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Building & Code Regulation Division
2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Phone:772-462.216S Fax:772-462-6443
House Infiltration Test Certification
Prescriptive and Performance Method
Date: (t (► 7i 1 s t t Permit #: 1- t - O 1 1
Contractor-: A J ..., I ,. .
Job Address:
( 4New Construction -Complete j ) Existing -After Add'rtim
House Infiltration Test esults SLC Climate Zone 2
CFM (SO) e t � F t Test Date: C 1't Y� 1." 14
Volume a 2 o II- Q
ACM (50) e CRA (SO) K 60 / Volume a �- Mechanical Ventilation required less b4wn 3 ACH
Peeairag results roust be & ACH (SO) or less M Pass ( ) Fail
FK Energy
The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exneedrtg 7 air danges per
hour in Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shah be conducted with a
bkrwer door at a Pressure of 0.2 inches w. g. (SO Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individwft as defiviied in
Section SS3.993(5) or QL Florida Statutes or individuals licensed asset forth in Section 489-105 (3)(f), (g) or (i) Oran
aPP'Ned third Party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the tiest and
Provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations, of the i}J long
ON"W& l e"Vetope-
W, Radderdiell
~* I&* air "Itration rate of a dwelling unit Is less than 3_air changes per how when tested with a blowor door at a
presage of 02 inch w. G (SO Pa) In accordance with Section R402.4,1.2 of the Florida Building Cold EnOVq f Copt
the dwelling wait Shell be provided witfi whW64Mse mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section M1 k 7 3,
Rang t.ontnamr
Comp;.nv iyarr,e; Pro-0UCt S9rVIC9g 9
Address: 1915 Rio Vista Drhm Ft prime. FL 34949
i hereby cwtify that the above House infiltration results derrwnstrate ccngAIarce with F8C trwV Cwmiarvation
ropuiroments in accordar With Swction R402.4.1.1 Climate Lone 1.
Printad Nwvw Martin Klein
Ucense/Certjflcstlon Iw 6N 1633