HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAII APPUCAAE I FIO MUST BE CO PI.EIED FOR APPI-rcANOT TO BE ACCEP?ED Date: Sr: Luelu -"r I4trffiFffi:Building Permit Application Planning ond t)€veloprncnt *rvices Bt ild/ng oNW Regui/,i'iol/. Divisi.n 23U) Weinlo A/€nu", Fon Pierce FL 4982 Phone: (22) 452-1553 Fax: (772) t[62-1578 Commercial X Residential PERMITAPPUCATION FOR: IMPfiOVEMENT IOCATION: lddress: QlrSb 8ou,t1.t g,-o,l \c , l.l*tchinsen Esload FL 3,19 L-t pmperty Tax rD ft t{Sba- Lro-oooo- Ocp/ (r' Pmject Name:AoPoorE a (ec.b\nels) OETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Exiq*inq T:fnop'-i\e. ba lterv ca6,ncl a.nA S,lr< s,u)oc,r f eab', oc,-t lo Lrc rzn,o,rcl ,J T Inslal\,n (r Ltaosi+<.0 New Ehctrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) Additional work to be perbrmed under this pemit - check allthat apply: _Mechanical _6as Tank _ Gas Pipirts _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors Pond PitchI er.art _ Plumbing _ Spdnklers _ Generator _ Roof TotalSq . Ft of construction: Elittlaq 5q . Ft. of f irst Floor: NAJ Cost of Constructbn: S 'rc Utilities:_ Sewer _Septic BuildingHeight:llt' lf vahe of co*stnction b 25{Xl or rnoll, a REq)RDED o0e of Commeacemem is rcqlired. tf uelue ot t{Alrc E SZSm or nrr., . nEoORDEO oale of Commerlcc.n! rr b Equtred. Phone l{o. g 13-t 45.? - State: R- E- Name T-rnDb;ra City : T-arn oa- q4q7 zig lddress:5iOl code:33L3{ Fax: Addrcss: & 3oo Leqacu br Phone No 4L,q - q1b -bb37 E-Mail S}crra .6 | ahots e-er;csso^,.ott1 State or County Lhense.4ECl5]-6 t 3f- Name: Slcva Nlchals Company : Eri cSeon rrr Crty:State: XL Zip Code 16Deq -uvlJl anb Permit Number: _ CBDG Funding_ tot No._ Bbck o._Site Plan Name: CONSTRUCTCIN INFORMATION: Mail: a^A/-..^ , u>i k<+.,-.a\ Oa,lr.ozlr.+ l: nl16(d g. Fill ln lee slmpk Tide Hdder on nert page lf atdmdaa frorn dre Oixncr Estcd abo,e) Fax: DESIGilER/EilGlilEER: _t{otApplicable zip:3a5?q al3 -P e .l- b3t sState: ,=r Address: Crty: Name:ILC-Cl MORIGAGE GOMPAIfY: Name: Y rot Applicable Phone:z,p State:Crty: Address: FEE EMPIE TITIE tlOtDER: _ Not ApplicableName:M Address: qOSo 5 D.can br zip City :6€,1sc^ B..h t=L BOIIDI]IG CiOMPAITY: l{ame: X Not Applicable City Zip:_ Phone: Address: OWIUER/ OOITITRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Appl-nation is hereby made to obtain a pemit to do the work and installatiofl as irdkated I certify that no wolt or iostallation has comrnenced priof to the issuance ot a pemit St. Lucie Countv makes no reoresentation that is rrantine a oemit will authorize the oermit holder to build the subiect strudure whidr conflics'with anv aDoficabh HomeownersAssocialioir rules- bvlaws or and cotierants that mav restrict or prtthibit such st udure. Please consuh iiih your Homeowners Association and ield* your deed for aoy r€suictioris whkt may apply. ln consideratbn of the gnnting of this requ€sted permit, I do h€reby agree that I will, in all respects, p€rform t'le wort in ac@rdance stith the approved plans, the Florida BuildinS Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The follosi.E buiHing permh agplkations are erempt fiom undergoirg a full concurrency r6,i : room additions, strucbr€s, swimmint pools, funces, walb, signs, screen roonE and accesso.y uses to anodler rxrn-resirrential use TO OW ER: Your hilure to Record a tlotice of Crmmencement may r€suh in paylng twice for ments to your prop€rty. A t{otice of Commencement must be reco rded in the public reco rds of St. nty and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. tf you inten d to obtain financin6 consuh der or an atto before commen work or recordin r Notice of Commencement- Agent for Owner Physi6l Presence or _ Online Notarization this (Signature co--ioi* mI [0t34/3 t subscribed L of L. (or dav uced ldentification _ of owner/ Public- State of Florida) med bV ASHLEY L. DAVIS r\lY c0MMlssloN4 HH 082913 EXPIRES: January 20, 2025 acidod Thru Nobry fubllc Und€n$it6r3 STATE OF FTORIDA COUITTY OF SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEWS zot{rr{G REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PI-ANS REVIEW VEGETANON REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPI.TTED (seal) Name person Personally Xno n FRONT COUNIER @