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711/10121,10:56AM Florida Building Code Online ,,CIS Home Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I stats&Facts I Publications I contact us I BCIS Site Map Links I Search i db a aw Product Approval �•). r " USER:Public User Product puroval Menu>Product or Application Search>6pnlication List>Application Detail - FL# FL37784-R2 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. Address/Phone/Email 1195 Prince Hall Dr Beloit,WI 53511-5481 (608)365-3111 Ext809 lindar@nemoetc.com Authorized Signature Timothy McFarland lindar@nemoetc.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2024 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL37784 R2 COI MHP21001.3a 2020 FBC Eval Underlayments FINAL.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D 1623 2017 ASTM D 1970 2015 ASTM D 2626 2004 ASTM D 4601 2004 FM 4474 2011 TAS 103 2020 TAS 110 2000 UL1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQvvtDgsUtpHgbwglnoH7%2bAS8M5R]CbhWCQj%2fv6Cy5w8F5jkENg%3d%3d 1/2 "r 11/10/21,10:56 AM Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/12/2021 Date Validated 08/15/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/19/2021 Date Approved 10/12/2021 Date Revised 10/13/2021 SummarV of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 37784.1 Base Sheets Shur-Gard *40 Base Sheet,ASTM D 2626,&F/G Base Sheet, ASTM D 4601,Type II Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes 1`1_37784 R2 'II MHP21001.3b 2020 FBC Eval Underlayments Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FINAL.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL37784 R2 AE MHP21001.3b 2020 FBC Eval Underlayments FINAL.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 37784.2 Shur-Gard Underlayments ASTM D 1970 self-adhered underlayments Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL37784 R2 II MHP21001.3a 2020 FBC Eval Underlayments Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FINAL.gd Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: +0/-90 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL37784 R2 AE MHP21001.3a 2020 FBC Eval Underlayments FINAL.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Bach Nnxt Contact Us:;2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.(;ogyljght 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: .- _cth. Credit Card Safe hftps://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtf.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsUtpHgbwglnoH7%2bAS8M5RICbhWCQj%2fV6Cy5w8F5jkENg%3d%3d 2/2 t v- Registry bur Drive 9824 CREEK17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,7T"EDITION(2020) Manufacturer: MULE-HIDE PRODUCTS CO., INC. Issued August 12, 2021 1195 Prince Hall Dr Beloit,WI 53511 (800)786-1492 www.mulehide.com Manufacturing Location: Pryor, OK Quality Assurance: Keystone Certifications,Inc. (QUA1824) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory:, Underlayments Code Edition: Florida Building Code, 7`"Edition(2020)including High-Velocity Hurricane Zones(HVHZ) Code Sections: 1507.1.1, 1507.3.3, 1523.1.1, 1523. Properties: Physical properties REFERENCES EniL Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-014-02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-018-02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-029-02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-030-02-01 ASTM D 1623 2017 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-034-02-01 ASTM D 1623 2017 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-034-02-01.1 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) GAPR-034-02-02 TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0001 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0004.1 TAS 110 2000 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0011 TAS 110 2000 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0012 TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0016 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0017 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0018.1 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0029 ASTM D 1623 2017 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0035 ASTM D 1623 2017 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0038 ASTM D 7379 2008(2015) PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0046 UL1897 2012 ASTM D 903 1998(2010) PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) IG47T0040 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0041 TAS 103 2020 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0047A ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0047B ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0047C ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 1047T0049 ANSI/FM 4474 2011 MHP21001.3a FL37784-R2 Page 1 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. a CREEK MULE-HIDE PRODCTS Shur-Gard Underlayments TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITS OF USE Shur-Gard MU Force HT Shur-Gard MU Force HT is an ASTM D 1970, TAS 103, and FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition compliant self-adhered underlayment constructed of a SBS polymer modified asphalt top coating and a polymer film. The product is supplied in rolls having nominal dimensions of 39 3/8-in.x 66-ft. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 180 days. Tiles shall be placed on battens for all roof slopes. Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT is a nominal 60-mil thick ASTM D 1970 self-adhered underlayment constructed of a dual SBS polymer formulation and a non-woven, synthetic surface. The product is supplied in rolls having nominal dimensions of 36-in,x 67-ft. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 120 days. Shur-Gard TU Force HT Shur-Gard TU Force HT is a nominal 80-mil thick ASTM D 1970, TAS 103, and FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition compliant self-adhered underlayment constructed of a dual SBS polymer formulation and a non-woven, polyester top surface. The product is supplied in 2 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 39 3/8-in x 66-ft. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 180 days. The maximum roof slope shall be 6:12 when the roof tiles are placed directly on the underlayment. Tiles shall be placed on battens for roof slopes greater than 6:12. Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT is a nominal 807mil thick ASTM D 1970, TAS 103, and FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition self-adhered underlayment constructed of a dual SBS polymer formulation and a non- woven, polyester reinforced top surface. The product is supplied in 2 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 39 3/8-in x 66-ft. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days. The maximum roof slope shall be 6:12 when the roof tiles are placed directly on the underlayment. Tiles shall be placed on battens for roof slopes greater than 6:12. MHP21001.3a FL37784-R2 Page 2 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK MULE-HIDE PRODCTS Shur-Gard Underlayments TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC PRODUCT APPLICATION Min. Roof Slope: 2:12 in accordance with the FBC Roof Deck: Shall be in accordance with the FBC requirements In the non-HVHZ,the following roof deck substrates are permitted for direct deck applications: Primed Primed Primed Underla ment Plywood Plywood OSB Concrete Concrete _j Shur-Gard MU Force HT I Y I Y ( N I Y I Y I Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT I Y �j) N _I N I N i N Shur-Gard TU Force HT Y ( Y Y _ N Y Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT I Y I Y I N I Y I Y I Application: All underlayments shall be installed in accordance with the FBC and the manufacturer's installation requirements. Substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the substrate shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment application. Prior to beginning installation, the underlayment shall be unrolled and allowed to relax for a minimum of 3- 5 minutes. The Shur-Gard underlayments shall be installed with the release backer removed and pressed firmly into place to ensure complete contact with the substrate. The underlayment shall be installed with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the eave, and with 4" headlaps (MetalGuard and Rain & Ice only) or 3"headlaps(TileGuard) and minimum 6"end laps staggered min. 6-ft.from preceding course. Shur-Gard TU Force HT end laps shall be sealed with Mule- Hide #420 Mod Bit Adhesive — Brush Grade or Mule-Hide #421 Mod Bit Flashing Adhesive — Trowel Grade. In the HVHZ, the Shur-Gard underlayments shall be installed over one of more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626 organic felt with minimum 4" headlaps and minimum 6" endlaps in accordance with FBC Section 1518.3. It is permissible to backnail the Shur-Gard underlayments 12-inches o.c. within the headlaps (nails shall be installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the underlayment). Min.Application 40°F and rising; Contact the manufacturer when installing at temperatures below the minimum Temperature: application temperature. Roof Coverings: All Shur-Gard underlayments are permitted to be used with mechanically fastened metal roofing, slate shingles, asphalt shingles, photovoltaic shingles, and composite plastic shingles in accordance with the FBC. Shur-Gard MU Force HT is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened clay and concrete tiles set on battens only in accordance with the FBC. Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened clay and concrete tiles in accordance with the FBC. Shur-Gard TU Force HT is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened clay and concrete roof tiles or clay and concrete roof tiles set in the following roof file adhesive in accordance with the FBC. 1. DuPont TILE BONDTm Roof Tile Adhesive, 2. DAP Touch'n Seal Storm Bond Roof Tile Adhesive 3. ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 MHP21001.3a FL37784-R2 Page 3 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. G R E E K PRODCTS Shur-Gard Underlayments TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC WIND RESISTANCE OF ROOF TILE UNDERLAYMENT SYSTEMS The Allowable Design Pressures below shall be used in accordance with the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition for the selected underlayment system. The Allowable Design Pressures shown below were calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. System No. 1 Direct Deck application Roof Deck: Min. 15/32-inch CDX plywood attached to wood supports spaced a maximum 24"o.c. Underlayment: Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT or Shur-Gard TU Force HT shall be self-adhered to the deck in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. The underlayment may be optionally backnailed along the selvage with minimum 12ga., 1-1/4-inch galvanized ring shank roofing nails through optionally primed, 32ga. x 1-5/8-inch 0 tin caps spaced 12" o.c. The applied underlayment shall be rolled with a minimum.751b steel roller immediately following application. . Allowable Design Pressure: -90 psf System No.2 Direct Deck application Roof Deck: Concrete primed with ASTM D 41 primer Underlayment: Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT or Shur-Gard TU Force HT shall be self-adhered to the deck in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. The applied underlayment shall be rolled with a minimum 751b steel roller immediately following application. Allowable Design Pressure: -67.5 psf GENERAL LIMITATIONS 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2) Installation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report,the FBC, and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 3) The space under the deck area shall be properly ventilated in accordance with the FBC requirements. 4) All headlaps shall be installed to shed water from the deck. 5) The underlayment may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents. 6) The roof deck shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements to resist the design wind load pressures for.components and cladding. 7) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. MHP21001.3a FL37784-R2 Page 4 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. C FRE E K MULE-HIDE PRODCTS (� Shur-Gard Underlayments TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020) including High-Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. jj%Ju u1rrr,1 ����gyp. . .....A���i,� This item has been ^� -- G .•' E N '•.,�` �� digitally signed and 2021 .08.1 2 G O 'VQ.r�V� SF :���� sealed by Zachary R. No 74021 Priest, PE,on 8/1212021. *; ;* _ 13:59:18 * = Printed copies of this -p X� document are not _041 1 :-33 STATE OF IU: considered signed and O •. 4: sealed and the signature O R t O P' \�`�� must be verified on any Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida No. electronic copies. Organization No.lon ANE9641 21 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have,nor will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E.does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPORT MHP21001.3a FL37784-R2 Page 5 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. MIAMI-DARE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY e PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.eov/economy Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. 1195 Prince Hall Dr. Beloit, WI 53511 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this,product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable.building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Mule-Hide Products Underlayments LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If an portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done g YP in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of pages 1 through 5. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Jorge L.Acebo. MIAMI•DADE COUNTY NOA No.:21-0406.04 Expiration Date:07/03/24 Approval Date:08/19/21 Page 1 of 5 I I ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment Material: SBS TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Shur-Gard MU Force HT 39-3/8"x 61'rolls TAS 103 Flexible,fiberglass reinforced, self-adhering Manufacturing Location #1 Nominal 75 mil. ASTM D1970 rubberized asphalt membrane with a polymer film on the surface and a removable treated release film on the adhesive side. Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT 3' x 66' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS polymer modified,reinforced, Manufacturing Location#1 Nominal 75 mil. synthetic-surfaced metal underlayment with a removable siliconized split release film on the adhesive side. Shur-Gard TU Force HT 39-3/8"x 61' rolls TAS 103 Self-adhering,non-woven fiberglass mat Manufacturing Location #1 Nominal 80 mil. ASTM D1970 with dual SBS polymer modified High Temp underlayment for use on tile and metal roofs. Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT 39-3/8"x 61' rolls TAS 103 Self-adhering,non-woven fiberglass mat Manufacturing Location#1 Nominal 80 mil. ASTM D1970 with dual SBS polymer modified High Temp underlayment for use on tile and metal roofs. Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet 36"x 72"rolls ASTM D2626 Saturated with asphalt and then coated Manufacturing Location #2 on both sides with weathering grade coating asphalt and then covered on top with mineral surface fines to prevent sticking in the roll. MANUFACTURING LOCATION 1. Pryor, OK. 2. Shaftner,CA MIAM4DADE NOA No.:21-0406.04 COUNTY Expiration Date:07/03/24 Approval Date:08/19/21 Page 2 of 5 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date PRI Construction Materials GAPR-018-02-01 ASTM D1970 09/27/17 Technologies LLC GAPR-029-02-01 ASTM D1970 06/19/18 GAPR-030-02-01 ASTM D1623 01/25/19 GAPR-034-02-01 ASTM D1623 03/01/19 GAPR-034-02-02.1 TAS 103/TAS 110 08/28/20 1047T0001.1 ASTM D1970 08/28/19 1047T0004.1 TAS 103/TAS 110 08/28/20 1047T0017 ASTM D1970 03/06/20 1047T0020 ASTM D1970/TAS 110 07/22/20 ASTM D4798 1047T0011 TAS 103/TAS 110 01/06/20 1047T0012 TAS 103/TAS 110 01/30/20 1047T0019 TAS 103 07/22/20 1047T0035 TAS 103 03/03/21 1047T0039 ASTM D2626 03/03/21 1047T0040 ASTM D1970 05/17/21 1047T0041.1 TAS 103/TAS 110 08/09/21 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(1): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened deck,membrane adhered and backnailed. Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet or ASTM D 2626 with a minimum 4"side lap and a 6"end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6"o.c. at the laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c.the field of the roll. Membrane: One or more plies of Shur-Gard MU Force HT,or Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT underlayment with a minimum 4"side lap and minimum 6"end lap staggered min. 6' from the preceding course or one or more plies of Shur-Gard TU Force HT or Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayment with a minimum 4"side lap and minimum 6"end lap staggered min. 6' from the preceding course. Shur-Gard TU Force HT end laps shall be sealed with Mule-Hide#420 Mod Bit Adhesive— Brush Grade or Mule-Hide#421 Mod Bit Flashing Adhesive—Trowel Grade or similar product. Surfacing: Approved Roof Assemblies. See Limitations#3,#4,#5 and#6. NOA No.:21-0406.04 =MIAMMI-DADE COUNTY Expiration Date:07/03/24 Approval Date:08/19/21 Page 3 of 5 LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications.Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur- Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments and Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Code. 3. Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT and Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments may be used with mechanically fastened metal roofing, slate shingles,asphalt shingles,photovoltaic shingles,and composite plastic shingles. 4. Shur-Gard TU Force HT underlayment may be used with mechanically fastened clay and concrete roof tiles or clay and concrete roof tiles set in,DuPont de Nemours,Inc. TILE BOND TM Roof Tile Adhesive,DAP Touch'n Seal Storm Bond Roof Tile Adhesive or ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160. 5. Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT and Shur-Gard MU Force HT underlayments may be used with mechanically fastened clay and concrete roof tiles. 6. Head laps for tile underlayments used with adhered clay or concrete tile shall be back nailed 12"o.c. with approved nails and tin cups or by prefabricated fasteners. Head laps for tile underlayments used with mechanically fastened clay or concrete tile may be optionally back nailed 12"o.c.with approved nails and tin cups or by prefabricated fasteners. 7. Shur-Gard TU Force HT or Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayment shall only be used on assemblies with a maximum roof slope of 6:12 when the roof tiles are placed directly on the underlayment. Tiles shall be placed on battens for roof slopes greater than 6:12. 8. Shur-Gard MU Force HT underlayment shall only be used with tile assemblies installed on battens. 9. Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments shall not be applied over an existing roof membrane as a recover,but may be applied over a roofing Base/Anchor sheet underlayment. 10.'Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 30 days of application. 11. Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayment shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 90 days of application. 12. Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT underlayment shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 120 days of application 13. Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard MU Force HT underlayments shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days of application. 14. Refer to Prepared Roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of this product with specific prepared roofing products. NOA No.:21-0406.04 CMIAWDADEcouNrr Expiration Date:07/03/24 Approval Date:08/19/21 Page 4 of 5 LIMITATIONS: (CONTINUED) 15. Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments and Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments and Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra kT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments and Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet are not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products,wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. 16. Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments and Shur-Gard#40 Base Sheet shall be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface with deck free of irregularities.All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads. Re-fasten any loose decking panels. Sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. 17. When applying the membrane in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point,rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. For ridge applications, center the membrane and roll from the center outward in both directions. 18. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have 100%contact with the surface,giving special attention to overlap areas. Special attention to ensure additional pressure/bonding to any non-selvedge edge overlap. 19. Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. 20. All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6"piece of underlayment. The flashing tape(target) shall be pressed in place and formed around the protrusion to ensure a tight fit. A second layer of Shur-Gard MU Force HT, Shur-Gard MU Ultra HT, Shur-Gard TU Force HT and Shur-Gard TU Ultra HT underlayments shall be applied over the underlayment. 21. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 22. All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. MIAMI•DADE COUNTY , . . . � i END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.:21-0406.04 MIAMI DAD.COUNTY Expiration Date:07/03/24 Approval Date:08/19/21 Page 5 of 5 12/8/21,11:42 AM Florida Building Code Online ja y y r f� °���A �L.,r _+ +`t �R�` t4�ifi'. 3i + P` ._-�1M�S!. � .y`�,u,.��•�..' _ _ ____. . BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge S[ats&Facts Publications I Contact Us ; BCIS Site Map Links j Search Flolira __ FILE I Imo`Product Approval LE ®p- e USER:Public User 99/ ;. Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail I FL# FL10497-R8 l RE�� :1t1Et�Application Type Revision ' Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved DEC 3 2021 Comments ST. Lucie County, Per emitting Archived Product Manufacturer Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. Address/Phone/Email 1195 Prince Hall Dr Beloit,WI 53511-5481 17�;1 (608)365-3111 Ext 809 lindar@nemoetc,com ^.�r ,._ Lf Authorized Signature Timothy McFarland IU✓ 11J lindar@nemoetc.com ° CLc_- `'C�C7 �� ' ( � ply Technical Representative Tim McFarland Address/Phone/Email 1195 Prince Hall Dr Suite A Beloit,WI 535115481 (608)365-3111 tim.mcfarland@mulehide.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/21/2023 Validated By John W. Knezevich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL_10497 R8 C0I 2020 01 COI NIEMINEN.pd Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D4601 2012 ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 2011 ASTM D6509 2015 ASTM G155 2013 FM 4470 2016 FM 4474 2011 UL1897 2015 https://floridabui lding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqudsDrl H6148wbS KAN pxwH RpaXy788vkOdrF7Q8g31SoA%3d%3d 1/2 1218/21,11:41 AM Florida Building Code Online ■} .. -- '� L_ BCIS Home Log In 1, User Registration I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications ; Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Y Search Florida Product Approval dt*r i USER:Public User RECEIVED I Product pproval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List ,Y* DEC 13 '22I Search Criteria ST. Lucie County, Refing larch Code Version 2020 FL# 10497 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-Appiications FL# Type Manufacturer Validated By Status FL10497-R8 Revision Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. John W. Knezevich,PE Approved Hsi tory Category: Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Cpyjigh[2007-2013 State of Florida. ::Privacy.Statement::Accessibility,Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.467.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ti 51-;ia eOh_V Credit Card Safe hftps://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_lst.aspx 1/1 12/8/21,11:42 AM Florida Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/16/2020 Date Validated 12/17/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/26/2020 Date Approved 02/09/2021 5ummary of Products FL# Model, Number or Name Description 10497.1 Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof APP and SBS modified bitumen roof systems Systems Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL10497 R8 II 2020 11 19 FINAL Al ER MH MODBTT FL10497- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R8.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-480 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: 1.)The design pressure in this application relates Evaluation Reports to one particular assembly over concrete deck. Refer to FL10497 R8 AE 2020 11 19 FINAL ER MH MODBIT FL10497- the ER Appendix for other systems and deck types. 2.) R8.pdf Refer to ER,Section 5 for other Limits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy.Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.`Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: NOR check . Credit Card Safe hftps://floridabuiIding.org/pr/pr app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQvADqudsDriH6148wbSKANpxwHRpaXy788vkOdrF7Q8g3]SoA%3d%3d 2/2 NEMO etc. Certificate of Authorization#32455 353 Christian Street,Unit#13 Oxford,CT 06478 (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT EVALUATION R Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 T195 Prince Hall Drive,Suite A FL10497-R8 Beloit,WI 53511 Date of Issuance:03/28/2008 (608)365-3111 Revision 8:11/19/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 71h Edition(2020)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or.Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 4, plus a 57-page Appendix. Prepared by: o,�,,.,���,,,„ -- _.-...r_.�.--- .� �anti?`�c ���'<•:=.; Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. '-° F :�'= � .Fsc;= . The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Florida Registration.No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 :y�;;° ;', ,`•`` ''. Nieminen,P.E.on 11/19/2020.This does not serve as an electronically signed document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC,LLC does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation: Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ©2018,NEMO ETC,LLC NEMO I etc. ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Compliance Statement: Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems, as produced by Mule-Hide Products Co., Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7" Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind resistance FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 Wind resistance UL 1897 2015 1504.6 Accelerated weathering ASTM G155 2013 1504.7 Impact resistance FM 4470,Section 4.6 2016 1507.10.2 Material standard ASTM D4601 2012 1507.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6163 2015 1507.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6164 2011 1507.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6222 2011 1507.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6509 2015 3. REFERENCES: Eaiiiy Examination Reference Date NEMO Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R25 09/30/2020 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4474 PR449652 09/20/2018 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4474 PR449651 09/25/2018 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4474 3060914 06/20/2019 NEMO(TST6049) FM 4474 4a-CRL-I9-LSWUS-01.A.R2 01/14/2020 NEMO(TST6049) FM 4474 4a-CRL-I9-LSWUS-02.A 03/05/2020 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control ML File No.R13850 09/23/2015 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation 09/13/2018 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Florida BCIS Current PRODUCT4. DESCRIPTION: This Evaluation Report covers Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems installed in accordance with Mule-Hide Products Co.,Inc. published installation instructions and the Limitations/Conditions of Use herein. TABLE 1:ROLL-GOODS FOR MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS Material Standard Type Product Reference Type Grade Plant(s) G2 Base Sheet ASTM D4601 II N/A AL Base Sheets Torch Base SA ASTM D4601 II N/A PA APP Torch Base Premier ASTM D6509 N/A N/A FL APP,Smooth-Surface APP Torch Base/Cap ASTM D6222 I S FL Membranes APP Torch S Premier ASTM D6222 I S FL APP Torch G ASTM D6222 I G FL APP Torch G Premier ASTM D6222 I G FL APP Torch G FR Premier ASTM D6222 I G FL APP,Granule-Surface APP Torch G KoolCap ASTM D6222 I G NV Membranes APP Torch G FR KoolCap ASTM D6222 I G NV SA APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 I G FL,TX SA APP Cap Sheet FR ASTM D6222 I G TX SA APP KoolCap ASTM D6222 I G NV SA APP KoolCap FR ASTM D6222 I G NV NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 1T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL10497-R8 Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Revision 8:11/19/2020 Page 2 of 4 ONEMO I etc. TABLE 1:ROLL-GOODS FOR MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS Type Product Material Standard Plant(s) Reference Type Grade Nail Base ASTM D6163 I S FL SBS,Smooth-Surface SA Base Sheet ASTM D6163 I S FL,PA,TX Membranes SA Base Sheet FR ASTM D6163 I S FL,PA,TX Nail Base P ASTM D6164 I S FL,TX SBS,Granule Surface SA SBS Cap Sheet ASTM D6164 I G FL,TX Membranes SA SBS Cap Sheet FR ASTM D6164 I G FL,TX 5. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a Building Code Evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e., Broward and Miami- Dade Counties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of roof edge termination. Refer to FBC 1504.5 for requirements and limitations regarding edge securement for low-slope roofs. 5.6 Refer to FBC 1511 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. 5.6.1 For mechanically attached components over existing roof decks,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 5.6.2 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof (tear off) or recover installation, the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question, field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1,ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124 shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. 5.6.3 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 5.7 Refer to Appendix 1 for system attachment requirements for wind load resistance. 5.7.1 "MDP"=Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. 5.7.2 For mechanically attached components or partially-bonded insulation, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk*carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29(February 2020)for Zone 2/3 enhancements. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M30000.03.08-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 fH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F1.10497-118 Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Revision 8:11/19/2020 Page 3 of 4 *NEMO I etc. 5.7.3 For assemblies with all components fully bonded in place,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is permitted for these systems. 5.8 All components in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3. Refer to the Product Approval of the component manufacturer for components listed in Appendix 1 that are produced by a Product Manufacturer other than the report holder on Page 1 of this Evaluation Report. INSTALLATION'6. Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems shall be installed in accordance with Mule-Hide Products Co., Inc. published installation instructions,subject to the Limitations/Conditions of Use noted herein. BUILDING7. • As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. QUALITY9. UL,LLC—QUA9625:(414)248-6409,karen.buchmann@ul.com -THE 57-PAGES THAT FOLLOW FORM PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT- NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M30000.03.08-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL10497-118 Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Revision 8:11/19/2020 Page 4 of 4 *NEMO I etc. APPENDIX 1:ATTACHMENT RECLt!IREMENTS FOR WIND UPLIFT RESISTANCE TABLE DECK APPLICATION TYPE DESCRIPTION PAGE 1A Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover S 113 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 5-6 1C Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 7 1D Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B-1 Mech.Attached Base Insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 8 1E Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C-1 Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 8-11 1F Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 11-14 1G Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(nails),Bonded Roof Cover 14-18 1H Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(screws&plates),Bonded Roof Cover 19-24 11 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 25 2A Steel or Structural concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B-1 Mech.Attached Base Insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 26-27 2B Steel or Structural concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C-1 Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 27-31 2C Steel or Structural concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 32 2D Steel or Structural concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Membrane,Bonded Roof Cover 33 3A Structural concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 34-41 3B Structural concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 41 4A Lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 42-45 4B Lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 46 4C Lightweight concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 46-48 SA Cementitious wood fiber Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 49 5B Cementitious wood fiber Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 49-50 SC Cementitious wood fiber Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 50 6A Existing gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 51-52 6B Existing gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 52 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 53-57 7B Various Recover F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 57 The following notes apply to the systems outlined herein: 1 The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 2 Fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following engagements: ➢ Wood Deck: Minimum 1-inch plywood penetration or wood plank embedment. ➢ Steel Deck: Minimum 0.75-inch steel penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. ➢ Structural Concrete: Minimum 1-inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with published installation instructions. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 fH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 1 of 57 ONEMO I etc. 3 Unless otherwise noted,insulation may be any one layer or combination of FBC Approved(Local or Statewide)board(s)that meet FBC 1505 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,when installed with the roof cover. 4 Minimum 200 psi,minimum 2-inch thick FBC Approved lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Types B-1,C-1,C-2,D-1 or D-2,whereby fasteners are installed through the lightweight insulating concrete to engage the structural deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater type,thickness and strength to the steel and structural concrete deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. This is a wind uplift resistance allowance and does not purport to address non-wind-uplift-related issues,such as deck venting or moisture levels within the LWIC and the potential effect on overlying components. 5 Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D:Unless otherwise noted,refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29(February 2020). 6 Unless otherwise noted,insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application;the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions. ➢ Hot asphalt(HA): Full coverage at 25-30 Ibs/square. ➢ Helix 2 Low-Rise Adhesive(Helix 2 LRA)(FULL): FULL-coverage at 1 gal./square. ➢ Helix 2 Low-Rise Adhesive(Helix 2 LRA)(RIBBON): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ Helix 2 Low-Rise Adhesive—5 Gallon Jug(Helix 2 LRA-SGJ): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ Helix 2 Low-Rise Adhesive—Dual Cartridge(Helix 2 LRA-DC): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ Helix Max Low-Rise Adhesive(Helix Max LRA)(FULL): FULL-coverage at 1 gal./square. ➢ Helix Max Low-Rise Adhesive(Helix Max LRA)(RIBBON): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ Helix Max Low-Rise Adhesive—Dual Tank(Helix Max LRA-DT)(FULL): Continuous 1.5-inch wide ribbons,4-inch o.c. ➢ Helix Max Low-Rise Adhesive—Dual Tank(Helix Max LRA-DT)(RIBBON): Continuous 1.5-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ DuPont INSTA STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive(D-IS): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ H.B.Fuller Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ H.B.Fuller Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PG1): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. Note: OlyBond Green may be used where OlyBond 500 is referenced. ➢ OlyBond Classic(OB Classic): Full coverage at 1 gal/square. ➢ Note:When multiple layers(s)of insulation and/or coverboard are installed in ribbon-applied adhesive,board joints shall be staggered. ➢ Note: The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 7 Unless otherwise noted,all insulations are flat-stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanu rate at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure(MDP)limitations. In no case shall these values be used to'increase'the MDP listings in the tables;rather if MOP listing below meets or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the tables,then the thinner board listed below may be used as a drop-in for the equivalent thicker material listed in the table. ➢ Helix 2 LRA or Helix Max LRA: MDP= -157.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick) ➢ H.B.Fuller Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): MDP= -157.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick) ➢ H.B.Fuller Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PG1): MDP= -157.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick) ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP= -45.0 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick Rmax"Multi-Max FA-3") ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP= -187.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick Poly ISO 1,Hunter Panels"H-Shield"or Firestone"ISO 95+GL") ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP= -315.0 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick Johns Manville"ENRGY 3") ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP= -487.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick Poly ISO 2 or Atlas Roofing"ACFoam II") 8 For adhered roof insulation and board-size: Unless otherwise noted,refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29(February 2020). 9 For mechanically attached components or partially-bonded insulation,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WDl,FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29,Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk*carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29(February 2020)for Zone 2/3 enhancements. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization t132455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 2 of 57 *NEMOletc. 10 For assemblies with all components fully bonded,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is permitted for these systems. 11 For mechanically attached components over existing decks,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 12 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof(tear off)or recover installation,the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question,field uplift testing in accordance shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction,as documented through field uplift testing. Field uplift testing shall be in accordance with ASTM E907,FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 13 Refer to FBC 1511 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. For Structural Concrete Deck or Recover Applications using System Type C-1,C-2,D-1 or D-2,the insulation is optional. Alternatively,an FBC Approved insulation board or coverboard may be used as a separation layer. Board products shall be preliminarily attached prior to roof cover installation(Note 5 herein). The separator component shall be documented as meeting FBC 1505 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,when installed with the roof cover in Recover applications. 14 Lightweight insulating concrete(LWIC)shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWIC is referenced,refer to current LWIC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. Unless otherwise noted,for systems where specific LWIC is not referenced,the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases,the minimum top-coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over structural concrete,reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1,Point 1. For"pre-existent"LWIC references,listings were established through testing over lightweight concrete cast using only foaming agent(ASTM C896),water and Portland cement(ASTM C150),with no proprietary additives,in accordance with procedures adopted by Miami-Dade BCCO (FBC CER1592). Use of these listings in new construction or re-roof(tear-off)applications is at the discretion of the Designer or Record and Authority Having Jurisdiction. 15 For bonded membrane applications,unless otherwise noted,refer to the following. MEMBRANE/ADHESIVE COMBINATIONS REFERENCE LAYER MATERIAL APPLICATION APP-SA Cap Ply SA APP Cap Sheet,SA APP Cap Sheet FR,SA APP KoolCap,SA APP KoolCap FR (APP,Self-Adhering) Note: Self-adhering membranes shall not be installed over APP-TA or SBS-SA-H membranes. Self-Adhering APP TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies APP Torch Base Premier,APP Torch S Premier,APP Torch Base/Cap (APP,Torch-Applied) Cap Ply APP Torch S Premier,APP Torch G Premier,APP Torch G FR Premier,APP Torch Base/Cap,APP Torch G,APP Torch G KoolCap,APP Torch-Applied Torch G FR KoolCap SBS-SA-H Base Ply Torch Base SA Self-adhering (followed (SBS,Self-Adhering,Hybrid Systems) by torch-applied sheet) Base Ply One or more plies SA Base Sheet,SA Base Sheet FR SBS-SA(SBS,Self-Adhering) Cap Ply SA SBS Cap Sheet,SA SBS Cap Sheet FR Self-Adhering Note: Self adhering membranes shall not be installed over APP-TA or SBS-SA-H membranes. 16 Vapor barrier options for use over structural concrete deck followed by bonded insulation carry the following MDP limitations. The lesser of the MDP listings below vs.those in Table 3A applies. VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS;STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECK;FOLLOWED BY ADHESIVE-APPLIED INSULATION PER TABLE 3A: OPTION PRIMER VAPOR BARRIER INSULATION ADHESIVE MDP # TYPE(NOTE 15) APPLICATION (PSF) C-VB-1. 702 Primer F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 LRA-DC(RIBBON,12-inch -67.5 O.c.) C-VB-2. 702 LV Primer F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 LRA-DC(RIBBON,12-inch 97 5 O.c.) C-VB-3. CAWGRIP Primer F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 LRA-DC(RIBBON,12-inch 127.5 o.c.) NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 3 of 57 *NEMO I etc. VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS;STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECK;FOLLOWED BY ADHESIVE-APPLIED INSULATION PER TABLE 3A: OPTION VAPOR BARRIER MDP # PRIMER TYPE(NOTE 15) APPLICATION INSULATION ADHESIVE (PSF) C-VB-4. 702 Primer,702 LV Primer,CAV-GRIP Primer or AeroWeb F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix Max LRA(RIBBONS,12-inch o.c.) -157.5 C-VB-5. 702 Primer,702 LV Primer,CAV-GRIP Primer or AeroWeb F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix Max LRA-DT(RIBBONS,12-inch o.c.) -172.5 C-VB-6. 702 Primer,702 LV Primer or CAV-GRIP Primer FS Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix 2 LRA,FULL-coverage at 1 gal/square. -210.0 C-VB-7. 702 Primer,702 LV Primer,CAV-G RIP Primer or AeroWeb F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA-DT(RIBBONS,6-inch o.c.) -270.0 C-VB-8. CAV-G RIP Primer or AeroWeb F5 Air and Vapor Barrier Self-adhering Helix Max LRA(FULL COVERAGE,1 gal/square) -427.5 C-VB-9. Mule-Hide 121 SA Base Sheet Self-Adhering D-IS,12-inch o.c. -60.0 C-VB-10. Mule-Hide 121 APP Torch Base Premier Torch-applied D-IS,12-inch o.c. -75.0 C-VB-11. Mule-Hide 121 SA SBS Cap Sheet Self-Adhering D-IS,12-inch o.c. -75.0 C-VB-12. Mule-Hide 121 SA SBS Cap Sheet Self-Adhering M-OSFA,12-inch O.C. -157.5 C-VB-13. Mule-Hide 121 SA Base Sheet,SA Base Sheet FR Self-Adhering M-OSFA,M-PG-1 or 08500,12-inch o.c. -290.0 17 "MDP"=Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads.Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization H32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEW ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 4 of 57 *NEMOletc. TABLE 1A: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSUI�ATION,BONDEDROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Min.15/32- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam 11,ACFoam III, D-IS,M-OSFA, (Optional)additional D-IS,M-OSFA, (Optional)SBS-SA,APP- SBS-SA,APP-SA, W-1 inch ENRGY-3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield CG, OB500 layers(s)of base OB500 SBS-SA TA APP TA -52.5 plywood Multi-Max FA3 insulation HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Min.15/32- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam 11,ACFoam III, D-IS,M-OSFA, (Optional)additional D-IS,M-OSFA, W-2 inch ENRGY-3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield CG, OB500 layers(s)of base OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 plywood Multi-Max FA3 insulation TABLE IB: eee eECKS—NEWCONSTRUCTION..REROOF(TEAR-OFF) ANCHORSYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BOND . INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasten Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Note 11) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: G2 Base Sheet, 32 ga.,1-5/8- 8-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Min. Polyglass Elastovent, inch diameter inch lap and 8-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Min.0.25-inch CertainTeed 19/32- tin caps with o.c.at three(3), ACFoam III,ENRGY-3, DensDeck Prime, (Optional) W 3 inch Glasbase,Firestone 11 ga.annular equally spaced, Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Gypsum- Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -60.0 MB Base,JM Perma- plywood Ply 28 or GAFGLAS ring shank staggered center Shield CG,Multi-Max Fiber Roof Board H75 nails rows FA3 32 ga.,1-5/8- 8-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Min. inch diameter inch lap and 8-inch Min.0.25-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, 15/32- Polyglass tin caps with o.c.at four(4), DensDeck Prime, (Optional) W� inch Elastovent 12 ga,annular equally spaced, ENRGY-3,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt Multi-Ma SECUROCK Gypsum Hot asphalt APP-TA APp TA APP-TA 67.5 plywood ring shank staggered center Shield,Multi-Max FA3 Shield CG, Fiber Roof Board nails rows 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min. inch lap and 9-inch (Optional)Min. am 11ch Min.0.25-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, 15/32- Simplex MAXX o.c.at four(4), DensDeck Prime, (Optional) W 5 inch G2 Base Sheet Cap equally spaced, ENRGY-3,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECU ROCK Gypsum- Hot asphalt APP-TA APp TA APP-TA 82.5 plywood staggered center Shield, ax FA3 CG, Fiber Roof Board Multi Max FA3 rows i NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(609)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 5 of 57 ON EMO etc. TABLE 113: ... . ..REROOF SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET,BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover(Note 15) System Deck MDP No. . Note.1 Type Fasten Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base PI (Psf) ( ) yP yP yP(Note 11) _ (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,S) y Ply Cap Ply 32 ga.,1-5/8- 6-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch G2 Base Sheet or Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Min. inch diameter inch lap and 6-inch Min.0.25-inch 15/32-_ tin caps with o.c.at five(5) Dens Deck Prime, (Optional) ' W-6 Polyglass ENRGY-3,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt Hot asphalt ' APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 inch 12 ga.annular equally spaced, SECUROCK Gypsum- APP-TA plywood Elastovent ring shank staggered center Shield,H Shield CG, Fiber Roof Board nails rows Multi-Max FA3 32 ga.,1-5/8- 6-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch Min. inch diameter inch lap and 6-inch D-IS,OB500 or ACFoam II, Prime or SECUROCK III,Poly ISO Dens Deck,Dens Deck 19/32- Polyglass tin caps with o.c.at four(4), M-OSFA,atop DAS,OB500 (Optional) W 7 inch Elastovent 12 ga.annular equally spaced, 1,H-Shield,H-Shield CG, fastener rows, or M-OSFA APP-TA APP TA APP-TA 60.0 plywood ring shank staggered center Multi-Max FA3 or 7-inch o.c. Gypsum-Fiber Roof nails rows ENRGY-3 Board SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: G2 Base Sheet, 32 ga.,1-5/8- 8-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Polyglass Elastovent, Min.0.25-inch Min. inch diameter inch lap and 8-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, ' CertainTeed Dens Deck,Dens Deck (Optional) SBS-SA, W 8 inch Glasbase,Firestone tin caps with equally at three(3), ACFoam Poly ISO III,EN field, Hot asphalt Prime,SECUROCK Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -60.0 inch 11 ga.annular equally spaced, Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,H- Gypsum-Fiber Roof APP-TA APP-TA MB Base,1M Perma- plywood Ply 28 or GAFGLAS ring shank staggered center Shield CG,Multi-Max Board #75 nails rows FA3 HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - G2 Base Sheet, 32 ga.,1-5/8- 8-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Polyglass Elastovent, Min.0.25-inch Min. inch diameter inch lap and 8-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, CertainTeed Dens Deck,Dens Deck 19/32- tin caps with o.c.at three(3), ACFoam III,ENRGY-3, SBS-SA- (Optional) W-9 Glasbase,Firestone Hot asphalt Prime,SECUROCK Hot asphalt APP-TA -60.0 inch 11 ga.annular equally spaced, Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,H- H APP-TA MB Base,JM Perma- Gypsum-Fiber Roof plywood ply 28 or GAFGLAS ring shank staggered center Shield CG,Multi-Max Board #75 nails rows FA3 MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems,(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 6 of57 OMEMO etc. TABLE IC: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET,BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover(Note 15) System Deck: MDp No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) AttachA Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply` (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) 'TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: - _ - Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2- (Optional)Min.1.5- Min.0.25-inch Min. G2 Base 7/8)with Dekfast#14,OMG 3" 104nch o.c.at min.4- inch Poly ISO 2, DensDeck, . 15/32- Sheet or Round Metal Plate with OMG HD, inch lap and 10-inch ACFoam II,ENRGY- DensDeck Prime, (Optional) W-10 inch Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plate(Accutrac) o.c.at three(3), 3,PolyISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Hot asphalt APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" equally spaced, plywood Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast Shield,H-Shield CG, Gypsum-Fiber #14 HD. staggered center rows Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board 12-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5- Min.0.25-inch Min, inch lap and 12-inch inch Poly ISO 2, DensDeck, (Optional) 19/32- Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates ACFoam II,ENRGY- DensDeck Prime, W-11 inch Elastovent spa a two(2),equally Hot asphalt Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA 60.0 (square)with Roofgrip#12 3,Poly ISO 1,H- SECUROCK APP-TA plywood spaced,staggered Shield,H-Shield CG, Gypsum-Fiber center rows Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2- (Optional)Min.1.5- Min.0.25-inch )Min. G2 Base 7/8 with Dekfast#14,OMG 3" 9-inch o.c,at min.4- inch Poly ISO 2, DensDeck, 15/32- Sheet or Round Metal Plate with OMG HD, inch lap and 9-inch ACFoam II,ENRGY- DensDeck Prime, (Optional) W 12 inch Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plate(Accutrac) o.c.at four(4),equally 3,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA ,staered APP-TA -82.5 with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast3" spacedgg plywood Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast Shield,H-Shield CG, Gypsum-Fiber #14 HD. center rows Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: 12-inch o.c,at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5- Min.0.25-inch Min. inch Poly ISO inch lap and 12-inch 2, DensDeck, 19/32- Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates ACFoam II,ENRGY- DensDeck Prime, (Optional) SBS-SA, W-13 inch Elastovent (square)with Roofgrip#12 o.c.at two(2),equally 3,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -60.0 plywood spaced,staggered Shield,H-Shield CG, Gypsum-Fiber APP-TA APP-TA center rows Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - 12-inch o.c.at min.4- (Optional)Min.1.5- Min.0.25-inch Min. inch Poly ISO 2, DensDeck, inch lap and ), inch (Optional) 19/32- Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates ACFoam II,ENRGY- DensDeck Prime, SBS-SA- W-14 inch Elastovent o.c.at two(2),equally Hot asphalt Hot asphalt APP TA 60,0 (square)with Roofgrip#12 3,Poly ISO 1,H- SECUROCK H APP-TA plywood spaced,staggered Shield,H-Shield CG, Gypsum-Fiber center rows Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7'"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 7 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE • ..D DECKS SYSTEM TYPE B-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE INSULATION,BONDED TOP INSULATION,BONDED ROOF System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note. MDP` No. (Note 1)-_ Type. Fasten'(Note 11),, Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply' Cap Ply (Psi (Notes 6,7,8) TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: ; - - - Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast Min.15/32- Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam ll, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck W-15 inch ENRGY-3,EnergyGuard Pol iso PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 HD with OMG 3" 1 per (Optional) y Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with 1.0 ftZ Prime or SECUROCK Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA APP TA. 75.0 plywood Insulation,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates Gypsum Fiber Roof Board TABLE IE: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPEC-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer. Roof Cover(Note 15)Layer MDP, No. (Note 1) (Note 13) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply; (Psfl TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: (Optional)One or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/81 with Dekfast#14,OMG 3" Min.15/32-inch more layers,any Round Metal Plate with OMG.HD,OMG Flat Bottom Plate 1 per (Optional) W-16 plywood combination, BoardSECU CK Gypsum Filier Roof (Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate 2.0 ftZ APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -30.0 loose laid Board with Trufast#14 HD. (Optional)One or' Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Dekfast'#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 W-17 Min.15/32-inch more layers,any,' SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof HD with OMG.3"Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with 1 per APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -45.0 plywood combination, 1.8 ft APP-TA loose laid Board Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates (Optional)One or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 W 18 Min.15/32-inch more layers,any 1 per (Optional) SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with APP-TA APP-TA -75.0- loose laid plywood combination, Board Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates 1.0 ft� APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: (Optional)One or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka;Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 (Optional)' SBS-SA, W 19 Min.15/32-inch more layers,any Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates or 27 ftz Trufast#14 HD with 1 per SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -30.0 plywood combination, II,H-Shield or Poly ISO 2 Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates . APP-TA APP-TA loose laid (Optional)One or. Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"25-inch DensDeck Prime or 0. (Optional). SBS-SA, Min.15/32-inch more layers,any Min. Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat Bottom Plate 1 per W-20 Board Roof Z SBS-SA SBS-SA,, APP=SA, 30.0 . . plywood combination, - (Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate 2.0 ft loose laid Board with Trufast#14 HD. APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#3245S 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018•NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 8 of 57 bLwo I etc. TABLE 1E: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER BONDEDSYSTEMTYPEC-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, ROOF System Deck, Base Insulation. Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) Layer MDP No. (Note 1) T (Note 13) ype Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast One or more Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3" W 21 Mina 15/324nch layers,any Min,b.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Round(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in. 1 per SBS-SA None SBS-SA -45.0 plywood combination,min. Fiber Roof Board Round Metal Plate,OMG 3 in.Ribbed Galvalume Plate(Flat)or 2.0 ft2 1-inch,loose laid Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate One or more Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast W 22 Min.15/32-inch layers,any Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 1 per SBS-SA None SBS-SA -45.0 plywood - combination,min. in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 2.0 ftZ 1-inch,loose laid HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate (Optional One or more Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 with when Min.15/32-inch layers,any Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with 1 per using SBS-SA, W 23 plywood combination,min. Fiber Roof Board OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 1.8 ft' SBS-SA torch- APP-SA, -45.0 1-inch,loose laid Trufast#14 HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate applied APP-TA Cap Ply) AP P-TA (Optional One or more when Min.15/32-inch layers,any OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Trufast 1 per using SBS-SA, W-24 plywood combination,min. Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime #14 HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate 1.8 ft? SBS-SA torch- APP-SA, -45.0 1-inch,-loose laid - applied APP-TA Cap Ply) APP-TA (Optional)One or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 W 25 Min.15/32-inch more layers,any S Board E UR ROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof FA Glass Mat Roof Board or HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with 1 per 1.0 ftZ SBS-SA APP-TA(Optional) APP-TA -60.0 loose laid Board plywood combination, Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates APA rated,19/32 Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam CAT,0.578 i (Optional)One or n., III,EnergyGuard Polyiso Insulation, (Optional) SBS-SA, p Ex osure 1 OSB or more layers,any ENRGY 3,ENRGY 3 CGF,H-Shield, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 screws 1 per * combination, per plate installed 180`into the holes of the plate* 1.3 ftZ SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 y�_26 min.19/32"APA loose laid H-Shield CG,ISO 95+GL,Multi-Max APP-TA APP-TA rated plywood FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra-Max Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1801bf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M30000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 9 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE 1E: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER BONDEDSYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, .. System Deck Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer_ Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Layer (Note 1) (Note 13) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Optional)One or Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel Min.19 324nch more layers, III,EnergyGuard Polyiso Insulation, 3"Round Insulation Plate(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)with Dekfast#12, (Optional) SBS-SA, rs an W-2 / Y plywood combination, Y ) 1 per 1.3 ft' - - 7 ENRGY 3,ENRGY 3 CGF,H Shield, OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed or OMG AccuTrac Plate SBS SA SBS SA APP SA -67.5 loose H-Shield CG,ISO 95+GL,Multi-Max with#12 Roofgrip or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast APP-TA APP-TA lard FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra-Max DP HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - (Optional)One or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 W 28 Min.15/32-inch more layers,any Min.1.5-inch Poly 150 2,ACFoam HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -30.0 plywood combination, II,H-Shield or Poly ISO 1 Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates 2.7 W H APP-TA loose laid (Optional)One or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14,OMG 3" Min.,15/32-inch more layers,any SECU Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat Bottom Plate 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) W 29 plywood combination, Board ROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof (Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate 2.0 ft2 H qpP-TA APP-TA 30.0 B loose laid Board with Trufast#14 HD. Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast One or more Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3" W-30 Min.15/324nch layers,any Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Round(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in. 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -45.0 plywood combination,min. Fiber Roof Board Round Metal Plate,OMG 3 in.Ribbed Galvalume Plate(Flat)or 2.0 ft' H APP-TA 1-inch,loose laid Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate One or more Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast W-31 Min.15/324nch layers,any Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -45.0 plywood combination,min. in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 2.0 ft' H APP-TA 1-inch,loose laid HD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate (Optional)One or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),OMG#14 W 32 Min.15/324nch more layers,any DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board or HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates or Trufast#14 HD with 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -60.0. plywood combination, SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates 1.0 ft, H APP-TA loose laid Board APA rated,19/32 Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam (Optional)One or CAT,0.578 in., III,EnergyGuard Polyiso Insulation, more layers,any Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.''/<"penetration)&Plates;2 screws 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) Exposure 1 OSB or ENRGY 3,ENRGY 3 CGF,H-Shield, APP-TA -67.5* combination, per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate* 1.3 ft.' H APP-TA W-33 min.19/32"APA loose laid H-Shield CG,ISO95+GL,Multi-Max rated plywood FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra-Max Note: .*For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 180lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RS Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(609)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 10 of 57 NEMO etc. TABLE 1E' ••• eCONSTRUCTION, .. . .•RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION,BONDEQROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) Layer MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Note 13) (Optional)One or Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel Min.19/32-inch more layers,an III,EnergyGuard Polyiso Insulation, 3"Round Insulation Plate(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)with Dekfast#12, Y Y 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) W 34 plywood combination, ENRGY 3,ENRGY 3 CGF,H-Shield, OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)or OMG AccuTrac Plate a APP-TA -67.5* H-Shield CG,ISO 95+GL,Multi-Max with#12 Roofgrip or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast 1.3 ft H APP-TA loose laid FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra-Max DP TABLE 1F: ••. • CONSTRUCTION, •• • OR RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPE D-2-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER System Insulation Layer(s) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MD EP No. Deck(Note 1) (Note 23) (Ps- Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: Nail Base,Nail Base P, Polyglass Elastovent,G2 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap One or more OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#14, Min.19/32-inch Prelim. Base Sheet,CertainTeed and 12-inch o.c.at two(2), (Optional) W-35 plywood layers,any Attached Glasbase,Firestone MB Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast ionPLT Plate with with Dekfast#D equally spaced,staggered APP-TA APP-TA 52.5 combination Base,JM Perma-Ply 28 or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD center rows or GAFGLAS#75 One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap Min.19/32-inch Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P or and 12-inch o.c.at two(2), (Optional) W-36 plywood layers,any combination Attached Polyglass Elastovent OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 equally spaced,staggered APP-TA APP TA 60.0 center rows APA rated,19/32 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at two(2), CAT,0.578 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 SBS-SA, Nail Base,Nail Base P or Exposure 1 OS or layers,any Loose-laid screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the APP-TA APP-SA, -67.5 y�_37 min.19/32"APA combination Polyglass Elastovent plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* equally spaced,staggered APP TA rated plywood I center rows Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,19/32 CAT,0.578 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.% and 12-inch oc at tw "penetration)&Plates;2 nch at min.two lap and . . o(2), Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the equally spaced,staggered APP-TA APP-TA -67.5 W-38 min.19/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* center rows gg rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 11 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE IF: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D-2:INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE Insulation Layer(s) System. Deck(Note 1) (Note 13) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (ps0 Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply One or more G2 Base Sheet,Nail Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, 10-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap Min.15/32-inch Prelim. OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat and 10-inch o.c,at three(3), (Optional) W-39 layers,any Base,Nail Base P or APP-TA -75.0 plywood Attached Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" equally spaced,staggered APP-TA combination Polyglass Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. center rows One or more Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap Min.15/32-inch Prelim. OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat and 10-inch o.c.at three(3), (Optional) W 40 I ood layers,any Attached APP Torch Base Premier Bottom Plate Accutrac with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" equally spaced,staggered APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 P� combination (Accutrac) g P q y P gg Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. center rows APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in.,' One or more Nail Base,Nail Base P or Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.W penetration)&Plates;2 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and SBS-SA, Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid Polyglass Elastovent screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the 12-inch o.c,at two(2),equally APP-TA APP-SA, -90.0 W-41 min.15/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.''/<"penetration)&Plates;2 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the 12-inch o.c.at two(2),equally APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 W-42 min.15/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* spaced,staggered center rows rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159 lbf, Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, One or more G2 Base Sheet,Nail 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and Min.15/32-inch .Prelim: or OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat (Optional) W 43 plywood combination layers,any Attached Base,Nail Base P Polyglass Elastovent Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" spaced, o.c,at four aced,staggered center equallynter rows APP TA APP-TA -90.0 Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD, sp Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, One or more 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and Min.15/32-inch Prelim. OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat (Optional) W-44 layers,any APP Torch Base Premier 9-inch o.c.at four(4),equally APP-TA -90.0 plywood combination Attached Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. One or more OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and Min.15/32-inch Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P or (Optional) W 45 layers,any with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom 6-inch o.c.at three(3),equally APP-TA -90.0 plywood combination Attached Polyglass Elastovent Metal Plates spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA One or more OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and Min.15/32-inch Prelim. (Optional) W 46 plywood layers,any Attached APP Torch Base Premier with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom 6-inch o.c.at three(3),equally APP TA APP-TA 90.0 combination Metal Plates spaced,staggered center rows NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for F1.10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 fH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 12 of 57 OMEMO etc. TABLE IF: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D-2:INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER Insulation Layers) System Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) (Note 13) (Psi Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in., One or more Nail Base,Nail Base P or Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and SBS-SA, Exposure 1 OSB or -layers,any Loose-laid Polyglass Elastovent screws per plate installed 180"into the holes of the 6-inch o.c.at three(3),equally APP-TA APP-SA, -105.0 W-47 min.15/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 103 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.''/<"penetration)&Plates;2 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed 180"into the holes of the 6-inch o.c.at three(3),equally APP-TA APP-TA -105.0 W-48 min.15/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* spaced,staggered center rows rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 103 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance One or more OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and (Optional) Min.15/32-inch Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P or W-49 layers,any with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom 6-inch o.c.at five(5),equally APP-TA -120.0 plywood combination Attached Polyglass Elastovent Metal Plates spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA Min.15/32-inch One or more Prelim. OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty 6-inch o.c.at min,4-inch,lap and (Optional) W-50 layers,any APP Torch Base Premier with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom 6-inch o.c.at five(5),equally APP-TA -120.0 plywood combination Attached Metal Plates spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: - -one or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap SBS-SA, W-51 Min.19/32-inch layers,any Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast ionPLT Plate with with Dekfast HD and 12-inch o,c,at two,equally SBS-5A APP-SA, -52.5* plywood Attached or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD combination- spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA One or more 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap SBS-SA, Attached W-52 Min.19/32-inch layers,any Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 and 12-inch o.c,at two,equally SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0* plywood combination spaced,staggered'center rows APP-TA APA rated,19/32 CAT,0.578 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%'penetration)&Plates;2 and 12-i nco. at min.h o.c.at tw winch lap SBS-SA, Exposure 1 OS or layers,any Loose-laid Nail Base,Nail Base P screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the and o(2), SBS-SA APP-SA, -67.5 W-53 min.19/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* equally spaced,staggered APP-TA rated plywood center rows Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 13 of 57 *NEMO etc. TABLE IF: WOOD DECKS OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D-2:INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER Insulation Layer(s) System Deck(Note 1), (Note 13) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) _MDP No. (Psf) Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply One or more 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap Min.19/32-inch Prelim. Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14 W-54 plywood layers,any Attached Nail Base,Nail Base P. or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD and 12-inch o.c.at two,equally SBS-SA-H APP-TA -52.5* combination spaced,staggered center rows One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap Attached W-55 Min.19/32-inch layers,any Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 and 12-inch o.c.at two,equally SBS-SA-H APP-TA -60.0* plywood combination spaced,staggered center rows APA rated,19/32 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap CAT,0.578 in., One or more Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 and 12-inch o.c.at two(2), Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any ' Loose-laid Nail Base,Nail Base P screws per plate installed 180'into the holes of the SBS-SA-H APP-TA -67.5 W-56 min.19/32"APA combination plate,parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* equally spaced,staggered rated plywood center rows Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1991bf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance TABLE 1G: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(NAILS),BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Can Ply (Psf) No Base PLY: W-57 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 18-inch o.c.at None APP°TA -45.0* two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows W 58 APA rated,7/16 CAT, Nail Base,Nail Base P or 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at None APP-TA 45.0 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Polyglass Elastovent ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APA rated,7/16 CAT, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o,c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W 59 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP SA -45.0 W-60 APA rated,7/16 CAT, AP Torch Base Premier 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o.c,at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o,c,at None APP-TA -45.0 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-61 Min.15/32-inch Ca Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c,at plywood P p two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 52.5 W-62 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at plywood Polyglass Elastovent .11 gauge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank) four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -52.5 Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, . W-63 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P 11 gauge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank) four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP SP 52.5 MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 14 of 57 NEM01 etc. TABLE 1G: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(NAIL.S),BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c,at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at W-64 Min.15/32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier 11 gouge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -52.5 9 9 9 9 ) ( ) 9 YP gg APA rated,7/16 CAT, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-65 or min.15/32"APA rated Nail Base Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 60.0 plywood APA rated,7/16 CAT, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-66 or min.15/32"APA rated Nail Base Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 60.0 plywood- APA rated,7/16 CAT, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c,at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at W 67 or min.15/32"APA rated APP Torch Base Premier Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 60.0 plywood APA rated,7/16 CAT, Simplex MAXX Cap 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c..at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-68 Nail Base Note:MAXX Caps are to be primed with Mule-Hide 121 or None -60.0 or min.15/32"APA rated 'three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-SA plywood ASTM D41 primer Nail Base,Nail Base P, Polyglass Elastovent,G2 Base Sheet,CertainTeed Glasbase, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-69 Min.19/32-inch plywood Firestone MB Base,JM ring shank nails three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 60.0 Perma-Ply 28 or GAFGLAS #75 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-70 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP SA 60.0 G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail W-71 . Min.15/32-inch plywood Base P or Polyglass 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular 8-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -67.5 Elastovent ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows- 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at W 72 Min.15/32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP TA 67.5 W-73 Min.15/32-inch plywood G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail Simplex MAXX Cap 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -75.0 Base P three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-74 Min.15/32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier Simplex MAXX Cap 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at None APP-TA 75.0 three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-75 Min.15/32-inch plywood G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -90.0 Base P four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 15 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 1G: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEMTYPEE-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(NAILS),BONDED ROOF System Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) ' MDP No. Deck(Note 1) � ' Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply - Cap Ply (Psf) W-76 Min.15/32-inch APP Torch Base Premier Simplex MAXX Ca 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at plywood P P four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 90.0 W-77 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Ca 6-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at two plywood P P None APP-TA 90.0 _ (2),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-78 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 44nch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 4-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, P Y ring shank nails, four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-SA -97.5 W-79 Min.15 32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Ca 6-inch o.c,at min.2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at / P Y P P three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA 105.0 W-80 Min.19 32-inch I wood Nail Base,Nail Base P or 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at / P Y Polyglass Elastovent ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -112.5 32 ga„1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 6-mch o.c.at min,4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-81 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails. Note:Tin caps are to be primed with four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP SA -112.5 Mule-Hide 121 or ASTM D41 primer. TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: W-82 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and.18-inch o.c.at- SBS-SA, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -45.0* APP-TA W-83 APA rated,7/16 CAT, Nail Base,Nail Base P or 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga,annular 6-inch o.c.at min,3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, APP-TA APP-SA, -45.0 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Polyglass Elastovent ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APA rated,7/16 CAT, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at W 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB APP Torch Base Premier APP-TA APP-TA -45.0,ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-85 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Cap two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -52.5 APP-TA Nail Base,Nail Base P or Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-86 Min.15/32-inch plywood Polyglass Elastovent 11 gauge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, 52.5 - Yg 9 9 9 9 ) ( ) 9 Y P gg APP-TA Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 64nch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c,at W-87 Min.15/32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier 11 gauge x min.1.25-inch Ion annular grooved shank four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA 52.5 9 9 9 9 �. ( ) q YP gg APA rated,7/16 CAT, W 88 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Nail Base Simplex MAXX Ca 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at or min.15/32"APA rated P P three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA 60.0 plywood NEW ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 16 of 57 ONEMO�etc. TABLE IG:WOOD DECKS SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(NAILS), BONDED ROOF System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 151 MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach, Base Ply Cap Ply '(psf) APA rated,7/16 CAT, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W 89 or min.15/32"APA rated APP Torch Base Premier Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P,Polyglass Elastovent,G2 Base Sheet, SBS-SA, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-90 Min.19/32-inch plywood CertainTeed Glasbase,Firestone APP-TA APP-SA, -60.0 MB Base,1M Perma-Ply 28 or ring shank nails three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP TA GAFGLAS#75 G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail SBS-SA, W-91 Min.15/32-inch I wood Base P or Polyglass 32 ga.,shank nails diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at P y yg ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA; 67.5 Elastovent APP-TA W-92 Min.15 32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 8-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at / p y ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -67.5 G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-93 Min.15/32-inch plywood Base P Simplex MAXX Cap three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -75.0 APP TA W-94 Min. Ca MAXX Simplex APP Torch Base Premier wood 15 32-inch I10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at / plywood p three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base,Nail 9-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-95 Min.15/32-inch plywood Base P Simplex MAXX Cap four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -90.0 APP-TA W-96 Min. Ca Simplex MAXX 15 32-inch plywood APP Torch Base Premier Sim 9-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at / p y P p four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA 90.0 6-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at two SBS-SA, W-97 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Cap (2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, 90.0- APP-TA W-98 . Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -105.0 APP-TA Nail Base,Nail Base P or 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 6-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c,at SBS-SA, W-99 Min,19/32-inch plywood Polyglass Elastovent ring shank nails four(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -112.5 APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: , APA rated,7/16 CAT, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o.c..at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA SBS-SA APP-SA, -45.0 W-300 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows . APP-TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RS Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 17 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE IG: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEMTYPEE-2: NON-INSULATED�MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(NAILs),BONDED ROOF COVER System: Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP' No. Deck(Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (Pso' W-101 Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c,at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA,SBS-SA APP-SA, -52.5 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base Nail Base P, 11 gouge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank) four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APA rated,7/16 CAT, Simplex MAXX Cap SBS-SA, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-102 Nail Base Note:MAXX Caps are to be primed with Mule-Hide 121 or SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0 or min.15/32"APA rated - three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows plywood ASTMD41 primer APP-TA 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular 8-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at SBS-SA, W-103 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA APP-SA, 60.0 APP-TA 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular 4-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 4-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, W-104 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P SBS-SA APP-SA, -97.5 ring shank nails. four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA Elastoflex 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga.annular 6-inch o SA V Plus, SBS-SA, W-105 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails. Note:Tin caps are to be primed with .c.at min.4-inch lap and 6 inch o.c.at Elastoflex APP-SA, -112.5 -Mule-Hide 121 orASTM D41 primer. four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows SA V Plus APP-TA FR, HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: APA rated,7/16 CAT, 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 12 ga.annular 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at W-106 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA-H APP-TA -05.0 W-107 Min.15/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P . Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metal head diameter, 6-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at P y 11 gauge x min.1.25-inch long annular grooved shank) four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA-H APP-TA 52.5 APA rated,7/16 CAT, Simplex MAXX Cap 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB 8-inch o.c.at min.3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at W-108 or min.15/32"APA rated Nail Base Note: p imer Cops ore to be primed with Mule-Hide 121 or three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA-H APP-TA 60.0 D41 ASTM 41 primer 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with it ga.annular 8-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at W-109 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P ring shank nails three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows' SBS-SA-H APP-TA -60.0 W-110 Min.19/32-inch plywood Nail Base,Nail Base P 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 ga,annular 4-inch o,c.at min.4-inch lap and 4-inch o.c.at P y ring shank nails. four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA-H APP-TA -97.5 MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 18 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 1H: ... . .. ..RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(SCREWS&PLATES),BONDED ROOF System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply cap ' (Psf) No BASE PLY: Nall Base,Nall Base P,Polyglass Min.19/32-inch Elastovent,G2 Base Sheet, OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#14,Dekfast 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c,at W-111 CertainTeed Glasbase plywood MB Base,JM Perma-Ply 28 or 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows GAFGLAS#75 W-112 Min.19/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -60.0 plywood Polyglass Elastovent two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'/<"penetration)&Plates;2 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, None APP-TA. -67.5 W-113 OSB or min.19/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 .12-inch o.c.at min 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, Nail Base,Nail Base P screws per plate installed lion into the holes of the plate, None -67.5 OSB or min.19/32"APA two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-SA W-114 rated plywood parallel to the width direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'/<"penetration)&Plates;2 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at OSB or min.19/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed lion into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -67.5 rated plywood W-115 parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-116 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base P or Polyglass OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 10-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at plywood yg Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" three(3),equally spaced,staggered.center rows None APP-TA -75.0 Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-117 Min.15/32-inch APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 30-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -75.0 plywood Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. MEMO ETC,LLC - Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 19 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE 1H: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-1 NSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE System Base Sheet' Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) , Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf), APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.V4"penetration)&Plates;2 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 9-inch o.c,at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at screws per plate installed lion into the holes of the plate, None APP-TA -90.0 OSB or min.15/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-118 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min. penetration)&Plates;2. 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c,at OSB or min.15/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed lion into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows rated plywood None APP-TA 90.0 W-119 parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may he utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-120 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base P or Polyglass OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at None APP-TA -90.0 plywood Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-121 Min.15/32-inch qpp Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c,at None APP-TA -90.0 plywood Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with Min.15/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at plywood Polyglass Elastovent three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-122 OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal None APP-TA -90.0 Plates OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with W-123 Min.15/32-inch qpp Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal 6-inch o.c.at min.p inch lap and 6-inch center o None APP-TA -90.0 Plates plywood three(3),equally spaced,staggered centter rows APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at OSB or min.15/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent screws per plate installed lion into the holes of the plate, three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -105.0 W-124 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 103 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'6"penetration)&Plates;2 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at W-125 OSB or min.15/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows None APP-TA -105.0 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1010000.03,08-118 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(609)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 20 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 1H: .. ..RECOVER BONDEDSYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(SCREWS&PLATH), System Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply I Cap (psf) Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1031bf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be. utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with W-126 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal (-inch a s min.4-inch lap and(-inch s at five None APP-TA -120.0 Plates plywood Polyglass Elastovent (5),equally spaced,staggered center rows OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with W 127 Min.15/32-inch APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal (-inch o.c. s min.4-inch lap and(-inch staggered center rows s at five plywood (5),equally s None APP-TA -120.0 equally Plates TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: �- Nail Base,Nail Base P,Polyglass Elastovent,G2 Base Sheet, OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#14,Dekfast SBS-SA, W 128 Min.19/32-inch Certainreed Glasbase,Firestone Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14 or Trufast 12-inch o.c.all min.4-inch lap and tenter ow at APP-TA APP-SA, -52.5 plywood MB Base,JM Perma-Ply 28 or 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA GAFGLAS#75 Min.19/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c,at SBS-SA, plywood W 129 Polyglass Elastovent OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -60.0 APP-TA APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'/"penetration)&Plates;2 SBS-SA, 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c,at OSB or min.19/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, -67.5 W-130 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* APP-TA Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1991bf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'/<"penetration)&Plates;2 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at 058 or min.19/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -67.5 rated plywood W-131 parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-ioof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1991bf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, SBS-SA, W-132 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base P or Polyglass OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c,at APP-TA APP-SA, -75.0 plywood Elastovent Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP TA Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-133 Min.15/32-inch APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 10-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c.at APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 plywood Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 21 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE 1H: ... DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 31) Attach Base Ply � Cap (Psf), APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 SBS-SA, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c at screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, . APP-TA APP-SA, -90.0 OSB or min.15/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows W 134 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* APP-TA Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within.each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT, Epca' ast Versa Fasteners(min.'/<"penetration)&Plates;2 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 9-inch o.c.at min.2-inch lap and 12-inch o,c,atOSB or min.15/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier ws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rowsAPP-TA APP-TA 90.0 W-135 rated plywood llel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 159lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance G2 Base Sheet,Nail Base, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, SBS-SA, W-136 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base P or Polyglass OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c,at plywood yg Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-SA, 90.0 Elastovent Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. APP-TA Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14, W-137 Min.15/32-inch APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,OMG Flat 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at APP-TA APP-TA 90.0 plywood Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrip#14 or Trufast 3" four(4),equally spaced,staggered center rows Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD. OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty(min. SBS-SA, W-138 Min.15/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or 1-5/8-inch long)with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG 6-inch o.c,at min.p inch lap and ed 6-inch o.c.o APP-TA APP-SA, -90.0 plywood Polyglass Elastovent Flat Bottom Metal Plates three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA Min.15/32-inch OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o,c,at W-139 plywood APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 Plates APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 SBS-SA, 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base,Nail Base P or 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, APP-TA APP-SA, -105.0 OS or min.15/32"APA Polyglass Elastovent three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows W-140 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* APP-TA Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 103 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,7/16 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.''/."penetration)&Plates;2 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 6-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at W-141 OSB or min.15 32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, . . APP-TA APP-TA -105.0 / parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* three(3),equally spaced,staggered center rows rated plywood NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 22 of 57 on.Emo etc. TABLE 1H: ... . .. ..RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPEE-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(SCREWS&PLATEs),BONDED ROOF System Deck(Note 1). of Cove -. Base Sheet Ror(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply I Cap (Psi Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 103 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with SBS-SA, W-142 Min.15/32 inch Nail Base,Nail Base P or OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal (-inch a t min.4-inch lap and(-inch s at five APP-TA APP-SA, -120.0, Plates plywood Polyglass Elastovent (5),equally lly spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with W-143 Min.15/32 inch APP Torch Base Premier OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal (-inch o.c, s min.4-inch lap and(-inch s at five plywood APP-TA APP-TA -120.0 Plates (5),equally spaced,staggered center rows APA rated,19/32 CAT, 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 Nail Base or Polyglass Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;1 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at APP-TA APP-TA 127.5 OSB or min.19/32"APA Elastovent screws per plate in center hole* four(4),equally spaced center rows W-144 rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 141 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance' APA rated,19/32 CAT, 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;1 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at OSB or min.19/32"APA APP Torch Base Premier screws per plate in center hole* four(4),equally spaced center rows APP-TA APP-TA 127.5 W-145 rated plywood Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 141 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance . SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: - - - W-146 Min.19/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14 or 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, SBS-SA APP-SA, -52.5* plywood Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP TA Min.19 32-inch .SBS-SA, W-147 / Nail Base,Nail Base P OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0* plywood two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;2 SBS-SA, 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at 32"APA Nail Base,Nail Base P screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, SBS-SA APP-SA, -67.5 OSB or min.19/32" / parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APP TA rated plywood Note: *For.re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for F1.30497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7TH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 N EMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 23 of 57 *NEM0jetC.__ TABLE 1H: .. ..RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET(SCREWS&PLATES),BONDED ROOF System Deck(Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) - MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf) APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)&Plates;1 SBS-SA, 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 screws per plate in center hole* 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at OSB or min.19/32"APA Nail Base Note:Versa-Fast Plates shall be primed with Mule-Hide 121 four(4),equally spaced center rows SBS-SA APP-SA, -127.5 W-149 rated plywood orASTM D41 primer. APP-TA Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 141 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SIBS BASE PLY: W-150 Min.19/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#14 or 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at SBS-SA-H APP-TA -52.5* plywood Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#14 HD two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows W 151 Min.19/32-inch Nail Base,Nail Base P OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#12 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o:c.at SBS-SA-H APP-TA 60.0* plywood two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.''/o"penetration)&Plates;2 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c.at OSB or min.19/32"APA Nail Base,Nail Base P screws per plate installed 180'into the holes of the plate, two(2),equally spaced,staggered center rows SBS-SA-H APP-TA -67.5 W-152 rated plywood parallel to the width-direction of the sheet* Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 1991bf. Additional Versa-Fast,Fasteners within each Verso-Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance APA rated,19/32 CAT, Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.'W penetration)&Plates;1 0.578 in.,Exposure 1 screws per plate in center hole* 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c.at OSB or min.19/32"APA Nail Base Note:Versa-Fast Platesshall be primed with Mule-Hide 121 four(4),equally spaced center rows SBS-SA-H APP TA -127.5 W-153 rated plywood orASTM D41 primer. Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 141 lbf. Additional Versa-Fast fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-138 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 24 of 57 *NEMO etc. BONDEDTABLE-11: WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F:NON-INSULATED, ROOF Sysstoem Deck(Note 1) 7 Primer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP(psf) Joint Treatment Base Ply T Ply Cap Ply SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: W-154 APA rated,7/16 CAT, OSB joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of SA 0.418 in.,Exposure 1 OSB None Base Sheet,rolled into place to create continuous bond. SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,APP-TA SBS-SA,APP-SA,APP-TA 52.5 W-155 Min.15/32-inch plywood None None SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,APP-TA SBS-SA,APP-SA,APP-TA -90.0 W-156 Min.15/32-inch plywood Mule-Hide 121 None SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,APP-TA SBS-SA,APP-SA,APP-TA -97.5 Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of SA W-157 Min.15/32-inch plywood (Optional)Mule-Hide 121 Base Sheet,rolled into place to create continuous bond. SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,APP-TA SBS-SA,APP-SA,APP-TA 135.0 HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - W-158 Min.15/32-inch plywood None None SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 W-159 Min.15/32-inch plywood Mule-Hide 121 None SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -97.5 Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of SA W-160 Min.15/32-inch plywood (Optional)Mule-Hide 121 Base Sheet,rolled into place to create continuous bond. SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA 97.5 NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 1T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 25 of 57 *NEMO etc. TABLE 2A:STEEL,OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS-NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR_OFF),oR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE,B-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE INSULATION,BONDED TOP INSULATION,BONDED ROOF . System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP Attach No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Type (Notes 6,7,8) Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (pso TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Helix 2 LRA,Helix B,Grade 40 steel with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or 2 LRA-SGJ,Helix S-1. or min.2,500 psi Min.2-inch Poly ISO 1 or Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip 1 per SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof 2 LRA-DC,Helix APP-TA (Optional) H-Shield APP-TA -30.0* structural or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 4.0 ft Board Max LRA or Helix AP concrete Trufast#14 HD Max LRA-DT Min.22 ga.,type Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Helix 2 LRA,Helix B,Grade 40 steel 1 with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or 2 LRA-SGJ,Helix ri g p S-2. or min.2,500 psi Min.2-inch Poly ISO 1 or Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roof per SECUROCK G (Optional) p H-Shield 1.6 ftZ ypsum-Fiber Roof 2 LRA-DC,Helix APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -45.0 structural or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Board Max LRA or Helix concrete Trufast#14 HD Max LRA-DT Min.22 ga.,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Min.0.25 inch DensDeck Prime, B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume per DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board or S-3. or min.2,500 psi EnergyGuard Polyiso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip 1 1 ftZ SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof D-IS APP-TA APP TA(Optional) APP-TA -30.0* structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast#14 HD Board Min.22 ga.,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, 1 (Optional) B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume per DEXcell 5-Glass Mat Roof Board or S-4. or min.2,S00 psi EnergyGuard Polyiso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip I ftZ SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof DAS APP-TA APP(Optional) APP-TA -45.0 structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 1. Board concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast#14 HD Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, Min.22 ga.,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board, B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof S-5. or min.2,500 psi EnergyGuard Polyiso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip 1 per Board or SECUROCK Glass-Mat M-OSFA or M- APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -30.0* structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 4.0 ftZ Roof Board,min.7/16-inch DEXcell PG1 APP-TA concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast#14 HD Cement Roof Board or min.0.5- inch SECUROCK Cement Roof Board Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, Min.22 ga„ DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume 1 per Board O K Gypsum Glass-Mat M-OSFA or M- (Optional) S-6. or min.2,500 psi EnergyGuard Polyiso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip I ftZ Roof Board,min.SECUROCK Glass-Mat DEXcell PG1 APP-TA APPtTA APP-TA -45.0 structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 1. Cement Roof Board 6 min.0.5- concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast#14 HD inch SECUROCK Cement Roof Board MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 26 of 57 *NEMO I etc. TABLE,2A:STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE,DECKS—NEW F INSULATION, :. BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP Attach No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Type (Notes 6,7,8) Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min.22 ga.,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume 1 per DEXcell FA Glass Matg Roof Board (Optional) S-7. or min.2,500 psi EnergyGuard Polyiso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roofgrip 4.0 ftz or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof OB500 APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -30.0* structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Board concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Trufast#14 HD Min.22 ga.,type Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2, Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime, B,Grade 40 steel ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, with Dekfast#14,OMG 3"Galvalume 1 per DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board or S-8. or min.2,500 psi Ener Guard Pol iso Ribbons Plates with OMG#14 Roof (Optional) P gY y Roofgrip p 1.6 ft' SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof OB500 APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -45.0 structural Insulation,Poly ISO 1,H- or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Board concrete Shield or Multi-Max FA3 I Trufast#14 HD ATTACHEDTABLE 2B:STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCrION,'REROOFr(TEAR-OFF),oR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY INSULATION,BONDED •• COVER System Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) Layer(Note 13) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8 or PTL-R-3 plates with Dekfast DF-#12-PH3,DF-#14-PH3 or DF-#15-PH3 fasteners or OMG 3 in.Galvalume Steel Plate,3 in.Ribbed Grade 40 steel;6 ft any combination, Min.0,25-inch SECUROCK 1 per (Optional) S 9' span;5/8"puddle min.1.5"thick, Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Galvalume Plate(Flat)or AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with OMG 412 Roofgrip, 2.0 ft' APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -52.5 #14 Roofgrip or OMG#15 Roofgrip fasteners or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation welds,6"o.c. loose laid Plate with Trufast#12 DP,Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD fasteners Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8 or PTL-R-3 plates with Dekfast DF-#12-PH3,DF-#14-PH3 or DF-#15-PH3 fasteners or OMG 3 in.Galvalume Steel Plate,3 in.Ribbed S-10. Grade 40 steel;6 ft any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Galvalume Plate(Flat)or AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with OMG#12 Roofgrip, 1 per APP TA (Optional) APP-TA -60.0 span;5/8"puddle min.1.5"thick, Prime #14 Roofgrip or OMG#15 Roofgrip fasteners or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation 2.0 ft APP-TA welds,6"o.c. loose laid Plate with Trufast#12 DP,Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD fasteners Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8 or PTL-R-3 plates with Dekfast DF-#12-PH3,DF-#14-PH3 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck or DF-#15-PH3 fasteners or OMG 3 in.Galvalume Steel Plate,3 in.Ribbed Grade 40 steel;6 ft any combination, 1 per (Optional) S-11. span;5/8"puddle min.1.5"thick, Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- Galvalume Plate(Flat)or AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with OMG#12 Roofgrip, 1.6 ftZ APP TA APP-TA rAPP-TA -67.5 Fiber Roof Board #14 Roofgrip or OMG#15 Roofgrip fasteners or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation welds,6"O.C. loose laid Plate with Trufast#12 DP,Trufast 414 HD or Trufast 415 EHD fasteners SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or y)or Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#12 DP(steel only)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Dekfast#14,OMG AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with#12 Roofgrip(steel only) 1 per 5-12. min.2,500 psi combination,loose ACFoam II,H-Shield or Poly or OMG#14 Heavy Duty,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#12 DP 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -30.0 structural concrete laid ISO 2 (steel only)or Trufast#14 HD APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(609)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 27 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 213: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)..RECOVER BONDEDSYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, System Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MD No. Deck(Note 1) Layer(Note 13) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (P5f) Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- (Optional) SBS-SA, Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 1 per S-13. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -37.5* structural concrete laid EHD Fasteners with Trufast3"Metal Insulation Plate APP-TA APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 1 per #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 (Optional) SBS-SA, 5-14. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -37.5* Trufast#14HD or Trufast#15EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation APP-TA APP-TA structural concrete laid Plate Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),isofast PLT-S-2-3/4X2-3/4 or (Optional) SBS-SA, 5-15. Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DEXcell FA Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3"Round(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)or OMG#14 1 per SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -37.5*min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Glass Mat Roof Board Roofgrip or#15 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat 2,7 ft2 structural concrete laid Bottom Plate or Trufast 414 HD or Trufast#15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast3" APP-TA APP-TA Metal Insulation Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or OMG AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)or OMG#14 (Optional) SBS-SA, Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Min.1.5-inch H-Shield or Poly 1 per 5-16, min.2,500 psi combination,loose ISO 2 Heavy Duty,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#12 DP(steel only) 2 0 ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -45.0* or Trufast#14HD APP-TA APP-TA structural concrete laid Min.22 ga.,type B, OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)with#12 Roofgr y)or ip(steel only)One or more layers, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck (Optional) SBS-SA, Grade 33 steel or OMG#14 Heavy Duty,Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast 1 per S-17. min.2,500 psi any combination,' Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- #12 DP(steel only)or Dekfast#14,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 2.0 ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -45.0* structural concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD APP-TA APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3"Round(aka,Dekfast PLT- Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 1 per 5-18. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board R-3)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate,OMG 3 in. 2.0 ft2 SBS-SA None SBS-SA -45.0 Ribbed Galvalume Plate(Flat)or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD structural concrete laid Fasteners with Trufast3"Metal Insulation Plate ' Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, S-19. Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate 1 per SBS-SA None SBS-SA -45.0 min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD Fasteners with Trufast 3" 2,0 ft2 structural concrete laid Metal Insulation-Plate (Optional Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- when Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 415 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 1 per using SBS-SA, S-20. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 18 ft2 SBS-SA torch- APP-SA, -45.0 Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast3"Metal Insulation applied APP-TA structural concrete laid Plate Cap Ply) APP-TA MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 28 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE 213: STEEL OR • rCONSTRUCTION, •• • OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) jylpp No. Deck(Note 1) Note 13 Layer( ) Type- Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply .Ply Cap Ply (PSf) (Optional Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, when OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or 1 per using SBS-SA, 5-21. Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation SBS-SA torch- APP-SA, -45.0 min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime Plate 1.8 ft' applied APP-TA structural concrete laid Cap Ply) APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B. (Optional)One or (Opal) SBS-SA, S 22 (Optional)Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Min.1.5-inch H-Shield or Poly Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#12 DP(steel only)or 1 per SBS-SA SBStion . APP-SA, 60.0 min.2,500 psi combination,loose ISO 2 Dekfast$114 2.0 ft structural concrete laid APP-TA APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)or S-23. Grade 40 steel or any combination, Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- OMG#14 Heavy Duty,Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast 1 per SBS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -60.0 min.2,500 psi #12 DP(steel only)or Dekfast#14,Trufast3"Metal Insulation Plate with 1.6 ft' APP-TA structural concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast$114 HD Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II, ( "u Hex ACFoam III,EnergyGuard Dekfast aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3 Round Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or _ ' Polyiso Insulation,ENRGY 3, Insulation Plate(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)with Dekfast#12(steel only)or Dekfast 1 per (Optional) SBS-SA, 5-24. Grade 33 steel or more layers,any min.2,500 psi combination,loose ENRGY 3 CGF,H-Shield,H- #14,OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)or OMG AccuTrac Plate with 412 a SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5* 1.3 ft Shield CG,ISO 95+GL,Multi- Roofgrip(steel only)or OMG#14 Heavy Duty or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation APP-TA APP-TA structural concrete laid Max FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra- Plate with Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Max Min.22 ga.,type B. One or more layers, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)or Grade 40 steel or OMG 414 Heavy Duty,Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast 1 per (Optional) 5-25. min.2,500 psi any combination, Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-SA#12 DP(steel only)or Dekfast#14,Trufast3"Metal Insulation Plate with 1.3 ft' APP-TA APP-TA -72.5 structural concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-1114 or DF- #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG 414 Roofgrip or#15 Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 1 per (Optional) 5-26, min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose- Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 1.0 ft' SBS-SA APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 Trufast#14 HD or Trufast H15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast3"Metal Insulation structural concrete laid Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip$114 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- S 27 Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min,0.25-inch DensDeck #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 1 per (Optional) min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 1.0 ft' SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA 97.5 structural concrete laid EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 29 of 57 ONEMO etc. BONDEDTABLE 2B: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, .. COVER System Base Insulation' Top Insulation Layer " Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP' No. Deck(Note 1) Note 13 Layer( ) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast#12 DP(steel only)or Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Dekfast#14,OMG AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with#12 Roofgrip(steel only) 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) 5-28, min.2,500 psi combination,loose ACFoam II,H-Shield or Poly or OMG#14 HeavyDu Trufast3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast#12 DP 2 APP-TA 30.0 P ISO 1 �' 2.7 ft H APP-TA structural concrete laid (steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- S 29 Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -37.5* min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 27 ft2 H APP-TA structural concrete laid EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) 5-30. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 2.7 ft2 H APP-TA APP-TA -37.5* Trufast#14 HD or Trufast 415 EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation structural concrete laid Plate Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF-#14 or DF- Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8),isofast PLT-S-2-3/4X2-3/4 or Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DEXcell FA DekfastGalvalume Steel 3"Round(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)or OMG#14 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) 5-31. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Glass Mat Roof Board Roofgrip or#15 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat 2.7 ft2 H APP-TA APP-TA -37.5* structural concrete laid Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or OMG AccuTrac Flat Bottom Plate with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)or OMG#14 Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Min.1.5-inch H-Shield or Poly 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) 5-32, min.2,500 psi combination,loose ISO 1 Heavy Duty,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast 412 DP(steel only) 2 0 ft2 H APP-TA structural concrete laid APP-TA 45.0* or Trufast#14 HD Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate'or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3"Round(aka,Dekfast PLT- Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) S-33. min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board R3)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate,OMG 3 in. 2.0 ft2 H APP-TA APP-TA -45.0 Ribbed Galvalume Plate(Flat)or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or Trufast#14 HD structural concrete laid Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, 5-34 Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate 1 per SB5-SA- (Optional) APP-TA �}5.0 min.2,500psi min.1-inch,loose Prime orAccutrac Flat Bottom Plate orTrufast#14HD Fasteners with Trufast3" 2.0 ft2 H , APP-TA structural concrete laid Metal Insulation Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or S-35. Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Min.1.5-inch H-Shield or Poly Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast i112 DP(steel only)or 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) min.2,500 psi combination,loose ISO 2 Dekfast#14 2.0 ft2 H APP-TA APP-TA 60.0 structural concrete laid MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 30 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 26:STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C-1: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF r5ystem Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) Note 13 ,, Layer( ) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach . Base Ply - Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min.22 ga.,type B, OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)or Grade 40 steel or One o more layers, Min.0or SECUROCK DensDeck OMG#14 Heavy Duty,Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) 5-36. min.2,500 Psi' any combination, Prime or f Board CK Gypsum- #12 DP steel only)or Dekfast#14,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with APP-TA 60.0 P loose laid Fiber Roof Board ( 1.6 ftZ H APP-TA . structural concrete Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II, ' Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or ACFoam III,EnergyGuard Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Dekfast Galvalume Steel 3"Round Grade 33 steel or more layers,an Polyiso Insulation,ENRGY 3, Insulation Plate(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-3)with Dekfast#12(steel only)or Dekfast Y Y 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) S-37. min.2,500 psi combination,loose 1.3 ftZ H APP-TA ENRGY 3 CGF,H-Shield,H- #14,OMG 3 In.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)or OMG AccuTrac Plate with#12 APP-TA -67.5* structural concrete laid Shield CG,ISO 95+GL,Multi- Roofgrip(steel only)or OMG#14 Heavy Duty or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Max FA3,Poly ISO 2 or Ultra- Plate with Trufast 1112 DP(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Max Min.22 ga.,type B, OMG 3 in.Galvalume Plate(non-ribbed)with#12 Roofgrip(steel only)One or more layers, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Y)or Grade 40 steel or S-38. any combination, Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- OMG#14 Heavy Duty,Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -72.5 min.2,500 psi 412 DP(steel only)or Dekfast#14,Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with 1.3 ftZ H APP-TA structural concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Trufast#12 DP(steel only)or Trufast 414 HD Min.22 ga.,type B, (Optional)One or 5-39. Grade 33 steel or more layers,any Min.0.5-inch SECUROCK OMG 3-inch Galvalume Steel Plate with OMG#14 HD 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -75.0. P YP min.2,500 psi combination,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board 1.8 ftZ H APP-TA structural concrete laid Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF414 or DF- Grade 40 steel or an combination, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or#15 S-40. Y Roofgrip with OMG 3 in.Round Metal Plate or Accutrac Flat Bottom Plate or 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -90.0 min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation 1.0 ftZ H APP-TA structural concrete laid Plate Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Polygrip#14 or Polygrip#15 with Polygrip Hex Plate or Dekfast DF414 or DF- S-41. Grade 40 steel or any combination, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck #15 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG#14 Roofgrip or 415 1 per SBS-SA- (Optional) APP-TA -97.5 min.2,500 psi min.1-inch,loose Prime Roofgrip with OMG 3 In.Round Metal Plate or Trufast#14 HD or Trufast#15 1.0 ftZ H APP-TA structural concrete laid EHD Fasteners with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 31 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLEZC: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION,RE ROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D-2: INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER Insulation Layer(s)System Deck Base Sheet(Note Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP 13)No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (-0 TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: - - Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more Nail Base,Nail Base P, 12-inch D.C.at min.4-inch lap Prelim. (square),Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, (Optional) S 42. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Polyglass Elastovent or JM and 18-inch D.C.at two,equally APP-TA 45.0* structural concrete combination Attached Perma-Ply 28 Dekfast "Metal Insulation or Trufast#14 HD with spaced,staggered center rows APP TA Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate Nall Base,Nail Base P, Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more Polyglass Elastovent,G2 Base 12-inch D.C.at min.4-inch lap Prelim. (square),Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, (Optional) S-43. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Sheet,CertainTeed Glasbase, and 12-inch D.C.at two,equally APP-TA -52.5 structural concrete combination Attached Firestone MB Base,JM Perma- Dekfast "Metal Insulation or Trufast#14 HD with APP-TA Ply 28 or GAFGLAS#75 Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate spaced,staggered center rows Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more 12-inch DC at min 4-inch lap Prelim. Nail Base,Nail Base P or Roofgrip#12(steel only)or#14 with OMG' D.C. . (Optional) S-44. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Attached Polyglass Elastovent Flat Bottom Plates(square) and 12-inch D.C.at two,equally APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 structural concrete combination spaced,staggered center rows Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast 12-inch o.c,at min.4-inch lap S-45. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Prelim. APP Torch Base/Cap,APP. PLT-H-2-7/8)or OMG Roofgrip#14 OMG Flat and 18-inch D.C.at two,equally (Optional) APP-TA -112.5 structural concrete combination Attached Torch S Premier Bottom Plates spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Min.22 a., a B,Grade One or more Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates g type 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap SBS-SA, Prelim. Nail Base or Nail Base P (square),Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, S 46. 33 steel min.2,500 psi layers,any Attached with poly top surface Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Trufast#14 HD with and 12-inch two,equally SBS-SA APP-SA, 52.5* structurall concrete combination Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more: 12-inch D.C.at min.4-inch lap SBS-SA, Prelim. Nail Base or Nail Base P Roofgrip#12(steel only)or#14 with OMG S-47. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Attached with poly top surface Flat Bottom Plates(square) and 12-inch D.C.at two,equally SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0* structural concrete combination spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap Prelim. Nail Base or Nail Base P (square),Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex(aka, 5-48. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any Attached with poly top surface Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)or Trufast#14 HD with and 12-inch D.C.at two,equally SBS-SA-H APP-TA• -52.5* structural concrete combination Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate spaced,staggered center rows Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade One or more 12-inch D.C.at min.4-inch lap Prelim. Nail Base or Nail Base P Roofgrip#12(steel only)or#14 with OMG S 49. 33 steel or min.2,500 psi layers,any and 12-inch D.C.at two,equally SBS-SA-H APP-TA 60.0* structural concrete combination Attached with poly top surface Flat Bottom Plates(square) spaced,staggered center rows MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M30000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 32 of 57 OMEMO I etc. i OR • CONSTRUCTION, •• e OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D-2: INSULATED,M6CHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE MEMBRANE,BONDED ROOFCOVER. System Deck Insulation Layer(s) Base Membrane Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1) (Note 13) (Psf) Type Attach Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply TORCH-APPLIED BASE PLY: 5-50. Min.22 ga.,type B, One or more layers, Prelim. APP Torch S Dekfast#15 HS with Dekfast Galvalume Steel 2-3/8" 12-inch o.c.within the 5-inch (Optional) APP-TA -82.5 Grade 80 steel any combination Attached Premier Round Barbed Plate(aka,Dekfast PLT-R-2-3/8-6B) wide,torch-sealed side lap APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B, APP Torch Base/Cap Trufast#15 EHD(steel only)or Trufast#14 HD Grade 80 steel or min. One or more layers, Prelim. 12-inch D.C.within the 6-inch (optional) APP-TA82.5 5-51. 2,500 psi structural any combination Attached or APP Torch S (concrete only)with Trufast 2.4 in.Barbed Seam wide,torch-sealed side lap APP-TA concrete Premier Plates MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL30497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 33 of 57 ON EMO etc. SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED TABLE 3A:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) BONDED .VAPORBARRIEROPTIONS REFER To NOTE 16 Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) System Deck primer MDP No. (Note 1) Type (Notesa6,7,8) Type (Notesa6,7,R) Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psi TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Structural Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix C-1 None (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Min.,Board 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber 2 LRA-5GJ or APP-TA (Optional) Roof APP-TA -157.5 concrete Shield LRA-DC Helix 2 LRA-DC APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix C-2 None LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime 2 LRA-5GJ or APP-TA (Optional) concrete Shield APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 LRA-DC Helix 2 LRA-DC Structural Min.1.5-inch PolyISO 1 or H- Helix Max LRA or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Helix Max LRA or C-3 None (Optional) Helix Max LRA- APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -232.5 concrete Shield Helix Max LRA-DT SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board DT APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) C-4 concrete None ACFoam 11,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime D-IS APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -282.5 Shield Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber C-5 None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- D-IS Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof D-IS APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -322.5 concrete Shield Board APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) C-6 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime OB500 APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -282.5 Shield Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C 7 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof OB500 APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -322.5 Shield Board Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, M-OSFA or M (Optional) C 8 None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime App-TA APP-TA -282.5 concrete Shield PGl APP TA (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber C 9 Structural None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof M-OSFA or M- APP TA (Optional) APP-TA 322.5 concrete Shield Board PG1 APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam OB Classic(full- Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber OB Classic(full- APP-TA (Optional) C-10 concrete None II,Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield coverage) Roof Board coverage) APP TA APP-TA 232.5 Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Structural Mule- Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C-11 concrete Hide 121 ACFoam III,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield, Hot asphalt Roof Board Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -232.5 H-Shield CG or Multi-Max FA3 SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY TO INSULATION: MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization f132455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 34 of 57 *NEMO etc. 'SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED • BONDED ROOF COVEA .. BARRIER OPTIONS REFER To NOTE-16 Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) System Deck Primer MDP No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Helix Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA, (Optional) SBS-SA, Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base 2 LRA-5GJ or C-12 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 insulation Helix 2 LRA-DC SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -240.0 LRA-DC(RIBBON) APP-TA APP-TA (RIBBON) Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix 2 LRA (Optional) SBS-SA, 11 C-13 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix 2 LRA(FULL) insulation (FULL) SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -480.0 APP-TA APP-TA Structural Helix Max LRA or (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, C-14 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT insulation Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -277.5 (RIBBON) DT(RIBBON) APP-TA APP-TA Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, insulation nsulation C-15 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -427.5 (FULL) DT(FULL) APP-TA APP-TA Structural (Optional) (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) SBS-SA, C-16 concrete Mule- Min.1.5-inch H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 CASilti D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 insulation Hide 121 APP-TA APP-TA Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-17 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H-Shield D-IS insulation D-IS SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA 122.5 (Optiona (Optional) SBS-SA, Structural Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II or (Optional)additional layers(s)of base C-18 concrete 1)Mule- ENRGY 3 D-IS insulation D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -135.0 Hide 121 APP-TA APP-TA C-19 Structural None Min.1.5-inch,min.1.5 pcf Insulfoam D-IS (Optional)additional layers of base D-IS SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, -157.5 concrete insulation SBS-SA APP-SA Structural (Optional)additional layers of base (Optional) SBS-SA, C 20 concrete None Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Insulfoam OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA APP-SA 120.0 Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-21 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA 122.5 Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) SBS-SA, C 22 concrete None Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -127.5 APP-TA APP-TA Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) SBS-SA, C-23 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -150.0 APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 35 of 57 ON EMO etc. CONCRETEeECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-00) SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER NOTE: FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS REFER To NOTE 16 System Deck Primer Base Insulation Layer (Notes 6,7,8) Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP r No. (Note i) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8) Structural Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base M-OSFA or M- (Optional) C-24 concrete None ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield M OSFA or M PG1 insulation PGl SBS-SA APP TA APP TA - 22.5 .1 Structural Min.1.5-inch PolyISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional) SBS-SA, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base C-25 concrete None ENRGY 3,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 M-OSFA insulation M-OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -232.5 APP-TA APP-TA C-26 Structural None Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,Poly OB Classic(full- (Optional)additional layers(s)of base OB Classic(full- (Optional) SBS-SA, concrete ISO 1 or H-Shield coverage) insulation coverage) SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -270.0 APP-TA APP-TA Structural Mule- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional) SBS-SA, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base C 27 concrete Hide 121 ACFoam III,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield, Hot asphalt insulation Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -480.0 H-Shield CIS or Multi-Max FA3 APP-TA APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY TO INSULATION: Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix C 28 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 (Optional)additional layers(s)of base 2 LRA-5GJ or SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -240.0 concrete LRA-DC(RIBBON) insulation Helix 2 LRA-DC APP-TA (RIBBON) Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix 2 LRA (Optional) C-29 None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix 2 LRA(FULL) SBS-SA-H APP-TA 480.0 concrete insulation (FULL) APP-TA i Structural Helix Max LRA or (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix Max LRA or (Optional) C-30 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT insulation Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -277.5 (RIBBON) DT(RIBBON) Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or C-31 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT (Optional)additional layers(s)of base Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H (Optional) insulation nsulation APP-TA APP-TA -427.5 (FULL) DT(FULL) Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optiona (O (Optional) C-32 1)Mule- Miri.1.5-inch H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 D-IS D-IS SBS-SA-H APP-TA -67.5 concrete Hide 121 insulation APP-TA C-33 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H-Shield D-IS (Optional)additional layers(s)of base D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -122.5 concrete insulation APP-TA Structural (Optiona Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II or ) layers(s) (Optional) C-34 1)Mule D-IS insulation additional la ers s of base D-IS SBS-SA-H APP-TA -135.0 concrete Hide 121 ENRGY 3 insulation APP-TA Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-35 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -122.5 NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#132455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 36 of 57 MEMO I etc. CONCRETETABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL • .. NOTE:S�,STEIVITYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER FOR VAPOR BARRIER•• Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) M System Deck Primer DP No. (Note 1) Type Attach(Notes 6,7,8) Type Attach(Notes 6,7,8) Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-36 concrete None Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -127.5 Structural (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-37 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA 150.0 Structural Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base M-OSFA or M- SBS-SA-H (Optional) 122.5 APP-TA C-38 concrete None ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield M-OSFA or M-PG insulation PG1 APP TA Structural Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-39 concrete None ENRGY 3,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 M-OSFA insulation M OSFA SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA 232.5 Structural Min.2-inch Poly 150 2,ACFoam II,Poly OB Classic(full- (Optional)additional layers(s)of base OB Classic(full- (Optional) C 40 concrete None ISO 1 or H-Shield coverage) insulation coverage) SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -270.0 Structural Mule- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base (Optional) C-41 concrete Hide 121 ACFoam III,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield, Hot asphalt insulation 7Hothalt SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -480.0 H-Shield CG or Multi-Max FA3 SELF-ADHERING BASEPLYTOCOVERBOARD: " Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch PolyISO 1 or H- Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix C-42 None LRA-SGJ or Helix 2 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime 2 LRA-5GJ or SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, 72 5 concrete Shield LRA-DC Helix 2 LRA-DC 585-SA APP-SA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix C-43 None LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime 2 LRA-5GJ or SBS-SA (Optional) APP TA -232.5 concrete Shield LRA-DC Helix 2 LRA-DC APP TA Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix (Optional) SBS-SA, C-44 Structural None (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly I50 1 or H- LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber 2 LRA-5GJ or SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -157.5 concrete Shield LRA-DC Roof Board Helix 2 LRA-DC APP-TA APP-TA Structural Helix Max LRA or (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, C 45 concrete None Shield Helix Max LRA-DT Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Helix Max LRA SBS-SA SBS-SA APP-SA 72.5 Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix Max LRA Helix Max LRA or (Optional) concrete Shield Helix Max LRA-DT Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA APP-TA -232.5 DT APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix Max LRA or Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, C-47 concrete None Shield Helix Max LRA-DT Roof Board Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -247.5 DT APP-TA APP-TA MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 fH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 37 of 57 *NEMO I etc. TABLE 3A:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEWCONSTRUCTION EROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE BONDED ROOF COVER .. ... . OPTIONS .NOTE 16, System Deck Primer Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP (Notes 6,7,8) No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) Structural Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or (Optional) SBS-SA, C-48 concrete None Min.1.5-inch Multi-Max FA3 DAS SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board DAS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Insulfoam,Poly (Optional) SBS-SA, C-49 None ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1 or DAS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime DAS SBS-SA -72.5 concrete H-Shield SBS-SA APP SA C-50 Structural None Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Insulfoam D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime DAS SBS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -120.0 concrete AP P-TA (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, C-51 Structural None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- DAS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime DAS 5BS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -282.5 concrete Shield APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof (Optional) C-52 None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- D-I5 D-IS SBS-SA APP-TA -322.5 concrete Shield Board APP-TA (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, C-53 Structural None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- DAS Min.0.25 inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber DAS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -322.5 concrete Shield Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA C-54 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, 72 5 concrete ENRGY 3,H-Shield or ISO 95+GL SBS-SA APP-SA C-55 Structural None Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) concrete APP-TA APP-TA -127.5 C-56 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,H- OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -150.0 concrete ShieldorISO95+GL APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) C-57 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA -282.5 Shield Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof (Optional) C-58 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Board OB500 SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA -322.5 Shield (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, C-59 Structural None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -322.5 concrete Shield Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA C-60 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime M-OSFA SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, 72 5 concrete ENRGY 3,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 SBS-SA APP-SA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 38 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 3A:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS-NEW CONSTRUCTION REROOF(TEAR-OFF) BONDEDSYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION, ROOF NOTE: FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP. Primer. Attach Attach No. (Note 1) Type Type• Base Ply' Ply Cap Ply (psi (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Structural Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) SBS-SA, C-61 concrete None ENRGY 3,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 M-OSFA Roof Board M-OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -232.5 APP-TA APP-TA ' Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, M-OSFA or M- (Optional) C-62 None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime SBS-SA APP-TA -282.5 concrete shield PG1 APP TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof M-OSFA or M- (Optional) C-63 None ACFoam 11,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 SBS-SA APP-TA -322.5 concrete Shield Board PG1 APP-TA (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly 150 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, Structural Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber M-OSFA or M- C- concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Roof Board PG1 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -322.5 Shield APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min.2-inch Poly 150 2,ACFoam 11,'Poly OB Classic(full- Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber. OB Classic(full- (Optional) SBS-SA, C-65 concrete None ISO 1 or H-Shield coverage) Roof Board. coverage) SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, 350.0 APP-TA APP-TA Structural Mule- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) SBS-SA, C-66 concrete Hide 121 ACFoam III,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield, Hot asphalt Roof Board Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, 350.0 H-Shield CG or Multi-Max FA3 APP-TA APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELFADHERING SBS BASE PLY TO COVERBOARD: Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch PolyISO 1 or H- Helix 2 LRA,Helix 2 Helix"2 LRA,Helix C-67 None LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime 2 LRA-5GJ or SBS-SA-H (Optional} concrete Shield APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 LRA-DC Helix 2 LRA-DC Helix 2 Helix 2 LRA,Helix Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix 2 LRA, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C-68 concrete None Shield LRA-5GJ or Helix 2 Roof Board 2 J SBS SA-H APP TA APP-TA -157.5 LRA-DC Helixlix 2 2 LRA-DC DC Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or (Optional) C-69 concrete None Shield Helix Max LRA-DT Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -232.5 Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1 or H- Helix Max LRA or Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Helix Max LRA or C-70 None ) yp Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -247.5 concrete Shield Helix Max LRA-DT Roof Board DT APP-TA C-71 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Multi-Max FA3 D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -67.5 concrete SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board APP-TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization N32455 fH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 39 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 3A:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED NOTE: FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS REFER NOTE 16 System Deck Base In Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP Primer No. (Note 1) Type -Attach Type' Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) C 72 Structural None Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Insulfoam DensDeck me -IS SBS-SA-H D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDk Prime D (Optional) APP-TA -120.0 concrete APP-TA C-73 Structural None Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY- D-IS Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -247.5 concrete 3,Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Roof Board APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) C-74 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime D-IS SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -282.5 Shield Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.254nch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C-75 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- DAS Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof D-IS SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -322.5 Shield Board C-76 Structural None Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 OB500 Min.0.254nch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -127.5 concrete APP-TA C 77 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,H- OB500 Min.0.254nch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -150.0 concrete Shield or ISO 95+GL APP-TA C 78 Structural None Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY- OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber 08500 SBS-SA H (Optional) APP-TA 247.5 concrete 3,Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Roof Board APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) C-79 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Min.0.254nch DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA-H APP-TA -282.5 Shield APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C-80 concrete None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- OB500 Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -322.5 Shield Board C-81 Structural None Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber M-OSFA SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -232.5 concrete ENRGY 3,H-Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board APP-TA C-82 Structural None Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY M-OSFA Min.0.254nch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber M-OSFA SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -247.5 concrete 3,Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Roof Board APP-TA Structural (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, M-OSFA or M- (Optional) C-83 None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Min.0.254nch DensDeck Prime PGS SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -282.5 concrete Shield (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.254nch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber C 84 Structural None ACFoam II,ACFoam III,Poly ISO 1,H- M-OSFA or M-PG1 Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof M-OSFA or'M- SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -322.5 concrete Shield Board PG1 APP-TA Structural Min.2-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,Poly OB Classic(full- Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber , OB Classic(full (Optional) C 85 concrete None ISO 1 or H-Shield coverage) Roof Board coverage) SBS-SA H APP TA APP-TA 350.0 NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7 H EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 40 of 57 MEMO etc. TABLE 3A:STRUCTURA.L CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION 0WRERCOF[TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPEA:i:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER NOTE: FORMAPOR BARRIER 60TIoNS REFER TO"NOTE 1-6 System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP PrimerAttach No. (Note 1) Type Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, Structural Mule- Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber (Optional) C-86 concrete Hide 121 ACFoam III,ENRGY 3,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield, Hot asphalt Roof Board Hot asphalt SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -350.0 H-Shield CIS or Multi-Max FA3 TABLE3B: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW,CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF.) SYSTEM TYPE F:NON-INSULATED,BONDED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Roof Cover(Note 15) (psf) No. 7 (Note 1) Primer Base Ply Ply Cap Ply MDP SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: C-87 I Structural concrete Mule-Hide 121 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,APP-TA SBS-SA,APP-SA,APP-TA -315.0 HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: C-88 Structural concrete I Mule-Hide 121 SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -315.0 NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 41 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER Base Insulation Layer . _. . Coverboard Roof Cover-(Note 15) , System Deck Lightweight Concrete" MDP No.. (Note 1) (Note'14) Type. Attach Type Attach Base Ply_ Ply, Cap Ply (PsQ (Notes 6,7,B) (Notes 6,7,S) ,EwsnzELL(FL4994): TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Structural Range II Elastizell Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) LWC-1 concrete Lightweight Insulating ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,ISO 95+GL, OB500_ Fiber Roof Board OB500 APP-TA APP TA Concrete, APP-TA -225.0 Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield .SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Structural Range II Elastizell Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf -(Optional)Additional layers of base (Optional) SBS-SA, LWC-2 . concrete Lightweight Insulating Insulfoam OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA APP-SA =120.0 Concrete. Min.200 psi,min 2-inch (Optional). SBS-SA, Structural Range II Elastizell Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-LWC-3 OB500 OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA,. APP-SA, -120.0 concrete Lightweight Insulating Insulfoam Fiber Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA Concrete. Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Min.1.5 inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, Structural Range II Elastizell. (Optional)Additional layers of base LWC-4 concrete Lightweight Insulating ACFoam 11,ENRGY 3,150 95+GL, OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA,. APP-SA, -225.0 Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield APP-TA APP-TA Concrete. Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, Structural Range II Elastizell Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- LWC-5 concrete Lightweight Insulating - ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,.ISO 95+GL, OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -225.0 Concrete. Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield APP-TA APP-TA- HYBRID SYSTEMS wrrH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Structural Range II Elastizell Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) LWC-6 concrete Lightweight Insulating Insulfoam OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA. 120.0 Concrete. Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Structural Range II Elastizell (Optional)Additional layers of base (Optional) LWC-7 concrete Lightweight Insulating ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,ISO 95+GL, OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -225.0 Concrete. Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield Min.200 psi,min 2-inch Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Structural Range II Elastizell Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) LWC-8 concrete Lightweight Insulating ACFoam ENRGY 3,ISO 95+GL, OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 SBS-SA-H APP-TA APP-TA -225.0 1 Concrete. Poly ISO 1 or H Shield MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111. Appendix 1,Page 42 of 57 OMEMO etc. TABLE 4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTIONORREROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF System Deck ' Lightweight Concrete Base Insulation Layer Coverboard Roof Cover(Note 15) N1DP No. (Note 1) (Note 14) TYPe Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (pso (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) PRE-EXISTENT CELLULAR LWC: - TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: - - - Min.22 Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation - Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO (Optional) LWC-1 cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA- APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 BV,Grade insulating concrete 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK DT APP-TA 40 steel Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.22 Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation ga.,Type (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC-2 BV,Grade cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DT(RIBBON,6- APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -75.0 40 steel insulating concrete inch o.C.) DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK inch O.C.) Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi (Optional)Min.1.5 inch Poly ISO (Optional) LWC-3 cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA- APP-TA APP-TA -187.5 structural insulating concrete 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK DT APP-TA concrete Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Min. Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC 4 structural cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DT(RIBBON,6- APP-TA APP TA APP-TA 282.5 concrete insulating concrete inch o.c.) DensDeck Prime inch o.c.) Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation p (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC-5 structural cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DT(RIBBON,6- APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -322.5 concrete insulating concrete inch o.c.) SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof inch o.c.) Board SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.22 Min:300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO (Optional) SBS-SA,SBS-SA APP-SA LWC-6 cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA ec me or -45.0 40 steel BV,Grade insulating concrete 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT DensDeck Prime SECUROCK DT ' Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Min.22 Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H Insulation:(Optional)Additional (Optional) SBS-SA, LWC-7 cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -52.5 BV,Grade insulating concrete Shield or H-Shield CG DT layer(s)base insulation DT APP-TA APP-TA 40 steel NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 MEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 43 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight Concrete Base Insulation Layer : . Coverboard Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1) (Note 14) T e Attach," . T e. _ Attach Base PI PI Ca PI (PSG YP (Notes 6,7,8►' YP (Notes 6,7,8) Y Y .` P Y Min.22. Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.300,psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO (Optional) LWC-8 cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch = Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA APP-TA - -52.5 BV,Grade insulating concrete 1,,H Shield or H-Shield CG DT SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof DT APP-TA 40 steel - - Board Min.22 Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type Min.1.Synch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA- Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA- (Optional) SBS-SA, WC-9 cellular lightweight SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 BV,Grade - Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- layer(s)base insulation DT(RIBBON,6- 40 steel insulating concrete inch o.c.) inch o.c.} APP-TA APP-TA Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.22 Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or . Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation ga.,Type' (Optional)Mina 1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- (Optional) ' LWC-10 cellular lightweight Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch SBS-SA APP-TA -75.0 BV,Grade . 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- DT(RIBBON,6- APP-TA 40 steel insulating concrete inch D.C.) DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK inch o.c.) . Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Min. - Min.300 psi,pre existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, 2,500 psi Min.1.5-nch Poly ISO 1,H- Insulation:(Optional)Additional LWC-11 - cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -187.5 structural insulating concrete Shield or H-Shield CG. DT layer(s)base insulation DT APP-TA APP-TA concrete Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Min.300 psi, re-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi P P (Optional) SBS-SA, (Optional)Min.1.Sinch Poly I50 LWC-12, cellular lightweight Helix Max LRA- . Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA SBS-SA' SBS-SA, APP-SA, 187.5: structural - 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG concrete insulating concrete DT SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof DT APP-TA APP-TA Board' Min. Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or Min.300 psi,pre-existent (Optional) SBS-SA, 2,500 psi- Min.1.5-inch Poly 150 1,H- Helix Max LRA- Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA- - LWC-13 structural cellular lightweight Shield or H-Shield CG. DT(RIBBON,6- layer(s)base insulation DT(RIBBON,6- SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP SA, 350.0 concrete insulating concrete inch o.c.) inch o.c.) APP-TA APP-TA Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation (Optional) SBS-SA, structural 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- DT(RIBBON,6- (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- LWC-14 cellular lightweight Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -350.0 concrete . insulating concrete inch o.c.) inch o.c.)SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof APP-TA APP-TA Board HYBRID SYSTEMS wrrH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY:. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 77"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 44 of 57 ONEMID etc. TABLE4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight Concrete Base Insulation Layer Coverboard Roof Cover(Note 15)- MDP No. (Note 1) (Note 14) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (PsQ (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Min.22 Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or ga.,Type Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Insulation:(Optional)Additional (Optional) LWC-15 BV,Grade cellular lightweight Shield or H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP TA 52.5 40 steel insulating concrete DT DT Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min.22 ga.,Type Min.300 psi,pre-existent (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or (Optional) LWC-16 BV,Grade cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -52.5 40steel insulating concrete DT SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof DT Board Min.22 Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or Min.300 psi,pre-existent ga.,Type Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA- Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC-17 BV,Grade cellular lightweight Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- layer(s)base insulation DT(RIBBON,6- SBS-SA-H APp-TA APP-TA -67.5 40 steel insulating concrete inch o.c.) inch o.c.) Insulation-(Optional)Additional Min.22 Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation ga.,Type (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC-18 BV,Grade cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DT(RIBBON,6- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -75.0 40 steel insulating concrete inch o.c.) SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof inch o.c.) Board Min. Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or LWC-19 2,500 psi cellular lightweight Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA- Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -187.5 structural insulating concrete Shield or H-Shield CG DT layer(s)base insulation DT APP-TA concrete Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or layer(s)base insulation Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi (Optional)Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO (Optional) LWC-20 structural cellular lightweight 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA- Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch Helix Max LRA- SBS-SA-H APP-TA APP-TA -187.5 concrete insulating concrete DT SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof DT Board Min. Min.300 psi,pre-existent Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA- Insulation:(Optional)Additional Helix Max LRA- (Optional) LWC-21 structural cellular lightweight Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- layer(s)base insulation DT(RIBBON,6- SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA 350.0 insulating concrete concrete inch o.c.) inch o.c.) Insulation:(Optional)Additional Min. Helix Max LRA or Helix Max LRA or 2,500 psi Min.300 psi,pre-existent layer(s)base insulation p (Optional)Min.,1.5-inch Poly ISO Helix Max LRA- Helix Max LRA- (Optional) structural LWC-22 cellular lightweight Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch SBS-SA-H APP-TA -350.0 concrete insulating concrete inch o.c.) SECUROCK Gypsum 1,H-Shield or H-Shield CG DT(RIBBON,6- - DT(RIBBON,6- APP-TA Fiber Roof inch o.c.) Board NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 45 of 57 *NEMO I etc. M -ION,BONDED,ROOF COVER Anchor Sheet Insulation Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP SyNsto. Deck(Note 1) Lightweight Concrete(Note 14) Type Fasten Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (P O (Note 11) (Notes 6,7,8) Min.22 ga., Min.300 psi,min.2-inch Celcore 7-inch o.c,at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, GAFGLAS#75 (Optional) SBS-SA, LWC-23 Type B,vented Cellular Concrete,Elastizell inch lap and 7-inch o.c. ACFoam II,Poly ISO 1,H- steel at max.5 Lightweight Insulating Concrete or or Polyglass OMG CR BSF at two,equally spaced Shield,Multi-Max FA3 or Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, 45.0 Elastovent ft spans Mearlcrete center rows Poly ISO 2 APP-TA APP-TA Min.22 ga., Min.300 psi,min.2-inch Celcore 7-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, LWC-24 Type B,vented Cellular Concrete,Elastizell GAFGLAS ss OMG CR BSF inch lap and 7-inch o.c. ACFoam II,Poly ISO 1,H- SBS-SA- (Optional) 45.0 Elastovent steel at max.5 Lightweight Insulating Concrete or or Polygla at two,equally spaced Shield,Multi-Max FA3 or Hot asphalt H APP-TA APP-TA ft spans Mearlcrete center rows Poly ISO 2 ATTACHEDSYSTEM TYPE E-2: MECHANICALLY BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck(Note 1) Lightweight Concrete(Note 14) Base Sheet (Note A below) Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (PSf) CELCORE(FL2037): TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.22 ga„type B steel at Min.225 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 9-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c.at LWC-25 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B1,B2 or B11 Trufast Twin Loc-Nail two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -45.0 concrete Modifying Admixture the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.225 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 9-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c.at LWC-26 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast Twin Loc-Nail two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -45.0 concrete Modifying Admixture the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 8-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at LWC-27 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 or B11 Trufast FM-90 three equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 concrete Modifying Admixture Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 8-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at LWC-28 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast FM-90 three equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 concrete Modifying Admixture Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore Cellular Bi through Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7-inch D.C.at LWC-29 max 5 ft spans or structural Concrete 1311 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 concrete the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF LWC-30 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology Nail Base P Trufast FM-290 three h equally at a min.4-inch lap and center rows h o.c.at (Optional) APP-TA -90.0 concrete Modifying Admixture three equally spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 46 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER 'System Base Sheet (Note A below) Roof Cover(Note 15) rylpp Deck(Note 1) Lightweight Concrete(Note 14) No. Type Fasten'(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (PSf) Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.225 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 9-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, LWC-31 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast Twin Loc-Nail two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA APP-SA, -45.0 concrete Modifying Admixture the sheet APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF SBS-SA, LWC-32 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast FM-90 three quo.c ll s min. ,inch lap and 8-incfi roo.cws at SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0 concrete Modifying Admixture three equally spaced,staggered center rows APP TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.225 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF 9-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c,at LWC-33 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast Twin Loc- two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA-H APP-TA -45.0 concrete Modifying Admixture Nail the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Celcore MF LWC-34 max 5 ft spans or structural Cellular Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology B2 Trufast FM-90 8-inch o.c,at a min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c,at SBS-SA-H APP-TA -60.0 concrete Modifying Admixture three equally spaced,staggered center rows ELAsnzELL(FL4994): TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.0.0179-inch Tensilform S- 7.5-inch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7.5=inch o.c. 75 or min.0.0205-inch Min.200 psi,min.2-inch thick Range II Bl through Trufast FM-90 or LWC-35 Tensilform 75 at max.5 ft Elastizell Lightweight Insulating Concrete B11 OMG CR BPF at two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field APP-TA. APP-TA -30.0 spans or structural concrete of the sheet Min.0.0179-inch Tensilform 5- 7.5-inch o.c,at a min.3-inch lap and 7.5-inch o.c. 75 or min.0.0205-inch Min.200 psi,min.2-inch thick Range II Trufast FM-90 or LWC-36 B2 at two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field APP-TA APP-TA -30.0 Tensilform 75 at max.5 ft Elastizell Lightweight Insulating Concrete OMG CR BPF of the sheet spans or structural concrete Min.22 ga.,type B steel at 7-inch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at Elastizell Lihtweightt Ins LWC-37 max 5 ft spans or structural Min.200 psi,min. hns ulatinthick Range II BS through Trufast FM-90 or two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -45.0 concrete gg Concrete Bll OMG CR BPF the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.200 psi,min.2-inch thick Range II Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at LWC-38 max 5 ft spans or structural Elastizell Lightweight Insulating Concrete B2 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -45.0 concrete the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B vented Min.350 psi,min.2-inch thick Elastizell with 8-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c.at (Optional) LWC-39 steel at max 5 It spans or Zell-Crete Fibers,supplemental attached with Nail Base P Trufast FM-290 three,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field APP-TA -52.5 structural concrete Roofgrip#21 and 3-inch plates at 1 per 8 ft2 of the sheet APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.350 psi,min.2-inch thick Elastizell with Trufast Twin Loc- 6-inch o.c,at a min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at LWC-40 max 5 ft spans or structural Zell-Crete Fibers,supplemental attached with B2 Nails(min.1.8- three,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 concrete Roofgrip#21 and 3-inch plates at 1 per 8 ft2 inch) of the sheet SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 47 of 57 *NEMO etc. TABLE41C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOCOVER System Base Sheet (Note A below). Roof over(Note 15) MDP No. Deck(Note 1) Ughtweight Concrete(Note 14), Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (psf) Min.0.0179-inch Tensilform S- 7.54nch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7.5-inch o.c. SBS-SA, 75 or min.0.0205-inch Min.200 psi,min.2-inch thick Range II Trufast FM-90 or LWC-41 B2 at two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field SBS-SA APP-SA, -30.0 Tensilform 75 at max.5 ft Elastizell Lightweight Insulating Concrete OMG CR BPF spans or structural concrete of the sheet APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B steel at 7-inch o.c.at a min.3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, Elastizell Lihtweightt Ins LWC-42 max 5 ft spans or structural Min.200 psi,min. h Ins ulatinthick Range II Concrete B2 Trufast FM-90 or two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA APP-SA, -45.0 concrete gg OMG CR BPF the sheet APP-TA Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.350 psi,min.2-inch thick Elastizell with Trufast Twin Loc- 6-inch o.c,at a min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.at SBS-SA, LWC-43 max 5 ft spans or structural Zell-Crete Fibers,supplemental attached with B2 Nails(min.1.8- three,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field SBS-SA APP-SA, -60.0 concrete Roofgrip#21 and 3-inch plates at 1 per 8 ft2 inch) of the sheet APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.200 psi,min.2-inch thick Range II Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o,c,at a min.3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c,at LWC-44 max 5 ft spans or structural Elastizell Lightweight Insulating Concrete B2 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA-H APP-TA -45.0 concrete the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Min.350 psi,min.24nch thick Elastizell with Trufast Twin Loc- 6-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c,at LWC-45 max 5 ft spans or structural Zell-Crete Fibers,supplemental attached with B2 Nails(min.1.8- three,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field SBS-SA-H APP-TA -60.0 concrete Roofgrip#21 and 3-inch plates at 1 per 8 ft2 inch) of the sheet MEARLCRETE(FL13492): TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Bl,B2,B3,B7 Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at LWC-46 in 5 ft spans or structural Min.300 psi,min.24nch thick Mearlcrete or B31 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 concrete the sheet Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c,at a min.4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at LWC-47 max 5 ft spans or structural Min.300 psi,min.24nch thick Mearlcrete B2 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 concrete the sheet SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c,at SBS-SA, LWC-48 max 5 ft spans or structural Min.300 psi,min.2-inch thick Mearlcrete B2 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA APP-SA, -52.5 concrete the sheet APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Min.22 ga.,type B steel at Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c.at a min.4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c.at LWC-49 max 5 ft spans or structural Min.300 psi,min.24nch thick Mearlcrete B2 OMG CR BPF two,equally spaced,staggered rows in the field of SBS-SA-H APP-TA -52.5 concrete the sheet A. Base Sheets options in Table 4C are coded as follows: Bl: G2 Base Sheet,B2: Nail Base or Nail Base P;133: GAFGLAS#75;B4: GAFGLAS Stratavent Nailable Venting Base Sheet;B5: GAFGLAS PIy4;B6: GAFGLAS FlexPly 6;B7:JM Perma Ply No.28,B8: JM Vensulation;B9: JM GlasPly IV;B10: JM GlasPly Premier;B11: Polyglass Elostovent NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 48 of 57 MEMO etc. TABLE SA: CEIVIENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER • •e • SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVEk System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: CWF-1 ExistingTectum Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ISO D-IS or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime, D-IS or (Optional)APP- 95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,ENRGY-3 OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board OB500 APP-TA TA APP-TA 45.0 SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: CWF-2 Existing Tectum Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ISO D-IS or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime, D-IS or SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP- -45.0 95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,ENRGY-3 OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board OB500 SA,APP-TA SA,APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: CWF-3 ExistingTectum Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ISO D-IS or Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime, D-IS or SBS-SA- (Optional)APP- 95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H-Shield,ENRGY-3 OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board OB500 H TA APP-TA 45.0 TABLE 58: CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER 1 •• • CIRRECOVER ATTACHEDSYSTEM TYPEzA-2: MECHANICALLY ANCHOR SHEET,BONDED INSULATION, • 1 1 •• • System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasten Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Note il) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: G2 Base 9-inch o.c,at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, Trufast Inuldek inch lap and 12-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam III, Existing Sheet or DensDeck Prime, (Optional) CWF-4 Tectum Polyglass Loc-Nail(reroof o.c,at two,equally ISO95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -30.0* Elastovent only) spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY 3 or Multi- Roof Board center rows Max FA3, Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, G2 Base 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, ACFoam ,ACFoam , Existing Sheet or Trufast Twin inch lap and 18-inch II ACF III DensDeck Prime, (Optional) CWF5 Tectum Polyglass Loc-Nail o.c.at two,equally IS095+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Hot asphalt APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -45.0* Elastovent spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY 3 or Multi- Roof Board center rows Max FA3, SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: G2 Base 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, Existing Sheet or DensDeck Prime, Trufast Inuldek inch lap and 12-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam III, (Optional) SBS-SA, Tectum Polyglass CWF-6 Loc-Nail(reroof D.C.at two,equally ISO95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA, -30.0* SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber only) spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY3 or Multi- APP-TA APP-SA Elastovent center rows Max FA3, Roof Board MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 49 of 57 *NEMO etc. TABLE 513i CEMIENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS-REROOF(TEAR-OFF)6R RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR,SHEET BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover(Note 1S) System Deck MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasten Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Note 11) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) G2 Base 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, Existing Sheet or Trufast Twin DensDeck Prime,inch lap and 18-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam III, (Optional) SBS-SA,CWF-7 Tectum Polyglass Loc-Nail o.c.at two,equally 1S095+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Hot asphalt SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA, -45.0* Elastovent spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY 3 or Multi- Roof Board APP-TA APP-SA center rows Max FA3, HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, G2 Base y Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, Trufast Inuldek inch lap and 12-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam III, Existing Sheet or DensDeck Prime, SBS-SA- (Optional) CWF-8 Tectum Polyglass Loc-Nail(reroof o.c.at two,equally ISO95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECU ROCK Gypsum-Fiber Hot asphalt H APP TA APP-TA -30.0* Only) spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY 3 or Multi- Elastovent Max FA3, Roof Board center rows G2 Base 9-inch o.c.at min.4- Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck, inch lap and 18-inch ACFoam II,ACFoam III, Existing Sheet or Trufast Twin DensDeck Prime, SBS-SA- (Optional) CWF-9 Tectum Polyglass Loc-Nail o.c.at two,equally ISO95+GL,Poly ISO 1,H- Hot asphalt SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Hot asphalt H APP TA APP-TA -45.0* Elastovent spaced,staggered Shield,ENRGY 3 or Multi- Roof Board center rows Max FA3, TABLE SQ CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS-REROOF(TEAR-OFF)ORRECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATED,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 17P-TA MDP(psf) No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply CWF-10 Existing Tectum Nail Base,Nail Base P,Polyglass Trufast Insuldek Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. (Optional)APP-TA 30.0* Elastovent or G2 Base Sheet (reroof only) at two,equally spaced,staggered center rows CWF-11 Existing Tectum Nail Base,Nail Base P,Polyglass Trufast Twin Loc-Nails 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. (Optional)APP TA 45.0* Elastovent or G2 Base Sheet at two,equally spaced,staggered center rows MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-RB Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 50 of 57 ONEMID' [etc. BONDEDTABLE 6A: GYPSUM DECKS—REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply'. (Psi (Notes 6,7,' (Notes 6,7,8) SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, G-1 gyp gypsum lank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield or min.2.0 pcf,Insulfoam OB500 Min.0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime OB500 SBS-SA SA,APP-TA APP-TA 72.5 sum or p y G 2 Existing,sound poured Min.0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime OB500 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, 72 5 gypsum or gypsum plank SA,APP-TA APP-TA G-3 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch min.2.0 p cf,Insulfoam OB500 (Optional)additional layers(s)of OB500 SBS-SA 112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank base insulation (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA,APP-SA G-4 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, OB500 (Optional)additional layers(s)of OB500 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, _112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield base insulation SA,APP TA APP-TA G-5 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK OB500 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, _112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield or min.2.0 pcf,Insulfoam Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board SA,APP-TA APP-TA G-6 Existing,sound poured Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof OB500 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, 112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Board SA,APP TA APP-TA Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam I1, ENRGY 3,H- (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA APP-SA G-7 M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime M-OSFA SBS-SA , , -72.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Shield or Multi-Max FA3 - SA,APP TA APP-TA G 8 Existing,sound poured Min.0.2S-inch Dens Deck Prime M-OSFA None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, -72.5 gypsum or gypsum plank SA,APP-'TA APP-TA (Optional)additional layers(s)of Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- base insulation and/or min. (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, G 9 sum or sum lank Shield or Multi-Max FA3 M-OSFA 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-SA 202.5 gypsum gypsum P ypsum- SA,APP TA APP TA Fiber Roof Board G-10 Existing,sound poured Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof M-OSFA None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,T-202.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Board SA,APP-TA APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELFADHERING SBS BASE PLY: - G-11 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II,ENRGY 3, OB500 Min.0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP- APP-TA -72.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield or min.2.0 pcf,Insulfoam TA G-12 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam 11,ENRGY 3, OB500 (Optional)additional layers(s)of OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP- APP-TA -112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield base insulation TA G-13 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly 150 2,ACFoam 11,ENRGY 3, OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP- APP-TA -112.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Poly ISO 1 or H-Shield or min.2.0 pcf,Insulfoam Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board ITA G-14 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime. M-OSFA SBS-SA-H (Optional)APP- APP-TA -72.5 gypsum or gypsum plank Shield or Multi-Max FA3 TA NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M30000.03.08-118 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 51 of 57 *NEMO etc. TABLE 6A: GYPSUM DECKS—REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM.TYPEA-1:BONDED lNSULhTI0N,BON IDEDUOOFCOVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Notes 1&121 Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Notes 6,7,6) (Notes 6,7,8) (Optional)additional layers(s)of G-15 Existing,sound poured Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2,ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- base insulation and/or min. (Optional)APP- sum or sum lank Shield or Multi-Max FA3 M-OSFA 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OSFA SBS-SA-H APP-TA 202.5 gypsum gypsum P ypsum- TA Fiber Roof Board TABLE 6B: GYPSUM DECKS— .. SYSTEM.TYPE E- � ATTACHED BASE BONDED ROOF System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP(psf) No. (Note 1) Type Fasten(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply Existing sound poured Nail Base,Nail Base P, Trufast FM-75 or FM- 9-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c.at G-16 gyp gyp p sum or sum lank Polyglass Elastovent or G2 90 or Twin Loc-Nails two,equally spaced,staggered center rows (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -45.0* Base Sheet 9 Y P MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 ©2018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 52 of 57 NMEMO etc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEMTYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER Base Insulation Layer' Top Insulation Layer, Roof Cover(Note 15) System Substrate",' MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type. Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply. (psfl (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) TORCH APPLIED BASE PLY: Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base smooth-surfaced as roof Min.1-inch PolyISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA or insulation Helix Max - R-1 asphalt built-up LRA or Helix APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -167.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Shield,H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA-DT Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Max LRA-DT APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof Board SBS modified bitumen Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Helix Max LRA or Helix Max Min.1-inch Poly ISO 1,H- insulation (Optional) R-2 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel -Helix Max LRA-DT LRA or Helix APP-TA APP-TA -167.5 (loose gravel removed) Shield,H-Shield CG (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime or Max LRA-DT APP-TA SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof Board Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-3 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Prime Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A APP TA APP TA APP-TA 282.5 modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-4 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A APP-TA APP-TA -282.5 (loose gravel removed) Prime (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) APP-TA Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), R-5 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or None N/A APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -302.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Helix Max LRA-DT APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-6 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -302.5 (loose gravel removed) (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) R-7 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch Multi-Max D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime or D-IS APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA -67.5' FA3 SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25 inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime or (Optional) R-8 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II or ENRGY 3 or D-IS SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board D-IS APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 min.2.0 pcf Insulfoam Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch DensDeck,DensDeck Prime or (Optional) R-9 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,H- OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board OB500 APP-TA APP TA APP-TA -127.5 Shield or ISO 95+GL MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 53 of 57 ONEMO etc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEMTYPEA-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Substrate Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover.(Note 15) MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type Attach .type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psfl (Notes 6,7,8), (Notes 6,7,8) Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof (Optional) R-10 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA M-OSFA APP TA APP-TA -157.5 Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Board APP-TA SELF-ADHERING BASE PLY: Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), (Optional)Min.1-inch Poly Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max R-11 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield Helix Max LRA or insulation LRA or Helix SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, 72 5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Helix Max LRA-DT SBS-SA APP-SA modified bitumen orsmoothsurfaced CG Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Max LRA-DT SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up (Optional)Min.1-inch Poly Helix Max LRA or Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max (Optional) SBS-SA, R-12 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT insulation LRA or Helix SBS-SA -72.5 loose ravel removed SBS-SA APP-SA ( g ) CG (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Max LRA-DT Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), (Optional)Min.1-inch Poly Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max R 13 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield Helix Max LRA or insulation LRA or Helix SBS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -167.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Helix Max LRA-DT APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced CG Coverboard:Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Max LRA-DT SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up (Optional)Min.1-inch Poly Helix Max LRA or Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max (Optional) R-14 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel ISO 1,H-Shield,H-Shield Helix Max LRA-DT insulation LRA or Helix SBS-SA APP-TA -167.5 -- ravel—(loose—(l removed APP-TA g ) CG (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Coverboard;Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime Max LRA-DT Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max (Optional) SBS-SA, smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.1-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA or insulation R-IS LRA or Helix SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -167,5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Shield,H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA-DT Coverboard:(Optional)Min.0.25-inch Max LRA-DT APP-TA APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Helix Max LRA or Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max (Optional) SBS-SA, H- R-16 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Min.1-inch Poly ISO 1, Helix Max LRA-DT insulation LRA or Helix SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -167.5 (loose gravel removed) Shield,H-Shield CG (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Coverboard:(Optional)Min.0.25-inch Max LRA-DT APP-TA APP-TA SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), R-17 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) APP-TA -282.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Prime Helix Max LRA-DT APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SBS modified bitumen NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-R8 for FL30497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 VH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 54 of 57 OMEMO etc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEIVITYPEA-1: BONDED :. . . ROOF Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer. Roof Cover(Note 15) . System Substrate MDP No. (Notes 1&12). Type Attach . Type' Attach Base Ply Ply cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,6) Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-18 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Prime Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A SBS-SA APP TA APP-TA =282.5 (loose gravel removed) (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), (Optional) SBS-SA, R-19 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or None N/A SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -302.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Helix Max LRA-DT modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced APP-TA APP-TA SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adFiered asphalt built-up Min 025-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or (Optional) SBS-SA, . . R-20 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -302.5 (loose gravel removed) Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Multi-Max (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) SBS-SA, R-21 Existing asphaltic roof FA3 D-IS and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 Roof Board or DensDeck Prime APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly 150 2, ACFoam II ENRGY 3 or (Optional) SBS-SA, , R-22 Existing asphaltic roof D-I5 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -72.5 Multi-Max FA3 or min.2.0 APP-TA APP-TA pcf Insulfoam R-23 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch min.2.0 pcf D-IS (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation D-IS SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA -90.0 Insulfoam SBS-SA Min.1.5-inch min.2.0 pcf Min.0.254nch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof (Optional) SBS-SA, R-24 Existing asphaltic roof Insulfoam D-IS Board D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -90.0 APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) SBS-SA, R-25 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II or ENRGY 3 D-IS and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -90.0 Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, R-26 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,Poly OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -72.5 ISO 1 or H-Shield or min. APP-TA APP-TA 2.0 pcf Insulfoam R-27 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf OB500 (Optional)additional layers of base insulation OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA -120.0 Insulfoam SBS-SA Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof (Optional) SBS-SA, Insulfoam Board R-28 Existing asphaltic roof OB500 OB500 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -120.0 APP-TA APP-TA MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 55 of 57 *NEMO I etc. TAB,LE7A: RECOVER APPLICATIGNS :• • • :• U U tO • Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) System Substrate MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) SBS-SA, R-29 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,Poly OB500 and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber OBS00 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -127.5 ISO 1 or H-Shield Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) SBS-SA, R-30 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime M-OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -72.5 Shield or Multi-Max FA3 APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) SBS-SA, R-31 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber M-OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, -157.5 Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA HYBRID SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Helix Max smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.1-inch Poly ISO 1,H- Helix Max LRA or insulation (Optional) R-32 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Shield,H-Shield CG Helix Max LRA-DT Coverboard:(Optional)Min.0.25-inch DensDeck LRA or Helix SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA 167.5 modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Max LRA-DT SBS modified bitumen Insulation:(Optional)Additional layer(s)base Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Helix Max LRA or Helix Max Min.1-inch Poly ISO 1,H- insulation (Optional) R-33 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Helix Max LRA-DT LRA or Helix SBS-SA-H APP-TA -167.5 (loose gravel removed) (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Max LRA-DT Shield,H-Shield CG Coverboard:(Optional)Min.0.25-inch DensDeck APP-TA Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Prime Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA 282.5 modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-up Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-35 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Prime Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -282.5 (loose gravel removed) (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) Existing fully-adhered granule- surfaced asphalt built-up roof(BUR), R-36 smooth-surfaced asphalt built-up roof Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -302.5 (BUR),granule-surfaced APP or SBS Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Helix Max LRA-DT APP-TA modified bitumen or smooth-surfaced SBS modified bitumen Existing fully-adhered asphalt built-UP Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Helix Max LRA or (Optional) R-37 roof(BUR)with flood coat&gravel Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Helix Max LRA-DT None N/A SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -302.5 yp (loose gravel removed) (RIBBON,6-inch o.c.) NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-R8 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 56 of 57 MEMO I etc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS BONDED INSULATION BONDEDROOFCOVER System Substrate Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. (Notes 1&12) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation R-38 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch Multi-Max D-IS and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK G (Optional) FA3 Gypsum-Fiber D-IS SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -67.5 Roof Board or DensDeck Prime Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, R-39 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3 or D-IS Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -72.5 Multi-Max FA3 or min.2.0 APP-TA pcf Insulfoam R-40 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch min.2.0 pcf D-IS Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -90.0 Insulfoam Board APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation R-41 Existing asphaltic roof D-IS and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber D-IS SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -90.0 ACFoam II or ENRGY 3 Roof Board APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, R-42 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,Poly OB500 Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -72.5 ISO 1 or H-Shield or min. APP-TA 2.0 pcf Insulfoam R-43 Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch,min.2.0 pcf OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof OB500 SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA -120.0 Insulfoam Board APP-TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) R-44 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II,ENRGY 3,Poly OB500 and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber OB500 SBS-SA-H APP-TA -127.5 ISO 1 or H-Shield Roof Board APP TA Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional) R-45 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA Min.0.25-inch DensDeck Prime M-OSFA SBS-SA-H APP TA APP-TA -72.5 Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Min.1.5-inch Poly ISO 2, (Optional)additional layers(s)of base insulation (Optional) R 46 Existing asphaltic roof ACFoam II, ENRGY 3,H- M-OSFA and/or min.0.25-inch SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber M-OSFA SBS-SA-H APP-TAioAPP-TA -157.5 Shield or Multi-Max FA3 Roof Board RECOVERTABLE 7B: APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE F:NONANSULATED,BONDED ROOF COVER Substrate Roof Cover(Note 15) System No. Primer MDP(psf) (Notes 1&12) Base Ply Ply Cap Ply R-47 Existing fully-adhered,granule- None APP Torch S Premier,torch-applied (Optional)APP Torch S Premier,torch-applied APP-TA -362.5 surfaced modified bitumen R-48 Existing fully-adhered,granule- Mule-Hide 121 APP Torch S Premier,torch-applied (Optional)APP Torch S Premier,torch-applied APP-TA -445.0 surfaced modified bitumen NEW ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-118 for FL10497-118 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7r"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8:11/19/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Mule-Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(608)365-3111 Appendix 1,Page 57 of 57