HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 TRI BUILTSelf Adhered Metal UL V�VBusiness & Professional Regulation - _ MCI f -erm ' Lft In User ReaWdI A Not Topic$ Sahrrir`SurChb+}e 5 elf D F.�(-% P1,jD1iC;1t1QnF I QrWWK#U � $It*loop � Lkiks S;e"Ch P roduCt Approval. dbpr USER: F iblin l:Str Ngdu PMY-A Sel-t+ # $ QUaLian LA[ :� AlWit81Fbn Dtthfl }] L FL25 -RZ3 Appliollorn Type Revision Code Versi an �DZI) Applicatl.Dn Status ARRroyed Cammenb. ArtYr ved Prod u rt Manufacturer 5opri�ma, Inr. (Canada) Aids reWPhorie/Erna 11 1640 rue Haggarty Dru mmondvil ler N Oil-Ll5 -00888 .(819) 4�8-24 DD m.emathieu@soprema_ca AutrlorFzed Signature Marc-Etiimme Mathieu mernakh ieu@wprema,ca Tldlrlaul Representative Marc-Etier nq Mathieu Address/Phones Ern ail 16813 Jean-13erc h mans-M Icha u d Drummondville, NON-US 00000 (M) 47$-2403 Ext 3327 rnerrlatMeu@sopr erna.ca Quality Assurance Representative ]earn-Francois Cote, Ph_D. Acjcjre5WPhonWCrna1l 1640 rue Haggarty Drum rnondai De (888) 811-3145 jfr,ota(�Dsoprema.,a Cat-egory Roofing Subc�t7egnry Underiayrnvits CompiiancE Method Ewaluation Report from a Florida Registered A<rchiCi�ct Ora Licensed Florida Plmfessianal Engineer fvaluatlr,n Report - Haf copy Recgived Florida Engineer arArchibEct fume wra developP_d the :RDMrt 1. M. Niiemineft Evaluation Report Florida License FE-59166 Quality A urance Entity UL LtC Quality Aswrance Contract [-�xpira#ion Date 12 f 71 f 202 3 V81idated By to n W. Knezevichr RE Va lid atian Chtckli st - Ht rdcapy Recai wed Coltltleate -of Irldependenm FL2569 R21 COl 2(M n L,01 DIEM1DIEr+f.adf Referenced standard and Year (of Standard) Ste ndar Year ASTM D197-D 2015 ASTM D4601 2012 ASTM C147S8 3011 FM 4A7.4 2011 FRSA�TFk[ Sixth Edition 201a UL1897 2015 equ Iva len-De of Pro�duc# StandarcC5 Carlo rled By 5er.tlQn5 frond th-e ode Pr-OdUC Ap p rove I Method Method i Option D Date Suhmittemd 1)7/29{2021 Date Validated 0010312-02 1 Dote Pending FBC Alp royal W0912021 Date Approved 1011212 0z1 Summa-ry of Frodui is FL, Model, Nu rnher-or Name I Desu iptlar} 2 55.1 Soprerra Ikoof Underlayments far Ulf adhe�ng roof up�erlaYmenL5 use in FBC HVHZ juriMiekidryS Limits -of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In MwHz: ves FL25Q R25 11 2��] 07 29 FINAL Eft 50PAEMA HVHZ FL25�9- Approved for use outside HVHZ: No ULPff Impact ILesPMnt: N/A Verified By: Robert N iern[n e;i RE•59A S Design Pressure: N A Creaked by Independ-ent 7hlyd Party. Yes Dth-err Reft r to E R Seal o p for LI rr Its of Use, ; Evrplvirigrl Reports FL2569 R23 AE 2021 07 21) FINAL- ER SOIJF�-EHA HVHZ FL25159- Created t)y I-1deperlder t Thi rd Party: Yes 2559.2 Saprerna Roof llrlderlayrne:Its for Self adherlrb9 roDf underlaYment$ fuse in FBC non-HVHZ jurisdirtions r Limits of Use -installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ; No FL2 559 R.�3 TT 2021 07 29 FINAL �R SDPR F MA NOIN Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes HVHZ FL25fa9•R23,pC( Impact RerI ntt N/A verified 5y; Robert Nleminen, R.E. PE-59166 Design Pressure: tNJAJ-150 Created by Tndependent Third Rartyr: Ye5 Other, 1.) fifer to EA Section 5 for 4imit5 of Uw, : ,j Evaluation Report$ I T;he design pressure rioted herein pertains to FL2569 R23 ejF 2pzi o7 zq EINAL ER sopgEmA - LJ p�-errayrneat systems used beneath tare roof sws#ems, HVHZ FLU 569-1123.wiff Rcfcr kia ER Scttiorp 5.9.3 far detalfs. Created by Independent Third ParLy! y-e!5. :; �f l plalr [erre Rand.Talahbssee FL 12199 MUC1 O5F•487-L924 The Slum or Florida Is an AA?EEO Ernplay+er. Cpp4�'9ht 2M7.2923 State V Flvrda. :: PrlviK':Rwkrrcnt :: Ai;cesslt}-Lrt!5ta.c=ncrt :: +mound 5totcmrrlt under Florida law,crnai addresses a re public records. if Vau do-rat want your a-ria I add.ned*r6kM+*d ir5 re3pft!ie It h NbNt-rec&rd3 r*Adedt, dd*YL tend a eumNe mRic tD tw6 snUky. ifiaiga, G4ntpa the grllce Gp phorrp or by tradlLlartial mall. V ygij h;i%%t any queskions,pleas contact 850.447.1N5. ;Rjrsuartta Skrtlan 495.27*B[15, 1 I Ma Stbtmns, effecuwe October 1, 2012,I�rtnsee5IIteriied under UnNi er$55,F.S-r'uti:inmw de the Oepbrtmeit wiM an$ryil wdress ntheV have ore. The evils provided mft ID-e used rot orF[i31€fip'1rr unlCaU4p WO the li{en6ee. Hovftve+r emill a0 3 aFe pvwi�►gKQri-li y¢a vo not kni h ire iiwppiY a pvFo i odore�s, pltrw provldethe bppartment wpm an ernall address which•can be made awa,lable t4 the public-To deterrnlne If yew ere a licensee wndlrCha"455,FS.,plet5e click ,ere . Fradurt Approval Acceptsc fedil Card Safe E 0 1 etc. Certificat-e of AuThorfzo[aon&3244 5 3 5 3 C h r istia n Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 ISO (203) 262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSii LT REPORTEVALUATION Sopre m a, Inc. Evaluation Report S19010, i,09-R 2-1 1640 rue Haggerty FL2 560-RZ3 (NON-HV"Z) Drury mondvi He, Qu6ber J2C 5P8 Cie-ada Date of Issuance; 06/15/2009 (819) 479-2400 Revision 21: 07/29f2021 SCORE: This Evaluation Report is issued Linder Rule 61G20-a and the applicable rules and reguiations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The do uumentation su hrrl fitted has been reviewed by Robert N iem i nen, PI-E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Cade. The product de5rribed herein has been evaluated for Corr,plilan a with the Trh Edition pozo) Fd a ri da Building Code sections noted herein, rDESCRIRTI ON: So prem a Roof U n d of laym ent5 for U se 1 n F B E in on_HV H Z jurisdi ctio ns LABELING: Labeling shalt be ire accordance wit the requirements of the Accredited Quality Amrance Agency noted herein and FRC 1507-x.l. Cown Krum CO VIPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until sucht time as the naMed prod uct(s)changes, the referenced Quality As5u(; rnce or production faciiity locabon(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the products) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the narnfCd dient constitutes agreement to notify NEMD ETC, LLC of any charges to the product(.$), th-a Quality Assurance or thp- production fa-cility Iocation(s)- NEMD ETC, LLC requires a comp I et-e rear i ew of its Eve lu at ion Re p o rt rela ti ve to o pdated Code req u i re m eats with eac h Code Cycl e. AaVERTISEM E NT. Th e Florid a P rod u c# App rova I N u mb e r (FL#� preceded by the words "N E M 01 etc, Ezra to ated'r m ay be displayed in advertising I ite rate re- If any portion of the Ezra I uation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety, INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire 'Eva luation Report shall be provided tG the user by the manufacturer or "rts distributors and shall he available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Off k4d. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through S. Prepay by �,¢541L�7i2r,r�. $L�k��X�rti �x rt i�t Robert J.l1A. Nie mil rer3 P.E. ,.,� The fa€�i-nlle seal ap�earinEwas authwired by Robert Nimimen,P.E.on 07129f2027. This does not serve Z� Fjo.rrdo Regisfr o tko No- 551515, Flor nrG ErCA ANEI-983 Y"; ,,; an destrGnic4Ifyrfignad d -unk• CERTIFICAMOMOF INDEPENUNEE: 1- NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does itintend toacquir-e or will itacquire, a financial interest in any company M a nufoctu ri ng or d istri buti r g products it eva I uates. 2. N E MQ ETC, LLC i 5 not owned, operated o r cont roll ed by a nor cc rnpa ny ma nufa ctu ri rig or distri but iii g prod u cts i t evaivatei. 3. IR cb-e rt Niern i r E?n, P-E- does in of have nor w ill acq ui rev a fi nanci;3I In terest I,t any company man u facturing or distributi ng products fo r which tine evaluation rep*rts art hetng Issue-d- w- Rohe rt Niem i nen, P-E. does not have, no r will I a cq u i re,a financ ial interest i n any oth e r e ntkyf involved i n th e a ppr val prw�em of the p roduct. 5, fihii5 i5 a bu iJd i n� rode-eval uation. N e it h E�rr N E M 0 ETCr LLC no r Rn Bert Niemi nee, P.E. are, I n any way,the Des igne r of Record for a ny proj ect on which th is Eval uation Rep ort, o r p revi ou s versions thereof, as/was u sod for perm itti ng or design guidan-ce un less rota ined specifically to r that pur pose, 1b2019 NEMo ErCr LtC 44NEMOJOC. ROOFING COMPIOAIENT EVALUATICN: Product C-ategory Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayrnent Camp I is nee Statement. Soprerria R oof U n derlaym a ntsr as produced by 5o prem;ar h ave dim onstrated co m p I is nce Wth the followi n g Se cti on 5 of t h e 7" Ed it i On (2-0 20) F forida Bui Idling Cod e t h ro ugh t esti ng i n a ccord a n-ce with the following Standards. Compfiance Is subject to khie Installation Requirements and Limitations Conditi-an-5 of Usp- -50 forth herein. • r • r Section Pry a Standard Year 1504-3.1 Wind re5i$tan ce FM 4474 2-011 1504-3.1 Wind resistan i s A 1897 �015 15 07.1.1., 1507.2.4, 1507.2.9.2 Makeria I scand a rd ASTM D 1970 2015 /13905,1.1. R905.2.8-2 15073.3 { R905.3.8 Materia l sI;a rid a rd FRSA�TR 1, Sixth Edition Z018 TAS 110 Accelerated Weath-eri118 ASTM D4798 2011 Entilt Examin-ation Deference Date ERID IT5T6049) Wirnd Resistant-Ce 2778-07.05 07/15J2005 ERV �T5TG049) FP$A{T ki 04-12 JMS] S43530.02.14-1•R 1 02/21/2014 ERa (TST6049) ASTIM 01070 (QQ S44870.04.14-3 04/02/2014 ERD �TST6049) ASTM 01070 (OH) S44870.04.14-1 04/10/2024 ERa ITST604-9] ASTM 01070 (MS) S44870.04.14-4 04/10/2024 ERD (TST6049) A5TM !D1970 I OH) S4o540.10.14 10/31/2014 EFLID ITST6049) Tv D5i le Adh a5io n/tong T-e rm Agi ng SOPC-$07645.02,15 02)13/201$ ERD IT5T6049) Accelerated Wuthering SOPC•5C8520.04.14 04/27/2015 ERa IT5T6049) livirtid Resl$too-ce SOPC•5C14045.05.17-R1 06/07/2017 NEMO ITST6049) ASTM D1970 f TAS 110 (QQ 50PO-SC8970.08,15-R1 04/25/2018 NEMO ITST6049) Wind Resistance 4-5OPCA,8-003.08-18 08/27/2018 NEMO ITST6049) Tile Slippage 45-$0PC-1$ Z-W-1$ 09/2112018 NErAO �TST6049) ASTM D479BID1970 [OH & M% 4Sr$4PC-1&002-0$.19.A 05/31/2019 NEMG �TST6049) Tensile Adhesion{Lon$ Term Aging 4p- -19-S$LAP-01.A.R2 02/IN2020 NEMO ITS I'6049) P2.@I adh-esin n (existing undo law me nts j 4j-SO RC-I9-SSU DL-04.A 03/12/2020 NEMO (TST6049) P-e-e I adh-esila n (exlsling underJa yr r ent s) 4j•SO RC-20-5SU DL-0 LA 01/07/2021 NEMO (TST6049) ASTM D 1970(M5) 4j-50 R.&K-SSU DL-0 LA 04/19/2021 PRI (TSTS878) ASTM D 1070(MS) SOP-064-K-01 12/0312013 5aprema, Inc- (Pf MIS11) Equ Iva lency Declaration SA SMOOTH PLY 40 06129f2015 N E N1 O Traceability FRC Oro55415ti ng 07}20/2021 UL, LLC (OUA961S) Quality Control MLA File NO. R16814 1 10/2015 UL, LLC (QUA9 625} Quaiityr Control MLA F ire No. R 27605 05109 019 UL, LLC (QUA9625f Qualh Control Service CQinfirmation 06/29/2020 UL., LLC (QUA9 G2-5} Quality Control Florid a IRCIS Curre r t NEMCP VrC,LLC Evaivat4on F-eportS1801-0,0E, •R21 CArtifhE&M of Aa MdeiMlk�,*#32455 7TM EDITION(20201 FEE IYON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2.569-R23{N0JY-1iVH?] Soprema Roof Under9:lrrnVnts Fte%islon 21-07 f 2-9{1021 Page Z of a 44 DEMO etc. r Ntcova + i Prod uct et rid I Stan dard Pla nt(s) Description 4_1 LASTO BCC H D TIC HT ASTM Q1970 and Gulfport, MS self-ad heri ngr no n-wavein p olV-Est e r fa b r is FRSAfTSI -18 surfaced, S85 rnDdified bitumen roof v nderlayrr ent 4_2 SR S To p5 h i-e ld DEFENDER ASTM 1)1970 and Ou If port, MS 15e1f-;oditieri n9r rip rr-w6ven p�olvest-@ r fabric TU FRSA/Tffl -1.8 surfaced, S85 modified bitumen roof u ndf!rlayrne-nt 4_3 Tri-Built S{A HT TU ASYm D1970 and Gulfport, MS sell-ad hen ngr no ri-woven polyest @ r fa b ric Un der 1; Vrnent F FLSAf T FLI 09-18 su rfaccd, SBS MDd ified bit u me n roof _ u ride rlaymen t 4.4 LASTQWN D S h i-eId AST IVI D1970 Dm rnmo n dviile, QC sel F•adhmi ngr @woven polycthyle n e 5u rfaced, 595 rn od ified bite me n roof u:n derlayme nt aura i lab le in two vii dthsr 36 and 45 inch 4.5 fLF-515TO 5A SMOOTH PLY ASTM D1970 Dru rnmo n dviffe, QC self-adh a ri ng, woven polyet hVlern a su rfaced, 555 40 modified bitumen roof u-n derlaym-e nt 4.6 LASTOSON D Sh i-a Id H T ASTM D1970 Drummondville, QC self-adh eri ng, wovern pol yethylen e s u rfaced, hig h temperature,5135 modified bitumen rooF underlaVment 4.7 LAS70BOND Fro HT-N ASTM -DI970 Drumm-ondville,CC Self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SeS rn od ified bitumen roof underlaV rnent available I rr two wiiJth5; �6 and 46 inch 4.9 LAST080ND Fro HT-S ASTM D1970 Drummaridl ille,CC 5eIf-adhering,, woven pi;lyetfiviene surfaced, high torn perato re, SiRS mod Ifred b Itu me n rbof underlawment 4.9 Envi ro5h ie!d {ATM Dlg70 :Drummondville,QC self-adhering, waver~ polyethylene surf@ Cede high temperature, 585 modified bitumen roof and erl aynn ant 4.10 LASTDBOND Eco ASTh. 01970 Grumm9ndwiIIe, QC -5eif_adhering, glass-rnat reinforced, send- Gulfport, M5 slu rfacedr$85 modified b It u me n roof Wadsworth, OR and erl ayrnerrt 4_11 LASTOBONO Smooth ASTM D1970 GluIfport, MS self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, filrn- 5eal HT wad1worth, O H su rfacedr 5S5 modified bit u rn-e ri roof underlayment 4.12 Tri•Built Smooth HT SIA ASTM D1970 Ov lfport, MS self-ad heri rng,glass-mat ref nfo reed, fi Im- underlayrnent Wadsworth, OH surfaced, 5BS modified biturnen roof underlayment 4.13 Rri rn cSa urce Grip-Rite ASTM D1970 Eau Ifport, MS self-ad heri ng,E lass-mat rei nfanced,film- Sm ooth Sea4 HT Wadsworth, OH surfaced, S135 modified bite rnen roof u ride rlayrrtieitt 4,14 RESISTO L B1236 AST M D1970 Diu MMO rtdvi Ile, QC self-ad h e ri n9r glass-mat rei nfomeJ, Sand- Oulfportr MS surfaced, 5135 modifiEd bitumen roof Wad5worthr OH jndeflayment 4.15 TRI.-BUILT Sand-11 $A ASTM D1970 DrumMorlduiller QC HIf-adhering, gIa5s-Mat mi+ifgree�, sand- ShirigIe Underlaym-ent Gulfport, IVIS surfaeedr SBS madifled]sltumen roof W dswotth, OH urlderlayment 4.16 primeS*urte Grip-mite A$TM D1970 -Drurx mondailI&, Q-C self-ad!heeiq, Blass-mat reinforced, s; rnd- Eave & Valley Protector Gulfport, IVIS surfaced. SBSrnodfFjed bltumffn roof Wa dsw Drt h, O H and erlaVm ent 'N EMIO ETC, LLC t"Ivatlon Re wr# Cerm]5cate ofAritharrzotion#32455 71"EDITION =20)FOC NON-liVNI EVALUATION FLZS-59-R231N ON-HVHZ) 5flprema Road Linderlagmerns RewiSi)n 21; O7f19f:Z 1 Page a of 8 tONEMO I etc. Product Material Plant(s) Description Standard 4,17 5RS TopShieid ECE & A.:TM D1-J7D DrurnrtondvIll2r QC selF-adherlrig, glass-mat f-aIntOFeedr sand DATER DEFENDER G ul1port, MS surf@ red, S BS mo di Pied-bit urn en roof Wadsworth. OH underlayment 4.15 RE 5i5TO LB124 4 A!ST 191970 Drumm ond4lll cr QC self-a dher I n g, gl ass-rrt.?t reinforced, sa nd- Gulfport, IVIS surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof Wadsworth. OH Underlayment 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither N E M 0 ETC, LLC nor Robert Nierninen, R.E. are, in any way, the Vesigrler of Reco rd fo r a ny p roj ect o n which t h is Ezra Watio n Repo rtr or p revious uersiu ns the roof, i sf was use d for perm itti n j -ar design guidance unless reta1-ned speci(icallyfor that purpose. 51 This Eva I u ati on Report 15 not for use irk F BC High Vel ocity M u rrica rye Zo n e jurl Sdicti on5 (i.e., Broward and M i am i- Dade Counties). 5.3 This Ezra I u at!on Re p ort Re rtai ns to above-deck roof corn pon en is, Rif d ecks a nd structu rat m e rnber5 sh a I I be in a cre rda n ce wi x h FBC req u ire merits to the sat isfact i on of th a Authority Having J u risdic#ion- S_4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire cia ss if i ca t i ou, Refer to FBC 1505 f-Gr requ i rem Ents and limitations regarding roof as:5e mb Iy fire classification- Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and I i m itati ens concerning the use of foam plastic insullation_ 5.5 Soprema Roof U nderlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover vincc re the p rod u rt i.5 s p ecifica I ly referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having J u rl sdict i on for a p p roaa I ba sed on t h is evaluat is n co mbi nod wit h suppo rki n g data for the pre pared roof coveri ng. 5,6 Allowable Roof Curers: TABLE 1. ROOF COVER OPTIONS �aC SCC693n: j50T_d1 1507.3 1507.4 8i 1507.5 150T 7 .3507.8&]W21.0 Asphalt Clay and Concrete Tile Metal $date or woad shakes or Underlayment mieehar�L-cal AdhesLVe- 51ikd.TYp Shingles Attarh Set Rail# 5kwlrM$le ShIrigles 5hi n les LASTDEPDNDTU HT,5FSTop$hfeld - s VC5 DEFENCIERTU,Try-,Bullt VA HTTU Yq!-s Vet Yes Yes Yes quips INT1.1.51 U See 5,6-1 RMS.I.LM LASTO&aND 5hieId, ProHT-N, RESISTO Yes 5,A 5 M TH PLY 40 Yes 1`40 RD Yes Yes YES MIK 1507-1.1.3 j R90.f.73J Yes LASTOSON a Shield HT, Pro MT-S Yes No No lies Yes Yes �a�,:�rtrc,isnQ.l.131 Yes FnwlwShleld Yes No NQ Yes Yes VEM oe l SOP,1"7,t,'b 1 r R%5.1.3 Z LA5T080 N D E CO, RE5'.5TO Lk31236, TRI- BUILT SarLd-R 5A Shingle UrWerlayrrrlenl, yas Grip-Rite Ease Valley Prot-ftttor, Yes -No No N-b No Yes �}o�n�:tnpc,�s4�.�.k.3I 7ap5h iEW ICE&WATE R DEFENDER, RE5'StO L81244 LASTORONID SmDuth Seal MT,Tri-RuiIt Yes 5mflath HT 5IA Un.dedayment.Tri p-Rft Yes No 'Io Yes Yes YM 6[APF,1997.1.1.31 Smooth Seal KF 1.14 MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluatloh Rcs-part S18010,06,09-R21 Certificate c&FAuhharizatran#22455 7TH EDITION 12020)FOC NON-HVHZ EVALUATM FL25E9-R23 jNON-HIIHZ) 5aprema Roof LInderlaymenets ReAsinn 21; 07/29/2011 Pagit 4 of.0 IONEMOjetc. 5-6-1 Adhe5ive•set the is limited to use of the foiiolmingApproved underlayment /tile-adh es, ve combinations. T. TABLE 1A:ALLOWABLE TILE ADHESIVE/ UNOERLAYMENT COMBI NAT10N 51 --- Und-Prlayrnent Adhesive Florida Product AippPoval LASTO BOND TU HT, 5RS Dupont"ale Bond Roof Tile Adhesive' FL22525 TopShield DEFEt+IDER TU, Tri- I P Ad Si1 I It S/A HT Ti U UndaflaVme rit h $Ives and ealats "Po I r] �+ eta AH-160" FL6332 5-7 Allowable Sub$trates: TAaLE 2: SUBSMTE OPTIOHIIS FOR ADMEREa UNDERLA'IMENTS Substrates (desigrwd to meet wEnd loads for project) Underloyme ,t r: pplIcation -- Type PriM'r'Ier Aflaterlal(s] LASTO 130 N D 5h icid, LASTOB ON D Pro HT- (0 ptiona[) ASTIVI plywood, 05B or Smut lie rn Yellow N r R ESI STO SA SMO OTH P LY 40, Deck} D41, Era stocol Sti ck, P]n a (SYPI) LAST0130 N D Sh ield HT, LASTO BOND Pro E lastocM Stick Zero HT-5, EnvifoShieldr LA,STOBONE) TU HT, ASTM D41 structural concrete SRS TopShiaf d ll)E FEN DER TU, Tri•Bu i It S/A HFTU Und�rlayrnerFt, LASTO BOND O InsuEation (optional) Eiastocol dens DerkPrlme or SECU ROCK E�O� RF�I�TO LEG1�;15, TRI-$I.I ELT Sand-R Se If- Stick hero G�rPSU m•Fiber Roof 9 oa rd SSA Shingle U nde rlayme n t,0 ri p•Rite Eave adhering &Va I ley is rQ#ertor, To p5 h ie 16 ICE & WATER DEFENDER, RESI5TO L81244, Ba 5e Sheet (Optional) Ela 5tocal ASTM D2 26,Type 11 felt or LA510 BONG Srncoth Sea I H T, Tri-Bu ilt Stick Zero Ma di f ied 5o pra--G Smooth HT S/A Unlerlayrnent or Grip- Rite Smooth Seal HT LA5T0501ND TU HT, 5RSTopShield DEFENDER TU,Tri-Built 5{A HT TU er U n der Iayrne ntr Rr%STO L61236, TP.I- Self- Ex isting RESISTO EXTERIOR Eu rf'a:e n.E r n d-eurfacud, glass-1i ll BUILT S.�n d.R SA Sh i n ie U nderla rne rrt, ad h Sri n substrate PRIMER Su rd�ted� �irti oral-su r[��ed or Lilrn- Gr4-9i#e Sava&Valley Prater#or+or g s+r,fa d root urrderlaYmerwt* TopShield ICE & WATER DEFENDER {Fino+acceptance of ony existing substrate arr a reroof(War-off)instoilation is of the discretion of the installer and the Authority .Having Jurrsdrrrron. Should o question or•rse os to the suirabdity of orr existing substrate to receive LA5TOROND TU t{f, SR5 Top5hield DEFENDER TV, Tri-30t SfA JE T TU Uuderlaymeri t, R€SISTO t 61236, TV-BUrt T Scpnd-R SA Shingr-ff Underloryr t, arip-pite Cove& verfley Protector or Top5hield iCE& WATER DEFENDER self adhering ur?dertayments, cvotact RM5TO techoicoisupport. 5.7.1 Sop rem a recom m e n d s pri m I ng with E I astocol Sti c k E I astocoE 600c or RE SI STO EXTE R 10111 R-k I M ER if the fi n s] roof cove r is n of date d for i n staiia tic n with in 24 hou r5- 5.7,2 Sopre ma req wires to ngu a-and-groove bo and d e ck i ng be covered wi t h p Iyviood o r 05 B p rior to insta I I ati on of t he self-adhering underlayment 5.8 Ate a nt Limitations: 5-8.1 For use unde r mecha n ica I I v.atta r h ed N ON-T I L E p repa red roof coverings, atta ch ment sha I I be in accordance wl t h the manufactu re is i n sta Miatiu n i nstru cti-o n s, but—fo r rn echa n i ca I Mir atta c h ed und- Mayments or base sh a ets - in of less than FRC 1507.1.1 or R90S.1.1. 5.S-2 For use under ti I'e rcc f systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's in sta I I ati Gn instructions, but !for mechanically attached base sheets - not less than Section 5.8A herein, r iRef er to Tiie Monu cturerFs-or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida Product Approuar for Overrurrtrng Moment Resistance Performance. NEN10 ETC, LLC Evaluaftn Flepart S18010,06.1 MU corIlykatd OfAumor4nridn 83Z4 rN EDITION (2020)FBC N0 W14V}Ij EVALUATION FL2569-R ANON-HVHZI Sopreirria Roof uridmayFnents RMINIan 21; 07{Z9f202.1 Page 5 ot8 ONEMO I etc. S,$,3 wind R es iga nca for Un erl a meat Syste rns i n Tile R oof App I lcations: The following wind u p I i ft limitations apply to underl aymen t sirstem 5 th at a re not prescriptive in the FRSA}TRI Florida High Wir)d Concrete and Cloy Roof TQ Installo tron Manual, Sixth E d itio n. The Max 1 rnu rn Des ig n P ress u re is th a result of ten ti ng for wl nd load resin to n Ce ba sed orr a I I awa We wind I oadsr a n d reflects the ufti ma to passing pressu re d ivi d ed by 2 lathe .2 to 1 ma rgi n of s afety p e r F SC 1504.9 ha s a I ready be en a pplied), 5.8-3-1 Direct-to-Deck; The maxim um design pressu re for the s e I ected a 55e mbly A a I I meet or exce ed tha t req u ired u rider F RSA/TRI Florido High Wind Concrete and Cloy Roof 771-e �nstadfatian Man-uolr Sixth Edition,Table 1A or the critical (highest) -d es i gu p re ss u re deterrn i ned i n acc-❑rda rice with FaC 109 o r F BC Reside nVal Cha pte r 3, #t1 M ax i mu m Ues i n Prey sure = -45. sf: Deck: Mi rL. 15132-i Rch plywood to m e et Project requirem eats to sal Isfa ctGon of A u C fro rity Hari rig Ju risdifition, Primer: (optional.) Ela stoca I Stick, Eia 5tvc4l Stir,k Zero of RE S ISTO E XTER I0FL P€tl MER U n dQr I;0VrrlOnt: LASTORON D TU HT, S RS Topsh ield D E FE N DER TU, Tri-Bu ilt $/A HT TU Ernderlay mnentr golf-ad her-ed and ba.ck-nail ed with i n t h e selvedge-edge si de la R5 u5i ng 12 ga.x 2:4u ring sfi a nk nail s th roug h 3 2 ga.r 1.5 f g" diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o-c„ #2 Maximum Design Pre.5 curg = -67.5 nsf: Deck: Structural-co+l Crete to rn eek project req LFI rem eats to satisfaction of Aut h or"+i wring 1 urisd ictic n. Primer: Elastocol Stick Zero Underlayment: LASTOROND TU HT, SRS Top5hield DEFENDER TU, Tri-wilt SfA HT TU Und-erlay rnont, s-elf-ad hered and back-nailed within t11 v -sije laps using 12 ga.x 1%" ring shank rails through 32 ga., 1-5/S" diarneter tin caps spaced 12-Inch o.c-. #3 M ax i rmum Design Pressure = -120.0 psf, Deck: Min. W3 2-iri ch APA-rated CDX plywood to rn et project requ i r-e men is to sat isFact ion of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Rrimer: {Optional RE515TU EXTERIOR PIiIVIER Base Ply. RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY4B, self-adhered, un derlayrrnent: L ASTO BON D TU HT, SRS TopSh ieid D E FE N DER TU, Tri-Bu ilt SIA HT TU Underlayrnent, self-ad h ered a nd back-na iled wIthi n these Ivedge.a dge si de I a ps using 12$a.x 1 X� ring s h a nk naiks th rous h 32 so., 1-3 f v diameter tin caps Spaced 12-in-ch 0 c.. #d Maximum Design Pressor@ _ -150.0 Usf: Meek: Min, 15/32-inch APA-rated BCK -plywood (may be in5taired C-side UP) t0 MtEt t 0rbjett regUit-0M Its to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Rrimen IOptianaI� RESISTQ EXTERiCiR PRIMER Underlayment: tAST013-0ND TU HT, SIi5 TopShield DEFENDERR TU, TFl-wilt S/A HTTLI Underlaynnexrt, self-adhered and hack-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga, x 1 " ring shank rri;11s through 32 ga., 1.5�8" d iam eter ti n ca ps spaced 12-inc h o.c.. MS All other direct-deck, adhered u nderray men t syste rns beneath tide roof systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of -45 psf. 5,$,3,2 Mechanically-Attached Base Sheet: The maximum design pressure for the selected assern bl y s ha I i meet or exceed that required under FRSAITR I Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tffe Instolla tlon Manua, Six h Edition, To b I e 1A u r t he c riti ca i (h ighest) design pressure d ete rm i in e d i n a crorda n r-e wit h FBC 1609 o r FIB C Residentla I Chapter 3. Alternatively, the maxim-um design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or ex ree d at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Presidential Chapter 3, Elevated pressure zone 5 5ha I I employ an attachment density by a q ua I Ffied design professional to resist the erevate d prey Sure criteria. Ciam rnonay used methods are ANSI/S P RI WD 1, FM Lass Prevention Data Sheet 1-3 9 r Roofing Applicati on Standard RAS 117 a nd Roofing Ap p I i ca t ion Stands rd RAS 13 7. Assern hies m a rked wi t h a n a k* carry the limitations set forth in Section -of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-2 9 (February 2020) for e n h ancements- NEMO ETC, LLC EValuaslorp Report S18010,0E,03,R21 Ct%+rifiotegAufhDrin;66nk2243S VF EDITION (20W�F9CNON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLZ5E9-R23 (NUN-:HVHZr 5oprema Roof Underlayments Rev6 un 21: 157/291 2021 Page 6&8 44NEMO I etc. 96 Maximum Design Pressure _ -60,0 ps�: Deck; Min, 191a2-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction cyf Authority Having 3urisdiction, Base Sheet; Modifted Sopra-G mechanically attached uwith nails(FBC 1517.5.1) and Uri caps(FBC 1517.S.2)zpa d-6- in-ch u.c, at the 4-Erich laps arkd 6-1n0h o-c- in three 13),equally spaced rows in the center of the Sheet, tlnd erlayrn ent-. LAST020 NID 7U HT, 5RS TopShie Id DEF E MOE R TU, Tri-B ui It S/A HT TU U nderlayrnent, sel f-a dhe red an d back,rralled within the selvedge-edge side laps acing 12 ga. x 1W ring shank mails throLigh 32 sa_, 1-518" d iameter ti n ca ps spaced 12-inc h e.c. 5,5,4 Fo r use ove r ins.Lrlation o r cove rbo a r d and u rider mech anica I IV attach ed prepa red roof cove rings, underla yme nt attachment sh a I I be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and axtaCh Me nt of the insulation Dr -coverboard shall be in acccrdarice with the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Ap p roval_ 5.9 E xPos u re Li m itatio ns; TABLE 3; EXPOS-UPE LiMITAT40NS - — - r�derla+ ment Prepared Roof Cover maplrnurn InstaELatiGnTwpia Exposure (days) LASTOBON D Eeo, RESISTO L91236,TRI-BU I,LT Sand-R 5A Shi ngl a L)n derlayment, Grip.Rite Eavc &Va 11 ey P rotector, TopShield ICE &'CATER DEfENDER or RE515TO Mechanically attached 30 LB1244 LASTORQN D Shi a1 dr LASTO BO MID Pro HT-Nr R ESISTO SA SM 0 GTH PLY 40, LASTOBON D S h i e Id HT, LASTOBO ND p ro HT-5. E nwiroS h i e Id, LASTOBON D Smooth Mechanically attached 90 Si221 HT, Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underl ayrn ent or Grip-Rite Smooth Seal HT 1A$TOB ON D TLI 14Tr SIBS To pSh 12 I'd DEF E NOE R TO or Tri-S u Mec hanicallya##a{hid nr i It S/A HT T L� ec has iva-set tile roof 180 OnderlaVrne t system 5.10 TIIe S1iPPaRe Limitations: When loading roof tiles un the vnderlay men t in direct-deck the roof assemblies, the M axiMuM roof slo pe s h all be as fo lbws, Th es a sl ope I i mitations can on ly be exceeded by us i ng hatte ns du ring loa ding of the roof ti I es_ TAaLE 4: TILE SLI"AG E LIMITATIONS FOR OIREr_T-DEcrc Tu INSTALLAMN5 -- "U rtd0rLMYFn9rnt Tile Rrofiin% Stag Ing Method Maxi rnLFm Slope Flat Max. 10-t ile stack 6.12 Lugged Max. 10-tile stack 5:12 Do u ble•t i Ie star-king method, as shown hel Dw 6:12 LASTDBOND TU HT, S RS TepSni el d D E FEN DER TU, Tiri-Bui It 5/A HT TU Lugged U nde rlayme nt %h r - NEMI O Mi LLc Dra luathm Report 518010.X. R21 Ctrl&are OfAa1AaN d1.;0A#32435 7-EDITION 120201 F8C N ON-HVHZ EVALUATION Ft2569-R?-3 JNON-HVHZI Sap re m a Roof U n derlaVm-enN Revision 21:0712912021 Rage 7 of 8 ONEMOjetc.. 6.1 So pre m a Roof U n dlerlayme�nts 5ha I I be i n stalled i n a cca rd a n ce wi t h Soprema pub I[shed insta I•iation instru ctions s.0 bi a L:t to th a Li m itati arcs Set fart h i n Se ctfan 5 herein a rid th a spe-cif ics n oted WQw- 6_2 Re-fasten any lease decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads- $we p-p the substrate th ora ughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if appIicable�. 6_2_1 1 nsta I I ation of R ES I STO L B 1236, TRI-B UI LT Sa nd-R SA S h i ngle U n d e dayme nt, 5 rip-Rite Eavi� & Va I I ear prate,tor a r To,pShield 16E & WATER DEFENDER self-adhering underlayment in a reroof (tear-offs appii-cation atop an exi. ing u nderl ay m e nt (per Table 21 requires priming of the �xiW ng ;Obstrate .with RESISTO EX f Eft I GR PRIMER. Fi na l accepta n ce of a ray existi n g subst rate in a re roof I tea r-off) i nstallatio n is at the d isc ret ion of t he i n sta Iler a n d the Authority Having J u ri sdic7tio n_ Should a question arise a 5 to the 5 u i to bility of an exl sti ng substrate to receive RESISTO L81236, TRI-BUILT Sand-R SA Shingle Underlay men t, Grip-Rite Eave & VaIley Protector or TopShiel0 ICE & WATER 0EFENDER serf-adhering vnderlaymentsr contact RESI�TO technical 5uppart. 6.3 LASTOBOND TU HT, SAS TopS h ield DUE N DE R T U, Tri-Built $/A HT TIC Und a rraym a nt, LASTOBOND Shield, LASTOBOND Pro HT-N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40, LASTOBOND Shfeld HT, LASTOBOND Pro HT-5, EnviroS h le ld, LASTOB CI N D Etc, LAST01130 N D 5 month Sea I HT, Tri-Elui It Sm oath HT S/A U n derla yment, Grip-Rite Smooth Seal HT, RESISTO LB1236, TRI-BUILT Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment, Grip-Rite Save & Valley Protiector, Top ShieId ICE & WATER DEFENDER or RESISTO LB12 : 6_3.1 Non-Tile Ai3plications, 5 h all be instal led i n co rnpka n ce wit h rewire ments for �i n app roved self-a dhe ri ng u nder I'aym e n t (ASTM D 19 70) i n F BC 1507.1.1.1 o r 1507.1.2.3 o r F BC Resld a ntl a I R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for t h e ty pe of p repa red roof coveri n g to be insta I I ed, a nd the m anufa ctu re is insta I I ati an instru ctions. When i nsta I I e d over a m echa n i cally a ttach ed ba se sheet of F BC A p p roved ASTIVI D22 6, Type I I felt th a ba se s heel shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905,1.1_ 6.3.2 Tile Apalleations: Limited to LAS708OND TU HTr SRSTopShield 0EFENDERTU or Tri-BofltSIA HT TO Urtderlayment, Shall he installed in compliance with the requfromenu for Self�Adhered membrane set forth in FRSA/Tf I Fforida tfigh wind Conc(ete and Coy Roof file installation Manual, Sixth E d I t la n and the manufacturer's i n 5ta llation instructions. Refer to Section 5.9_3 herein for attachment limitations: Refer to Table 4 herein for the staging Iimitat-ions, OVILMNS PERMIT REQu1REMENT$.' As required by the Building Offl elal or Authority Having J u r I sd i ction to properly evaluate the i n sUlation of this praducE. Contact#he n a rned OA a ntit y for manufactu ring fac i I ities cove red by F.A.0 Rul a 61G20.3 QA re q u i re me nts_ R efer to 5edion 4 herein far products and production locations having met codified rnateriol standar-ds_ UL, LLC— QVA962 5; (314) 5 7.8-3406; k.cha n cello r @ us.ul,ca m - E N D Or EVALUATI ON R EPO KT - NEMO ETA L1_C_ :11waluatlon Report 51&010.06_09-R21 Certrfkale gfA++xAofkaka#324S5 7T"EGJTION(20201 fBC NON.HVH2 EVALUATION EW84n(NOIN-H-VHZ) So prem a hoof Un derlayments R-EwIsion 21:0712912021 Page a of s