HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubContractorAgreement-PLEASE COMPLETEPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COUNTY Building & Cade ompliance Division BUILDING PERNirr NUA-CONTiACTOR AGRF.FMF�lT tCornrpany arlfer"Ira6widual Marne] the Electrical (Type of'Trddc) have agwQd to be Sub -contractor for Continental Assoclates. Inc. IPrimary Contr=lvr) For the project located at 3415 S_ Indian RWer Dr. Ft. Pierce. FL. 3 982 (Prt3a-Ct Street Address Or 11rapert%- To% JD bJ 24 5-133-0001-000-0 ]t is understood that. if thrre is any chmige of slate regarding our panicipation tvith The above mentioned pmject, the 8uiIding and C ode h'egulation r}i i;ia Of t_ Lucie [aunty will he advi •d pursuant to the i f`tlin�, ufa Change ofSub-contractor Notice. CONTRACTOR S1ChNATI;RE (QwkiGer) PRINT NA%11- CUL.�'r1' CEk'CIFIC.4T7(}ti 11.�[�ER Stwtr or Fkwk Y, Cauuq of rhL.MrnnlP$tis;1rplgmlll+IsstiirordWarr tarIhis da}'of x hrr Is Iler* 1nwlls lemm n _or hin Ilrodur;rl y a%identifjrsLiorl- \Igqul lZn- id NINnr% k`u hljv rrinr ,nouv of \irtun Yul]lie 5TATLR I *S'L=ONrk4{-'FORSIGNATURFIQu¢1Lller) I I ((i-am iS t "l _ PIRIN I NAME 32 C01 %TV CERI'IRLCATION NL'M. BE Slaw or Hriridk Unuori� of i&A rhw rorepkIns! 1w irumcpsi w as siFosd Mom me this dQs or . 20 . hs (Q ka �Cl uhrl k prrsnmifi) knlmn _irr hJk% Pr+rdurLLd a ra•of Ndi,Hrt Public of NIII orS Pu LISA WIE rkA4 Ta :. I Natary Publk - iutr or;+DM'- COMMi iM * Kh V 1' 10 i fto Av formm. Eqlres OK 17. 2CZd i' wc*d thrw#- Nitknal titter +Lr;.