HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE OVERVIEWUKNOWN ROADMANUFACTURED HOME #4081 CONC CONC CONC DRIVE CONC DRIVE CONC DRIVE MANUFACTURED HOME MANUFACTURED HOME 27.8'32.1'16.2' 21.7'28.0'32.3'66.2'13.9'66.2'13.9'EOPEOPWM WM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE CHRISTOPHER WAYNE CLARK, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. LS 7135 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by Christopher Clark, PSM on 09/07/2021 using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE BOUNDARY SURVEY DEPICTED HEREON WAS CONDUCTED BY PERSONS UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA AS OUTLINED IN 5J-17 FAC. Carter & Clark Land Surveyors is unable to warrant the accuracy of boundary information, structures, easements, and buffers that are illustrated on the subdivision plat. This property may be subject to additional easements or restrictions of record. Adjoiners shown are per plat of record. The existence of utilities within utility easements have not been field verified by surveyor. Contact utility contractor for location prior to construction (if applicable). Dimensions from house to property lines should not be used to establish fences. This plat is for exclusive use by client. Use by third parties is at their own risk. The field data upon which this plat is based has a closure precision of one foot in 10,000+ feet and an angular error of 7 seconds per angle point and was adjusted using the compass rule. Equipment used: Leica Total Station- 12. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without the written consent of the signing party or parties. TOF Top of Form BL Building Line R/W Right of Way SF Square Feet APL Approximate Property Line EOP Edge of Pavement Center Line Rebar to be set Set 1/2" Rebar (LB#8075) Found Rebar Set Mag Nail Found Mag Nail Not To Scale Drainage Flow FIELD WORK DATE: 09/01/2021 PLAT DATE: 09/07/2021 20210806158 TCG FC: JC 237 Aucilla Road Monticello, FL 32344 www.carterandclark.com LICENSED BUSINESS # 8075 GRID (WEST ZONE)NORTHLAN Lanai S Stoop CP Covered Patio DE Drainage Easement UE Utility Easement PROP Proposed FFE Finished Floor Elevation TBM Temporary Benchmark PP Power Pole CR Community Riser ID Identification -X- Fence TPED Telephone Pedestal SS Stop Sign PT Point of Tangency PI Point of Intersection PC Point of Curvature M Measured P Platted A/C Air Conditioning CONC Concrete TIMBERLINE CONSTRUCTION GROUP OAK PALM UNKNOWN TREE LEGEND ADDRESS: 4081 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY BEING A 20 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED IN SECTION 20, T34S-R40E, BEING THE COUNTRY COVE MOBILE HOME PARL; OR BOOK 4027, PAGE 711 IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUB: COUNTRY COVE MOBILE HOME PARK Section 20, Township 34 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 20' 20'0'20'10' MAP OF SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEY FOR: GENERAL NOTES 1.This property lies within flood zone "X" according to FEMA FIRM #: 12111C0088K, effective on 02/19/2020.