HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATION FOR A BUSINESS NAME OR OWNERSHIP CHANGE ONLY....... .... ... .. .. ... ... . ... aria - oav� rM �PLANNING ANDDEVE DEVELOPMENT srmvicEi s 2 �_ PK U-M-110M M_ 23 . 00 1 Virginia I Ave; . . Fort Pies,&, -FL: 34982 OMMO Phonw.,7712-462-1810 - Fax: .771.4614581 ArrUIAIIUN! FORABUSINESS NAME OR OWNERSHIP CHANGEOM Y (Not, Home Office f Use) Name of Business-.. New, Bu'sI hess,Nairrie (Ifthanginj)- Name of Current Business Owner- L611 Y) bw (no-n Name of New; Business .Owner : Maon Address, of Business: OteICIII-A hr- State: n_ zip:: 3,L1 Name of Shopping Center; if capplicable-.: Property Tax ID # for Qusiness Location: Q 5h i 56. 1 — tvDL( 6 Description of , Busines - s: e.&. Type indludea detail6d,descriptior I )Jven-Cj Ond U sihess, at, this Location: ( OIW06V-M�6 Attach a.copy of the current;: active copy of the BUsines&Tax Re ceipt for the -business/property. Naroe,of Applicahl: 'Y VzC[4 61 'MAP' 1 &AIIII(Q- -021W A ros§. 'Zi Add. !cisi5 oaean. stater P. I\, r.. 5bi 4ei.l. Phone- Number: I, U Em6il Address: I.ri. rIA A nnM-),AO.C"cCAtI,-)(4 rmv�rl- This appllditlon.ltpnly to update an ownerni4me.,or business name. . To qualify for this., application,; there must be an active, b usi ness tax'receiptlor the busin ess/property;, no; change ofs use, (change or modification of the character,, type or i nt,ensity of aq existing use: or the inclusion of additional uses) may be-propos6d; and no � erection, alteration-,tonstrud I or! reconstruction of any type of development involving a; building, structure,. paved,parklng area, driveway connection, off impact upon a protected. natural' habitat I further understand that site inspection may be. required to ensure compliance with applicable land' development, building safety., and property maint6na-gceTegulations. Applicant's Signature:.— Date: PIP IA 1011 OFFICE U5E ONLY Required Yes No Comments POP Initials BuslnessTax Receipt. Revised: March 2019 -7 7gilr-, 2021. - 20.22. TAX COLLECTOR $.j..-LUCIE COUNTY St. Lucie County Local Bu$ihess Tax Receipt Facilities.or machines # Rooms # Seats # Employees Wo Receipt #5990, .096027,5 Type. of business, 5990 MISC- RETAIL (MAkN8180PPLiEs Expires SEPTEMOER311,2Q22 BOATS) DBA name Business ndss Breton Waverly. Q&porcation Mailingaddress• Breton Waverly aver ly Corporation Busin0s. locatloh:'9815 S,bcean:Cir 5815'S Gcean Dr Fort Pierce.; .' .qrce FL 34957 Fort Pierce,, FL 349517 - RENEWAL: StIptie Couhty Original tax; 55 P20679 Penalty! C611ectlon cost:. Total: $27.55 Paid 0,7/19/20.21 27.55 0000-20210719425052 Law requires this Local :Business Tax Receipt Eo b. -h , a, manner that . It can be'open to the x _q dlsplayed conspicuously at the place of'businessl:in such, view of the public and subject to inspection by 611 duly authorized officers of the county.- iJp ff .9n;.failure. to.do so,;the local business taxpayer shall be subject.tojh.e payment of another Local Business Tax ,for the same busi ness profession or occupation. Pursuant to Florida law,.all Local Business.Tax Receipts shall be sold by the Tax Collector beginning July I of each year and shall expire;on: I 1 9 September, 30ofthe succeeding year. Those1ocal Business Tax Receipts renewed beginning October I shalt be: delinrique t.q'hd subjg q to delinquency delinquency penalty of ia percent for the month of October. An additional 5 percent pehalty1or each month of dell * 'cy Is added until paid,. provided that the total delinqpency,penaltyshall, not exceed 25 vercentof the Locai. Business Tax.fo'r de linquent nt establishment. rovi e In.addltlon to�the penalty, the TaxCollector`is 6ntitled'to a^collection-fee of $1 to $,5. This fee is based on. the amountof. Lodal.BuslnessTax which.Wll be collected. froTde.lingUent taxpayers after, September 30. ofithe, business year. This receipt is a Local Business Tax only: It does not -permit the local business taxpayer toviolate any existing regulatory or zoning,laws of the state, ate, county or city. It, also, does. nUt-exempt.thejocal'bus , iness taxpayer from anyother taxes; licenses or permits that may be required by law. Pursuant;to Florida law;LocalBusiness Taxes aresubject ta change. ,Breton Waverly Corporation 9815 SOcean. Dr - Fort her 5 1 7: . Pierce;. 349