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Building Permit Application
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED I Date:I,JZr J 70 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Pertn�tUn9°Co�Ye„t Planning Arad t) aeEapmrenf"Se+viees S Lucie Budding ond Code Regulation Oivisrdrt Commercial Residential > 11 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pie ee FL.34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax.(772)462-1578 _ .—....._ _._._.._ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Fence Installation � ! I PROPOSEO IMPROVEMENT LOCAtON: Address; �-7 t t`1 L, Orkr'�t +�°`�" ;* [1'C' Property Tax II? Lot.No__'_[ Site Plan Names _ Block No. 5 Project Name- a 'I �ETAIL£O +ESCRIPTION OF WORD:'" New Electrical Meter Second Efipctrieal Meter: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: ;Additional work to he performed under this permit—check,'all°(hatapply —Mechan cal, —Gas Tank _Csas Piping ®Shutters 'Windows/Doors _ Pond _Electric Plumbing .Sprinklers. _.Generator .—,Roof' —Pitch Total.Sq,Ft of Corkstruction 5q.Ft,of"First Floor: �a Cost of Conskeuction:.5. Utilities. _Sevver __Septic Building Height: OWNFRAESSFE CONTRACTOR: 1 Name: Todd M€'aroline hddrss, c + a t "� '� !eI Ctr'i ►�any; ,periz�r Fence and Rail of Qrevard County Inc City: State. R_. Address:�,�'t l� Harbor City 13Psd 1S}2. Zip Cade: CiLKI fast City: Prtelhourne Stt*ter FC - Ph&ne No. Z.m. - a 21p Code: -32935 Fax. 321-638-0086 1 •- j . 1 E-Detail: [ Phone No:321;636.2829 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different � E- 1aii spaccctaast c su�eri4rfarsc4ardrail.coan from the owner listed above) State or County license 3 i3V 1 if value of eor struct!on is 2500 or more,a RECOR0ED Not i&of~Comiimenc6ne6t is required. if value of HAVC is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Cornmencement.is required.. ,. _. .. . - ..... . i _-- - .. . a k_ -- __ . ��a: � , SUP PI ' ,o , A t� 15} uCfi� ?l�J; � 1 [J tIV ifVF{ MAC`0R.:' � , d ES1 NtlEt/ENGtIUEER f�0,k pp'Ocable `MORFGAG OMOANY Nit Ap�s��cab1, AdtlresS- :' AddresI s City _ °. . Sta> :. <Ctt "m . Zip !P#tone 2�p Phone . FEE SlN1PCE TIT,," L LLL1ER - t+lot.Applrcabie ROND(11tG C(?MPANY` Vot A�piicabf tarn tadattte t�cidress `Address .._ ... v _ '. E `Pf 1c�t� ;; �{3 Otis Zi-itp' Fft i WNFR��CC�t TRACTCyR AFFIDUIr`Apphc tian is h ruby made to oh am a tie rntt to:da the tnrork and k stoltaatlon a,: ,,iaaated I tert�fy that ni work oc rns[aElatrocr has commenced prcot;ta the essuance or a perriiif, St 1:uve Count ,maf�es r repr`dsenta4lort that is a nttn a.Aerrstit;w111 aucii`ar� e:th rrr ai fiatde .tii bttrid_31�e subjeetstructur ..which�s rn cr�iti �ct,with any:a sgiicatste•Home,;t?wners At sodaudm rues bylaws nc;an covenants that;;may:re3trtct or praha6at scich sir,t ae Please Consult wgtta.your,"Home.bwrre"rs,.&s¢tratioh,6hd�review yaurtdeEd:ttsr6ny testr,Ectia�ss wlj+th,may;appty '::; " In tbrisideratrtra flithe granting"�o1 Rht requested?permat tclo herebVaRr e t sat 1 vri13,srt ailk,eoip�ets perPorrn h war Cc'; an accardanc y�+th-the,:appct�tL'a d plans,the Florida t3 lldctig 'do and St:Lucie Co>n v r chdmen& - Th tallowar�� susldcrt�`petmfii applrcai+arss are exempt trvrn u;A' i tsrn a'tuft concu it ncy revfew t oofn'additions,; . , . a,cesSs�ry stror tures;�i4immrne pawls,:tences,<<vaits j%ns;screen- aoms,anei accesseary uses to anadi er non-residerntfaE use.: .; 1NAt�Pd1MG Td OWNER Your failure to Retard a[Votrce af'.Comme`ncemon tnay resutt m paying iwtce�t ,mprou rnencs to yat r;property A IVotrce of Comm nerrmerrt'must be recorded its the:publ�c ret orris o St ucre C.OU ,j aid postrrd on ti a Jobsite before the first anspecl ion`If you Intend tv abtaira 11 6rzcang .consu9t ta�tb ierder yr arrtcornebefore Ci;iialirtcng work or recur cyr Ntrc�ofornmencmnt , ," /- I�".. .,; ' Srgnature a r,er sseej��atttra�tot as Apetat for{3Wrier �r � re of Caritractar/lrcens�Wolrler STQTF C7F FLORI�Ar. STA -jo F!©RtDA Swos»tag(or affirmed)and j'Ob' rabed before tie of Sworn to(or a�fii t cdj at?d subst rrf}ed befcire rtae bi Physte I Prestenee©r tlr�l ii� totar as on Physacat Rr'.esertr a or {?nlrPpe, 'otarazatiL .- th+ 9. " day of, ,�,, 1,by; ., thas day of` z020„by ,. , Todd ; ,ar01i ne. : : . T��cid�.M Lard ne�� ` e cif person malting staterraeatt, Name of persa� ,M;kutg,statemerit Personally 1£ owtt OR Produeec{IderftifieattQn. Personally Kncsivn QR Prcdt�ted tient�ficatroat Type of ldetatrfiCation . -Type of identtfirat on Pro�ucped - Praduced - tea , ✓y -� �--,�,- 1 Sr AubkC State of Fiarda .of Flgr�da}'gnatur .tyf S�otY�. { rtatura�o r atx PEt lie Scat � . , - Commrss�on +(+�p�D5:QB�R/A�l��,�H(ifai :��{'!{� Carnmssa r��p�p�y��f :. y- t+'VF11 N57S�ni tp tillO WBP k -,t -L" 1, j L Yt.; ` �^ V- 4 R U f� u /�yj�f�e Z �..: 9"N Wll'7LiY # `s" t30rded t7 +PtC a' Sri � t�U9. fiEVIEWS: VISO 1.R PI Afi�Sj. Aa GRt V . CC5lJNTERr. RI'y`t1 Nf RFVI-Eby RE EE!J f Vi W ;: Et FslfFif I I?fkTlr RfC£!V£IT' . . __ �9. 'Cr L L Ix�LETC,IS "y^'> .r - _. � a