HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED SurveyRCS 9 38.52'31 " E 10- 05' adine=130.0D' I 4 4 IRCN Length=10.23' "❑i of \ N! NI I unit 14, Sweetbay Vfllape 0.38 Acres f 6 ` \ One Story Residence {.4 1586 Sweefbgy Cfrale ka Ia te e s � [` Owl DETArL 1 `60' Prepared Paz-: Mr. & Mrs. Deisler St. Lucie County Florian Radiue=50.00' Delta=55.27'23" i Lengtb=48.29' r,4 n 45 LEGAL DESCRIPTION IRCF Being all of Unit 74, according to Harbor Ridge Plat No. 8, Sweetbay Village, as recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 6d, St. Lucie County Florida. SURVEYORS REPORT 1 This S rvey shall rat,be. be valid unless sealed with on am�iasSeq Survyar s seal. 2 No underground Improvements have been located 3 Survey date: 10.12.05 4 This survey wos prepared without the benefit of the provision any retard documents other then the Plat of record 5 Thls survey masts oil reqquirements far cccuraayy a set forth In the Minimum Technical Standards (GIG17-6FA0 6 Thla survey shown hereon €s nat covered by profesaionol liobility insurance but the Surveyor ensures flnonciai b 40 reaponsibility in the amount of the survey's worth. the 7 Resulti11g angles between Denringg8 are relative to record Plat and are based an the cneter, line of Sweetbay Circle+ 9 The Legal Description was provided. ° LEGEND ,tlgf Conc. — Concrete bw WM — Water Meter jQ US — Utility Box ® — Sanitary Manhole LP — Light Pole R — Radius 0 — Delta IRCF�cFourd 15 lean Rod with Cop `P15 4049" RCS- Set Rod Cap PSM 4363° �'SYron with PKDF — 'PK Noll and Disk Found lilsdyeoble CAC _ Concrete Air Candii€oning Pad Flood Zone data Is scaled from local street maps and Federal Flood Maps Flood Zone Data: Flood zone: N Community 1: 120286 1 Panel j: 0405 Suffir F Date: August 19. 1991 IRCF us Wit hr SEE y fr DETAIL KA RNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential do Commercial Surveying Services � � r 2740 SA Martin Downs Blvd.,#333, Palm City, F1.34990 Phone: 1-772-288 7206 Pax. 1-77,8-223 8J81 PREPARED FOR: Laurie Rusk Sewell, RA. Joseph P. and Gwendolyn S. Deisler Commonwealth Land Title Ins. Co. Bank of America, N.A. By: Regina C. Karner PSM Florida Registration i 4363 pxe� �. urw..w, oe,�n�•T^ ,".I ,e.. °""NTII 7 of 1 ! 051D.Di � ear X- HRPWJW!;*ft-14