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CITY NOTES:PV SYSTEM SUMMARY: 13.870 KWSITE LOCATION ANDHOUSE AERIAL VIEWTHIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING:2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: BUILDING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: RESIDENTIAL2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: MECHANICAL2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: PLUMBING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: FUEL GAS2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: ENERGY CONSERVATION2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: EXISTING BUILDING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: ACCESSIBILITY2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC)AS ADOPTED BY COUNTY OF ST. LUCIEPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMSITE LOCATION:HOUSE AERIAL VIEW:SITE LOCATIONMODULE LOCATIONMAIN SERVICE PANEL:EXISTING 225 AMPS MSP WITH (E) 200 AMPS MAINBREAKER ON TOP FEDINTERCONNECTION:PV BREAKER TIES IN MSPOCPD RATING:60 AMPSUTILITY:FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTTILT:23°, 2°AZIMUTH:90°, 90°RESIDENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMSYSTEM SIZE (DC):STC: 38 X 365 = 13870W DC:PTC: 38 X 337.65 = 12831W DCSYSTEM SIZE (AC):10000W AC @ 240VMODULES:38 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WWSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-1F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTOPTIMIZERS:38 X SOLAR EDGE: P401INVERTER:SOLAR EDGE: SE10000H-US [SI1]ROOF:METAL STANDING SEAM AND ROLLED COMPOSITIONRAFTER/TRUSS SIZE:2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C. AND 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.ATTACHMENT TYPE:S-5!: S-5-N CLAMP WITH UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL ANDCHEMLINK: CHEM CURB WITH UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAILALL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED TO THEMAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE AND SHALL BE PAINTED A COLOR SIMILARTO THE SURFACE UPON WHICH THEY ARE MOUNTED.INSTALLATION NOTES:MODULES SHALL BE TESTED , LISTED AND INDENTIFIED WITH FIRE CLASSIFICATION INACCORDANCE WITH UL 2703. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS ARE REQUIREDPER SECTION R314 AND 315 TO BE VERIFIED AND INSPECTED BY INSPECTOR IN THEFIELD.CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUMCODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING ASREQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS.DIG ALERT (811) TO BE CONTACTED AND COMPLIANCE WITH EXCAVATIONSAFETY PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION TAKING PLACEINSTALL CREW TO VERIFY ROOF STRUCTURE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.EMT CONDUIT ATTACHED TO THE ROOF USING CONDUIT MOUNT.PV-1SITE LOCATION AND HOUSE AERIAL VIEWPV-2SITE PLANPV-2AROOF PLAN WITH MODULES LAYOUTPV-3MOUNTING DETAILSPV-4THREE LINE DIAGRAMPV-5EXISTING SERVICE PANELPV-6NOTES AND EQUIPMENT LISTPV-7LABELSPV-7ASITE PLACARDPV-8OPTIMIZER CHARTPV-9 & 10SAFETY PLANTABLE OF CONTENTS MSPUMACINVJBSITE PLANSITE PLANSCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0"1SITE PLANPV SYSTEM13.870 kW-DC10.000 kW-ACROOF AREA : 3582.19 SQ FTSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-2F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTLEGEND:OBSTRUCTIONPIPE VENTMODULESCONDUITSETBACKMSP AC ACDISCONNECTJUNCTIONBOXINVINVERTER UM JBMSPUTILITY METER146'-4"298'-11"DRIVEWAYPINETREE DRIVE 41'-6"136'-1"39'-5"94'-10"PROPERTY LINEROOF LINE(N) JUNCTION BOX(E) MAIN SERVICE PANEL/UTILITY METER(E) MAIN SERVICE PANEL(E) UTILITY METER(N) SQUARE D DU222RB(N) SE10000H-US [SI1] MSPUMACINVJBROOF PLANSCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"1ROOF AREA STATEMENTROOFMODULESQTYPITCHAZIMUTHROOF AREAARRAY AREAARRAYCOVERAGE %SYSTEMDISTRIBUTEDWEIGHTATTACHMENTPOINT-LOAD11723°90°807.37 SQ FT355.47 SQ FT22.18%2.27 PSF13.65 LBS2212°90°693.67 SQ FT439.11 SQ FTPV SYSTEM13.870 kW-DC10.000 kW-ACNOTES:1.EMT CONDUIT ATTACHED TOTHE ROOF USING CONDUITMOUNTS2.ATTACHED CLAMPS AT 25%FROM THE EDGE AND 50% FROMTHE CENTER OF THE MODULES3.JUNCTION BOX IS MOUNTED TOTHE RAIL.SHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-2AF101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTROOF PLAN W/MODULES LAYOUTROOF AREA : 3582.19 SQ FTLEGEND:OBSTRUCTIONPIPE VENTMODULESCONDUITSETBACKMSP AC ACDISCONNECTJUNCTIONBOXINVINVERTER UM JBMSPUTILITY METER2'-0"3'-0"2'-1" 2'-5"2'-5"2'-4"3'-0"FIRE ACCESSPATHWAYSFIRE ACCESSPATHWAYSBy Yuri at 7:14:30 AM, 12/16/2021 UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL RACKING SYSTEM(N) SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WW2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.ROOF ATTACHMENT4'UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL RACKING SYSTEM(N) SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WWMETAL RIB @ 9" O.C.ROOF ATTACHMENT18"5/16" LAGSCREWS WITH2.5" MIN.EMBEDMENT2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WWCHEM LINKE CURBUNIRACSTANDOFFUNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL10" 10 °L-FOOT 1- PART Pourable Sealer or PRO PACK Pourable SealerM-1 Structural SealantAlong StandoffChem CurbAbovePenetrationRoof Surface2.07.5 or Structural SealantAlong PipeM-1 Structural SealantM-1 Structural Sealant(E) METAL ROOF (BY OTHERS)M8-1.25 STAINLESS STEELHEX FLANGE BOLTS-5-N CLAMP3/8-24 STAINLESS STEEL ROUNDPOINT SETSCREW (316 HEX DRIVE)(E) METAL ROOF (BY OTHERS)S-5-N CLAMP(E) 2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.MOUNTINGDETAILSSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-3F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTATTACHMENT DETAILScale: NTSSOLAR PV ARRAY SECTION VIEWScale: NTSPARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLANScale: NTSATTACHMENT DETAILScale: NTSSOLAR PV ARRAY SECTION VIEWScale: NTSPARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLANScale: NTSBy Yuri at 7:14:35 AM, 12/16/2021 JUNCTIONBOXSOLAREDGE P401 POWER OPTIMIZERSSTRING-12 - #10 AWG, PV WIRE1 - #6 AWG IN FREE AIR OR#8 AWG MUST BE IN EMT CONDUITSTRING-3SOLAREDGE P401POWER OPTIMIZERS4 - #10 AWG, PV WIRE1 - #6 AWG IN FREE AIR OR#8 AWG MUST BE IN EMTCONDUIT13 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WW12 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WWSTRING-213 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WW2 - #10 AWG, PV WIRESOLAREDGE P401POWER OPTIMIZERS6 - #10 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" ORLARGER EMT CONDUITUM(E) 200A / 2P MAINBREAKER(TOP FED)(E) 225A RATEDMAIN SERVICE PANEL1PH, 120/240V 60HZ(E) UTILITYMETER(N) 60A / 2P PV BREAKERTO OTHER LOADSTO UTILITYOVERHEADFEED3 - #6 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" OR LARGER EMTCONDUIT(N) 60A RATEDAC DISCONNECTSQUARE D DU222RB KNIFEBLADE, LOCKABLE,NEMA 3R, UL LISTED3 - #6 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" OR LARGER EMTCONDUIT(N) SOLAREDGESE10000H-US [SI1]INVERTERACDCRAPIDSHUTDOWNSWITCHCONNECT TO EXISTING UFERTHREE LINEDIAGRAMNOTE:CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASEDON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANTTO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONSBACKFEED BREAKER SIZINGMAX. CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 42A @ 240V42X1.25=52.50AMPS60A BREAKER - OKSEE 705.12 OF 2017 NEC225X1.20=270270-200=70A ALLOWABLE BACKFEEDCONDUCTOR AMPACITY DE-RATE CALCULATIONEQUIPMENTWIRE LOCATIONCONDUCTORQTY.AWG WIRESIZENEC FACTORSTABLE310.15(B)(16)NEC FACTORSTABLE310.15(B)(2)(a)CONDUCTORAMPACITY@90C ADJ.NEC FACTORSTABLE310.15(B)(3)(a)1ACINVERTERTOAC DISCONNECTEXTERIOR WALL36650.9461.11.002ACAC DISCONNECTTOPOIEXTERIOR WALL36650.9461.11.00PV SYSTEM13.870 kW-DC10.000 kW-ACSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-4F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHT EXISTING SERVICEPANELSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-5F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHT NOTES ANDEQUIPMENT LISTMATERIAL LIST:SHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-6F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTQTY.PARTPART #DESCRIPTION38MODULESSEG-6MA-365WWSERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WW38OPTIMIZERS130-401P401 SOLAREDGE POWER OPTIMIZER - FRAME MOUNTED MODULE ADD-ON1JUNCTION BOX480-276600VDC NEMA 3R UL LISTED JUNCTION BOX2CONNECTORS240-300STAUBLI / MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS (FEMALE)2CONNECTORS240-301STAUBLI / MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS (MALE)1INVERTER120-101SE10000H-US [SI1] 240V INVERTER UL1741 SA CERTIFIED INTEGRATED ARC FAULT PROTECTION AND RAPID SHUTDOWN1AC DISCONNECT323-06060A RATED 240VAC NEMA 3R UL LISTED31ROOF ATTACHMENT 1220-106S-5!: S-5-N CLAMP16RAIL 1211-100UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL 168 INCH (TOTAL 219 FEET NEEDED)20RAIL 2211-100UNIRAC SM LIGHT RAIL 168 INCH (TOTAL 270 FEET NEEDED)17RAIL HARDWARE 1261-517BND T-BOLT AND NUT SS18MODULE CLAMPS 1221-101SM MIDCLAMP PRO DRK18MODULE CLAMPS 1221-202SM ENDCLAMP PRO W/ END CLAMP6SPLICE 1261-600BND SPLICE BAR PRO SERIES MILL18MLPE MOUNT 1261-510MICRO MNT BND TBOLT SS5ACCESSORIES 1211-202E-BOSS CONDUIT MOUNT COMP KIT10ACCESSORIES 1211-200E-BOSS RAIL TRAY4ACCESSORIES 1211-206E-BOSS BRIDGE TRAY6ACCESSORIES 1211-207E-BOSS BRIDGE CLIPS32GROUNDING LUG 1260-300BURNDY GROUND WEEB-LUG29L-FOOT 1241-100UNIRAC L-FOOT SERRATED W/T-BOLT CLEAR (KIT)21RAIL HARDWARE 2261-517BND T-BOLT AND NUT SS23MODULE CLAMPS 2221-101SM MIDCLAMP PRO DRK23MODULE CLAMPS 2SM ENDCLAMP PRO W/ END CLAMP8SPLICE 2261-600BND SPLICE BAR PRO SERIES MILL23MLPE MOUNT 2261-510MICRO MNT BND TBOLT SS66ACCESSORIES 2211-202E-BOSS CONDUIT MOUNT COMP KIT12ACCESSORIES 2211-200E-BOSS RAIL TRAY4ACCESSORIES 2211-206E-BOSS BRIDGE TRAY7ACCESSORIES 2211-207E-BOSS BRIDGE CLIPS40GROUNDING LUG 2260-300BURNDY GROUND WEEB-LUG36L-FOOT 2241-100UNIRAC L-FOOT SERRATED W/T-BOLT CLEAR (KIT)42ATTACHMENT 2241-300UNIRAC 4" STANDOFFS - MILL10.5CURB KIT 2520-100CHEMLINK CHEMCURB 4" CURB KIT (4 CURBS PER KIT)11SPLICE BAR 2SPLICE BAR 2UNIRAC: BONDING SPLICE BAR SERRATED10T-BOLT 2261-517T-BOLT NUT 3/8 X 3/4 SS10GROUND LUG 2260-300BURNDY GROUND WEEB-LUG24T-BOLT 2211-201UNIRAC: MICRO MNT BND T-BOLT 1/4 X 3/4 SS21MOUNTING BRACKET 2211-201UNIRAC: E-BOSS J-BOX MOUNTING BRACKET93LAG BOLT 2261-506UNIRAC HDW LAG BOLT 5/16 X 4UNIRAC HDW LAG BOLT 5/16 X 4GENERAL NOTES:#N/ATHE SOLAREDGE INVERTER IS INTEGRATED WITH DC DISCONNECTION AND ARC FAULT PROECTION. IT IS ATTACHED WITH SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS W/ GROUND FAULT PROTECTION & LISTED TO UL 1741 STANDARDS.PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM GROUND WILL BE TIED INTO EXISTING GROUND AT MAIN SERVICE FROM DC DISCONNECT/INVERTER AS PER 2017 NEC SEC 250.166(A).SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF ART. 690 OF THE 2017 NECCONDUIT ABOVE ROOF SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 1 INCH FROM TOP OF THE ROOF TO BOTTOM OF RACEWAY. TABLE NEC 310.15(B)(3)(C)PHOTOVOLTAIC DC CONDUCTORS ENTERING THE BUILDING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN METALLIC RACEWAY AND SHALL BE IDENTIFIED EVERY 10 FEET -- AND WITHIN 1 FOOT ABOVE AND BELOW PENETRATIONS OF ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES WALLS OR BARRIERS -- WITHMINIMUM 3/8-INCH-HIGH WHITE LETTERING ON RED BACKGROUND READING: WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE.SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR FOR PV SYSTEM TO BE SIZED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF 2017 NECTHE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH A GROUND ROD OR UFERUTILITY COMPANY WILL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ACTIVIATION OF THE SOLAR PV SYSTEMTERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITIONSOLAREDGE INVERTERS ARE LISTED TO UL 1741 AND UL 1699B STANDARDSSOLAREDGE OPTIMIZERS ARE LISTED TO IEC 62109-1 (CLASS II SAFETY) AND UL 1741 STANDARDSBREAKER SIZES:60A PV BREAKERSERVICE: 1.NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND NEC SECTION R324 MARKINGSSHOWN HEREON.2.ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:A.UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED ORMACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING.B.RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINEWORK.C.AERIAL FONT.3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED INTHE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED. SIGNAGE CANNOT BEHAND-WRITTEN.3.SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITHPOP-RIVETS OR SCREWS.NOTES:M690.54705.12(B)(2)(3)(b)"WARNING"DUAL POWER SOURCESSECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT - 42.00 AMPSAC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE - 240 VOLTSWARNING:POWER SOURCE OUTPUTCONNECTIONDO NOT RELOCATE THISOVERCURRENT DEVICE.TURN RAPIDSHUTDOWN SWITCH TOTHE "OFF" POSITION TOSHUT DOWN PV SYSTEMAND REDUCE SHOCKHAZARD IN THE ARRAY690.56(C)(1)(A)SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWNAC 690.15, 690.54PV SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT - 42.00 AMPSAC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE - 240 VOLTSRAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FORSOLAR PV SYSTEM690.56(C)(3)INVERTERARRAYJ/BDC"WARNING"PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCEEVERY 10' ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES"WARNING"ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD.TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDESMAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION690.13 (B)690.53PV SYSTEM DC DISCONNECTMAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 480VMAXIMUM CIRCUIT CURRENT: 42AMAX RATED OUTPUT CURRENT OFTHE CONTROLLER OR DC-TO-DCCONVERTER: 15ANEC 690.31(G)(3) & (4)PMPV METERSOLAR ELECTRICPV PANELSSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-7F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTLABELS MSPUMACINVJBNOTES:1.NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND NEC SECTION R324 MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON.2.ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:A.UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS ORELECTRO-PLATING.B.RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE WORK.C.AERIAL FONT.3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED.SIGNAGE CANNOT BE HAND-WRITTEN.3.SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS.SITE PLACARDCAUTION:MULTIPLE SOURCES OF POWER LOCATED AS SHOWN.DANGEROUS VOLTAGE MAY BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES6X8" TYP - NEC 705.10SHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-7AF101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTPINETREE DRIVE MAIN SERVICE PANELJUNCTION BOX38 PV MODULEAC DISCONNECTUTILITY METERINVERTER EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWN 123456789101-1011-2021-3031-4041-5051-60123456789101-1011-2021-3031-4041-5051-60SHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-8F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTSOLAREDGE OPTIMIZER CHARTOPTIMIZERCHARTPINETREE DRIVE SAFETY PLANSAFETY PLANMARK UP KEYINSTRUCTIONS:1.USE SYMBOLS IN KEY TO MARK UP THIS SHEET.2.SAFETY PLAN MUST BE MARKED BEFORE JOBSTARTS AS PART OF THE PRE-PLAN3.DOCUMENT ALL ADDITIONAL HAZARDS ON THIS PAGE& MAKE NOTES ON THE JHA SHEETIN CASE OF EMERGENCYNEAREST HOSPITAL OR OCCUPATIONAL/INDUSTRIAL CLINICNAME: _______________________________________________ADDRESS: ___________________________________________SAFETY COACH CONTACT INFORMATIONNAME: _______________________________________________ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ALL EMPLOYEES ON SITE SHALL BE MADE AWARE OF THESAFETY PLAN AND SIGN INDICATING THAT THEY AREAWARE OF THE HAZARDS ON-SITE AND THE PLAN FORWORKING SAFELY. NAME SIGNATURE__________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________DATE: ______________ TIME:___________________________PERMANENT ANCHORTEMPORARY ANCHORINSTALLER LADDERJUNCTION / COMBINER BOXSTUB-OUTSKYLIGHTNO LADDER ACCESS (STEEP GRADEOR GROUND LEVEL OBSTRUCTIONS)RESTRICTED ACCESSCONDUITGAS SHUT OFFWATER SHUT OFFSERVICE DROPPOWER LINESPTILBS7ZGASH2OSHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-9F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTPINETREE DRIVE JOB HAZARD ANALYSISCrew leader to fill out all sections below, hold a pre-job safety meeting with all personnel, and upload this completed document and the Safety Plan to Site CaptureLadder Access·Ladders must be inspected before each use.·Extension ladders must be set up on a firm and level surface ata 4-to-1 rise to run angle (or 75 degrees) and the top must besecured to the structure. Extension style ladders placed onuneven, loose or slippery surfaces must additionally have thebase firmly anchored or lashed so the base will not slip out.·Extension ladders must be used with walk-through devices orthe ladder must extend 36" above the stepping off point.·A-frame ladders must only be climbed with the ladder spreaderbars locked in the open position; A-frame ladders shall not beclimbed while in the closed position (ex, closed and used whileleaned against a structure).·Additional notes:Mobile Equipment·Only Qualified operators will operate equipment; operators mustmaintain a certification on their person for the equipment beingoperated.·Type(s) of mobile equipment (Type/Make/Model):·Qualified operator(s):Material Handling and Storage·Materials will be staged/stored in a way that does not present ahazard to client, personnel or public. Materials stored on theroof will be physically protect from failing or sliding off.Fall Protection·A site-specific plan for fall prevention and protection is requiredprior to starting work and must remain onsite at all times untilwork is complete; a fall rescue plan must be outlined anddiscussed among the crew prior to work start.·First-person-Up (FPU) must install their anchor and connectbefore any other task, including installing other anchors. TheLast-Person-Down (LPD) must be the only person on a roofuninstalling fall protection.·FPCP (name and title):·FPU and LPD (name and title):Electrical Safety·The Electrical Qualified Person (EQP) is required onsite toperform electrical work.·All electrical work will be performed with equipment in anelectrically safe condition (de-energized) unless approval hasbeen granted prior to work.·Service drops and overhead electrical hazards will beindentified and protected from contact, as neccessary.·EQP (name and tile):Public Protection·The safety of the Client and the Public must be maintained at alltimes.·The Client and the Public shall be prevented from entering thework zone through the use of barriers and/or signage, asrequired.·Company, Client and Public property shall be protect fromfalling objects.·Pets (including dogs) shall be secured by their owners prior towork start.·The client should not leave pets, family members, or others inthe charge or care of Employees, Contractors, or TemporaryWorkers.·Crew leader responsible for communication with the client:·Client and public is excluded from work area by barricades (N/A,Yes, No):Training and Pre-Job Safety Briefing·All employees onsite shall be made aware of the specifichazards of this project and review this HJA during a pre-jobbriefing, and their signature indicates awareness of siteconditions and the plan to eliminate any hazards identified priorto and during the project.·Crew leader (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):Airborne Contaminants:·Asbestos-containing (Transite) piping (ACP) - Do not disturb(move, drill, cut fracture, etc.)·Asbestos-containing thermal insulation (ACI) andAsbestos-containing duct wrapping (ACW) - do not disturb, noattic or crawlspace access is allowed if work to be performedcould cause exposure to personnel, client or public.·If yes, list specific tasks and protection in place:Weather and Environment·The site supervisor shall forecast the weather conditions at thejob site, prior to crew arrival, in order to mitigate any hazardsassociated with inclement weather (heat, cold, wind, rain, etc.)·The site supervisor will utilized a portable wind meter(anemometer) to verify actual onsite wind conditions, bychecking at the ground and on any elevated work surface (ex,rooftop) prior to work start, at midday and prior to solar panelstaging on a roof.·Elevated work involving the moving or maneuvering of solarpanels shall cease at 25mph (sustained wind) until windsubsides.·Forecasted weather maximum temp (degrees F):Heat Related Illness Prevention·Employees shall have access to potable drinking water that isfresh, pure, and suitably cool. The water shall be located asclose as practicable to the areas where employees are working.Water shall be supplied in sufficient quantity at the beginning ofthe work shift to provide at least one quart per employee perhour for drinking for the entire shift. Employees may begin theshift with smaller quantities of water if they identify the locationand have effective means for replenishment during the shift toallow employees to drink on quart or more per hour. Thefrequent drinking of water shall be encouraged.·Shade shall be present when temperature exceeds 80 degreesFahrenheit. When the outdoor temperature in the work exceeds80 degrees Fahrenheit, employees shall have and maintain oneor more areas with shade at all times.·New employees must be acclimatized. New employees will bemonitored by their Crew Leader (site supervisor) for the first two(2) weeks of employment or longer when necessary.·Employees will be allowed and encouraged to implementscheduled breaks during each shift. Employees must takecool-down breaks in the shade any time they feel the need to doso to protect them from overheating. Supervisors areREQUIRED to allow employees any break period they needduring high heat conditions.·Cool Vests are encouraged for all employees at all times duringperiods of high heat.·Identify the location of the closet Occupational/Industrial Clinicor Hospital in case a crew member becomes ill.What is the specific plan to provide and replenish sufficient water forall employees on site?·If offsite replenish is necessary, where will you go to replenishwater (location/address):·Who will replenish the drinking water (name):Restroom facilities·Employees shall have access to restroom facilities withhand-washing stations. Use of onsite restroom is at the client'sdiscretion (location is annotated below). If client does not givepermission, location of suitable restroom facilities withhand-washing stations offsite will be provided. The onsitesupervisor will identify location and make arrangements toensure all employees have access at any point.·Restroom facilities will be (circle one): Onsite - Offsite·If Offsite, add location name and address:Incident Reporting Procedure·Contact your Site SupervisorName:Phone:·Contact your ManagerName:Phone:·Contact your Site SupervisorName:Phone:With: Your full name, phone number, office location, brief descriptionof what happen and when.NOTE ADDITIONAL HAZARDS NOT ADDRESSED ABOVE(add as many as necessary by using additional sheets)Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:SHEET:TITLE:CLIENT:REVISIONS:DATE:DESIGNBY:JOB NO.:DESCRIPTIONDATEREVISIONDAMIEN AGOSTINELLI5100 PINETREE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE, FL 3498212/15/2021JBPV-10F101693FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.07 TEMPLATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NO:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER FLORIDA LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075GREG ALBRIGHTSAFETY PLAN 365-380W PERCSafety Reliability Performance Product is certified by UL1703 Anti-PID products using advanced module technology World 1st company to pass “Thresher Test” and “On-site Power Measurement Validation” certificate Bankable products Outstanding power output capability at low irradiance Withstand high system voltage up to 1500V to save BoS Cost NH3SALT PID WARRANTY Guaranteed Power100% 97% 97% 94.28% 90.88% 87.48% 84.08% 80.68% 90% 80% 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years Addtional Value from Linear Warranty Linear power output warranty Guarantee on product material and workmanship10 YEARS YEARS 25 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCT CERTIFICATES ISO 9001: Quality management system ISO 14001: Standard for environmental management system OHSAS 18001: International standard for occupational health and safety assessment system SERAPHIM ENERGY GROUP, INC. SEG-6MA-XXXWW SERIES 6 INCH 72 CELLS Withstand up to 2400Pa wind and 5400Pa snow loads(IEC), long lasting Resistance to salt mist corrosion at your request Resistance to ammonia corrosion at your request INSURANCE Specifications are subject to change without notification SEG-DS-EN-2019V1.1-T0214 © Copyright 2019 Seraphim SEG-6MA-XXXWW SERIES 6 INCH 72 CELLS Weight Solar Cells Frame Connector Mechanical Load I-V Curve Temperature Characteristics Pmax Temperature Coefficient -0.38 %/°C Voc Temperature Coefficient -0.28 %/°C Isc Temperature Coefficient +0.05 %/°C Operating Temperature -40~+85 °C Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)45±2 °C Electrical Characteristics(NOCT) Maximum Power at NOCT -Pmp (W) Open Circuit Voltage -Voc (V) Short Circuit Current -Isc (A) Maximum Power Voltage -Vmp (V) Maximum Power Current -Imp (A) Module Type Packing Configuration Container Pieces per Pallet Pallets per Container Pieces per Container 40’GP 26 24 624 1956 x 992 x 40mm 77.01×39.06×1.58 inch) Mechanical Specifications External Dimensions 1956 x 992 x 40 mm 77.01×39.06×1.58 inch) Weight 21.5 kg 47.4 lbs Solar Cells Front Glass 3.2 mm AR coating tempered glass, low iron Frame Anodized aluminium alloy Junction Box IP67 Output Cables 12AWG, cable length:1200 mm Connector MC4 Compatible Monocrystalline, 6 inch (72pcs.) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Voltage [V] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Current [A]Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m² Cells temp. = 25 °C Incident Irrad. = 800 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 600 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 400 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 200 W/m² 0 10 20 30 40 50 Voltage [V] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m² Cells temp. = 10 °C Cells temp. = 25 °C Cells temp. = 40 °C Cells temp. = 55 °C Cells temp. = 70 °C Mounting holes 8x9x14mm I A A 942±1 SERIAL NUMBER 992±1 Grounding holes 2×Ø4 positive ( + )negative ( - ) Junction Box Connector 10±1 Label 14±1 B Mounting holes 4x7x10mm 950±1 40±1 I 9 5:1 II 70 70 2:1 B 5:1 R 3 .5 Section A-A 10:1 35 * All Dimensions in mm * The above drawing is a graphical representation of the product. SERAPHIM ENERGY GROUP, INC. B W STC: lrradiance 1000 W/m², module temperature 25°C, AM=1.5 NOCT: lrradiance 800 W/m², ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed :1m/s Specifications are subject to change without further notification. WW: WHITE BACK-SHEET / SILVER FRAME PRODUCTS 274 44.1 7.97 36.4 7.53 278 44.3 8.05 36.6 7.60 Specifications are subject to change without notification SEG-DS-EN-2019V1.1-T0214 © Copyright 2019 Seraphim SEG-6MA-365WW SEG-6MA-370WW SEG-6MA-375WW 271 44.0 7.9 36.3 7.47 Electrical Characteristics(STC) Maximum Power at STC -Pmp (W) Power Tolerance W m (%) Open Circuit Voltage -Voc (V) Short Circuit Current -Isc (A) Maximum Power Voltage -Vmp (V) Maximum Power Current -Imp (A) Maximum System Voltage (V) Maximum Series Fuse Rating (A) Module Type Fire Performance 365 47.6 9.78 38.7 9.44 18.81 SEG-6MA-365WW 370 47.8 9.88 38.9 9.52 19.07 SEG-6MA-370WW 375 48.0 9.96 39.1 9.60 19.33 SEG-6MA-375WW 380 48.3 10.02 39.4 9.65 19.58 SEG-6MA-380WW 1000 or 1500(UL) 20 (0,+4.99) Type2 or Type1(UL) 282 44.6 8.11 36.9 7.65 SEG-6MA-380WW POWER OPTIMIZER solaredge.comPV power optimization at the module-level6SHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGWRZRUNZLWK6RODU(GJHLQYHUWHUV8SWRPRUHHQHUJ\)OH[LEOHV\VWHPGHVLJQIRUPD[LPXPVSDFHXWLOL]DWLRQ)DVWLQVWDOODWLRQZLWKDVLQJOHEROW1H[WJHQHUDWLRQPDLQWHQDQFHZLWKPRGXOHOHYHOPRQLWRULQJ0HHWV1(&UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDUFIDXOWSURWHFWLRQ$)&,DQG3KRWRYROWDLF5DSLG6KXWGRZQ6\VWHP395660RGXOHOHYHOYROWDJHVKXWGRZQIRULQVWDOOHUDQGÀUHÀJKWHUVDIHW\6XSHULRUHIÀFLHQF\0LWLJDWHVDOOW\SHVRIPRGXOHPLVPDWFKORVVHVIURPPDQXIDFWXULQJWROHUDQFHWRSDUWLDOVKDGLQJPower OptimizerFor North America3333333325YEARWARRANTY)RUGHWDLOHGᐎULQJVL]LQJLQIRUPDWLRQUHIHUWRKWWSZZZVRODUHGJHFRPVLWHVGHIDXOWÀOHVᐎULQJBVL]LQJBQDSGI,WLVQRWDOORZHGWRPL[333ZLWK33333LQRQHᐎULQJ$ᐎULQJZLWKPRUHWKDQRSWLPL]HUVGRHVQRWPHHW1(&UDSLGVKXWGRZQUHTXLUHPHQWVVDIHW\YROWDJHZLOOEHDERYHWKH9UHTXLUHPHQW)RU9JULGLWLVDOORZHGWRLQᐎDOOXSWR:SHUᐎULQJZKHQWKHPD[LPXPSRZHUGLHUHQFHEHWZHHQHDFKᐎULQJLV:)RU9JULGLWLVDOORZHGWRLQᐎDOOXSWR:SHUᐎULQJZKHQWKHPD[LPXPSRZHUGLHUHQFHEHWZHHQHDFKᐎULQJLV:6RODU(GJH7HFKQRORJLHV/WG$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG62/$5('*(WKH6RODU(GJHORJR237,0,=('%<62/$5('*(DUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI6RODU(GJH7HFKQRORJLHV,QF$OORWKHUWUDGHPDUNVPHQWLRQHGKHUHLQDUHWUDGHPDUNVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUV'DWH9(1*1$06XEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFHPower OptimizerFor North America33333333Optimizer model(typical module compatibility)P320 (for 60-cell modules)P340 (for high-power 60-cellmodules)P370(for higher-power60 and 72-cellmodules)P400 (for 72 & 96-cellmodules)P401(for high power 60 and 72 cell modules) P405 (for high-voltage modules)P485 (for high-voltage modules)P505 (for highercurrent modules)INPUT5DWHG,QSXW'&3RZHU :$EVROXWH0D[LPXP,QSXW9ROWDJH 9RFDWORZHᐎWHPSHUDWXUH9GF03372SHUDWLQJ5DQJH 9GF0D[LPXP6KRUW&LUFXLW&XUUHQW(Isc) $GF0D[LPXP(FLHQF\%:HLJKWHG(FLHQF\ %2YHUYROWDJH&DWHJRU\IIOUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER)0D[LPXP2XWSXW&XUUHQW $GF0D[LPXP2XWSXW9ROWDJH 9GFOUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF)6DIHW\2XWSXW9ROWDJHSHU3RZHU2SWLPL]HU 9GFSTANDARD COMPLIANCE(0&)&&3DUW&ODVV%,(&,(&6DIHW\,(&FODVV,,VDIHW\8/0DWHULDO8/9895HVLᐎDQW5R+6YesINSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 0D[LPXP$OORZHG6\ᐎHP9ROWDJH 9GF&RPSDWLEOHLQYHUWHUV $OO6RODU(GJH6LQJOH3KDVHDQG7KUHH3KDVHLQYHUWHUV'LPHQVLRQV:[/[+ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[mm LQ:HLJKWLQFOXGLQJFDEOHV JUOE,QSXW&RQQHFWRU 0&6LQJOHRUGXDO0&0&,QSXW:LUH/HQJWK PIW2XWSXW:LUH7\SH&RQQHFWRU 'RXEOH,QVXODWHG0&2XWSXW:LUH/HQJWK PIW2SHUDWLQJ7HPSHUDWXUH5DQJH Ü&Ü)3URWHFWLRQ5DWLQJ,31(0$35HODWLYH+XPLGLW\%5DWHGSRZHURIWKHPRGXOHDW67&ZLOOQRWH[FHHGWKHRSWLPL]HU´5DWHG,QSXW'&3RZHUµ0RGXOHVZLWKXSWRSRZHUWROHUDQFHDUHDOORZHG1(&UHTXLUHVPD[LQSXWYROWDJHEHQRWPRUHWKDQ9)RURWKHUFRQQHFWRUW\SHVSOHDVHFRQWDFW6RODU(GJH)RUGXDOYHUVLRQIRUSDUDOOHOFRQQHFWLRQRIWZRPRGXOHVXVH310'050,QWKHFDVHRIDQRGGQXPEHURI39PRGXOHVLQRQHᐎULQJLQᐎDOOLQJRQH3GXDOYHUVLRQSRZHURSWLPL]HUFRQQHFWHGWRRQH39PRGXOH:KHQFRQQHFWLQJDVLQJOHPRGXOHVHDOWKHXQXVHGLQSXWFRQQHFWRUVZLWKWKHVXSSOLHGSDLURIVHDOV)RUDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHDERYH&)SRZHUGHUDWLQJLVDSSOLHG5HIHUWR3RZHU2SWLPL]HUV7HPSHUDWXUH'H5DWLQJ7HFKQLFDO1RWHIRUPRUHGHWDLOVPV System Design Using a SolarEdge Inverter(6)(7)Single Phase HD-WaveSingle phaseThree Phase for 208V gridThree Phase for 277/480V grid0LQLPXP6WULQJ/HQJWK 3RZHU2SWLPL]HUV3333333360D[LPXP6WULQJ/HQJWK3RZHU2SWLPL]HUV 0D[LPXP3RZHUSHU6WULQJZLWK6(866(86 (9):3DUDOOHO6WULQJVRI'LHUHQW/HQJWKVRU2ULHQWDWLRQVYes FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.04 TEMPLATE FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.04 TEMPLATE FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.04 TEMPLATE Unirac Technical Datasheets Delivering Value through InnovationPub 101026-1td V1.0 October 20102-Piece Standoff Technical Datasheet2-Piece Aluminum Standoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-Piece Aluminum Standoff with L-foot connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2X Z Y Standoff and Base Material:One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005-T5,6105-T5, 6061-T6Ultimate tensile: 38 ksi; Yeild: 35 ksiClear or Dark anodizedWeight: 3” Standoff (as shown): 0.522 pounds (237 g)Add 0.086 pounds per inch (39 g/ inch)Allowable and design loads are valid for a Unirac 2-piece aluminum standoffAttach with zinc plated carbon steel or stainless steel fastenersResistance and safety factors are determined according to Part 1A section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design ManualNOTE: Loads are given for the standoff only. Check load limits for lag screw or other attachment method.Applied Load DirectionAverage Ultimate Loadlbs (N)Allowable Load lbs (N)Safety Factor, WDesign Load lbs (N)Resistance Factor, FTension/ Compression, Y±3266 (14528)1089 (4844)3.00 1633 (7264) 0.500Z Bending,AppliedMoment*559 ft lbs (758 Nm)250 ft lbs (339 Nm)2.24378 ft lbs (512 Nm)0.6762-Piece Aluminum StandoffsPart No. 310503, 310504, 310506, 310507, 310553, 310554, 310556, 310557, 310603, 310604, 310606, 310607,310653, 310654, 310656, 310657Standoffs*Example: If the module is mounted 6” (0.5 ft) from the base of the standoff,the allowable side load is 250 ft*lbs/ 0.5 ft = 500 lbs1Unirac Technical Datasheets Delivering Value through InnovationX Z Y X Z Y Reference the SolarMount-I series datasheet for 1-flange connection specifications. For the 1-flange connection to standoff:Use included 1 ¾” EPDM washer between the 1-flangeconnection and standoffhex head screwUse anti-seize and tighten to 30 ft-lbs of torqueAllowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled according to authorized Unirac documents.1-Flange connections are compatible with SolarMount-I series beams.Resistance factors and allowable loads are determined according to part 1A section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual.NOTE: Loads are for the connection and standoff only. Check load limits for the lag screw or other attachment method.Reference the SolarMount datasheet for L-foot specifications.For the L- foot to standoff connection:Use included 1 ¾” EPDM washer between the L-foot and standoffhex head screwUse anti-seize and tighten to 30 ft-lbs of torqueAllowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled according to authorized Unirac documents.L-feet are compatible with SolarMount, SolarMount Heavy Duty,and SunFrame rails.Resistance factors and allowable loads are determined according to part 1A section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual.NOTE: Loads are for the connection and standoff only. Check load limits for the lag screw or other attachment method.Applied Load DirectionAverage Ultimatelbs (N)Allowable Load lbs (N)Safety Factor,FSDesign Loads lbs (N) Resistance Factor,Tension, Y+ 1415 (6294) 635 (2825) 2.23 960 (4270) 0.679Compression, Y- 1949 (8670) 873 (3883) 2.23 1320 (5872) 0.677Transverse, X-, downhill 635 (2825) 313 (1392) 2.03 473 (2104) 0.745Transverse, X+, uphill 42 (187) 20 (89) 2.15 30 (133) 0.705Z Bending, Applied Moment559 ft lbs (758 Nm)250 ft lbs (339 Nm) 2.24378 ft lbs (512 Nm) 0.676Applied Load DirectionAverage Ultimatelbs (N)Allowable Load lbs (N)Safety Factor,FSDesign Loads lbs (N) Resistance Factor,Tension, Y+ 1859 (8269) 707 (3144) 2.63 1069 (4755) 0.575Compression, Y- 3258 (14492) 1325 (5893) 2.46 2004 (8913) 0.615Sliding, Z± 1766 (7856) 755 (3356) 2.34 1141 (5077) 0.646Transverse, X± 486 (2162) 213 (949) 2.28 323 (1436) 0.664Z Bending, Applied Moment559 ft lbs (758 Nm)250 ft lbs (339 Nm) 2.24378 ft lbs (512 Nm) 0.676Part No. 05013C, 05014C, 05016C, 05017C2-Piece Aluminum Standoff with L-foot connection2 Technical Data Guide Polyether Technology CSI Section No. 07 12 13CHEM LINK Products, LLC Product DescriptionE-Curb penetration seals replace old-style metal pitch pans with versatile, precast components and pourable sealants. CHEM LINK’s E-Curb System can usually be installed in under 15 minutes and never requires flashing or mechanical attachment.Special Characteristics• Rapid installation - “Slip-fit” light weight curb design reduces labor significantly.• Excellent adhesion to most roofing materials.• No flashing or mechanical attachment required.• Service Temperature -40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C)• 1-Part® accommodates movement and is suggested for use on all granulated membranes and details with excessive movement.• For sloped roof applications, substitute DuraLink™ non-slump adhesive/sealant for 1-Part and M-1®Last Revision: 02/20/13E-CURBTM SYSTEMPENETRATION SEALSE-Curbs are designed for use on granulated modified bitumen, asphalt and coal tar B.U.R. (built up roofing). E-Curbs are specified for PVC, EPDM, PIB, and TPO single ply roofing membranes. E-Curbs are highly versatile for sealing penetrations around solar panel mounts, HVAC, Electrical, and any type of structural supports. TPO Primer is required for use with TPO single-ply roof membrane.When installed properly, this system forms a durable, waterproof rubber seal around penetrations. An extended manufacture warranty against leaks is activated with submittal of a completed warranty card.Restrictions• Do not apply below 30°F (-1°C)• Do not install if rain is anticipated within 4 hours• Do not use on Hypalon or smooth APP modified bitumen membrane. For smooth APP, torch down a target of granulated APP before installation.• TPO Primer must be used for TPO applications.• Do not prime bonding surfaces with asphalt primer!• Do not use asphalt cement as a “night sealant.” Use M-1 for this purpose.• E-Curb kits are designed to contain enough 1-Part to fill each curb with displacement in consideration. Refer to our penetration calculator under contractor resources at chemlink.com to verify volumes.E-Curb System Components• E-Curb exterior rings, straights, and corners.• M-1 Structural Adhesive/Sealant used for bonding the E-Curb components, sealing and priming the penetration.• 1-Part “moisture cure” pourable sealer, used to form a durable, water-tight seal around the roof penetration.E-Curb precast form components are composed of light weight nylon resin. The E-Curb is 2-inches high and is available in a variety of shapes and sizes.Sizes available include: bi-sected circular pieces having inside diameters of 3, 4, 6, or 9 inches. Corner pieces having a 2-inch radius, and 8-inch straight pieces are also available to create larger sizes. The outer surface is impervious to ice, corrosion, UV (ultraviolet) light and ponding water.M-1 Structural Adhesive/Sealant is a durable, self-fixturing moisture cure mastic. Cartridges of M-1 are supplied in each E-Curb Kit. Components are also sold separately.1-Part is a highly flexible, self-leveling moisture cure pourable sealer that eliminates mixing. It is also 100% solid rubber, has a very low VOC content, will not melt or shrink, and is resistant to deterioration. It is supplied in 10.1-oz and 28-oz cartridges or 1/2 gallon pouches. Unused sealant can be capped and reused.Document No. L1350Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ®Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.comEmail: Sales@BestMaterials.comStep 1Remove all previously applied caulk, mastic, cement, asphalt, and other contaminants from penetrations with a wire brush. Clean all smooth substrates with isopropyl or denatured alcohol. Brush away all gravel or loose granules. Seal the base of each penetration with M-1. Coat penetrations with M-1 to 3” above the roof line.Step 2Hold a section of E-Curb, flat side up, and apply a 1/4” bead of M-1 to the entire bottom perimeter. Apply 1 additional 1/4” bead of M-1 down the center of the section. Do not tool the beads flat. Place the E-Curb section on the roof surface to form a half circle around the penetration(s). Press down firmly until M-1 extrudes from the outside edges.Step 3Apply M-1 to the second section of E-Curb as described above. Place the second section of curb on the roof surface to form a circle with the first section. Press firmly in place until excess adhesive extrudes from the outside edges. Apply a bead of M-1 around the outside base of the installed E-Curb, and tool to form a smooth fillet. For non E-Curb penetrations seals, add M-1 to scarf joint surfaces and tool smooth.Step 4Cut tip off 1-Part cartridge at widest point on plastic nozzle and pierce the foil seal. Insert into caulking gun and pump E-Curb full. When using a 1-Part pouch, remove cap, pour, squeeze out excess air, and reseal.Note: To provide an adequate rubber seal, maintain a 1” distance between penetrations and inside edge of the E-Curb.All properties described in this document are derived from testing conducted in laboratory conditions. Properties and performance will vary depending on environmental conditions and application technique. Test and evaluate to determine appropriate usage. Visit www.chemlink.com for the Material Safety Data Sheet, Technical Data Guides and full warranty for this product.LIMITED WARRANTY: CHEM LINK Products, LLC warrants this product’s performance, provided it is properly stored and applied within 1 year. If not satisfied, return remaining product and purchase receipt for refund or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. This is the sole and exclusive remedy for defects or failure of this product. User must read and follow the direction of the current Technical Data Guide and MSDS prior to product use. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Manufacturer shall not be liable for damages (including consequential or incidental damages) in excess of the purchase price, except where such exclusion or limitation is prohibited by state law. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; except for the above express warranty given by manufacturer, the product is sold with all faults. CHEM LINK PRODUCTS, LLC SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER TO INFRINGE ON ANY PATENT OR ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HELD BY OTHERS. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights in the U.S. which vary from state to state. For warranty claim information, call 800-826-1681. FREEDOM FOREVERINDY 6.04 TEMPLATE