HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 5V Crimp product approval 112612021 I=1orida Building Code Onairle iL Business & Professional Regulation r. • �raR- ��}} BCIS Home ; "In L�ilRr Reg i nm i:I on I ilCt TUP� I SUGRUC 54���rgc Stris�fecu PIbIILyIIVI•`I C%)IIU;A U3 IR{.IS SAc Yap Un 1 l'L' ins Prgduct Approval USER: P iblir LJS� FrWugAp=ual Menu > PrWu!3 or a:7II[M•4+i Scarch Ai2WL klm List > AMIk.MUM EWLS11 FL * FL17022-R8 Appllcativn Type FRcvislon bride vtfslon 2020 Appilcation Status Approved CornmvnU fiYehived Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricatur5r LLG AddresVPhone/Emajl 2168 SW puma Odve Palm City, FL 34990 (772) $72.8034 f Ivpl id$ti on @yahoo-Corti% Authorized Siginature Richard McKuhen HvaPicJation@vahoo.com Technical REprese tative Richard McKulhen ,ad dress}Phane{Ernail 2160SW Fz i ma Drive Palm CiLy, FL �49�� (772) 8�2-803-4 richard@emfab-net Qta.ality Ass u rainct Representative Address phone}Ernail Category Roofing SubQatagwy Hgra1 Roofing COMM011p rrta Method Eva lkialiork Repi3rt fro rn a Florida Rcg Istered Architect or a Lk,-en sed Florida �p455i�ndG Engineer Evaluation Report - H a r-d cup}y R-9 i w W Rodr a Engineer ar Architect Name tiara developed the Dawld Eng Eualuado n RcRoft Florida License PIE-81377 Quality Assuranre Entity Kevsborie Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration QakLl� 04122#2024 Val idated By Jarncs R WaHv, PE Valuation Checkllvt - Fiardropy ReteivBd Certificate of I n d epeRcI er1Ce i L] 022 R8 CID[ 26 a 'V MAX r2lvwcod,pF ReFerpnced Standard and Year (of Staind and} fdiaoda rd YSar TAS 100 IS4)5 TAS 125 20a3 UIL 550 24116 Equivalence of Product Standards Ce rtlfled By SeLtiuns frorn the Code h"I.Www.floridabuilding.orgfprlpr_-5pp_dII.dspx?p3ram--wGEVXQw1'Dga2:aBQpHPQQ06fMZMkUEoR%2bd°Y buNxXG%2bnIRhGTtnSWM1aQ 3d•-- V3 y 1 Florida Building Code Online PruduCt Approval Method method L Option D Date Submltted IV05r2020 Date Validated 10/12/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10125/2020 Date Approved 12115f ZD20 Dam Revised 12/1612020 su171mary_ofProducts _ FL W Model, N um har or No me De&crlptl on 17022.1 01: 26ga VMax on Plywood 269a (min) Ymax 5V panelwith 24" cowq2rage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4' (Arl) th Ic'k wood p1-vi1 k. Limits of Use inistallatlon Inntruct#ons Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17022 RIB Tr 26ga VMAX ply gd df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Vertfle+d By- David Engr PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created 1 �y Independent Third Party-L Yes 0e91 g n Rres!�ur-e: f Nf N-228 Fva luau an Reports Other: RcN-_rta naluation report. FL17(122 R8 AE 26Qa VMAX..!pjyW_qRqjadf treat-ed by Independent`fhlyd Party; Ye5 17022.2 02: 032 Alu rnl n u m Wax on Plywood No m i naliv 0.032' aiu mi norn (a r thie-k,OT) VMaX 5V panel with 21' cDvera-g-e on 15/32' (min) ply wpod or 314" (min) Mirk _ wood plank, LCmlts of use Instal lation I nstructl o ns Approved for use in Mi Z.- Ni) FL17022 RB II 1)33 VMAX 21in pLy pd Apporoved for use oui:side HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eno, PE 81377 Impact Resistant. N A ° Created by Independent T31 Ird Pa rty Z Yes Desl9 n Pre$su re: +H/A/•168.5 Ewald lttH Reports Other: FteFer to evaluD[iorn raprt_ FL17B22 R$ AE (132 VMS`, ..Z1E RL3y Rj Created by Ind-ependent Third Party: Yes i B2 : 03: 26ga VMax on REywood 269-a (m in} Wax 5V panel with 24" rerage -a n 15{32" (rnl n) plywood pr �114' (min) thick vyuud plank Optlorl for fasteners In the flpll� and in the ribs. Limits of Use Il t lid#lOr Instruc" is Approved for use in HVFM N-D F-L17022 RB II 2kga VMAX RyaX +G flats.Pdt A pproved for use outsid e H V HZ r Yes Verffle+d BY: Dalwld En g, PE �1.1377 impact Resl tant: N{A Created try Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure- -;�HJAJ-114.25 Eva l uaUdn Reports Other; Rerer lfa rep-DrL FL17022 Rb AC 2134a VMAX. pjy=,0d ffaMW j cremed by Independent Third Party; Yes 17022_4- 04; 26ga CarMax on PIyrwavd 26ga Cmin] CorMax com-gated panel WIth 29-5" W+Vragq orh 15132' (min) plywood or 3J4" (min) thick wood plank. LI mits of Use Installation In�iitructig ns Apprioved for use in HVHZ: Yft FL17022 R8 IT 2 rg a Cfl rM a x Plywood HVHZ.odf Approved for use outside KVMZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PIE 81377 Impact ReSistant: NIA Created by Tndepen dent Third Party: YeS Design Pressure: +MIA}-161 Evaluation Repa~rks other: hltvfer to -evaluation report, FL17Ia22 Rb AE .Z!5q .rMax Mywand HVHZ.odf Creatlriz! by Indeependent.Tli ird Party: Yes Y J 17022.5 05; 26ga COrMOX On UMM5 26ga (miry) CorMax cornlgatedo�rl l wjtkt rage n 2x4 (min) boat ns_ Lim its of Use InstailatEo n Instructions Approved for u!SE JF) MVHZ: No FL170Z2 R� 11 2q5ga CarMax BaLhms.Ode Approved for use Outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Engr RE 01377 Impact ReSiStant.: N7A CrPaterd by Indapend-Ent Third Party; Yes Design Pressure: +N/ -181 lEvaluatlon Reports Other, Refer W evaluation report. F1_17M RR AtE 26ga CorMax 'Battens,adf Created ty independent Third Party; Yes uu rCa� edk 25DI @181rSt"e Rog Tgahagi�ee FL 3239 Dane: e50-W-1a24 The Stall of F1wida fs;Pn WG90 ernplmlbr. r Mdbh_t :: Pr'- .S awry em:¢At88itlhlllty Staked m ¢; RBtund Surb! 11 M L'r•der Florida 1hW, etn&M oddress+es are puL•lic ret8rdi. IF you "r6k w8ryt+y*ue e-mail adif-e55 relea+6id ii%re5ftofte W a i5uiblic ri€cords FMuesk,ffo 7dk seM 21 on1€ mall to this antlty. 1rrstgad,cnntart tho of.9ce byr phone or bry traditional mail. 0 you havz any questions, pkwA rTwact 830.487.1395. -Pursuont toSecion a55.275(1), hl S= w.iq rid d�lilding.org?pripr_app•_dtl.2-Spx?p2FRM EVXCMllagv2aBQpHpCiQefrrlVlZtVkUEoR%2bd%2buNx G%2bniRh TEORWM1aq%36--- M 1 J28121321 Roddy Sullding Code Onllne Flariue Stututcs,effertive Ckxober 1, 20 12, Iicewees tiaensed Uldex CMaPW 455r F,S-must pravlpg the Gepai moat with an d3maa aWnm If ldi$p hawe o+ia-The ernails prrwicEed may be La,&d fOr df dal cviF municadon Wth Site Likenwe. Howew ernall allrtiesws are putAiG rf wd.If you do non wish w supp!ly a personal address, please prOvlde Me Departi-errt*Vi an email address YMkP can bp rrwle awadab+4 WVhK,putdic. 1rD dPt—Ine It ypu ana a Q>ti mm 4r or 1�haptpr 455, F.$., pl"c;p r.IIGk hPr Rr" diji t Approv.&l Accepfi/; M M E !`,t E Credit Cafd Safe https:) v14'.w-fIQEi�:3bu dinq.OrgAprfpr_;Ppp_dti.arpOparnm=wGF-VXCkMDgv2a�pHOOOGrMZMkUEoRll,�2bd%2bLiNNXG%o' riIRhGTLvGVVM1a ,Md_.. 3 MAX EXTR E M E M ETAL - FABRICATORS SK.rL LED CRAFTERS Of- ME JAL ROFL IAAG5Y dt. 6 a in X over 1 " ( ramie ) plywood Extreme metal Fabricators -2120 SW Poma Dr I Palm City FL 34990 Product Descri ptior) 5V Crimp style exposed fastener panel with 24" max covoroge or7d nominal rib height of 3!8". Product Materlal 26ga ( min ) steel Corrosion resistant per FBC 1507.4.3 where required Fastener #9 or 410 x 1.5" fastener with sealing wosher Compliant with FBC 1508.6 where required. SLR bstrate / Oec k 15/ 2" (min ) plywood or 3/4" ( min ) thick wood plonk ( resin S . G. of 0.42) Evaluated by : David E n g , PE Timberlake Cove } LLC 3324 W u n 1 V Ave #206 1 C�c i eye-sari I l e F L FL PE 81377 I FL CA 33344 w, w,Timb-erLcjkeCove_com E. David F-:E g No. 81377 , i* STATE of } ONAL i Ti is item -h-as teen dig itai�y -,qtgne(f 1 seaIied by + 1 Pf kntGd -copies_ this arid 1 VMAX wiffied on MAX F 17 . 01 - R Uncle r I ay ment + Comply with iocaI bu -41ding code or FBC 1507.1.1 where required. Slope : Comply with local tui Iciltng code or FBC 1507..4.2 where required. Re- Roofi ng : This ponel may be installed over a single lager, of existing shingles <s!3 perrnitto-d by Iocg I k:3vi Id i ng code or FBC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by the c3p plica bl-e code, Maximum Allowable Loads & Installation Requir-em nts: Method_ A: # 9 x 1,5" fasterLer i n IV-1-2 t 16" o_c., 56 P S F Mlathod S:_.#tQ x 1.511 fastener in 12"- ' pgttern cit 16" o.c. = q3.S PSF lthd C. t#1Q 3e 1.5" #oste i n 1 '*-111 patter nt S" o=c= _i_PF M t 0' #t10 x 1.5" fastenerJrt. 121-1211 pattern at 6" o.c. . 228 PS A f<ictpr of Ad fetV of 2 has been applied. Technical Documentation : This product hos been tested to the UL 560 standard by Architectural Testing <now Intertek Testing, TAT-1527), report D05895.01-450-18, F3366r01-45-0-15, and As referenceci in FL 17GZ2.014?7 Compliance Statement : Th as product os de!sr-ri ftFed has demonstrated conrlpl io rice with Florida Bui lid i n g Code 2020, 1504.3.2 (nor -HVHZ) as required by FL Rule 41G20-3, method 1D. This produ-r-t os desc-ribed has been tested and dernorlstrotei� -c-OrriplianCe With ' • UL-S$O - Test for Up Eft Reaisto nce of Roof Assemblies • UL 1097 - Uplift teat for roof C-Qv-0161)g sYstOrns 1-Design Process: The load tat)les in this report provideb ore prescriptive option for the fostening requi rernent #or the appl ica ble wind loads for roofs wit h i n the Ira rameters deseri beCi. For roofs outside of the listed parameters, design wind muds !3 ha ll be de!,Ltermi reed as required bV FBC 1609' ASCE 7� or other design code in force, using a I Cowcible stress. These load tables are based on ASC E 7-16, Use of these tables assrurnes that the structure is- * Enclosed and conforms to wired- borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped building Is not subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, or i nstobi lity- nor does it have a site looc3tl-on for which channeling or buffeting worrrant r-onsiderction Engine-ori ng a nolysiz away he completed by of her Hee nSod gng i n i4ars for project qpp-r.Efi c o pp rovc:il by local ca utho-ritaes having Jurisdiction. Certification of independence : David Eng, PE and Timberlake Cove, LLC do not have, nor will ciaquire a finanaiol Pntorest i n arty cewnp-OnV m-anufocturing or d1stfibuting products under this evaluallon. The same entities do not have, nor will acquire' c fihar$Ci01 ir,teeest in any other entity invoty-A6 1n the approval proc@ss of the product, P al ugiong and Limitations : Des i9n of dank vr-sd roof :5trvCfiire (to include ottachment of plywood or wood pIcink) shall be can, pleIed by others. Fir4a classification and shear dioph rogrn design are outside the scope of thin -tvnlucitloon. Accelerated weathering{-salt spY-ay is outside the scope -of thfr. eve luction. 7h i5 repc)rt iS lirnit.L%d to compliance with structurol wind IoQd requi rernent!s of FEC 150 4.3-2, cis required by Puce 61G20.3. N-2dther Timberlake Cove nor the manufacturer shall be responsible for any conclusions} interpretation, or designs made by others Based on this eveluatian report. 'This reparrt i5 limited Solely to ClgG4+rnenting gomipliance with Rule 6102-0-3' aril rrr#kos no express or Implied warranty regarding performance of this product. Installation !shc II d-e !u4CknJi!�-r,* tc> the local building co-de and authority Novi ng j„eir,diz7.t!gn; this report zh�311 not fro construed to supersede Ioccal codes i n force. 2 //4—/4,V6 ��EMEMETAL FABRICA TORS.COM ENGINEERING LOAD TABLES FL- 170 - - I nistructio ns : Select the a pp rapFriate load to ble that nppl i-L%:q to thL- structure in quostion . Dot-ormilne the design wind &p-eed for the project 1ocati0r7 , 1 L 15e the attachment method indicated for that 2 wi ndspeed with fn ear- h roof zon a-_ 2 2 3 2 1 - .- 3 a NOTE: AECE 7�-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-za ne concept. � For the load tables below, the worst case was taken for each zone and reported usi rig the star lord zones 2 1 1-2-3: -- - --� Zone I includes zones i and 1r � I� ZQn e 2 i nc-I udez. zones 2e, 2r, a nd 2n HIFRIXF �e a Zone 3 Includes zones 3e and 3r I-- v M5'S I Pl I rY these it 5 Sclear, P7'S $ A•,rt of LgFdTi-O r ^� v DR0 t wur0,r, KtS SPAN1••DX NW S TKW Grt-1;R4RL9FU 'F P0aMN&JLL baMDCMM OR 3F1 IDdQ scheme, at the expense -of some design of-ficiency. 0 jLAKr� aew[rt4hWatIDTWEAMNr OALrmM Contort the manufacturer for further information, ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING or consult a licensed design professional. METHOD A: METHOD B: METHOD C- METHOD D; #9 AT 18" O.C. #10 AT 16" 0.6. #10 AT 8" O.C_ #1 GAT 6" O.C. 12" (NOM) --1 2" (NO ) HR- NOT RATED. CONSULT OE I N � / PROFESSIONAL A,9 NEEDED -j' Jsc this loud troble for structures which rneet the follaMing cdLeria: Use this load table For structures which ineet the folfcwing criteria: kre located in Exposure B area Are located in B. E, or D ia xposu ra area -lave either a flat roof, or gablelhlip roof with max slops of 12A 2 Have either a flat roof, or gablelhlp roof with max slope of 12;12 -la -a rrhean Roof Height of 30 feet or Isss Have a mean~ Hoot Height of 30 feet or less FLI7022,0I: 26ga 5V C rimm on I 32" plywood F 6 a 5V Crimpon 151 2" rilywood Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120 130 140 160 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1 : A A A A A A A C D D D Zone 2: A A A A A A A A C D D Zone 2: A A A A C D 0 D D 0 D Zone 3: A A A A A A B Q Q D D I JZone 3: A A A D 0 Q Q 0 l6e this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load table for structures which moot the f ftwing criteria: Ore located in Exposure 13 area Are located in B, C, or D oxpos-ure area Have either a flat roof less than 7", hip roof with Have either a fiat roof Less than 7", hip roof with rngax slope of 12:12, or gable roof with slope between 4.412 & 12,12 max s tope of 12;12, or g able roof vAth sic pe be twe erg 4.412 & 12:12 Have a m na n Rnof Height of 30 feet or less Have a m can Roof Height of 30 fe et or I e ss FL 17022.Q1: 26 a 5V Crimp on 15f 32" p E wwood FL17022.0 1. 26ga 51f Crimp on 15132" plywcod Wind U8 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120 180 140 150 160 170 130 190 200 Zone 1 : A A A A A A A A A A A Zonet - A A A A A A A B C D D Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A B C Zone 2: A A A A A B D D D D D Zone & A A A A A A A B D D �.`. rl� �: A A A E D Q D D D 0 Q /J/A/4&*,qh6- EX *EMEME f RICA TO R EXTREMEMETAL