HomeMy WebLinkAboutVanderpool Permit (5V St Lucie )All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE CO PLET E0 FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date, Permit Numbemr= L- L 0 L U L, Building Permit Application Mann ing and Devebpm en t Services 00(ing and Code RegLj1otj0r3 Di wrsior7 Commercial Residential ` 2300 Vrrginio Avenue, Fort Norco FL 34982 Phone, (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. Address; '� LA Property Tax 10 #; QL� 1 - — —1-1 Lot No.. Site Man Name: V Un C I- 1 - V Broiect Name; N y 4 �-f _\ t" 1- i DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF OFT: y Q�L j r 3� U�k-�Jj New Electrical m � t r, r Second E lectrin I Mete r CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Rlock No, Additional work to he performed undeir#his permit -check all that apply: _MechanscaI Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters : W1nclows/Doors Pond Eleetrie _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: I x q Sq. Ft. of Flr5t Floor: Cost cf Construction- $ Utilities, —Sewer _ 5ept1r. Building Height,! �a&l OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR. Name t f� Namo�l �W 1 IneA City,. _ state: I Address: R_ k e Zip code: Fax; City, ,1,z-� State. P hone N 0 Zi p Code: q q q Fax: E-Mail: • z_)� Rhone Nod - 3'-4----7 us EilI in fee sirnpialitIe Hol-der on next page ( if diff�rent E-MaiI ' - from the Owner listed above) State or County Livens If +gal ue of coast ruction is 25 00 a r ma re, a RE CDR D ED Notice of Commencement Is requ [red. If value -of H AVC is $7t500 a r more, a R-ECOR D E D Notic a of Ca mmenc-errant is req u [red. SUPPLEMENTAL ONSTR�CTJON LIEN LAW INFORMATJON: DESI NEP,/ENG I NEER; Not App l cable f� ORT AGE COMPANY: ' Not Applicable Name; Name` Address; Address: City{: State: City: State: zip: Phone zip: _ phone; FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not A��I i �I a2 BONDING COMPANY: N of A Ppl icabll e Name; Narne: _ Address- Addro55; City: _ _ City: Zip- Phorke. Zips;. Phonic: OW N EIS/ CONTRALTO R AFFIDV IT; Appl i cati e n i5 h ereby made to o bta i n a pe rmit to do the work and i n 5tal I at+oro a s in d icated , I ce r-tify t ha t n e wo rk or Installati-o n has com m e aced prior to th a issu a n re of a pe rmit. 5t. Lucie County makes no represen tati rm that is granting a Penn it will a uth on ae the erm i t holder to build the subject structure which i s i n On f l ict with any applicable Horne Owners Association rules, bVl ews or a ns rove na nt s that may. restrict or prohibit such stru ttrre. P� ease -con su I t with you r H ome owners Associ at -Pon a nd revi ew your de ed fo r any restriction 5 wh ich m ay apply. I n con 5 i-deration of t he grant inn of this req uested pe rmit, I do he re by agree th at I wwill, i n ali respects, perform th a work i n accotda noe with the approved pl arcs, the F Ior I d a Suil4i ng Codes and St. Lu cie County Am end rnerpts . The ful l ❑wi ng buil d i ng perm it appl icati ❑ ns are exem pt from un dergo i no a f ull concur -re ncy review- roorn ad d iti o ns, accessory str uctu res, swi mm ing pool sr fe nces, wa I I sr signs, screen ro orn r. a nd aceersory+ u ses to a noth a r n on-residentia I use WARNI NG TO What N E R: You r fa ilu re to Record a Notice of Corry men ceme n t ,may r-esu It in p aying twice fo r I mprovements to your property_ A Notice of Cornmencernerlt must be recorded in the public records of St, Lucie County and posted on the jobsi#e before the first inspection. If you Intend to obtain financ-Ing, consult +pith leader on aA a ttorney before c om rn e nci ng work or re -co rdin or Notice of Corn rnenC-e-ment. r Signature of er Lessee contractor as Agent for owner Signature aCtorf 1,'ce se HdIder STATE OF FLli< DA COUNTY �F i STATE 0 FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirimed) and Subscribed before me of `ariaaticn Svl� to (or affirmed) and subscribed before ma of PhysicM Pr ce or Online h on Physi{al Rres nce a Online Nritariaation th i s I Ll d ay of �i , 21 by this ,L d ay of 2I by \h �75 N am a of persn n m a ki ng staterne nt. N a me of pe rson Pn a ki ng statement. � Perso nally Known O R P rod used I d entific ation _ _ Personai IV Known OR Prod uced Identification Type of I d crrtiftcation Type of Ide ntl fl ratacIrr Prod u d � Prodd i L ' (Si nature of Notary Public• Stat re of Notary Public- State of FI-arida � r NoGkr{ Pihlic Siale w sI uo,ida Commission Na. aal gas �} #�m�i GG rrltom- s-on No. 9. 996 �* + {� P�. dl�c slave arjF1fXxores �'�3 IEP-IsI Moss�f ■Cammigs:�n F� • ['� 3 �F Ex iC3 r REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION COUNTER REVIEW R EVI EW EVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIF DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.