations! I will mail you the
recorded deed and title policy when received in about 2 weeks. It has been a pleasure working with
Thank you,
Legal Assistant to Alexzander Gonano,Esquire
Law Office of Gonano&Harrell
1600 South Federal Highway Suite 200
Fort Pierce,FL_34950
Office: L772)_464.1032 Ext.1001
Direct: LZZ;J.302.3208
Fax: (772)464-0282
NOTICE: This email may constitute an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be
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owed,a verification of the amount owed will be obtained and provided to you via first class U.S.Mail. If
the original creditor is not the same as the current creditor,you may also request the name and address
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