HomeMy WebLinkAboutr2cI ,*':i ir :r"-r',rk:lj{ 1t ik 13,J*r rlli i. .!r q r.i iri :.ir51 $ rtd; v li:I i:.:!;i ! lili C-,r.i1Ita itlli$ $l'ili llEi i - I r'1' iut {r1 a:* 1r 4t'nv *t1r t44.f {q tf d .Lr ' tr: 1\t;{! :. rJ.it{5itt: driveway measuring 1 25'off No fil Rip out and line needed lace existing j' $ lr'rj .i ,, 2500 psi with ber Culvert pipe ment .. .ol i? :$.1Ir- I .1,/ ' (_- ' 'a:n"a!':. t 1x :i:::J tioi:r9l i .:: :;r" - - tr.. ii'_i.6 ;:;f.?ogaI. " ! Lla a:'rr, \ n'- \'lJt- ' -. .. 1 t : - 1 r. : nj | 6 J ul j:|j :l:l,Jirdi rr..: ::'r r +, did, j .- .a , .. .; r t: -a:::ir'|.'B:'Llbal4r:;::,!{a-1! i:,t :'rr,l,. t.,:..ln i.'tt, "^rr : ..,, i;i! :',. i r.'..".1,,:. 1i9 \11 '.'...-.1 :" i t.i:,:.i'J.() ., . : , -,. _, ..,.t.t, ,, t:.1,)i\i11€t4i,l,{} ',...-:'., i..,,,,',1,,,,i\ 1"*i.: *i;r,* c''-i:j t'tF H"*&rgE': X*ffimr.';l .L Ll,. i'{ v lr " .o,l f.a! .t ,:cr!.cis Lr \d ,t. I :.r,,:s :t,.(!;hfJI I qrJJ . r,'n,:[![rtt"l i i.riln c i,-'*: {!ill,i)il '' ijriril{irr _ _ -.o,r,f,,,,,,:,,i ili il :!ei-{ 't:q -: :i-'-rr \r). r',;llli;).{}i \:i lliJ ri rr\lir-ii.jj"' All MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Date: Building Permit APPlication Planning and DeveloPment Seruices Buitding and Code Regulation Division BA0 Virginis Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: 1llZ1 +OZ-t553 Fax: (7721 462-157 I Commercial Residential X Address:c .,*o. ? I Property Tax lD #: Block No. I Site Plan Name:(tlt J Project Name: ll New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter- Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: Mechanical Gas Tank - Gas Piping - Shutters - Windows/Doors Pond PitchElectric_ Plumbing * Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Total Sq. Ft ofConstruction o Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $Utilities: - Sewer - Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is 25fl) or more, a RECORDED 5T. LUCIE UT.L L0(PERMIT APPLICATION F 0R: CCyl , In L State Fax: H Company: Name: State or County License City: E-Ma Zip Code: Phone No Add City: zip Pho E.M Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next from the Owner Iisted above) State: if( 1re Fax:Code ne ail lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Notice of Commencement is required. L PROVEMENTIMPROPOSED DETAI OFPTION WORK:DESCRILED \,C (-L(,t ) DAT[, SUBMITTED:Bullding Permit Proposed Project: , , ST. LUCIE COTTNTY NOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL APPLICATION 1. Please complete the requested information and submit to the St' Lucie County Environmental Resources Department or Building For additional contact the Environmental Resources 462-2526. (in addition to the site plan Provided to the Building DePartment)the plans must accrrately dePict the location of all proposed buildings, smJctures,driveways, septic tanks, and other imProvements. PARCEL SIZE EMAILADDRESS LAND CLEARING CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS:PHONE NUMBER: FLORTDA REG/CERT #-ST LUCIE CO. CERT. #. -BUILDING CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:PHONE NUMBER: eltzlr, Incomplete applications will not be accepred in accordance with section 1 1.05.06 (c) of the st' Lucie county Land Development cods' within twenty (20) days after an application has been determined to be complete, thu n ui*o*"ntal Resources Departnrent shall review the application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application, based on the standards set forth in section 6'00'05 of this code. Applications requiring a concurrent building permit will be fiocessed within the same twenty (20) day time&ame, however will not be reliased untit the building permit is also approved" per Section 11.05.06 b. 6. of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the filing of an application^shall be. deemed to extend permission to the Environmental Resources Director, or designee, to inspect the subject site for purposes of evaluating the application' please list any specific inforrnation such as a gate code or thJnecess ity itzq hour notice due to cattle grazing, controllsd burns, outside pets, etc. In the event that it is dstermined that any federal or stats protected species is resident on or dependent upon the subject parcel, a1l development work which might adversely affect that indiiidual *p"ii", shall cease and stop work' The applicant shall immediately notiff the Florida Fish and lfitanf" Conservation Commission, U.s. Fi.h and Wildlife service, and the County. Appropriate protection to the satisfaction of all parties shall be provided by the applicant prior to resuming development' TY #: ttL- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION flF APPLICABLE): 'QpeoJ,workbedonebyalicensedcontractor.IJ,applying,/brthispernlit under the otuner/builder exemption, see Disclosure Statement on page 4. I IOWNERS OWNERS CITY: GATE CODE OF /GJ tl-) person or persons claiming the exemption' PLEASE C}IECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: _I. The minimal removal of vegetation necessary for the clearing of a path not to exceed 4' in width, to provide physical access or view necessary to conduet a survsy or site examination oR 10' in width to provide vehicular acces$ necessaf,y to conduct soii tests, for the preparation of bona fide site development plans or vegetation inventories;lroiio"a such clearing or iemoval is conducted under the direction of a Florida registered surveyor or engineer. Fee: $55 *_J. The removal of vegetation in a utility easement, SuTugt easement: storm water management tract or facility, or right-of-way providid such work is done by or under the tontrol of the operating utility company and that company has obtained ull n"r*rrary licenses or permits to provide utility service through the easement' Fee: $55 3. The removal of vegetation which has been determined to be a safety hazard, destroyed or damaged beyond saving #;;;l ;r"res or causes not covered by other sections of this chaptero is infected with disease or is infested with in$ects, or which constitutes immediate peril to life property or other trees' Fee; $55 *No application, approval, or fees are required foriemoval of a hazardous tree on residential property if the property o*oir obtains documentation from an arborlst certified by the International Society of Arboricult*i. or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or Any person who intends to remove or cauge the death ofany vegetation pursuant to any of the following exemPtions must first fill out Part I of this form'The burden of proving entitlement to any particular exemption shall lie, at all times, with the property. The following activities do not require the application of a Notice of Vegetation Removal, however may require Building Permit approval or other such authorization: ['ee: None A) preserve andFarks Management Activities. Vegetation removal activities associated with an adopted management plan for government maintained parks, recreation areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas arrd pr"s"roes. The pulpose of the vegetation removal activity shall be to protect and preserve the natural values and functions of the ecological communities present, such as, clearing for firebreaks, conducting prescribed burns, or construction offences. B) Existing Agricultural Operations. Vegetation rernoval associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except *itt in required preserve areas or deeded conservation easements, which are part of the on-going activities of the existing operation shall not require a permit. Initial clearing of a site is not an exernpt activity. Bona fide ugri""lt*ut activities include commereial nursery, tree farm, aquaculture, ranch, or similar operation. C) Routine Landscape Maintenance. Trimming or pruning of vegetation which_is not intended to result in the eventual death of the vegetation, mowing of yards or lawns, or any other landscaping or gardening activtty which is commonly recognized as routine maintenance, replacement or reJandscaping. _4, The removal of native vegetation, upon any detached single family residential lot or parcel of land having *i areaof onJlt; u"." or less. This exemption is, however, subject to the following conditions: Fee: $55 A) Nothing in this exemption shall exempt any person from the landscaping requirements set forth in Section 7,09.00 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; B) This exemption shall not be construed to allow the removal or alteration of any protected vegetation without a Vegetation Removal permit on any lot or parcel of land by its subdivider unless the subdivider intends to construct a residential unit or units upon the lot or parcel of land prior to its sale. C) No native vegetation twenty-four inches (24"), oi greater, dbh shall be removed from any residential parcel (iucluding th;* in the AG-i , h}-z.s,AG-I, en-t, nr-t, and R:/C zoning districts), regadless of parcel size, without il approved Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mitigation plan. _S. The removal of any non-native vegetation. F'ee: $55 whieh will be waived for removal of invasive exotics only for single family iromeowr,er or property owner's association removing exotics. *.-_6. No vegetation to be removed. Fee: $55 tu PART II. YqG4TATIQN BEMOVAI, PERMIT Fee Schedule: $100 per Singte Fnmily Home Lot/Building $100 per Multifamily Home Lot/Building $200 per Non-Residential Bullding please complete ALL of the requested infonnation. A Vegetation Removal Permit shall only be issued if sufficient evidence demonstrating that at least one of the following criteria has been satisfied: _1. fhe a[plicant for vegetation removal pir*it shall demonstrate why preservation of the existing native vegetation is not prictically feasible and prevents the reasonable development of the site. , _L. The removafof the native vegetation isthe ruinimarn nscessary in order to implement a Final Development Order (i.e.; approved site plan or approved building permit). *--*3. A Fin;i Development Ordei has not been iisued, or is not required by this Code for the intended uon-agricultural use of the land and vegetation removal is the minimum necessary to allow for the construction of the intended use or improvement. ApprTrpNA+ SUBMITIAL REOU.IREMEIITS,FOR VEGETATION RpMOVAL PpRMITS: (in addition to the site plan provided to the Building Department) The plans must accuratelY dePict the location of all proposed buildings, structures, driveways, septic tanks, and other 2. 4. improvements. 3. Tree Survey The sgrvey must accurately depict the individual locations, species name and cofltmon naflre, and sizes of all County- protected tees to be removed an{ if appticable, the individual locations, species name and conrmon narne, and sizes to be preserved or relocated. Vegetation Removal PIan Thivegetation removal plan must illustrate the existing vegetative conditions on the project site, inciuding an identification of what arias will be impacted by the proposed development activity and what areas are proposed for preservation or replanting. S. Mitigation All native vegetation shall be protected on site to the greatest extent possible. If impact is unavoidable, mitigation shall be prouided through one of the mitigation methodologies outlined in Land Development Code Section 6.00.05.D. provide mitigation calculations per Land Development Code Section 6.00.05.D and include a mitigation plan outtiniug proposed mitigation method on the tree survey and/or site plan. If sufficient mitigation cannot be accommodated on-site and additional inehes of credit are required based on calculation, an off-site mitigation plan shall be attached for review and approval of ERD Director (Land Dwelopment Code Section 6.00.05.D). prior to the issuance of any authorization for commencement of permitted development activity, the replacement vegetation shall be preserved, relocated or planted, or the appropriate mitigation fees shall be paid to the County. As pai of the issuance of auy permit requiring mitigatiou, the property owner shall submit to an inspection of the plantedlretocated/preserved materials 18 months after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or other use authorization. rLANN IITS & DflYtrLOPMAN'T $SRVICSS DEPAftTI}Tf,NT Bu i rtr in g,t-f ;ff,,ll,lt T$l'T I i' *t " o *,, FilRr Pll":t{cr. Iil" l+9S?'565? fi??) 4{t2-15-5} SILI,I'S tr,ANP Ab'T'MAYIT tr. ilre undersign*d, am the owner r:f the following describod prope*y' $ 0J td L1 "7D loo zTaco? . r'; '.':',i rr;iiir. : lbr rvhi*h I hate aPPIied to St. Lucie Cotu:rty for a Final xccepting F*rnril, BP Tdusrher witlr $ection lii.li -ii \' :ri ,' *nd iit li'.--trt.ti,ttii( t-r:r assuringof ?.$4"01{*i,St" Lne to: {l**ntY i-,arrri llevel*Pment Coel*,I shall be resPonsible affect*d. * ac{*rluale drain;lgt:so that the lmxredi*re c*mm*nit5'w[{.1, NfiT.::,...#he advers*lY that. in gra$tiltg this P*rr:rit ,r,i lil.:r*eveicpment of this p{oPertY: $t. L*cie C*uirty is neith*r *bliged **r liahie t*provide fur, sr rnaintairl in *ny farm' rrd*:qwtte drai*age oli my pr$perty ydhich w!11 n*t adverselY affect tlre kxm*diate r', \ ill I t.i: I ill'i \. *rr I )ute\i;:.it;:lttt-+ ',! i. .,, iti.i,:ir,i i)lti i(ri{i \11: lJli: \"1 I l, l*. :rrntMtsoI.tN t{LMI}u& ,!S ll !t '\ I Ii i{ .\ i it,\ (slAL") ll"3 gs L(Olt!-r-iq 1€lao-\ Tl?f, OR FLINT T-IGTAN,Y ,?0 +*\ . t ili \', i ir i I I.\\ $TAT[ {}r b']-oMI)& COIJNI-Y {}} 'trhe foregoing r*c this laiou to r*e t"rr has 'I'3pc or Print Namc itl Ni-rt:rry S I AI'i:) Ulj t;l'LiRlDA' {:{illN i }' 0r s'f- I IXl1Ll 'l'hu tirregoil:g 'l'ypc or llrint rvho is as idr;ulifrcatiln' 'f irle l0 rnL' hlutarv Pubtic [-.t- Titrc 1n" o{6-;[- C C 3 P filZ-Commission N[rmber {Sl:,Af ,}:iSI,AL): s y * * * s * * :F + + $ * S * * * !* *'* * ** ** * * !i' ** *:E***it f ;i. * * s * * * * * * 4 4. * r{ * * * * 4 * * -**'} + +.* ** x( * * r.(}R 0r'FlcE t,sE oxl-Y i,rPR{}vEI) - ptrNlns -ItLylt wt pl Al}IlR(}v{iD BY: .{'il{ui',, ='Y ,4, Y',,;m TINA BRIGGS Slate oi Florida-Notary Publi Cornmission # GG200888 lVy Commrssion Expires tula 02,2022 '', i'tt i'''."iI', J :',1 l{}':(itilt(lts r)lrpAI{.'l'MIiNl' I l)/r. 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