HomeMy WebLinkAboutThreshold Inspection Plan Bldg A R1
1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-145 T: 772.360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 info@schlittengineering.com
December 6, 2021
Mr. Doug Harvey
Building Official
St. Lucie County Building Dept.
2300 Virginia Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
Subject: Threshold Inspection Plan – Sand Dollar Shores
Building Permit Number: 2110-0381
7440 S Ocean Drive
Jensen Beach, FL
Engineer's Project Number: 21J044
The purpose of this Threshold Inspection Plan, as required by Florida Statute Chapter 553
and the Florida Building Code, is to provide specific inspection procedures and schedules so
that the Building can be adequately inspected for compliance with the Contract Documents.
1. Only Engineers certified by the State of Florida as Special Inspectors of Threshold
Buildings, in accordance with Florida Statute Chapter 471, can assume the
responsibilities of a Special Inspector.
2. The Special Inspector shall be permitted to send an Authorized Representative to the
job site to perform the necessary inspections provided all required written reports are
prepared by and bear the seal of the Special Inspector.
3. The Special Inspector's Authorized Representative shall be qualified by education or
licensure to perform the duties assigned by the Special Inspector. The qualifications
shall include one of the following: licensure as a professional engineer or architect;
graduation from an engineering education program in civil or structural engineering;
graduation from an architectural education program; successful completion of the
NCEES Fundamentals Examination; licensure as a building inspector per Chapter 468,
F.S.; or licensure as a general contractor per Chapter 489, F.S.
4. The term “Special Inspector” in the balance of this Inspection Plan refers to the Special
Inspector and/or the Special Inspector’s Authorized Representative.
Sand Dollar Shores
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1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-145 T: 772.360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 info@schlittengineering.com
1. The Special Inspector shall contact the Engineer at least once a week to discuss details
on the project and to confirm they have reviewed all approved RFIs, supplemental
sketches, etc.
2. The Special Inspector shall cooperate with the Contractor and shall refrain from
directing work, as this is expressly not part of the Threshold Inspection function.
3. The Special Inspector may not serve as a surrogate in carrying out the responsibilities of
the Building Official, Architect, or Engineer of Record.
4. The Special Inspector shall not perform other work on the project, including materials
testing services.
1. The Contractor shall be familiar with the scope of the inspections that will be performed
and also the requirements of the Contractor as described herein, particularly regarding
formwork design and inspections.
2. The Contractor shall cooperate with and assist the Special Inspector in performing their
inspection duties and shall provide free access to the project at all times.
3. The Contractor shall coordinate the schedule of work to accommodate the required
inspections. They shall advise the Special Inspector in advance of construction schedules
and planned operations in order to assure timely and appropriate inspection. A
minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notice is required.
4. These inspections shall not relieve the Contractor of their responsibilities to carry out
their own quality control inspections and testing. The Contractor’s contractual or
statutory obligations are not relieved by any action of the Special Inspector.
1. The Owner shall retain a Special Inspector to perform the inspection services as
described herein.
2. The Owner shall pay all costs of employing a Special Inspector, but the Special Inspector
shall be responsible to the enforcement agency.
1. The Special Inspector shall perform site visits at a frequency determined by him to
satisfy himself that the inspections are being performed in accordance with this plan.
1. The Special Inspector shall immediately alert the Contractor of all discrepancies and
deviations from the Contract Documents.
2. The Contractor shall, upon being informed by the Special Inspector, immediately cause
to eliminate such discrepancies and deviations.
Sand Dollar Shores
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1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-145 T: 772.360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 info@schlittengineering.com
1. The Special Inspector shall submit written reports to the enforcing agency having
jurisdiction for the project each week during construction. Copies of the report shall be
submitted to the Owner, Architect, Engineer of Record and Contractor.
2. The report shall bear the signature and seal of the Special Inspector.
3. The report shall include:
a. A description of construction progress for the week.
b. Working conditions including weather, temperature, time of day, type and location of
work being performed.
c. Changes in working sequence or materials and any unusual circumstances affecting the
performance of work.
d. Any discrepancies or deviations from the Contract Documents and whether any
measures were taken by the Contractor to correct these conditions.
e. The non-conformance and corrections log as indicated below.
1. The Special Inspector shall keep an exceptions and corrections log for follow-up.
2. The threshold inspector’s deficiencies log shall also include and track deficiencies
reported by the EOR or their representative in the field observations reports.
3. The log shall include, for each non-conformance item, the date it was noted, the
corrective action taken, and the date it was rectified.
4. This log shall be reviewed on a daily basis and updated as exceptions are rectified.
1. In accordance with Section 553.79 (7)a of the Florida Statutes, the Special Inspector
shall, upon completion of the building and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy, file a signed and sealed statement with the enforcement agency in
substantially the following form: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the
construction of all structural load-bearing components described in the Threshold
Inspection Plan complies with the Contract Documents, and the specialty shoring design
professional engineer has ascertained that the shoring and reshoring conforms with the
shoring and reshoring plans submitted to the enforcement agency.
1. Verify the pour area is free of standing water or other debris.
Sand Dollar Shores
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1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-145 T: 772.360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 info@schlittengineering.com
2. Verify placement of reinforcement and observe concreting operations as outlined in the
Reinforced Concrete section of this Inspection Plan.
3. Check that the location and type of slab control joints and construction joints conform to the
Contract Documents.
1. Verify that reinforcement surfaces are free of excess rust or other coatings that may adversely
affect bonding capacity. If oiling of forms is required, verify that it is applied before reinforcing is
2. Verify all reinforcing bars for compliance with Contract Documents and approved shop drawings
as follows:
a. Material grade,
a. Reinforcement size,
b. Quantity, spacing, and layering,
c. Proper hook type and location.
d. Splice locations and required length of lap.
e. Verify minimum clearance and cover requirements from concrete surfaces.
f. Sufficient spacing between reinforcement for concrete placement.
3. Verify that unscheduled reinforcing bars shown on plan, in details, or specified in notes are
provided and are in compliance with Contract Documents and approved shop drawings.
4. Support of Reinforcement:
a. Review type and spacing of support for compliance with the Contract Documents.
b. Verify that reinforcing is adequately supported to resist displacement or shifting during
concrete placement.
5. Report any noted conflicts or deviations from the Contract Documents before concrete is
poured so that corrections may be made.
1. The Special Inspector shall be present during the placement of concrete at a frequency as
indicated in other sections of this Inspection Plan.
2. Verify that debris and foreign materials have been removed before concrete is placed.
3. Periodically inspect concrete upon arrival to verify the following:
a. Proper concrete mix number, type of concrete, and concrete strength for the placement
b. Report concrete not meeting the specified requirements and immediately notify the
Contractor, Batch Plant Inspector, Architect, Engineer of Record, and Owner.
4. Verify that the Contractor is following appropriate concreting practices at the point of placement
as defined below:
a. Verify that the concrete is not over 90 minutes old at the time of placement.
b. Verify that Hot-Weather or Cold-Weather techniques are being applied as required.
c. Verify that concrete being deposited is uniform, that the vertical drop does not exceed six
feet, and that it is not permitted to drop freely over reinforcement causing segregation.
d. Verify that the concrete is properly vibrated.
e. Verify that embedded items and reinforcing steel are not adversely altered during placement.
Note if anything was displaced or otherwise altered during placement.
Sand Dollar Shores
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1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-145 T: 772.360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 info@schlittengineering.com
f. Verify that there are no cold joints within the area of the pour.
5. Verify that the curing process is as specified in the Contract Documents and that any curing
compound used is applied in accordance with manufacturer’s printed application instructions.
Should you have any questions regarding the above subject, please contact our office.
Very truly yours,
Terence Schlitt, P.E. ____________________
FL P.E. # 81238 December 6, 2021
CA #32295
cc: Mr. Patrick Flack, Flack’s Painting, Waterproofing & Concrete Restoration, Inc.
cc: Ms. Tammy Suren, Advantage Property Management
This item has been digitally signed and sealed
by Terence Schlitt on the date adjacent to the
seal. Printed copies of this document are not
considered signed and sealed and the signature
must be verified on any electronic copies.