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Alt APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 12/1412021 Permit Number: V L Building Permit Application Planning and Deveiopment Services Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial XXXX Residential 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Door Replacement PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: i Address., 8750 S OCEAN DR 234 Property i ax ID #: 3i3 ro0 ;-30u i G00-S Lot No. Cite Plan Name• ISLAND DUNES CONDOMINIUM A UNIT 234 AIK/A ADMIRAL CONDOMINIUM Rlnr' Nn Project Name. e01CA-,1 SGD Replacement DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace SGD - 4 openings - Impact New Eiectric:ai fv;ecer Second Electrical Meter CONSFRUCFION INFORMATION: - Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply: Mechanical _Gas Tank Electric _ Plumbing iotai Sq. Ft of Construction. roct of ConstrLIction: C 33870.00 Gas Piping _ Shutters — Windows/Doors — Pond Sprinklers Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Roof Pitch Utilities. _ Sewer _ Septic Ri iilrtinq i-Iaiphr- 0%qERA �«�r7: I CONTR C-70IR: . Name Elizabeth M Reach Address: 8750 S OCEAN DR 234 City. Je .scn Ocach, EL State: — Zip Code: 34957 Fax: Phone No. 612-202-7971 li�rV jrL<1 �ii viV a lluii. .0 i i i l E-iviaii: i j Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above} Name. Jonathan Starralt Company: White Aluminum Address:2933 SE Cran Parla.ay City: Stuart State: FL Zip Code: 34947 Fax: z sae 0000 Phone No l E-Mail njohnson@whitealuminum.com State or County License CGC 1523855 If value of construction Is 2500 or more, a^^RECORDED Notice of Commencement Is required. !f vz!uc y� � il�i.rV U $7,500 a, a1.cm, a It Ear.. i..�i✓iu iiatl4c Gf 4O1�ir ��ii4V•rn l•,it i� r�y utr�.Y. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: — DESIGNER/ENGWEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY, Not Applicable Name Name -- — - Address Address: _ . - State City w—Z;; State. It GY t Zip u.•r Phone . Zip' Phone - FEE 51MPLETTTLE HOLAER; x Not Applfcabll' BONDING COMPANY Not Applicable Name Name, - Address Address: - City. C0 ZIP'.Phone: Phone 71p: —— - OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIAVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a Permit to do the work end Inrtallaban as indlCated I certify that no work or;rstal,a1 on has commenced prior to the I[suarre of a perms St Lucie County makes no representation that Is Fran nnl a prrmil will aulhorr.e the permit ho!der to build the subimt structure which Is,n con ct w,th any applicable 4rome Owners Assoc ation rules bylaws or anCnvenants t^+1 may rr. strict or prohibit such structure Please consult w th your Horny Owners AswcPat wn and review your deed for any restrrcloons which may apply. in cons derauon of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work n accordance with the approved plans, the Flonda Bu-ldmg Codes and St. tune County Amendn•ents The foltow+ng budding permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrrnry review room additions, accessarystructures, swrmm ng pools, fe-Ices, wa Is. signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to ariothe, non res�dential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result In paying twice for Improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lune County and posted on the jobs€te before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, Consult with lender or an a"oriney before cornmenciriR work or recording our Notice of Commencement. Signature o' ©woe / Lrtitee/Canttactor as Agent for Owner Signature o' Con,;ractorfbcerPw Holder ` STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF w— - SSrn to for affirmed) and subscribed before me of lPht,iiral Prrsencro�r, _ On°�ire Notarization this day of befW�be,�2021 by a»ti+ 6w-.n Name of person making slalrrnent Personally Known a OR Produced Idrnbfcation Type of Identification Produced �., V l� l r-t l IS� at rr of Nbtary PublPC �ioy¢f�(p[,d�jN`^i Commisson Non rrxss�a� _ <_ _*, 3 , (sent} { r STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -- worn to (or afwrmedl and subscnbcd before me of Ph teal Pre rice r Onlm otanzation his Ph of �e{rYl� QiQ020 by Aona-to, sw,.n Name of person making statement - Personally Known x Type of Identification Pruduced PUG SI alurcofNotary ub Co mission No 0=1510 OR Produced IdQnbfitation REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLETMRIEVIEW ANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE - — RECEIVED _ DAIE COMPLETED ev 516170