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Vafldatlon Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17443 R2 C I FL17443 R2 I C Code Eval Re tl Details.-sss.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) �an��� rd Year TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2012 U1-580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections From the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/03/2020 Date Validated 12/13/2020 Data Pending FBC Approval 01/0612021 Data Approved 02/09/2021 Suroroe of Products PL i Model,Nairobi or Nerve Description I7443.1 5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2"Hb height war 15/32"APA plywood Limits of Ufa InelaRation Instructbna Approved for use In HVHZ:No 1744 II E 4 T I R Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes ith D 0-11 -1ss edf Impact Resistant:N/A Vented By'.Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Design Pressure: +N/A/-129.25 Created by Independent Third! Party:Yes Other:-129.25 @ 6"o.c.-69.25 @16"O.c, margin of safety Evaluation Reports 2:1 with 24"max.coverage Install per manufacturers detail. ELIZ4412LAt-ELIZAALBZ-IA-TgyiQLEBC-QadaLYd Not for use in HVHZ. BCp9rt wiM Details-=.1pGf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes IJ443.2 VICTORIPN CRIMP SHINGLE 26GA 1/2"RIe-PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS;OVER CDX/APA 15/32e PLYWOOD LImHs of Use Inslad la don Interactions Approved for use In HVHZ: No EL17443 R2 II FL17443 R2 1 A Taylgr FBC Cotle Eva1 Report Approved for use outside Hl Yes WVAh Details: W lce Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Design Pressure: +N/A/-305 Created by Independent Third!Party:Yes Other:-105PSF margin of safety 2:1. Install Per Evaluation Report manufacturers details and in compttance with CURRENT FBC fLI703 R2 AS F1.17443 112 1 A or FEE Code Eval not for use In HVHZ. Bdoort with Details-sss.gg[ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ram. sus:: — mestereaFlprmala.nPP/fEO emproye¢Copvnnnr xoolao39 sYah Mnune..::%Ivatvetereinent:'.a Ibliftsft�mnt fthin�ye�mmes Under cords law,emau addresses act public mcores.n you ao not want yoa.Finarmeerex rereaXa In rcepon.¢[o a pueuo-remN.RVuest,ao not vend aeGmnre mall de mk souls,.[musk,ctoGG Me 012, a deal iOr byd under C mall.455, Mva any vent,the pletamm�ttw 95an amid ad.^PoAuaM haw one 4 he malls nOnda d maybe .used h October 1,3013,Iu n she IlmneM under insear C55.55.mart Wovlda she 0used.U Detainment P an.wh atldlevv If bey have one.The malls pnvNMmaybetme bin an mmmunl.atlanich car asmade xoweve,small addreeem erc Public mused.an youdonotwall tosuper'ai,FS., laces di of owas pmWde the DegRment win ao.mall addrev wM¢M1 cep X made ivellable to Me puWk.To dettmlln¢If you art a Ikensee undo Cra pt¢r 955,FS..pl¢�tllh bpn_. psdu<bpmval..pm: ®® ® 0® Credit Card Safe 1 A TAYLOR 302 Milton Dr. Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34962 (772)466-4040 Florida Product Approval p17443 Method:l-D Compliant with CURRENT Florida Building Code Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule R 616120-3 Compliant Quality Assurance Program:PRI CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY SV Crimp thru fastened Y,"rib at each panel edge and 1 fastener in the center of the panel,24"net coverage,26GA ASTM A79Z 6-50,A2S5,.018,SOksi min.over min.15/32"thick CDX plywood deck. Corrosion Resistant fastener 89-15 HWH with sealing washers,metal to wood connections with fastener length to penetrate 5/16"thru substrate. Fasten along the crown of the rib In the center of panel and along the lap.First fastener to be within 3"of panel edges. Min.BDx2"annular ring shank nails spaced 6"O.C.re-roofing,with less than 19/32"plywood(min.1S/32"),this attachment is to be used in addition to existing attachment. Deck slope 2:12 or greater and shall be corn liar with FCurrent fBC Under-layment:See FBC Sec.1507 Design Pressure: Spacing: -69.25 PSF 16"O.C. -129.25 PSF 6"O.C. 26GAA5TM A79Z G-50,A255,.018,SOW Victorian Crimp Shingle over 1S/32"CDA/APA Plywood attached to roof trusses. Corrosion Resistant Fastener 010 x 1"Zinc plated,MTW Pancake Head,installed at 2 per panel into lock seam. Panels applied with 12"exposure,adjacent shingles inserted into lock seam of previous shingle.Deck slope 2:12 or greater and shall be compliant with CURRENT Under-laymen:See CURRENT FBC Under-layment Sec.1507 Table "Design Pressure: -105 PSF ••DESIGN PRESSURE1NCt UDEf+FSAFETY MARGIN OF 2:1 TEST REPORTS Reference Data: Hurricane Test Laboratory(TST-1S27) PRI Construction Materials Technologies ITST-5878) g0224-0501.06 TAS 125(UL 580-94') 4FAE-023-02-01 UL 580.06/UL 1897-042 1. UL SSO-94 test standards are equivalent to UL 580-06 test standards. 2. UL 1897-04 test standards are equivalent to UL 1897-12 test standards. Under-layment to be compliance with Current Florida Building Code(FBC).see Charts Minimum slope to be compliant CURRENT Florida Building Code and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 2. Products are compliant with State of Florida product approval per Rule 61620-3. Compliance Method: 1-D 3. Engineering analysis for"project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 4. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. S. Support framing in compliance w/CURRENT FLORIDA BUdO1NG CODE Chapter 22 Steel,Chapter 23 Wood and Chapter 16 Structural Loading. 6. This report does not imply warranty,Installation,recommended product use outside Ofthis report. Certificate of Independence: Locke Bowden,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire a Financial Interest in any company manuEacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Locke owden,P.E.Is not owned,operated,or Controlled by any company, manufacturer or distributing products under report. • No. 49704 �'O• STATE OF •4- w i��T�•. �LOR1�P����� 5 V Crimp Fastener-#9-15 corrosion resistant wlsealing washers 24"coverage Fastener: #9 x 15 corrosion resistant with sealing washers in Compliance with Current Florida Building Code, Section 1507 Perimeter fastening: 6"o.c. Main Field fastening 12"o.c. Panel Width:26" Panel Coverage: 24"maximum 26 GA Architectural Metal Roof panel MINIMUM 2 FASTENERS Fastener.#10x1" AT LOCK SEAM Zinc Plated MTW T ,. Pancake Head &FIELD CUT 112 SHINGLE CREATE STAGGERED TERN NGLES CRIMP NGLES =2.\ 4 1 1 • VICTORIAN CRIMP SHIN 1 K h LOCK SEAM { 1 1 1 ( L- 9"EXPOSURE