HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL rioriaa buucangc:oae online https://'floridabuil(i�g.org/pr/pr_app_dd.aspx?para... i 5•'P�'LN 2 f� �i s +a'4� +'7j 1rv�. `� L.+t�'ten !it `• � yl �+ `�ny ��. .4w �`'��°'�'��+�cry '�{gf�r3' ��`ri,�T�✓,�i �j .,il �.,�. ° � . ' ,.M.,,�,,:bz �t'3!c.nhr..��b+eta„zb.tr. ut�,,ditkY�`a,3t�P,.lYa,:�. V., tr. •.aGal;.:� d k :.tzuStx,. V�;F<I BCISHorne Login : User Registration Hot Topics SubrnkSurcharge' Stats &Facts Publication: 2( vli -7 Product Ap USER:Public User 4oval REVIEW, ED FOR CODE irbMPLIANCt Product Approval M enu> Product orApp6cation Search> Ap n �a B6RC FL # 4095-R11 r Application Type Affirmation Code Version 1 2020 Application Status i Approved File COPY Comments Archived Product Manufacturer { JELD-WEN Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls, OR 9761 (800) 535-3936 i fbcl@jeld-wen.com Authorized Signature i Rylee Sumner Fricks I fbcl@jeld-wen.com I Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate C Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR 976C (800) 535-3936 customerserviceagents@ I Quality Assurance Representative Ad d ress/Ph on e/E m ai l Category ISingle Windows Subcategory Hung I Compliance Method Certification Mark or Li! Certification Agency National Accreditation 6 l of 5 4/18/21, 14:36 . 1 1 rioriva tsuucnng t;oae unline https://floridabuil(ling.orWpr/pr_app_&I.aspx?pares. Validated By National Accreditation 6 ' l Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard TAS 201 j TAS 202 i TAS 203 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By i I affirm that there a Code which affect my pi compliance with the neti Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes ' No I\ i Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A I Date Submitted i 07/29/2020 Date Validated d 07/29/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/31/2020 Summary of Products FL# Model, Description Number or Name 14095.1 Premium Single Hung (8100) 36"x 72" Insulated Glass(5/1E Atlantic Vinyl Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL14095_R11_C_CAC_N1011567.04-R3.pdf HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Approved for use outside 04/30/2025 HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions { Impact Resistant: Yes FL14095_R11 -II_FL14095 R5_II_DP65-70_36xi Design Pressure: +65/-70 FL14095 R11_II_N1011567.04-R3 Dwgs072520: Other: Laminated glazing Verified By: HermesNorero; PE 73778 interlayer material Created by Independent Third Party: Yes requirements meet the current Evaluation Reports i 2 of 5 4/18/21, 14:36 i Florida Building Code Online https://floridabuilcli 1 g org(pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?para.. I edition of the FBC in FL14095_R11_AE_PER-'3094.pdf accordance with Miami-Dade Created by Independent Third Party: Yes NOA for DuPont SentryGlas j and DuPont PVB interlayers. White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current edition of the FBC in accordance with Miami- Dade NOA for Quanex. IG back bedded with Dow 995. Safety glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. 14095.2 Premium Single Hung (8100) 36"x 72" Insulated Glass(1/8 Atlantic Vinyl i Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL14095_R11_C_CAC_N1011567.08-R1.pdf HVHZ: Yes F-L14095_Rll_C_CAC_N1011567.09-R2.pdf Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date HVHZ: Yes 04/30/2025 1 Impact Resistant: No Installation Instructions Design Pressure: +65/-70 FL14095_R11_II_N1011567.09-R2 Dwgs072520: Other: White PVC exterior FL14095_R1.1_II_PAV TSH FBC 36x72 SS 20174 extrusion meet the current Verified By: Hermes Nore�o, PE 73778 edition of the FBC in Created by Independent Third Party: Yes accordance with Miami-Dade Evaluation Reports NOA for Quanex. IG back FL14095_R11_6E_PER4869 SS 2017-06-26.pdf bedded with Dow 995. Safety Created by Independent Third Party: Yes glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. 14095.3 Premium Single Hung (,8100) 52 1/8"x 75" insulated Glass( Atlantic Vinyl I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL14095_R11_C_CAC_N1011567.06-R1.pdf HVHZ: Yes FL14095_R11_C_CAC_N1011567.07-R2.pdf Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date HVHZ: Yes 04/30/2025 ; ]I Impact Resistant: No Installation Instructions Design Pressure: +651-70 FL14095_R11_II_NI011567.07-R2 Dwgs072520: Other: White PVC exterior FL14095 R11_II_PAV TSH FBC 52x75 SS 2017-1 extrusion meet the current Verified By: Hermes Norero, PE 73778 edition of the FBC in Created by Independent Third Party: Yes accordance with Miami-Dade Evaluation Reports I NOA for Quanex. IG back FL14095_R11_AE_PER4870 SS 2017-06-26.pdf bedded with Dow 995. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Windowswith insulated glass wider than 36" require setting blocks. Safety glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. 14095.4 Single Hung (8100) 52 1/8"x 75" Insulated Glass( kremium tlantic Vinyl Annealed) 3 of 5 4/18/21, 14:36 I Florida Building Code Online https://floridabuilding org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?para. I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL14095_R11_C_CAC IN1011567.02-R2.pdf HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Approved for use outside 04/30/2025 HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions Impact Resistant: Yes FL14095_R11_11_FL14095_R5_II_DP50-60_52.1 Design Pressure: +50/-60 FL14095_R11_II_N10111567.02-R2 Dwgs072520: Other: Laminated glazing Verified By: Hermes Norero, PE 73778 interlayer material Created by Independent I hird Party: Yes requirements meet the current Evaluation Reports E_ P FL14095 11 A _PER'3091. df edition of the FBC in R accordance with Miami-Dade Created b Independent accord y Third Party: Yes NOA for DuPont SentryGlas and DuPont PVB interlayers. White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current edition of the FBC in accordance with , Miami=Dade NOA for Quanex. IG back bedded with Dow 995. Windowswith insulated glass wider than 36"require setting blocks. Safety glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. 14095.5 Premium Single Hung (8100) 52 1/8"x 75" Insulated Glass Atlantic Vinyl Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL14095_R11_C_CAC_N1011567.01-R1.pdf HVHZ: Yes FL14095_R 11_C_CAC N 1011567-R 1.pdf Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date HVHZ: Yes 04/30/2025 Impact Resistant: Yes Installation Instructions Design Pressure: +65/-75 FL14095_R11_11_FL14095_R5_II_DP65-75_52.1 Other: Laminated glazing FL14095_R11_II_N1011567.01-R1 Dwgs072520: interlayer material Verified By: Hermes Norero, PE 73778 requirements meet the current Created by Independent Third Party: Yes edition of the FBC in Evaluation Reports 1 accordance with Miami-Dade FL14095_R11_AE_PER3095.pdf NOA for DuPont SentryGlas Created by Independent Third Party: Yes and DuPont PVB interlayers. White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current edition of the FBC in accordance with Miami-Dade NOA for Quanex. IG back bedded with Dow 995. Windowswith insulated glass wider than 36" require setting blocks. Safety glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. I Back Next I 4 of 5 4/18/21, 14:36 Florida BuildingLode Online hops://floridabuildiing org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?pares. ' I 1 ContactUs ::2601 B la ir Stone Ro ad,Taiahassee FL 32399Phone: The State of Florida is anAA/EEO employer.Copytht2007 2013State of Florida.::Privacy Stateme,n Under Florida law,a rra 1 address es are public re cords.If you do not want your l-rrai a ddre s s re le as e d in re s pom this entity.Instead,contactthe office by phone or by tra Mona ImaU.If you have any questions,please contac Statutes,effective 0ctober1,2012,licensees licensed unde r Cha pte r 455,F.S.rrust provide the Departmentwit may be us e d for official communication with the ice ns e e.H oweve r e mail addre s s es are pubic record.If you do r Department with an errai address which can be made available to th�public.To deterrrme f you are a icr Prod u c{t Approval Acce pts: za? ® er-hr ck 'I p C redit Card Safe i i I { I a . I i I I i 9 I 11 I j I i I 5of5 4/18/21, 14:36 I I j NOTICE ON' YRO.D U CT CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION NO: IN1011567.02-R2 DATE: 105/23/2013 z , .r CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural COMPANY: JELD-WEN CODE: 4822-1 REVISION DATE: 41/13/2017 rt✓.ci•. Y I_ To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit www.NAMICertiiicatton.com to assure that the product is active:and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. 1 COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION JELD-WEN "Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)" 3737 Lakeport Boulevard impact Rated Vinyl Single Hung Window Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (Fin& Flange Ins tallation) Con figuration:IO/X Glazing:IG71.8" Ann cal ed!GlassrLaminate- 1/8"Annealed Glass/0.090"Setit ry sla%* Plus Interlaver by DuPont/l/8"Annealed Glass eir IC;-1,'8" Annealed Glass/Laminate-1/8"Annealed filass/0.090"PVB by DuPont/l/8"Annealed Glass I Frame: W-1324mm(52.13") 111-1905tnm(75") Sash: W-1254mm(49.381 II-946mm(37 25") I SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 201/202/203-94 Design Pressure: 150/-60 psf Large Missile Impact Rated i I Product Tested Bv: National Certified Testing Laboratories 1 Report No: NCTL-210-3874-1 Expiration Date: April 30, 2025 Administrator's Signature: i NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124 Fax: (804)684-5122 ' I NAIL FIN INSTALLATION t — rRpl !I!Z`MIN EMBEDX.Er+7 OOnwt4 t 2 ...0.-00 FRAm1 - YDBrAN MIN`)ISTANCr MIN DiSTANCf to.EryyF R4- FOR EDGE.3/4" 19.75 oa. 2X WGOD VIAL F0 :I L4"MAX '; SNtM SPACE FRAME I _?mom } 2 V4"MAX SHIM SPACE I I t/2"MIN EMBEDMENT 6L.As�s BITE - tt f• 1�5mm I I GLAZING DETAIL 4 1 I JAMB SECTION(NW FRAME SECTION(TYP) VERTICAL SECTION HORIZONTAL SECTION •trt::.,e:-ra,rn..r,•'rsrs y.-.f-ym; N-oTE Cai+k k-r l N !mJ Fli,"c B Wt O"nlrkj I i 1/4'MAX i sc+trt SPACE 3 i ._-.. -— -•--. ...----__.. ._..---__-- . ..._ ._ . yp§p 'r K4x MIN DISTANCE FORED`nE.3l4' ;PREMIUM ATLANTIC VINYL 5H WINDOW 1 2X WOOD FRAME Max Frame I DP RATING IMPACT �'�It i t 1/2'MIN.EMBEDMENT i! 52 1/8 x 75 +50/-60 YES I �VA O_ _-�— N WITH FASTENER SPACING I i LARGE MISSILE IMPACT Installation Notes: General Notes: 1. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. Use#10 PH or greater fastener though the nail fin with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1 of the adopted International Building_Code(iBC),the Intemationai Residential Code(111%the-Florida - 112"into the woodframing. For 2X wood frame substrate(minaS:G.=042). Building Code(FBC)including HVHZ and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the 3. At minimum,glazing is 3mm annealed-11 mm airspace-3mm annealed-2mm PVB Intedayer by project of installation. DuPont-3mm annealed. Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. Reason:f-am-approving-this•document—— Date:2014.09.1916:25:32-04'00' This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the %%%1 111111111 window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does �V •• i� nROJEt i ENGINEER: DATE, 3737 Lakeport Blvd not address he sealingconsideration that may arise in different wall % 4' .•'' F �� -- 08/13/2014 y � Klamath Falls,OR.97601 conditions. For the complete installation procedure,see the instructions : �� nRAam u'!: SCALE: p p D.Vezo NTS Phone. (541)882 3451 packaged with the window or go to • -'N •. - /7 � , � CitECI:ED 6Y: TITLE. www.jeld-wen.comlresourcesfinstallation. ). Kantola 'o STATE t = tifPRCro= �i: Premium Atlantic Vinyl Impact Single Hung Window DISCLAIMER: '3- '_ 11I This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be �,8�b�=�6t ' SC (DQ` • lv =AR7:PR0-c-r +c: reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others �i� �� 9729except as authorized by JELD WEN Inc. 3v8 o 33s IDENTrFIER.h, PLANT NAME nND::;r.,roN _nn t lv, r+:.: RED OQ s•F r NCTI-210-3874- -FBC MASONRY INSTALLATION F=Vcormm a.a4' f d2 Q us•o.a o 3 C1:�1.xia• � tl JAMB 1;M'MN (i E MFf p+RCTic i i-.n"r - 3/4-MAX cll:lA 4'vAf'E Y..1N ;,:'iAh:CE P a FOR EDGE 7 V11 �t � a i! fl sl.�Al,r 13 +m 1 MA 5ONRYJ i JAMB SECTION('YP) i GLAZING DETAIL HORIZONTAL SECTION i FRAME 5ECTIOIV r7YP) VERTICAL SECTION I I SK.Ak SPACE a i I OomiRs PREMIUM ATLANTIC VINYL SH WINDOW 1 2.Q /JAVjVG+ Max Frame DP RATING IMPACT R. `. e`a` 52 1/8 x 75 1 +50/-60 1 YES j W=W WM(52 tie•"t.) ---I TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING 4, FOR EbE�?1.°•bcszANC! ' ! LARGE MISSILE IMPACT r.�R Installation Notes: General Notes: 1. Seal flange/tame to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(IRC),the Florida 2. Use 3116"ITW Tapcon or equivalent fasteners through frame with sufficient length to penetrate a Building Code(FBC including H1/HZ and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. minimum of 1 114"into concrete or masonry at each location with a 2112"min from edge distance,For concrete {min.fc=3000psi)or masonry substrate(CMU shall adhere to ASTM 3.C90). 3. All glazing shall conform orm to ASTM E1300. 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads At minimum,glazing 3mm annealed-11 mm airspace-3mm annealed-2mm PVB Interlayer by to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the DuPont-3mm annealed. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. project of installation. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the �� window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations ��< noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does �� f� PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE: 3737 Lakeport Blvd not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall ����¢ 08/13/2014�.•'G s •�C�,p ���� -- L�EtI Klamath Falls, OR.97601 conditions. For the complete installation procedure,see the instructions �- oRrwn sr: Sfn1 L: p p ;• 4 1; D.VezO NTS Phone: (541)882 3451 packaged with the window or go to 7 ~ CHKKED BY. 1!TLL. www.jeld-wen.com/resourcestinstallation, _ * t * _ 3. Kantola STATE OF = uvRa:;EL,kY, Premium Atlantic Vinyl Impact Single Hung Window DISCLAIMER: )a [tr This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be �,n•'•.��( R6t? PART PRO ECT �� reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others �i� ME= . N C1bQ 7�9 except as authorized by JELD WEN Inc. IDENTIFIER N,,, PLANT NAME ANC :si IT:0N ::AD D'.ti'1; N•>. REL• QQ sr1EEr Sees to 33e NCTL210-3874- -FBC 'TM JAW L•WX STEEL INSTALLATION p FROM 0a DI , ,W COOK= �R EDGE,Vi uI,nrcc,nrrc:: 3 �;t i�ame t Ia towe Mir. 18 gouge min les•O.C. MAX,iFOtU i, Steel Stud JAW 3:S-MAX SHIM SPACE j 1/4"MAX j SHIM SPACE b 22 vn MIN.DISTANCE 2 FOR EDGE I/2" 3v^ -- ' _ j ^ � Mm embedment _ of three threads 3 post frme j GLASS SITE r- / Is.bmm'. i _.._�...____. # i 6LAZINfi DETAIL i JAMB SECTION(TYP) I FRAME SECTION(TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION VERTICAL SECTION SAT;Can L:torn rxy raRr t••.w:n....� I � I 1/4-MAX -----__�—� — — ---- I SHIM SPACE 5�30-11�• `� 38 5augc min { :..._ .. .__. comem i steel sn� t 3 PREMIUM ATLANTIC VINYL SH WINDOW Min.embedm-ti I ' post f� Max Frame DP RATING IMPACT I �_____�_ 52 1/8 x 75 +54/-60 YES t�u�or arorlr(as t/a•wx}--- MIN.DlsrArlcE % TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING (� FOR EDGE'vz• J LARGE MISSILE IMPACT Installation Notes; General Notes: 1. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. For anchoring into metal framing use#8 TEK Self Tapping screws with sufficient length to achieve a of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(IRC),the Florida — - = Building Code(FBC)including HVHZ and-the industry-requirement for the stated conditions. - = - - ---minimum embedment of three threads past the frame thickness.Steel substrate min,l8ga.,fy=33 ksi, - m to ASTM E1300. 2 All glazing shall conforr 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 3 At minimum,glazing 3mm annealed 11 mm airspace 3mm annealed-2mm PVB tnteriayer by to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the DuPont-3mm annealed. project of installation. 4. Use structural or composite shims where This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations �I/ noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does ♦ MLOJECT ENGINEER: DATE. �♦ ��... .. � 3737 Lakeport Blvd not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall �� ��c1' • <�,p ��� -- 08/13/2014 conditions. Far the complete installation procedure,see the instructions �� '� JEL"T�� Klamath Falls,OR,97601 DRAWN BY: SCALE: packaged with the window or go to p ��� 7 r: O D.Vezo NTS Phone: (541)882-3451 www.jeld-wen.coni./resourceslinstallatioti. _ * CHECKED BY: TITLE: I * = J. Kantola DISCLAIMER: = "o STAT(� a = °fRo�E^e'i: Premium Atlantic Vinyl Impact Single Hung Window This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be ��0,�•'•.;�L low' i i •• ���� PART PR ecT +o reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others �i� � Db0�7�9 except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. seet, 338 IDENTIFIER No. PLANT NAME ANC L".0 AT:ON' ,-3D D;vG re:.. REV oo SHE-r {' NCTL210-3874- -FBC W WA% MIN b:5 A^J�E THROUGH FRAME :, I FOR EDGE'3.4• 3 INSTALLATION CORKM :t,a•uSw E.Y.5EDMEPiT : 1e3-o.r- �! i 112-MIN. UM y� EMBEDMENT VC-MAX SHIM SPA I SHIM SPACE 1 i MIN DISTANCE i FOR EDGE:3/4' 2 is i —T ! Cf-A55 3TTE to �^ ------ � 1 f i i JAM8 SECTION(TYP) ! GLAZING DETAIL HORIZONTAL SECTION i FRAME SECTION(TVP) ! VERTICAL SECTION v;'MAX i i.-- ---- ----- __- SHIM 5PACEComm i 2 11/21MIN. PREMIUM ATLANTIC VINYL SH WINDOW EMBEDM,NT ` 1I Max Frame DP RATIN IMPACT I • I i MIN.DTSTANa i1 52 1/8 x 75 .+50/-60 1 YES WNC7a WM(W Ix Wx.)-----I !: i - TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACIN6 FOR EDGE:3/4' _.__._------- :-- ?,_ LARGE MISSILE IMPACT I Installation Notes: General Notes: 1, Seal flangelframe to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. Use#10 PH or greater fastener though the jamb with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1 11T of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International_ _Residential_Code_(IRC),the Florida_-; into the wood framin For 2X_wood frame substrate(min.S:G.=0.42 _ __ - - -_ woo- 9�- _ ). --- - -- _ = --- - - - - -= - -Building Code(FBC)including-HVHZ and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. 3. -Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 2_ All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the 3. At minimum,glazing is 3mm annealed-11 mm airspace-3mm annealed-2mm PVB Intedayer by project of installation. Addendum to NAMI DuPont-3mm annealed. Certification No: N1011567.02-R2 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. f� This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the Date Reviewed: 07/25/2017 window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE: 3737 Lakeport Blvd not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall -- 08/13/2014 JE conditions. For the complete installation procedure,see the instructions DRAWN BY: SCALE:I: , L�N Klamath Falls,OR.97G01 packaged with the window or go to D.Vezo NTS Phone: (800)535-3936 CHECKED BY: TITLE. www.jeld-wen.com,resourceslinstallatlon. 1. Kantola DISCLAIMER: APPROVEDSY: Premium Atlantic Vinyl Impact Single Hung Window This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be DT661617h - reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others U(jtj except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. IDENTIFIER No PLANT NAME:PIA L.J%A-10', '717�D i>:, :! 4Ev C�1FF7 ,� TESTso NCTL210-3874- -FBC 00 - - fl