HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION & PROPERTY IDENTIFICATIONAI I APPLI CABLE I N FO M UST BE CRAM PLE T E D FO R A PPLI TION TO BE ACCE P TE D Date; L � .CL L L i « - Plonning tmd Ve l-opment -Ser v ces Permit Number - Building Permit Application autrdjaq and CodelfiegolariOn Division 2300 Virgi a Avenue, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 452.1553 Fax: (772) 4E2.1578 PERMIT APPUCATION1 FOR. Commercial CRDG Funding PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 7733 Greenbrier Cif Part Saint Luice FL. 34986 P roperty 7 a x I D M 22- 700-00 90-000 -4 _ Residential Lot No, 85 Site Plan Name, _ _ Black No_ Project flame; Goetchius Generator b - DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORD: New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter O NSTRUCUO I INFORMATION', Additional work to be performed under 01s pefmit - check all that apply, _Mechanical Electric Ga5TanlC T Gas Piping Sprinklers (Aff idavit re qui red) Shutters Wii nd ows/Doo r s Pond Generator Roof Total Sq. ft of Construction: I Sq. R_ cof First Floor; Rost of Con structioe9: S Utit#ties: _ Sew-er — Septic Building H-eight: Marne Parn& & Artie r Goetchius A.ddress:7733 Greenlanier Cir - City: Port aint L ude 5tate-FL Zip Code: 34986Fax- _ Phonic No, 917-748-8:553 E- Bail: Fill In fee sim pie Tide Folder ors next page {if different from the Omer Uste-d above Pitch Name;[g' l ti Address- x55__ ciir: State: Zip Code: Z12 _ Fax; &51 -51 Phone No 2- Ff vatue of construction Is 25or more, a FRECD RDED Notice of Commencement is requirad. rf Niue of HAVE is V.SW or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, ;'CO • 1 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNED/ENGINEER'p Not Applicabie MORTGAGE COMPANY: A Not Appticable Narne., Name; Address: _ Address- city: State: City, State` Zip: Phone Zip: Ph -one; FEE SI M PLE TITLE HOLDER: X Not Appiicable BONDI NG COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name- Address- _ Address: City-, I~ity: , Zip; Phone: zip: Phone - OWN ER/ CONTRACTOR AFF I VVIT: App hcat i on is hereby made to obta i n a permlit to do the work -an d i nsta9lation as Endka to d. I certify th at no pro rk or i nstallation h as commenced p rior to th a issu a nee of a permit. St. Lud e. County m akes n o repreSentation that is Era nti n a perm it will aut ho rize the permit bolder to b u i Id th e s u baect stfu ctu re which conflicts with any applicable Homeo wnUS ASSOoIa ion rules, bylaws or and covenants th Ell May restrict or prohibit 5uCh structur-e, Please -consu it with your Homeowners Association and review your deed fur any restrictions vwhIch may apply. In consideration of th0 granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree 'chat 1 wirl1, in all respects, per[or-m the work in acco rdance w ith the apprcved plans, the Flori d a Bu i [di mg Cold es a nd St. Lu cie Co-, my Amendments. The fo1 I awing building perm i t a p p I icati opts are exempt from a ndergoing a ful I cork u frency review. rou rn addition s, accessory structtkres, swimr 16g pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rwrns and arcessory Uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Vou r fa l l'u re to Record 3 Notice of Commencement may result in paring twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of RvOmmencernent must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain finantingx consult w 1 t h fender or an ettorney.before commencing work or recording you Notice of Comlt encement. 'sign atUe of Owner/ Lessee/Co ntra ctof as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF St. Lucie Swor V (or afFi ed) and subscribed b0ofe me of Physical Presence or Online Notarltation this �d ay of N b r 20 1 by N arse of person making staternent- Persona I IV Known _ OR Produced Identification Ty f IderhtiRi ca roduced F� (Signat-ure of Notary Public- state o orida) ornnilssiono (Seal) REV IEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED =j,rturi■ FRONT ZONING COUNTER REVIEW yyyLl�d r,� DEREK SCa" U IU ACHE R ,NOWV PU-bPk_:Siato of FIGnda • tornmi�sickn # raH 2.5 t. w x c0rnrr,j�si0a Iea �r .dugus12�.202.4s e SUPERVISOR PLANS VE E7ATION REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW SEA TRH RTEE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW Wh elle Franklin, CFA --Saint Lucie County P1-eperty Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 77 ; 3 i7Trmheier C1R Sec.-TownfRage: 11'36S39E Parct:l TD: W 400-0090-000-4 JuriSdiction' Saint Luei-e County Ownership Pamrla Ccetchius Arth-ur Oprtchius 7733 Gn=b er CIR Pert & G,.vcic, FL 34986 Legal Description POD 19 PUD I t CiR 1: F. 1 6f1 k_Fk (PB 41-5) LOT 9 5 (()k 4135-364) current Values JU5U''M,-LrkC( Value' Asses,ed Value-. ExemptiMS: Taxable Value' 20,100 53?111100 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of owners-hip.Nst tax es are not x reliabie prui cut I ran of futurr taxes, F The Nair of a progerty w+'il1 prompt the rvmrivA1 of all exetn t4�ns� assessment tiap�. Alkd i-pedal chmific3alulls, Taxes for ft's Marcel' SLC Tax Col I mGo�a (NTi i r 12 DownlQml TkiM for this parcel; t]vwnIc,ad lPDF Q UseType- 0 100 Account 4: 149716 Map fD_ �1-229 Zoning' Plamcd Un Tota I Areas Finkshed/Under Air JSF) : Z,t Gras Sketclied Area (SF); 4.14E Lwid Size (acres).- 0.19 Fund Size NSF; 7.941 Building Design Wind Speed l lceupa n cy c attvey ! [I I I1 & EV Speed Sale H Istory Datc Bwk,?Age Sale Died Grantor MCC Cede M 1+ 17, 2018 4135 f 0364 0001 WD tear, kichmd L 83 F May 5, 2010 31981 1328 ] Praehaska Richard S ,OOU Dcc 22. 2-0+08 3CAA � 1731 XX01 rD L`Avaft- 2i'Vincent *S43.300 Feb 28, ZU03 16781 1039 XX()O SP Re:wrrc Hflmrs Lsd L $267.000 Apr 21, 1998 1140 r 1945 XX0_ WD CALLAWAY LAND 9-ND 20,60 CATTLE CO Building Information (1 of 1) Fi:nishccd Arm: 2,196 SF �iro5s et,cht�d AmA' d,14A 5F Ex lerior Data VLCw= Roof Covcr: Conc Tilt R(x)t Structure, Zlip Bui6ding Typc-. HB+ Year 13Wlt' 2i103 Frame= r. e: B+ Effecdve Year: 2-003 Primary all; CB Stucco Story }l ei et, 1 Starry -No_ Units, I Secondary Wall; Bcditts`. 3 Fu I I &athN' 2 110 i Baths - I ABC ° . 100% [„ ierior Oaia Ele=t it:; MAXIMUM Heat Type: FmdlimAir ITeat Euci: ELEC Heated %: 100% Sketch Area Legend sub Description Arm Primmy Int Wall; Avg Hgt F I oor' 0 Pritnaty Floors, Tile- mic prinkled ON: 04/. Arca Fin. ATca PaimOtyr BAD BASE A RrA 2196 21 212 GAA Garage .Attached Avenge 425 0 84 1 l F Screen Fnclwurp for Sketch Only tValued in 156 5FY1 M 0P_kH opcn I'or4h Attached High 39 SPA A %c%Len Pooh Altar[wd Average 177 0 56 SpL-cial Features and Yard Items Type Qty U n iR s Year Hlt Dri ti c-Brk ftv 1 120 200.1 POOL ] EATER ] 1 2012 RFS POOL 00 1 3U 2012 FOOL OK-AVG ] 826 20 ] '� POOL E C-AVG ] t 52 .2012 SPA -HOT Tl: R 1 48 201 } Current Year Values CurTcnt Valucs > reakd n C arrfflt YCar l-xen) pion Value Breakdown T4x Cram Code Dc€criptiGn AMOUnt Building; S245,100 Yclr Year 0500 Homestead S25.M iLmd. l�.,D D 20,21 202l Ext�mp[ic+n Ju;svM;arkct: W0,100 Twx Cimni Codf Nscription AMDQ!1t AS Credit; 50 year Yc$r 0550 F omrs[cad S25,000 021 Z0 L tiun ovef 5 Save Our ijoni-cc or 5(1".xer<i 1Or% Cap, Assessed: *�, ] 00 ExrmpLiurt(s); 550,OK Taxable- S270, I00 Currm Year Special Assessrneni Brcakdown Stan bear AsscssCudc UniCS DekriplGon Amount 2UO$ 1 2 1 Rcsrrvr, (:-;�rnm4nty Dc 1QpmcntDiskriit 5M.N P2 S[arl Year AssessUodc Units Dcwri plian Amount 2009 2N9 12 Cowim Sal id Wasw 5276-14 This doc€ riot n mS53rLEY tk;pW54LOt thc� metal Spccial As €cnwnLs that could Ix char rd agmut this proper-ty Th CDtak ftmourni char$cd for spviail ms swomts is reile�Led on the most ffui�'enr 12Y s«tarr�nt arrd infotrna60M is;milable with the S C Tax Cottmoll"s Ofiicelg. Historical Values year dustY.Market Amwwd Exemptions Taxable 202! S320,1-00 S�20,11l0 S50,004 � 70,ti06 2019 S306,500 s3m,sw S0 S306,500 201 5294,51H) 63,2451,2 S51O.(JOCE S? I.3.26t Permits Nurnbcr Is5uc Daw Deaunption AmGunk Fee C 12-05.013 L 0 May 31. 2012 PCH31 SO so C22-080398 Aug 20, 2002 Residcm ial New S 1.28AM 5937 C-uns rxu lion C2407�V.68 Aug «, 2DO4 rMcl urc 5106 S 130 C 1 205-OG I L May 30, 21312 Enc Iosurr $0 Noire: This <Joes rwi necessarily Tepresrnt all the permits far ihIN Fm p£rty, Glick Lbe fullowinp, Sink ro cbcrk [uw addiRional Vcrmil duLa In SainL Lurtn -County All it formation is believed m btu cDrreeL ai this ti me. but is sjbjeCt to Cbagge ar«d is provjd-ud wl thgul any warranty, Co"right 2021 Saint Lucie CuLmty 1'rW" Appraiser- All rights restryed.