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FL# FL17330-R.4
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
-Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by
the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Product Manufacturer Crown Budding Products of Florida LLC
Address/Phone/Email 6018 HWY. 72
Arcadia, FL 34266
Authorized Signature BARRY DYBLE
bdybleOrrown rooftiles.com
technical Representative Barry Dyble
Address/Phone/Email 6018 Hwy. 72
Arcadia, FL 34266
bdyble@crow nrooftiles.com
Quality Assurance Representative Juan Gonzalez
Address/Phone/Email 6018 SE Hwy 72
Arcadia, FL 34266
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Tiles
Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency Miami-Dade BCCO-CER
Validated By Joshua M Royce, PF
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) SwrISlMA Year
TAS 100 1995
TAS 101 1995
TAS 102 1995
TAS 102A 1995
TAS 112 1995
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
https://Ooridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsRyNwiNWOrY5k3hwugi2o%2b4Min2Hf9YC18QYJOK92K8Q%3d%3d 112
8)6i2021 Florida Building Code Online
Product Approval Method Method i Option A
Date Submitted 02/03/2021
Date Validated 02/08/2021
Sate Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 02/11/2021
summary of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
17330 1 Tuscany Concrete Roofing Tile
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F>2-U-0-R4 C CAC Tusca[y NOA '9100302,Rdf
Approved for use outside HVHZt Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:N/A 01/29/2025
Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions
Other:Tile roofs are analyzed for wind load resistance in FL17 0 R4 tt T scany�OA 191QQ302.Rdj
terms of overturning moment. For Non-HVHZ,refer to Verified By: Miam!-Dade BCCQ-CER
FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Created by Independent Third Party
Installation Manual. For HVHZ refer to NOA. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party;
17330.2 Windsor Flat Profiles Concrete Roofing Tile
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FI 1733o R4 C CAC Wincso,NCA 1910Q )3.Q,df
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:N/A 01/29/2025
Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions
Other.Tile roofs are analyzed for wind load resistance in FL17330 R4 it Windsor n(yA 19100303 p¢f
terms of overturning moment. For Non-HVHZ,refer to Verified By. Miami-Dade BCCO-CER
rRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof-'ile Created by Independent Third Party
Installation Manual. For HVHZ refer to NOA. Evaluation Reports
-- Created by Independent Third Party
Cuntact.Us 26UI Blair Stunk Rudd,TdilahesWe FL_2,799 ahon� 850-487 1824
The State of Floruia rs an AA/FED empipyer.Cobvriyht 2007 1013 SL41S ut Flonda. -,Pnyacy Statcm nt A •-i i y Statement Refund Statemen
under Florida law.email address"are puMlr records.if you do not want your email adtlre:..released in responv to d publjc•records rrqurst,do not gored eler?com<
mail to this entity lnstead,contact the offtrr by phone or by traditional mad.If you have any questiont,please rnrrArt 650.487.1305.•Pursuant to Sertron 455.275(1),
Florida statutes,rfrective ortober 1 2012,brensees licensed under Chapter 455,E5.must provide the Department with an email addr-A it they have one,the email
provided may be used for official communication with the licensee,However email addresses are pubic record.It you do not wish to%Upnly a Pelv"al aoorres,please
provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the.pubhr.To determine,f you Are a licen!ter.under Chapter 455.F.S.,please click her('..
Product APProval A
{;rPUI' t;nrli
hops.//Aoridebuilding.orq/pr/pr_app_dt1.aspx9param=wGEVXQwtDosRyNwiNWDrY5k3hwugi2o%2b4Min2Hf9Ycl8QYJOK92K8Q%3d%3d 212
6 • 11805 SW'6 Sircet.Room 208
NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) w�w.miamidade.t!ac rcanam
Crown Building Products of Florida LLC
60118 H WY 72
Arcadia, FL.34266
This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The
documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be
used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
"this NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section
(In Miami Dade County) and/or the AIiJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this
product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted
manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or
suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance.
if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the
requirements of the applicable building code.
This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code
including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code.
DESCRIPTION: Windsor Roof Tile
LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following
statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein.
RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been tiled and there has been no change
in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product.
TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the
materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,
for sates,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section
of this NOA steal I be cause for termination and removal of NOA.
ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miatni-Dade County. Florida, and followed by the
expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed.then it shall be done
in its entirety.
INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and
shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This NOA renews NOA 14-1006.03 and consists of pages I through 8.
The submitted documentation was reviewed by Fred y.Sentino
:VOA No.: 19-1003.03
KAMMOADE-COUNTY Expiration Date: 01/29/25
1111111 "'• �1 Approval Date: 11/27/19
Page i of 8
Category: Roofing
Sub-Category: Roofing Tiles
Material: Concrete
This approves a roofing system using Windsor Tiles,manufactured by Crown Building Products of Florida LLC in
Arcadia, FI.. as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance. For locations where the pressure requirements.
as determined by applicable Building Code does not exceed the design pressure values obtained by calculations in
compliance with RAS 127 using the values listed in section 4 herein. The attachment calculations shall be done as a
moment based system.
Manufactured by Dimensions Test Product
Applicant Specifications Description
Windsor Shake L— 17." TAS 112 Flat, interlocking,concrete tile equipped with two
W = 13." Type 3a nail holes. For direct deck or battened nail-on.
11 1.2" Class III mortar or adhesive set applications.
Thickness: 0.59"
Windsor Split Shake L= 17." TAS 112 Flat, interlocking,concrete the equipped with two
W = 13." Type 3a nail holes. For direct deck or battened nail-on,
I = 1.2" Class III mortar or adhesive set applications.
Thickness: 0.59"
Windsor Slate L = IT" TAS 112 Flat, interlocking,concrete tile equipped with two
W = 13." "hype 3a nail holes. For direct deck or battened nail-on,
H= 1.2" Class III mortar or adhesive set applications.
Thickness: 0.59"
Trim I'icces L— varies "TAS 112 Accessory trim, concrete roof pieces for use at
W-varies hips,rakes, ridges and valley terminations.
Varying thickness Manufactured for each the profile.
Product Name Product Description Manufacturer
(With Current NOA)
ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 Two component polyurethane ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc.
foam adhesive.
TILE 13ONDTM Roof Tile Adhesive Single component polyurethane The L)ow Chemical Company
foam roof tilt adhesive.
"Tile Titc" Roof Tile Mortar Premixed,pre-bagged roof the Bermuda Roof Co. Inc.
Hon:al Roof Tile Mortar Premixed,pre-bagged roof tile Bonsal American
"Quikretc" Roof Tile Mortar, FL-I5 Premixed,prc-bagged gray roof The Quikrete Companies, Inc.
the mortar.
NOA No.: I9-1003.03
MtAMMADEeouHrr Expiration Date:01/29/25
Approval Date: 11/27/19
Page 2 of 8
1. Arcadia, FL.
Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date
Redland Technologies 7161-03 Appendix III PA 102&PA 102(A) Dec. 1991
7161.03 Appendix II PA 108 (Nail-On) Dec. 1991
Letter PA 108 (Nail-On) Aug. 1994
P0631-01 PA 108(Mortar Set) July 1994
P0402 Withdrawal Resistance Testing of screw Sept. 1993
vs. smooth shank nails
The Center for Applied 94-060A PA 101 (Mortar Set) March, 1994
Engineering,Inc. 94-094 PA 101 (Adhesive Set) May 1994
25-7094-2 PA 102 Oct. 1994
(4"Headlap,Nails,Direct Deck,New
25-7094-8 PA 102 (4" Headlap,Nails, Battens) Oct. 1994
25-7094-5 PA 102(4" Headlap,Nails,Direct Deck, Oct. 1994
25-7183-6 PA 102 (2 Quik-Drive Screws,Direct Feb. 1995
25-7183-5 PA 102 (2 Quik-Drive Screws,Battens) Feb. 1995
25-7214-1 PA 102(1 Quik-Drive Screw, Direct Deck) March, 1995
25-7214-5 PA 102 (1 Quik-Drive Screw,Battens) March, 1995
Project No. 307025 PA 100 Oct. 1994
Celotex Corporation Testing 520109-1 PA 101 Dec. 1998
Service 520111-4 PA 101 March 1999
520191-1 PA 101 March 1999
Walker Engineering,Inc. Calculations Aerodynamic Multiplier October 2007
Calculations Moment of Gravity August 2007
Calculations 25-7094 February 1996
Calculations 25-7496 April 1996
Calculations 25-7584 December 1996
Calculations 25-7804b-8 December 1996
Calculations 25-78044&5 December 1996
Calculations 25-7848-6 December 1996
Calculations 25-7183 March 1995
Calculations Aerodynamic Multipliers April 1999
Calculations Two Patty Adhesive Set System April 1999
American Test Lab of South RT1021.02-15 TAS 112 12/10/15
Florida RT1211.02-15 Restoring Moment 04/16/16
RT1211.02-15 Aerodynamic Multiplier 12/11/15
MD� NOA No.: 19-1003.03
F Expiration Date:01/29/25
Approval Date:11/27/19
Page 3 of 8
American Test Lab of South RT0908.01-14 TAS 112 09/18/14
Florida RT0923.01-14 TAS 112 09/30/14
RT0923.02-14 TAS 112 09/30/14
RT0912.01-14 Restoring Moment/Aerodynamic 09/18/14
RT1203.03-18 TAS 112 12/11/18
RT0819.03-19 TAS 112 08/29/19
3.1 Fire classification is not part of this acceptance.
3.2 For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static field uplift test shalt be performed in accordance with
TAS 106.
3.3 Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami-Dade County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test
in accordance with TAS 112, appendix `A'. Such testing shall be submitted to the Miami-Dade Product
Control office for review.
3.4 Minimum underlayment shall be in compliance with the applicable hoofing Applications Standards listed
section 4.1 herein.
3.5 4/12 minimum slope for mechanically attached tiles.
3.6 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated
otherwise by the underlayment material manufacturers published literature.
3.7 This acceptance is for wood deck applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with
applicable building code.
3.8 All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building
Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code.
4.1 Crown Windsor Roof Tile and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with Roofing
Application Standard RAS 118,RAS 119,and RAS 120.
4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations
Table 1: Average Weight (W) and Dimensions (1 x w)
Tile Profile Weight-W(lbf) Length-1 (ft) Width-w (ft)
Windsor Shake,
Windsor Split Shake, 11.7 1.42 1.08
Windsor Slate
Table 2: Aerodynamic Multipliers -A(ft )
Tile Profile A (tl't3) A (ft3)
Batten Application Direct Deck Application
Windsor Shake,
Windsor Split Shake, 0.289 0,M
Windsor Slate
NOA No.: 19-1003.03
MI[ MWA IN COUNTY Expiration Date:01/29/25
Approval Date: 11/27/19
Page 4 of 8
Table 3: Restoring Moments due to Gravity -M9(ft.-lbf)
Tile 2":12" 311:12" 4":12" 5"•12" 6":12" 7":12" or
Profile greater
Windsor Battens Direct Battens!Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct
Shake, Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck
Windsor NIA 8.26 NIA 8.17 8.07 8.04 7.91 7.87 7.72 7.67 7.50 7.46
Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf(ft-lbf)
for Mechanically Attached Systems
Tile Fastener Type Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens
Profile (min 15/32" (min. 19/32"
plywood) plywood)
Windsor Shake, 2-10d Ring Shank Nails 30.9 38.1 17.2
Windsor Split Shake, 1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 7.3 9.8 4.9
Windsor Slate Nail
2-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 14.0 18.8 7.4
1 #8 Screw 30.8 30.8 18.2
2 #8 Screw 51.7 51.7 24.4
1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 24.3 24.3 24.2
Nail (Field Clip)
1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 19.0 19.0 22.1
Nail (Eave Clip)
2-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 35.5 35.5 34.8
Nails (Field Clip)
2-10d Smooth or Screw Shank 31.9 31.9 32.2
Nails (Eave Clip)
2-10d Ring Shank Nails' S0.3 65.5 48.3
1 Installation with a 4"tle headlap and fasteners are located a min.of 2'/2"from head of tile.
NOA No.: 19-1003.03
MIAMWAi CO NTY Expiration Date:01/29/25
JAPPROVIEW- Approval Date: 11/27/19
Page 5 of 8
Table 5: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment Mr Ift.-lbf)
for Two Patty Adhesive Set Systems
Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment
Profile Resistance
Windsor Shake, Adhesive2 31.33
Windsor Split Shake,
Windsor Slate
2 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements.
3 TILE BONDTm Roof Tile Adhesive; Average weight per patty 13.9 grams.
ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc.'s ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160;Average weight per patty 8 grams.
Table 6: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment- Mr(ft4bf)
for Single Patty Adhesive Set Systems
Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment
Profile Resistance
Windsor Shake, ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 118.94
Windsor Split Shake, ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 40.45
Windsor Slate
4 Lar e addy placement of 459rams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc.'s ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160.
5 Medium paddy placement of 24grams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc.'s ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160.
Table 7: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment- Mr(ft-lbf)
for Mortar Set Systems
Tile Tile Attachment
Profile Application Resistance
Windsor Shake, Mortar Seth 39.0
Windsor Split Shake,
Windsor Slate
s Sees cific mortar manufacturers Notice of Acceptance
All tiles shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo (See Detail
Below),or following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved".
M � H [DsDo
n n DLw H
C o�Cou� NOA No.: 19-1003.03
� Expiration Date:01J29/ZS
Approval Date; 11/27/19
Page 6 of 8
6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following:
6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance.
6.1.2 Any other documents required by Building Official or Applicable building code in order to properly
evaluate the installation of this system.
NOA No.: 19-1003.03
FWAMMADE COU Expiration Date:01/29/25
"' ' Approval Date: 11/27/19
Page 7 of 8
r au aoetot rr NOA No.: I9-I003.03
A III ,,,,� 1 U� Expiration Date:0I/29/25
mllIApproval Date: 11/27/19
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