HomeMy WebLinkAbout Building Permit Application AIL APPUCABLE',INFO MUST"BE COM 44 OR P,ICATION TO BE-,ACCEPTED { Y /Date:. 1�°�C) Permit Number:, 0�o LUC_�(� . ..: Building Permit.Application Planning:and.Development Seivices BuildingandCodeRegulationDivision COI•t'lmerdia , Re.sid'entia1-;X - 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Piece FL 34982, Rhone;.(772)46271553 Fax:(772)4624578 70DG-Funding Pt MIT APPLICATION'FOR: n FRORO II�f PRQVEM NT L4CAT[C7N '..., ,�uF, a , Address:: .7401.KENWOOD RD_. Property Tax ID#: 1302-8T0=0086-000=3 LAKEWOOD PARK ADDITION 1` Lot No,. Site Plan'Name': HEATH RESIDENCE Block No .,D Project Name:_ Custom 1Ninsor:3 '32.2:SIN:GLE_FAIVIILIY'�NOME.. _. New.Electrical Meter _. YES Second Electrical Meter No `(Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION )tU�QRMAT[ON s F Additional work to be performed under this permit—check:all that apply:. - XMechanical _Gas Tank: _Gas Piping _Shutters .X windows Doors, _Pond X="Electric X Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator" X Roof 6/12, Pitch° Total Sq Ft;of-rronstr-action: 2564 _ Sq. Ft.of First Floor, ._.._2"5.6.4_. _- r 291,900 C.bst of Gonstruetion $. Utilities Sewer ,. Septic ',Bu ilding_Helght. x. ; i t CONTRACT(7R a Ess�EE Name : CHRISTY HEATH.. -" • Name.;_ MARK,MONTALTO. 'Address:. .2397„SW CABALLERO.,,ST Company PSLPROPERTIES City ,F:ORT ST,LUCIE State:F Address 201_SW'"PSL BLVD Zip_Code:- 34053 � Fa City- PSI t E S ate:,FL Pho.ne'No 772418=.1477:; .... _. E- Zip'Code 34984... .... Fax: .._ Mail:._ Phone No 772 336 0050, Fill in.fee simpleTitle:Holder on nextpage(if different .E-Ma,lP psiprop1(c0riiaiLCOm: ft from the Owner listed'above) State or County:License C13C1263072 If value of eonsYruction is2500 or more,,a RECORDED Notice_of Commercement is;required:, If value of HAVC is$7500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I SUPPLEMENTAL"CONSTRUCTIbN LIEN LAUU INFORMATION DESIGNER/ENGINEER:, —Not Applicable MQ.RTGAGE,COMPANY:' X Not Applical e Narri:ei. PAULWELCH.INC Name;. Address •1sa4:>sw,alrMOaE sT. Aooress:. City;PSL id,y^ State::. F Zip 3asaa Pf one77?2=?85-saeij zip: . Phone: I i FEE SIMPLE.TITLE HOLDER; X: Not'Appltcabl"e BONDINOCOMPANY: X No't.ApplicablO Name: Name: Address: Address: : " City: City: Zip: Phone Zip: . Phone: f OWNER/CONTRACTOR•AFFIDVIT:Application is;. y"ma herebde.to.obtairta:p: ermit: o da-the,work and"inst on allatias indicated;, ei i'certify,#hat no:woek or installation liar commenced prior`:to the issuar!ce:of a permit: St Lucie County:makes no representatido that is. ranting a permit wili-authorize.thespermit hoiderto build:the subject"structure. which..conflicts with any applicabl"e Homeowners•Association.rules;bylaws:or and'covenants that may restrict or,prohlbit such structure.Please consu twith.your Homeowners:Association,snd r-eview'your deed'for any restnctio"ns which may apply; In;consideration-of the granting of;this requested permit,;;)do.hereby-""agree,that I will,in'all respects;perforin the;woek in accordance-with the;approved plans,.the Florida Build►.ng.Codes:and`St.Lucie.County Amendments. The following building permit applications.are exempt-from-undergoing a fulkconcurrency review:room:additions,. accessory structures,swirrtrriing'pools,fences,,walls;signs,screen rooms and;accessor- uses to another non=reside"nf al use WARN I NGTQ.OWN ER:Your failure;to Record'a Notice of Comrrrencerrient may"result"in.paying,twice for improvements to your property.,A Notice.of Corri men cement-mitst be P recorded:in-the. ublic"_records of St. , n , Lucie Countd. osted',on a jobsite before-Ahe first inspection.: f you intend to,obtain financing:consult With lend or attorne%'efore commencingwork or recordin our Notice of'.(ommencement.. Sigma re of "weer/L.e ,ee/Contractor as Agent.for Owner. STATE OF FLORIQA­ COUNTY OF Sworn to(or'affirmed)and subscribed before me cif Physical Peesence�:or_ Online:Notari ation this--)l day off" r20_1i by CA Name of person'making statement. . F Personally Known OR Produced Identification- l TypEbf Identification,Pro uced a. ure,of Notary Pub ic-State of Florida.} Commission No. (Seal) L►�s►u BNANNON,MI7'tLER" CUMMissioN#GG goo �• �� EXPIRES:Jun 11,2022 t 6C µop BaWad001,11, TfWu NofarY Fl lkkd6tWl f'G � REVIEWS 'FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS, VEGETATION; SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW" 'REVIEW REVIEW" REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED: DATE COMPLETED' Rev 1. _