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Daniello, Salazar and Sons
From: Daniello, Salazar and Sons
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 1:06 PM
To: 'JPI inc'; Permits
Cc: William Durden;oscarcarlosadolfo@gmail.com; Kelvin5865@hotmail.com
Subject: RE:SLC 2107*-0698- Princess Condominium 9650 S. Ocean Dr.
Good afternoon, I only have an original/signed and sealed, no digital, if you want 1 can hand
deliver it to the building department front desk.this week. Please confirm . As.
Patricia Salazar
Daniello, Salazar&Sons, Inc.
o� O
From:JPI inc [mailto:jpiinc@stlucieco.org]
Sent: Monday, November 29,202112:56 PM
To: Daniello,Salazar and Sons<info@concreterepai ring.net>; Permits<Perm its@stl ucieco.org>
Cc:William Durden<DurdenW@stiucieco.org>
Subject: RE:SLC 21074-0698-Princess Condominium 9650 S.Ocean Dr.
Do you have the digitally signed report? This is a copy.
Andrew Manero
If I can not be reached,please call William Durden at 772-462-1594 or email at durdenw@stlucieco.org
From:Daniello,Salazar and Sons<info@concreterepairina.net>
Sent:Friday, November 26,202112:22 PM
To: Permits<Permits@stlucieco.org>
Cc:William Durden<DurdenW@stludeco.org>;JPI inc<jpiinc@stlucieco.org>
Subject:SLC 21074-0698-Princess Condominium 9650 S.Ocean Dr.
;SECURITY WARNING:This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when
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Good afternoon,see attached Engineer letter report for your review, and for files to be updated .Thank you and have a
great weekend. Please let me know if anything else will be needed..
Patricia Salazar
Daniello, Salazar&Sons, Inc.
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